How to make rolls on your own the simplest: step -by -step recipe, tips, reviews

How to make rolls on your own the simplest: step -by -step recipe, tips, reviews

In this article, we will tell you how to cook rolls at home yourself.

Today, sushi bars offer a huge number of different rolls, sushi for every taste and color. Many often wonder if there is a sushi recipe at home and how to cook them? In fact, there are recipes, they are completely simple, as it might seem. Here, as in any business, the main thing is practice.

How to make rolls on your own the simplest: step -by -step recipe

Simple rolls
Simple rolls

The simplest recipe for rolls in the classic version is considered the simplest. That is, they are done standardly and without additional products. Even a novice cook will cope with their preparation. By the way, it is allowed to experiment, that is, if desired, you can add something of your own to the recipe.

You will need:

The rolls are simple
The rolls are simple

How to make rolls on your own the simplest:

  • First we need to make strips from all components. We will lay them in rolls to cut them out later, and it turned out a beautiful filling.
  • Nori sheet will be large, so divide it boldly into two halves. Put one on the rug. Make sure that the glossy side, bright, be from below.
  • Now we need rice. It is added first. Put it throughout the sheet with a thin layer. At the edges you should have a little space so that the rice does not fall out.
  • Further, in turn, fish is laid out, avocados and the last - cucumber.
  • Our next task is to twist a flat roll. To do this, help yourself with a rug. Be sure to hold everything at the edges with your fingers, otherwise part of the filling may fall out.
  • Attach the edges, pressing a little on the mat, and continue to twist. If the rice is prepared correctly, then it will glide well.
  • Roll, sharpened with a knife, cut first in half, and then other pieces also into two halves.

Rolls Philadelphia: step -by -step recipe

Rolls Philadelphia
Rolls Philadelphia

This recipe for rolls at home is one of the most popular. Rice, nori and rice vinegar are used in any rolls, you should not even talk about them. As a rule, the difference is only in the filling.

Ingredients for Philadelphia
Ingredients for Philadelphia

How to cook rice, we will not tell. A whole separate article is dedicated to him "How to cook rice for rolls?".

So, let's move directly to the rolls himself:

  • Everything begins, as in the case of classic rolls, with Nori. Put it on the mat, well, distribute a little rice on top. Try to make the layer thin, so that then you do not have to eat only rice.
  • We will not leave the workpiece in this position. We need rice to be below. Therefore, start turning everything carefully so as not to crumble.
  • Upstairs, we now have algae, and we need to cover it with cheese. The following cucumbers are laid out upstairs.
  • In conclusion, also turn the roll.

We got a workpiece, but it is too early to cut it. Place it closer to the edge of the rug, and in front of it put a little fish. In width, it should be the same as a roll, and the length - cover rice. Again, helping yourself with a rug, wrap the fish around the roll so that it completely closes it.

Now your rolls are ready and you can try!

Rolls California: step -by -step recipe

Rolls California
Rolls California

This recipe for Rolls California at home did not appear in Japan, but in the USA. That is why they are called California. To make it, you will need to purchase several ingredients:


Sometimes Tobiko cannot be found. You can try replacing it with cod or pollock caviar. Just keep in mind that the taste will be very different.

Preparation is somewhat reminiscent of Philadelphia:

  • Again, the very first thing we lay out is Nori's sheet. The preparation of rolls always begins with it
  • The next in line will also be rice, and caviar is laid out on top of it
  • All this will be the top of Roll, and therefore turn the workpiece over and continue to continue to work with another part of the algae
  • Now cheese is used. It is a thin layer on a sheet of algae. You can do more as you like best
  • The latter are laid out - avocado, cucumber and trout
  • Now the workpiece can be rolled into a roll and cut it into small pieces

By the way, you can slightly change the composition of the rolls and take mayonnaise instead of cheese. It is better to take Japanese. And instead of trout, use crab meat, or all together.

Hot rolls "Tempura": recipe at home

Hot rolls of Tempur
Hot rolls "Tempura"

As you know, the rolls are prepared and hot. So, there is a recipe for rolls at home that need to be frying or baked. In fact, the cooking process is not much different. The only difference is that it will still be necessary to fry the roll.

Rolls Tempur
Rolls Tempur

The preparation will be as follows:

  • So, for starters, we put a nori sheet, and make cheese on top. This is already a standard procedure that is done for all rolls
  • Cover the rice with a layer of cheese
  • Further, lay out the eggs of flying fish, a fish heavily cut into pieces and a cucumber
  • Feel free to turn the roll and until cut it
  • Now proceed to cooking a bat. For him, template flour and egg are mixed in a container
  • Dip the finished roll into the batter, pole in panic and fry well in vegetable oil
  • When the workpiece cools, you can cut it into pieces

How to make okinava rolls on your own: recipe

Rolls Okinava
Rolls Okinava

The recipe for Rolls "Okinava" is very simple. By the way, most other dishes of Japanese cuisine are also easy to cook. The main thing is to buy everything you need in advance. As for any rolls, it is better to prepare rice in advance, so that it managed to cool down by the time of cooking.

What is required for Okinawa rolls?
What is required for Okinawa rolls?

The preparation instructions are as follows:

  • First take care of cooking rice. But be sure to rinse it before cooking. Put a pan with rice on a slow fire and cover with a lid. There is no need to pour a lot of water. It should be 1 cm above the cereal itself. In conclusion, make a refueling from rice vinegar with sugar and salt.
  • Then prepare all the components for the rolls themselves. First of all, cook the shrimp and remove all the superfluous from them.
  • It is better to wrap the rug with a bag. So nothing will stick to him. Well, according to tradition, the very first is laid out Nori.
  • Put the rice on top and spread it evenly on the surface. You should have 1.5-2 centimeters around the edges.
  • Then you can start laying the filling. It includes Filadelphia cheese, an iceberg salad and shrimp.
  • With the help of a rug, fold the roll.
  • It remains to cut the rolls and you can serve them to the table.

How to cook rolls yourself: tips

To make any recipe for the rolls successfully, use a few simple tips:

  • The fish before cooking should be cooled or even slightly frozen in order to cut it the best. Hands are also better to cool. Dip them into cold water before cooking.
  • On rolls, all components are cut by cubes. Then they turn out to be beautiful, and they are convenient to eat.
  • It is better to cut the finished rolls with a long knife. It is important that it is sharp. It can be moistened in a solution of rice vinegar (2-3 tablespoons per glass of water) so that the components are not dumb to it.
  • For most rolls, a bamboo is required, but it is not always at hand.
  • Instead, you can use a kitchen towel, but only cover it with cling film.
  • If you cook rolls, then eat them right away. By the way, because they are never advised to make them a lot. This is due to the fact that the shelf life of the dish is very short and does not even exceed several hours.

Roll recipe at home: reviews

Today, many amateurs have already tested more than one recipe for rolls at home. Everyone has their own opinion on this and this is what people say:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4

Video: how to cook sushi, rolls at home: step by step

Read also:

How to make rolls: technology for cooking and twisting

What is the difference between sushi from rolls, which is better, tastier? Calorie content of sushi and rolls: table


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