How to prepare rice for sushi and rolls according to a classic recipe, with dried algae of nori, grape bite, with table vinegar, grinded rice with the addition of sake, in multicooker: recipes and secrets of cooking

How to prepare rice for sushi and rolls according to a classic recipe, with dried algae of nori, grape bite, with table vinegar, grinded rice with the addition of sake, in multicooker: recipes and secrets of cooking

In this article, we will consider how to correctly prepare rice for land and rolls using traditional and slightly simplified recipes.

Sushi and rolls entered our lives recently, but have already found millions of fans. The beautiful half of the population especially chose such an unusual taste. But this dish is not only possible to eat with pleasure, but also cook with the same excitement. After all, this is a real technology of Asian peoples, with the intricacies of which we will introduce you now. And also share traditional and slightly modified recipes for making rice for sushi and rolls.

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls: cooking secrets

Rice for sushi and rolls is the basis of the finished dish. The taste and appearance depend on it. Moreover, the components themselves are not so much affected, as their proper preparation and observance of all proportions.

  • First of all, you need to choose the ingredient correctly and correctly. Take either a certain and specialized rice for land, or group of round varieties. Long -grain rice is not good to use Japanese rolls. Since it turns out to be too crumbly, and it can not be cast in the necessary shape.
  • The same thing affects a steamed or whole grain variety. They are not suitable for land and rolls. They are much lower than the starch, which acts as a natural adhesive.
  • But this is also affected by proportion. Rice for sushi and rolls is prepared in the ratio 1:1,5. That is, you need to take water a little less than the usual amount for us.
  • I would like to give more recommendations on the size of the grains themselves. If you come to use a rice section, then forget about it at the very beginning. For sushi, only whole rice grains must be used and preferably large size. The appearance of the dish will improve from this, and it will be more convenient to work with it.
  • Take only the highest grade. According to the Japanese, rice with garbage or damaged grains is unsuitable for use in the preparation of land and rolls. But you need to sort it out without fail, for whatever price you take it.
  • Washing rice needs to be seven times! It is on this that its taste will depend. After all, not only garbage and dust, but also excess on the surface of starch are washed off the cereal. This amount should be enough. But if the water is still muddy, then increase washing to 10 times.
Rick the rice so that the water is transparent
Rick the rice so that the water is transparent
  • By the way, do not be too lazy to fit the rice grains in the water to rinse every grain. And not only for this. When washing, unsuitable grains come to the surface. Therefore, mix the rice well so that there are no such particles left.
  • Rice, like any other cereal, when surfacing speaks of poor grain. Therefore, without regret, throw them away. It is considered sufficient to rinse rice only when the water is completely clean, and no particles will rise to the surface.
  • Experts also recommend pouring rice with water, and insist at least 30 minutes. Keep in mind that rinse and pour rice even before cooking you only need cold water! Then the taste of grains will be revealed.
  • You can cook rice for land in an enamel container or in a stainless steel pan, but do not take aluminum containers. Do not forget that it is oxidized by aluminum with water, which will negatively affect the taste of rolls.
  • The bottom of the pan should be fat, and ideally, take a cast -iron cauldron. This material is best distributed heat, and the rice will be evenly prepared. Plus, it is in such dishes that will be a really delicate and soft taste of rice. By the way, any dish is tastier in cast -iron dishes.

Important: rice for sushi and rolls is prepared under the lid. Moreover, it cannot be raised and, especially, mix the rice during cooking. It is contraindicated to touch it. The fact is that along with the steam, important taste of cereals come out. And mixing with a spoon, you will only speed up this process. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right dishes so that cereal does not pester her.

During cooking, the rice is not mixed
The ceremony of turning rice grains is very thin
  • Now let's touch on the most important question - how much to boil rice for land. It cannot be digested so that the rolls do not break up. But rice should not work out. Otherwise, the snack, pestering to the teeth, will not bring the desired pleasure.
  • Rice for Japanese rolls is prepared no more than 15 minutes from the moment of boiling. When the liquid boils, reduce the fire to the minimum limit and withstand the given time. After that, rice is sure to warm up! Then each grain will absorb the remaining moisture and steam, thereby revealing its characteristics.
  • The rice with sauce needs to be tilted on a board, tray or a wide dish. The catch is that the rice only needs to be sprinkled with marinade and not mix! But the sauce should evenly be distributed on grains. Therefore, if mixing cannot be avoided, then carefully turn the grains. Otherwise, you risk turning rice into a viscous porridge.
  • You need to refuel rice even hot so that it manages to get enough gas. You also need to work with warm rice. A cold workpiece is suitable only for a side dish. By the way, you need to cook sushi only from freshly prepared rice! In very extreme cases, it can be placed in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed bag.

Important: do not get carried away often with such an exotic dish. It is in the rice of a round variety, and even according to this cooking technology, the largest starch content is almost 85%. And this threatens with high sugar and diabetes. By the way, take into account your medical indicators before eating and cooking such a dish.

Correctly prepared rice should easily sculpt into any figure
Worthy and coordiniously prepared rice should easily sculpt into any figure

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls: classic recipe

If you want to cook sushi at home, then take care of the right ingredients. When cooking in a traditional way, take only first -class products without replacing them with analogues. The only thing that is allowed to replace is Fig.

  • Take:
    • asian round rice - 200 g;
    • rice vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • salt is a small pinch;
    • sugar - 0, 5 tsp;
    • water - 250 ml.
  • Sort the rice and wash it under water at least 5 times. When the water becomes glassy, \u200b\u200bthen you can put the cereal on the fire.
  • Do not forget that rice is prepared only under the lid and without adding any spices. Even salt is not needed for taste!
  • After the start of the seething, you cut off the time for 15 minutes. By the way, during this time, all the liquid should have time if you were proportions correctly.
  • Wrap a warm blanket and leave alone. Do not open the lid for all this time!
  • For the sauce, pour vinegar into an enameled pan or a small bowl of stainless steel and put on fire. Pour salt and sugar. Heat the liquid and stir continuously until the crystals dissolve.
  • Hot vinegar season still warm rice. Only it is better to do this in a wooden or glass plate so that there is no contact of vinegar with metal. Also make sure that the refueling is smoothly and uniformly distributed among grains, but they did not become too sticky during mixing.
Traditional refueling for rice
Traditional refueling for rice

How to cook rice for rolls and sushi with dried algae nori: Recipe

The basic principle of cooking rice is practically no different from the traditional method, but it includes a small secret ingredient, which will improve the aroma of cooked rolls or land.

  • Would need:
    • round rice - 400 g;
    • nori algae - a small strip;
    • salt - 0.5 tsp;
    • sugar - 3 tsp;
    • rice vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • water - 0.5 l.
  • Rick the rice under running water, thoroughly tapping each grain. So you get rid of unsuitable grains. Transparent water should be said about the quality of your work. Only then can you put a pan on the fire.
  • You only throw nori to the rice. But when the water boils, you immediately remove it. Otherwise, the rice will be spoiled. It will not only acquire a slightly dirty color, but also saturated with excess aroma and taste, which is uncharacteristic for land.
  • Cook the rice for no more than 10 minutes and immediately remove from the stove. By the way, to make it more convenient to monitor the condition of the cereals, take a container with a transparent lid. After you get algae, you no longer raise the lid. Repair the pan under the blanket and leave for 20 minutes.
  • You heat vinegar in the microwave literally a few seconds. Add salt and sugar and mix until they dissolve them.
  • You transfer the rice to a wide container of natural materials. Season it with vinegar and mix it lightly with a wooden spatula. When the rice has cooled a little, you can already start cooking.
So that the rice does not stick to your hands, moisten them periodically in cold water
So that the rice does not stick to your hands, moisten them periodically in water

A simple and fast way to prepare rice for sushi and rolls with the addition of table vinegar: Recipe

This recipe is perfect for beginners, which has not yet delved into all the subtleties of cooking land and rolls. The main components, as a rule, are not spent at a time. Therefore, if you like to enjoy such a overseas dish, then make the necessary reserves of original products. We offer you a simplified option.

  • Armate with the following components:
    • round rice - 200 g;
    • dining vinegar 6% - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar - 1 tsp;
    • water - 250 ml;
    • salt - if necessary.
  • Wash the rice with a sieve or a small coachman. Then you can carefully rinse it from dust and dirt. But do not forget to pre -sort out of garbage and unsuitable grains. Or soak in the water for a while to come up with useless grains.
  • Put on fire without adding any spices. You wait for the fluid to boil. Reduce fire and languish the rice of 10 minutes. You can’t remove the lid.
  • Remove the cooked rice from the stove and cover with something warm. Leave the rice for 20 minutes.
  • During this time, prepare a refueling. Mix all the components and warm them a little over low heat. Be careful because vinegar has a very caustic smell. Therefore, it is contraindicated to boil. Just wait for the dissolution of crystals.
  • Put the rice on parchment paper in one layer and evenly pour the cooked sauce. You can use the silicone brush. To mix the grains, set the wands for sushi. They will be able to turn rice turn over without damaging his consistency. After all, rice viscous porridge for land is not suitable.
  • Properly prepared rice should sculpt well in his hands in any form, but at the same time it should not be too sticky and viscous in consistency.
Surprise guests prepared sushi in the form of a panda
Surprise guests prepared sushi in the form of a panda

How to cook polished rice for sushi and rolls: recipe with sake

It can also be used to prepare land or rolls. Moreover, grains of such rice are always the same size and look beautiful in a finished dish, and it is a pleasure to cook with them. But the cooking technology is slightly different.

  • It is necessary to prepare:
    • rice - 300 g;
    • water - 300 ml;
    • apple vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - 1 tsp;
    • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • sake (or any white dry wine) - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • brown algae combus - 1 plate.
  • The rice is washed in the way to the purity of water. Now you need to fill in the traditional method of cereal in a ratio of 1: 2. Add sake. If you want to replace it, then use any wine.
  • In no case do not take vodka, especially, diluted with water. The taste of rice itself will deteriorate from this. Yes, and the Japanese do not use sake or mirin because of the percentage of alcohol, but for sweetness and aroma.
  • Throw algae. They can also be replaced with dried nori. Leave rice for one hour. Then you drain the entire liquid and fill it with the necessary proportion. Boil for 20 minutes and cover on a 15 warm blanket.
  • Honey needs to be taken only liquid. If he sucked, then melt it in a water bath. Add salt and apple cider vinegar. Mix and pour the rice shifted in a bowl. Turn the cereals slightly so that it is evenly saturated with the marinade. You can cook rolls after a little cooling of rice.
Water rice evenly with sauce and turn the cereal lightly
Water rice evenly with sauce and turn the cereal lightly

Rice for land and rolls at home: recipe with grape vinegar

Often becomes a problem of rice refueling. Namely, the catch rotates around rice vinegar. And it remains only to replace it with other suitable and similar components. By the way, there are also difficulties with rice, because Asian rice is considered an ideal option that has been brought from those parts. But we will share tricks on how to prepare rice for Japanese rolls in our everyday conditions.

  • Would need:
    • round -grain rice - 200 g;
    • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - 1 tsp;
    • sugar - 3 tsp;
    • vine vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • water - 250 ml.
  • Do not forget about the rule of the number 7 - so many waters need to rinse the rice. The water after washing should be transparent. By the way, after 5 washing it, it already becomes clean, but rice can lose its taste.
  • It will not hurt to pre -sort out rice from various garbage and damaged grains, since they are not always washed off with water.
  • Relative to rice. It is best to take Asian rice. And the point is not even a colorful index for sushi. It is in Asian countries that climatic conditions contribute to the accumulation of a large amount of starch. Therefore, give preference to a round -grain rice. In no case do not take fine -grained rice!
  • Choose a pan with a thick bottom so that grains do not pester in the process of cooking to the bottom and do not burn. By the way, do not take an aluminum container, oxidations occur in it.
Sushi rice is correct on a wooden dish
Rice for Japanese rolls is correctly tilted on a wooden dish
  • Put the cereals and fill it with the necessary volume of water. Place on medium fire. Keep in mind that the rice cannot be digested, otherwise Japanese rolls will break up. But he must have time to get ready, because otherwise the taste of the dish will deteriorate.
  • When the liquid boils, cut down for 15 minutes and increase the cereal over low heat. Preparing rice under the lid. By the way, you will not raise it after turning off the stove. The rice should still be brewing and scrapping, so insulate it and hold it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Now take a refueling for rice. To do this, mix vinegar and bulk components in a metal bowl. Put on the stove on the smoother fire and constantly mix. Wait for the dissolution of crystals. In no case do not boil the liquid, then vinegar will lose its strength and usefulness. Yes, and the kitchen is filled with too pungent smell.
  • Pour the marinade in small portions, and even better spray them with rice. Gently turn the grains. Too hard stirring can turn cereal into porridge, and this is unacceptable for sushi.
  • And one more advises - vinegar must only be poured into a slightly cooled rice. Therefore, do not overexpose it under a plaid. Sushi can be done immediately if the rice temperature is suitable for your hands. Or wait a small temperature decrease.
Pour vinegar into even hot rice
Pour vinegar into even hot rice

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls in a slow cooker: Recipe

If you are a fan of land and rolls, and there is no desire to mess with their cooking, then we suggest you go to a little trick. Namely, use a slow cooker. Yes, to prepare special rice for land and rolls, which will not look like porridge, you can also in such an assistant. Key trick is uniform proportions and a certain secret supplement.

  • Prepare the following components:
    • asian rice - 2 measuring glasses;
    • lemon juice - 2 tsp;
    • sugar - 2 tsp;
    • soy sauce - 1 tsp;
    • salt is a small pinch;
    • rice vinegar or apple - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • water - 2.5 cups.
  • Recall that the success of such an Asian dish is in good rice washing. Therefore, carry out the procedure until the water becomes glassy.
  • Ideally, you need to select the “steamed rice” mode, but not every manufacturer has this function. Therefore, use the buckwheat mode. Such cooking has a significant advantage. After all, you can be completely sure that the porridge will not burn. You do not need to mix it.
  • But do not forget about rice, because it cannot be digested. Therefore, after 25 minutes, turn off the slow cooker. But the rice still withstand 10-15 minutes so that it is more saturated with pairs. Always try to wrap rice porridge in a warm blanket or bedspread and let it get enough of the steam.

Note: if you do not have a “steamed rice” or “buckwheat” mode, then use standard programs. Choose the function “baking” or “frying” first. But do not wait for the ending of the program, but switch in 10 minutes to the "extinguishing" mode. Where to hold the rice for another 15-20 minutes.

  • And while the rice is infused, prepare the marinade. To do this, summarize all the other ingredients in a given proportion. Follow the salt - it is better to undergo a little minor. Do not forget that soy sauce itself is quite salty.
  • To quickly dissolve the crystals of salt and sugar, you can slightly warm the liquid in the microwave. Then simply mix the liquid well to the desired state.
In a slow cooker, you can easily and quickly prepare rice for sushi and rolls
In a slow cooker, you can easily and quickly prepare rice for Japanese rolls
  • Keep in mind that the whole secret is in a seasoned sauce. And I want to give a small recommendation. The fact is that some housewives go even a simpler way - they fall asleep all the components immediately with rice before cooking. You can’t do this. No, the rice will turn out tasty and fragrant, but only as a porridge for dinner. Rice for sushi and rolls must be poured with marinade in the finished form.
  • Turn the cereal with the sauce and mix well so that every grain is saturated with it. But do not overdo it, all actions must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the grain texture. Otherwise, they will turn into sticky porridge.

Video: How to cook rice for sushi and rolls at home?

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