How to make rolls: technology for cooking and twisting

How to make rolls: technology for cooking and twisting

In this article we will consider how to make rolls.

The popular dish of Japanese cuisine in the modern world is so loved by Europeans that many seek to master the art of preparing this tasty, light and healthy dish on their own. It is known that for the Japanese, the process of cooking, like eating, is a whole philosophy.

They learn to make rolls and sushi there since childhood and know how to cook them in every house. However, for us, the process of making rolls may seem quite complicated, but possible. Therefore, we propose to plunge into the original Japanese atmosphere and learn how to make rolls at home.

How to make rolls: cooking technology

To form rolls is one of the main difficulties that everyone who has decided to cook this dish at home is faced. But the base is laid in the proper preparation of all ingredients. After all, it is known that the Japanese do not like negligence in anything. And even cooking for them is an activity that requires great accuracy, responsibility and compliance with traditions. Therefore, before making rolls, you need to prepare the components.

Important: the Japanese believe that the rolls should do exclusively a man. After all, from the warmth of female hands they lose their taste. That is, he is a little distorted. Therefore, try to conduct an experiment at home with your soulmate - who will have the rolls tastier.

  • Of course, after the fish, rice occupies the most honorable place. Many are known that the washing of cereal in the Japanese is another ritual. After all, it needs to be washed at least 7 waters. But you can see more about how to prepare and cook rice correctly in the article "How to cook rice for rolls and sushi?".
  • Also, do not forget to first prepare the filling. Shink it with thin and long stripes. Keep in mind that vegetables are cut thinner than fish. Most often, the following components are used in combination:
    • slightly salted salmon;
    • tuna fillet;
    • smoked eel;
    • cucumber;
    • avocado;
    • butter (Philadelphia);
    • crab sticks.
For your own convenience, prepare all the components in advance
For your own convenience, prepare all the components in advance
  • Also, in order to make rolls at home, you need to arm yourself with some insignificant, but at the same time an important thing - a bamboo rug, which has the name Makisa. For novice lovers of sushi and rolls, the Sushists recommend first to master the technology of the formation of thin rolls, which are called hosomaki.
  • To form such rolls, a sheet of algae nori must be folded in half and cut with scissors. One half of the cut nori must be laid on a bamboo rug so that it turns out to be the rough side lying up. Hands must be moistened with vinegar diluted in water.
  • By the way, do not try to use the usual table essence. You will get a completely different taste from her. Remember - you need to make rolls only with rice vinegar, which can be found on the shelves of the store (just choose quality products) or replaced with available components. And how to do this, look in the article "What and how to replace rice vinegar?".

How to make internal rolls?

  • We recruit 4 tbsp. l. Pre -boiled and slightly chilled rice and evenly distribute it over the entire area of \u200b\u200balgae. Be sure to retreat the right place for twisting: the upper edge should take place, free from rice with a width of about 1 cm, and the lower - 5 mm from the edge.
  • The rice layer should not exceed 7 mm in thickness, and in order for the rice to be distributed as uniform as possible, it is necessary to constantly carefully moisten your hands in vinegar water.
  • When the rice is distributed properly, put on top the filling that you have prepared. Do not be afraid to invent your compositions and connect different products. You can add not only traditional components, but which, in your opinion, can be well combined. Only without extremes - you should not add chicken.
Do not forget that we do not wrap the river rug
Do not forget that we do not wrap the river rug
  • One of the most important points, how you make rolls, is to twist them. The lower edge of the nori must be combined with the edge of the rug. The filling must be held with your fingers so that it does not break up. We lift the rug a little and turn the roll so that the rug moves it constantly forward and a little up.
  • And remember - you twist the roll with a rug, but do not twist it with the rolls. When in this way you reach the edge, bend the rug and roll it back and forward, without pressing the roll itself. That is, you fix the roll. By the way, so that the edge grabs better, it will not hurt to moisten that 1 cm a little with water.

We make external rolls

  • To make the rolls of external twisting or, as the Japanese call, uramaki, you need to do the same procedure with a sheet of nori and rice. The location should be as close as possible to one edge. Sprinkle rice sesamera or Tobiko. Put the rug in half and turn it on the other side.
  • Open the rug and now on a sheet of algae spreads the filling. Also turn the roulet with a rug from yourself, rolling it well. Just keep in mind that in this case the rice should go beyond the edge.

Important: if you make rolls in the opposite direction, that is, with rice outside, then be sure to cover Makis with cling film. And several times so that the rice does not pester the bamboo and does not stuck in the cracks.

The technology of twisting reverse rolls is not very different
The technology of twisting reverse rolls is not very different

Correct cutting of rolls

  • Compliance with the technology of the formation of rolls is an important component, but that is not all. To make rolls, you need to cut them correctly. Since sometimes all works break up. To avoid this, first of all, it is necessary to arm yourself with a sharp knife.
  • And so that rice does not stick to him, you need to moisten his tip in vinegar water, into which you plunged your hands before. Experienced Japanese dryers first cut the roll in the center. And after - each of the halves on separate portioned pieces. And keep in mind that their size should be such that the roll does not need to bite.

Formation of rolls without a rug

Not always a bamboo mat can be at hand. But do not despair - you can form rolls without it. Of course, the process will not be so convenient, but Makis is completely replaced by other improvised means.

  • For example, with a towel. But it is worth noting that in order to form the rolls with the help of a towel, it must first be wrapped in a food film with several layers. It is necessary to form rolls on a towel in the same way as on a bamboo rug.
  • If there was no suitable towel at hand, you can do with a cardboard or even just with cling film.
Cut the rolls only with a sharp and moistened knife
Cut the rolls only with a sharp and moistened knife
  • To do this, lay out the nori sheet on the film, lay the rice and filling on top according to the scheme, and then just wrap the roll, constantly removing the film so that it does not spin inside the dish. To give the workpiece the shape of a rectangle, use a rolling pin or a wide knife.
  • An impromptu mat for cooking sushi can be done with your own hands. Of course, not from bamboo sticks, but from foil. To do this, you need to cut out several identical sheets of foil and fold them together. Then the foil will become quite dense, and it can be used as a rug.

There are a great many ways to make rolls, as well as fillings for them, and here you can use your imagination to the fullest. Having tried several methods of their formation, everyone will certainly find the most convenient and fast option for themselves, which will subsequently prepare a favorite dish of Japanese cuisine quickly and simply.

Video: How to make rolls at home?

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