How to cook delicious and correct custard dough: 5 best recipes; Recommendations on how to save a thick, liquid dough

How to cook delicious and correct custard dough: 5 best recipes; Recommendations on how to save a thick, liquid dough

We bring to your attention the best recipes for custard dough.

Puff, yeast, fresh, sand, biscuit - the most popular types of dough familiar to every housewife. But there is also a custard dough, without which the entire arsenal in the kitchen would not be completely complete. It is relatively malleable, elastic and insanely just preparing. What is the secret of his resistance, what can be prepared from custard dough and what ingredients to use - we will tell in this material.

Recipe for custard dough for eclairs and profiles according to GOST

IMPORTANT: according to the standard, custard dough is not prepared with sugar. Due to the fact that the dough is fresh, any filling approaches it. Fixing -offers are not added to it! Lush lift and cavity inside provide water vapor pressure. The product has high humidity, the pairs of which at high temperature evaporate, but do not penetrate out of the pores of dense crust. The whole secret is in a strong gluten of the dough itself, for which the flour is brewed in boiling water.

Would need:

  • 4-5 eggs (see consistency!)
  • 100 g of oil with fat content of 72% (can be replaced with margarine)
  • 150 g of wheat flour
  • 250 ml of water
  • 2.5 g of salt or 1/3 tsp.


  • Remove eggs from the refrigerator - they should be at room temperature. Turn on and well warm the oven before starting to knead the dough.
  • Pour water into the pan, add oil and salt. Put on the stove, close the lid to the boil.
  • It is very important that the oil does not only melt and swim on the surface, but dissolves in water. To do this, boil everything for about a minute, stirring.
Fat spots are absent after complete dissolution
Fat spots are absent after complete dissolution
  • It is better to sift the flour twice. Pour it into boiling water immediately, not portioned. At this stage, we reduce the fire.
  • We brew the dough, stirring carefully and continuously, until smooth. It is more convenient to use a wooden spatula.
Second phase
  • We brew until the mass becomes a round elastic lump - for about 2 minutes. Try to knead the mass as much as possible and warm from all sides. The dough should move well from the walls, and a white film will appear at the bottom.

Tip: You can check the readiness of the dough by rolling it with circular movements along the walls of the pan. If it is assembled in whom and does not stick, then you can remove from the fire.

  • Do not drive eggs at once! Cool the dough to about 40-45 ° C. 3-5 minutes enough, it should be warm, but not hot to the touch.
  • Enter the eggs strictly one at a time Carefully kneading the mass. Please note that the mixer is not used for custard dough, it beats the mass too quickly.
  • 5 beat the egg separately and introduce a spoon portionably. The finished dough should be viscous, not dense, but not too liquid. From a spoon, it should slowly leave and fall with a pulling cone.

For verification: spin in the middle of the mass with your finger. If the groove remains, the eggs are not enough. If it closes too fast, there are a lot of eggs.

  • The custard does not like to stand - you need to start baking immediately. If you do not fit all the dough in the oven, cover it with a film or transfer it to a confectionery bag so that there is no contact with the air, and the mass does not come up with a crust.
  • Put the dough with a wet spoon - So it will be easy to drop. Or use a confectionery syringe.
  • Bake custard dough you need to correctly! Lubricate the baking sheet well with butter or margarine, you can use parchment. The distance between stripes or buns-up to 2-2.5 cm. Do not make them flat, they must be rounded.
  • Baking temperature 200 ° C, in 10-12 minutes reduce up to 180 ° C. And bake another 15-20 minutes until golden brown. But take into account the peculiarity of your oven - sometimes the temperature must be taken more than the range.

Important: the first 10 minutes to open the oven is prohibited! Otherwise, the product will sit down.

  • When disconnect the oven, do not take the eclairs for another 3-5 minutes or completely cool. BUT, to check if eclairs are baked, Quickly take out one copy. If it does not go from cold air, the cakes are ready!
  • Lay the second batch only on a cooled baking sheet. It is better to stuff eclairs 1-2 hours after baking.
Secret ingredient - cook in a good mood!
Secret ingredient - cook in a good mood!

Simple PP reception of custard dough for eclairs without butter

Preparing it is even easier than the previous option. In addition, such custard dough is perfect for those who follow the figure.

We will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 5 g of salt
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 150 ml of water
  • 35 g of flour
  • 35 g starch


  • Combine water with salt and vegetable oil. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Do not languish!
  • After that we pour the flour and knead the dough well until the form of a round coma, which will not pester the walls of the pan.
  • Cool 5-10 minutes before the state when you can touch the test with your hand.
  • Enter the eggs one at a time, each time stirring thoroughly. You can start baking!
Bon Appétit!

Why is the custard dough for eclairs does not rise, it “fell”: recommendations

Let's talk about painful. If the custard dough has “fell” or “village”, then a oven was opened ahead of time to look at the state of the eclairs. Remember - The first 10, or even 15 minutes, do not touch the door of the oven at all! Or you got them ahead of schedule. To do this, we repeat, take out one to check - if the air pocket does not fall, you can take out the whole batch.

If the custard dough does not rise at all in the oven, then either the oven is not warm enough, or the proportions are misunderstood! Most often, and excessive density-the dough is tight and heavy. This speaks of a small number of eggs! For eclairs, it is not the quantity of the eclaire, but the size of the egg. Sometimes they need more than indicated.

Heavy mass
Heavy mass

How to save, thicken the liquid custard dough: tips

Firstly, not to panic, if randomly introduced into the custard dough a little more than the required eggs. There is always a way out! In addition, liquid dough rises well in the oven. The only negative of such eclairs is that they will be too soft.

And secondly, brew a small portion of flour with butter in boiling water and add to the liquid mass that you need to save!

Important: it is simply impossible to introduce flour - the structure of the test will be disturbed, the tenderness of the product will disappear.

Abundance of eggs
Abundance of eggs

Quick custard dough on water for pies: universal recipe

The first advantage is that the custard dough is prepared very quickly and never fails. The second advantage - it can be used for sweet, salty and thresholds, and even for pies. And the third bonus - it is suitable for cooking in a pan or in the oven.


  • 3 tbsp. l. flour
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 75 ml of boiling water
  • 1.5 tbsp. warm boiled water
  • 50 g of pressed or 17 g of dry yeast
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. sugar (for sweet pies) or 1 tbsp. l. (for salty)
  • 4 glasses of flour

Cooking process:

  • Pour vegetable oil into the water, mix. Pour the flour and brew the dough, stirring thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  • Cool to room temperature. During this time, water will cool for further use. It should not be cold, but not too hot - otherwise the yeast will die, their activity will fall.

Tip: When adding warm water, consider that part of the heat will go to the cooled custard dough. Optimum temperature up to 40-45 ° C.

  • Stir the resulting mixture well, add yeast (solve well), sugar and salt. Portionably introduce flour. First mix in a container (3 glasses of flour are enough), then knead on the table (it is optimal to use a silicone rug). Add the rest of the flour when kneading - so you will control the consistency of the dough.

Important: the amount of flour depends on its quality and variety. The dough should keep the shape well, not stick to your hands, but be soft.

  • Create a lump, return back to the container, cover with a towel and put in a water bath. After about 20-30 minutes, the mass will increase in volume by 2-2.5 times.
  • Sprinkle the table with the remaining flour, knead the dough again. You can proceed to the formation of pies or pie.
If necessary, we introduce flour
If necessary, enter the flour after the second batch

Custard dough for Cheburs, dumplings and dumplings


  • 50 g of margarine
  • 2 eggs (introduce portions)
  • 0.5 tsp. Salt
  • 1 cup (250 ml) of water
  • 1 cup (160 g) brewing flour
  • 1-1.5 cups of flour for kneading

Cooking process:

  • Add salt and margarine to the water. Put on fire and bring to a boil, well dissolve fat.
  • “In one fell swoop” we introduce flour, constantly stirring and thoroughly breaking lumps. Thus, the flour is brewed.
First Nivet
The first tea leaves
Ready lump
Ready lump
  • Cool a little to the optimal warm temperature. And enter one eggs one at a time. The dough should not turn out to be liquid.
Pinch by the pulled mashed potatoes
It turns out a viscous mashed potatoes
  • Enter the rest of the flour to the state of elastic and elastic custard dough. It should not be very tight, but not stick to your hands! Consider the flour variety, so it is difficult to give its exact dose.

Such custard dough is well rolled out, and when frying is perfectly bubble.

Custard dough for pancakes on kefir

In order not to bake lumps when the “seventh pancake lump”, use the custard test for pancakes. Due to the fact that boiling water “brews” flour a little, pancakes are not torn and turned out very thin during baking!

Important: when adding soda, pancakes will turn out to be more openwork, with bubbles. 0.5 tsp is enough. But without it, pancakes are more tender.

Would need:

  • 300 ml of boiling water
  • 300 ml of kefir (milk, serum, yogurt or fermented baked milk)
  • 300-320 g of flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch (70 g)
  • 2-3 eggs
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp. Salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Stages of cooking:

  • Beat eggs, add salt and sugar. For salted filling, 2 spoons are enough, for sweet - 3.
We work with a whisk
We work with a whisk

An important point: only 2 eggs can be used. But the more eggs, the more tastier the pancakes, and the dough is better.

  • Pour kefir, stir everything well. Add flour with starch, stir until a homogeneous state.

Important: the quality of the flour is different! Therefore, when frying, if pancakes are torn or poorly turn over, add a little more flour.

  • Pour boiling water into the mass, constantly stirring. Let the dough stand for 15-20 minutes.
The flour should swell
The flour should swell
  • Pour in vegetable oil in front of the hot and mix.

Tip: corn starch improves the taste of the dish and is considered the most useful. But the potato is also suitable - it will make the dough elastic and help to bake the thinnest pancakes.

Enjoy your meal!
Enjoy your meal!

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Comments K. article

  1. The custard made the dough, but I did not see the test recipe without butter. I will have to try, I love everything new!

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