What is the difference between sushi from rolls, which is better, tastier? Calorie content of sushi and rolls: table

What is the difference between sushi from rolls, which is better, tastier? Calorie content of sushi and rolls: table

The differences between land and rolls.

Many of us have long loved eastern dishes. Now restaurants are offering a huge selection of land and rolls. They go well with white wine. The piquancy of such dishes give seasonings in the form of ginger and vassabi. In this article, we will consider the main differences between the sushi rolls.

What are sushi and rolls, how they look: photo

Initially, the ingredients of these dishes are very similar. These are rice and seafood. The most interesting thing is that the story of sushi is ancient. From the very beginning, the fishermen placed fish in rice to preserve it. No one ate this cereal. A little later, rice and fish began to be eaten.

In this way, in this way, in South Asia, they simply pickled fish - laying it under the press, having previously mixed with salt and rice. Later, it occurred to one Japanese cook to use raw fish, many varieties of this dish arose and gradually it gained popularity all over the world.

Sushi are a cake made of sticky rice. A piece of fish is placed on it. All this can be bandaged by a tape of algae.


Roles are a kind of roll. Rice and seafood are laid out on a sheet of nori, and then wrap it. As a result, this roll is cut into several parts.


What is the difference between sushi from rolls, which is better, tastier?

Regarding taste preferences, then they all have different ones. Now, basically, fresh fish is used for the preparation of land. When twisting rolls, salted fish or seafood is usually used.

To eat sushi, you need dexterity. It is necessary to hold this rice lump with sticks. At the same time, it is impossible to press hard so that the piece does not fall apart. The rolls are wrapped in a leaf of algae, which holds them. The rolls do not fall apart. Also, when preparing rolls, vegetables are often used. The most popular are cucumbers and avocados. With the popularization of rolls, they began to add cream cheese of Philadelphia. It was by the name of this cheese that the rolls called.

What is the difference between sushi from rolls, which is better, tastier?
What is the difference between sushi from rolls, which is better, tastier?

What to choose depends on you. If you are a lover of fresh fish without any impurities, then choose sushi. If you want to arrange gatherings with the company, it is better to order rolls. They are well transported and do not fall apart in the process of delivery home. At the same time, there is a huge variety of them. It can be salty eel, salmon or shrimp. Due to the presence in the composition of cheese with vegetables, the taste of the dish is more diverse.

What is the difference between sushi from rolls, which is better, tastier?
What is the difference between sushi from rolls, which is better, tastier?

Calorie content of sushi and rolls: table

Due to the low calorie content of land and rolls, the eastern diet has gained popularity. It implies a rejection of salt. At the same time, it is allowed to eat a small amount of land or rolls. To make it easier to lose weight, use the calorie table. It will help to plan the diet correctly and lose weight faster. Sushi is less high -calorie than rolls. This is due to the lack of fat cheese in their composition.

Calorie content of sushi and rolls: table
Calorie content of sushi and rolls: table
Calorie content of sushi and rolls: table
Calorie content of sushi and rolls: table

The differences between rolls and lands are fundamental. If you understand the differences, this will make a fairly simple selection of a dish in an oriental restaurant.

Video: Differences between sushi and rolls

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