Thick cream for cake: 7 best recipes

Thick cream for cake: 7 best recipes

Recipes for cooking a thick cream for a cake.

Not all housewives love to cook, they know how to do it. Some women, trying to bake a delicious cake several times, but failed, no longer want to start such manipulations. In this article we will tell you how to cook a thick cream, and how to thicken an existing liquid product. 

How to make a cream for a cake thicker?

All women who are trying to cheat face the problem, not to use all products, or ingredients of inadequate quality when preparing a cream. It is meant that for the preparation of, for example, cream and cottage cheese cream, it is necessary to use products with maximum fat content. That is, do not hope to get a very thick finished product if you use 10%cream. The same goes for cottage cheese and sour cream.

Even when adding yogurt to the cream, the maximum fat product is used, with a fat concentration of 6-8%. It is also worth considering that some creams can become very heavy and interpret due to the excessively large amount of sugar. We advise you to replace sugar with powdered sugar. It does not weight the product, and does not settled at the bottom, thereby does not relax the practical. There are several ways to thicken the cream, which will turn out to be liquid. 

How to make a cream for a cake thicker:

  • If you cook curd with sour cream, or cream cream, you can add special stabilizers, or the so -called thickening for cream. He is in professional confectionery stores, supermarkets. But there are practically no such products in small stores. 
  • To make a cream cream thicker, the finished product can be a little warm, introducing an additional portion of butter. It is best if the fat content of the oil is maximum and is approximately 82%. The larger the composition of the water oil, the higher the likelihood of the stratification of the finishedcream. 
  • If it is curd cream or yogurt, condensation is carried out by the administration of a gelatin solution. You can thicken custard with the help of additional gelatin. However, if you want the product to become thick after hardening in the refrigerator, then the best option is to introduce a little more butter. 

Thick sour cream for cake: recipe

At the initial stage of cooking, it may seem that it is very liquid, but immediately after cooking, do not lubricate the cakes. Wait for about 40-60 minutes, during this time the cream should stand in the refrigerator and become much thicker. 


  • 500 ml of sour cream 
  • 100 g of small sugar 
  • Vanillin 

A thick sour cream for a cake, recipe:

  • In order to prepare a thick sour cream, it is necessary to resort to cunning. A few hours before cooking, it is necessary to fold the gauze 4-5 times and put the existing sour cream there. Marilya is wrapped and suspended over some plate. It is convenient for these purposes to use a cup stand, or a metal hanger.
  • It can be placed on a shelf in the refrigerator. Leave sour cream in this state for about 6 hours. During this time, the liquid that is inside flows into the plate. Thus, the already prepared sour cream is very thick, and homogeneous. The prepared product is immersed in the bowl, introduced the blades for whipping and turned into a lush foam. Such a prepared product beats much faster and holds its shape well. 
  • In the prepared lush mass, it is necessary to introduce sugar powder on a tablespoon. After that, continue to beat until the entire sweetener ends. Lastly, enter vanillin and work a little again with kitchen appliances. The finished cream is very thick, it holds its shape perfectly. 

Thick protein cream for cake: recipe

Previously, there was not such a large selection of creams as now, mainly used, creamy, as well as oil, sometimes protein. Now the assortment is much wider, but protein cream is still at the peakpopularity. 

The main advantage is its lightness and plasticity. But classic protein cream can quickly lose shape when heated. In this regard, we recommend that you cook a burgundyoption.  

Ingredients for cooking:  

  • 250 g of sugar 
  • 100 ml of water 
  • 5 proteins 
  • Vanillin 

Thick protein cream for cake, recipe:

  • For preparation, it is necessary to separate the proteins from the yolks in a separate container and beat to strong peaks, throwing a pinch of salt. Please note that whipping proteins should be chilled. 
  • As soon as they become airy, it will increase several times, you can set them aside. Now proceed to the preparation of the syrup. Boil 100 ml of water on the fire and pour sugar in small portions. 
  • Stir very thoroughly, until the entire sweetener dissolves. This is very important, since the product should not have grains. 
  • After all the grains dissolve, and the syrup will become homogeneous, it must be a thin stream, with the constant work of the mixer, pour into prepared proteins. 
  • Thus, grains of sugar will not creak, it will completely dissolve, and the viscous texture with syrup will give the resistance to the cream. Its main advantage is that you can use it for the manufacture of small leaves, flowers, parts that do not lose their shape even in warmth. 
  • This recipe differs from standard proteins with sugar in that it is more persistent and notrelaxing. 

How to make a dense cream for a cake from condensed milk?

The most persistent, thick are custard creams. Their main advantage in resistance and the ability to keep form. Below we present a recipe with condensed milk. 


  • 200 ml of condensed milk 
  • 250 ml of fatty milk 
  • 50 g of sugar 
  • 30 g of flour 
  • 220 g of oil 

How to make a thick cream for a cake from condensed milk:

  • In a small amount of milk, add the thickener and sweetener. Mix thoroughly so that a thick paste forms, pour the remnants of ordinary milk into it and mix. Place the container on the fire and warm up for 3 minutes, constant averaging with silicone spatula.
  • It turns out a thick paste. As soon as the mass thicken, it is necessary to rearrange it so that nothing can burn anything to the bottom. After that, leave to stand and cool a little. As soon as the pasta stands and becomes cool, add a condensed milk in small portions and work with a mixer.
  • It is necessary that the blades rotate at an average speed. At the very end, enter the previously marked cow oil. At first, the mass will be somewhat liquid, so before using it to decorate or impregnate the dough, put in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. 

Thick cream cream: recipe

Cream cream can also be thick, and without the use of custard technology. In this option, the main products are used, without eggs and thickeners. 


  • 500 ml in thick cream 
  • 100 g of sugar powder 
  • Vanillin 

Thick cream cream made of cream, recipe:

  • It is necessary to put cream in advance so that they become cold. As soon as they cool, it is necessary to quickly shift their container and immerse the mixer's blades. They are also best kept in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  • Sprinkle small sugar in small portions. This must be done until it ends. At the very end, enter vanillin and beat again. Please note that in order for the cream to be thick and homogeneous, it is necessary to use exclusively a fat product, the percentage of fat should be 35%.
  • Do not overdo it and try to work not at maximum speeds, but at minimal or medium. After all, high speed can cause the product relaxation and then you do not have a creamit will turn out. 

White cream for a dense cake: Recipe

A thick cream can be prepared from cottage cheese or cheese of masquearpone. Its advantage is that you can level the surface and make a variety of roses and leaves, jewelry. 


  • 100 ml of cream 
  • 250 g of cottage cheese or cheese of mascarpone 
  • 55 g of small sugar 
  • Vanillin 

White cream for a dense cake, recipe: 

  • If you are preparing a product from cottage cheese, you must first add it into the bowl and work well with the mixer's blades so that the grains disappear. As a result, you should get a thick, homogeneous mass without interspersed.
  • With a ready -made cheese of mascarpone, such a manipulation does not need to be carried out. In a separate bowl with cream, immerse the mixer blades and beat to strong peaks. After that, it is necessary to pour sugar in small portions without turning off the device.
  • Ultimately, prepared cottage cheese or cheese is introduced. It also cannot be thrown completely, it is allowed to be introduced in small portions. Previously, the cream does not need to be kept in the refrigerator, as it holds the shape very well. It is not suitable for impregnation of biscuits, as it remains dry enough. But this is an ideal option for decorating and hiding smalldisadvantages. 

Thick chocolate cream for cake: recipe

It is not necessary to prepare chocolate cream using chocolate tiles. There is a more economical option, using cocoa. Usually the taste is very saturated, it cannot be distinguished fromchocolate. 

Cooking products: 

  • 400 ml of milk 
  • 4 yolks 
  • 200 g of small sugar 
  • Pack of cocoa weighing 90-100 g 
  • 30 g of flour 
  • Vanillin 

Thick chocolate cream for cake, recipe:

  • It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, that is, flour, cocoa and small sugar. After that, pour a thin stream of milk, until a thick dough is obtained. It is worth ensuring that there are no lumps. Pour the remaining liquid, mix. Put the mixture on the fire and stir constantly.
  • The mixture should thicken and become like semolina. Turn off the heating and set aside. At the temperature of the room, it is necessary to withstand oil for 2 hours.
  • After cooling the chocolate mass, it is necessary to pour it with a thin stream into the oil pre -whipped into the foam. Make sure that the mass does not settle, and remains rather lush. Before use, it is necessary to withstand in the refrigerator. 

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Video: How to make a cream for a dense cream?

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