Squirrel cream for cake: 8 most delicious recipes, detailed instructions, photos

Squirrel cream for cake: 8 most delicious recipes, detailed instructions, photos

Do not know how to decorate the cake so that it turns out not only beautiful, but also tasty? We offer the simplest, proven method - protein cream.

But who loves little variety. So they thought, and decided to offer you as many as 8 options.

Squirrel cream for decorating a cake

Protein cream is an excellent option for decorating cakes and cakes. The thing is that such a cream is characterized by a dense and dense consistency and that is why working with it is quite easy and convenient, and in preparation it is much easier than many others.

It should also be noted one more advantage - cost. For preparation, you need the most ordinary and important, not expensive products.

Product set
  • The most important point in preparation is the moment departments of proteins from yolks. This must be done very carefully, since the yolk that falls into the protein mass will prevent it from whipping.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the mass is beaten well only if the proteins were well cooled in advance, and the container in which they beat are clean and dry.
  • Now in portions in about 3 times Enter the other components into the mass,beating another 2 minutes.
  • Now we send the container with the workpiece to a steam bath 7 minutes, constantly whipping.
  • After whipping a few more mines, so that it thickens even more.
  • A variety of flavoring substances can be added, for example, Vanilla extract, fragrance "strawberries". Also, the cream can be painted in different colors using dyes.

Squirrel custard for cake

This recipe must definitely be in your recipes book. Literally in 15 minutes. You can make a very tasty, fragrant and beautiful protein cream that can be decorated with cakes and cakes.

For a variety of filling
For cakes
  • As you already understood, we will always need Only proteins.
  • Send 100 g of sugar with water to a container with a thick bottom. It may seem to you that there is very little water, but you no longer need to add, since we do not need very liquid syrup. We cook the resulting syrup before boiling over medium heat, after which we reduce the fire to a minimum and cook the mass for about 2-3 minutes.
  • Ideally, we need to get sugar syrup, Warm up to 116 degrees. Those who have a kitchen thermometer can determine the temperature with its help, and those who do not have such a device, we advise us to use the following way. Boil the syrup as described above, pour cold water into the plate and drop a drop of syrup into it. If at the same time a ball formed in the water, which is soft and sticky to the touch, then the temperature is suitable for us.
  • Create a thick protein-salt mixture. After entering the rest of the components and beat the mass of a few more mines. To make the cream become quite thick and dense.
  • Now whipping the protein mass, carefully introduce the welded syrup into it. We continue the process until the cream cools down. To reduce the cooking time, at this stage you can whip it at high speed.
  • That's all. This cream can be used not only to decorate cakes, but also to fill the cakes, tubes, And it can easily be served as an independent treat. In this case, we advise you to diversify it with topping or cocktail syrup.

Squirrel cream for a cake at home     

Squirrel cream for a cake at home can be prepared in different variations. We suggest you try an unusual protein cream on coffee syrup. Be sure, the cream will turn out to be very fragrant and appetizing.

  • We prepare proteins in a previously described way or as an option we buy already separated proteins and separate about 80 g (about so many protein in 3 eggs).
  • We connect all products except proteins and salt in a thick -walled container, mix and cook until boiling.
  • After that, reduce the fire under the container and cook the syrup for a few more mines., Since we need it to have a little thickened. We remove the pan from the fire, give the syrup to cool for a little time.
  • At this time, beat the proteins with salt until the mass becomes thick.
  • Now an important point - we connect two masses by pouring syrup to proteins. At this time, we continue to whisk the cream. We do it for another 3-5 minutes. And we get beautiful air, but "stable" cream.
  • Keep in mind that such a cream differs in color - due to coffee in its composition, it turns out beige, caramel, not white.

Squirrel-oil cream for cake

This cream has a delicate consistency, thanks to which it literally melts in the mouth.

  • Combine sugar with water, If desired, we send flavoring or dyes to the container, and cook syrup. In this recipe, we again need to ensure that the syrup is heated to 116 degrees. We also wrote how to check the temperature of the syrup earlier, use these tips.
  • Now we beat pre -prepared proteins, and as soon as the mass becomes lush enough, that is, it will increase, we begin to introduce ready -made syrup into it, whipping until cool.
  • Previously, the oil must be left in the warmth so that it is melted and cut small pieces.
  • But to heat it or melt purposefully, for example, in a microwave oven, it is impossible. We also draw your attention to the fact that for preparation protein cream It is necessary to use only a real quality product, no substitutes, even good ones, will not work and the cream will not work.
  • Now we continue to whip protein mass And add oil to it. We do it gradually, not at a time. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, the cream will be ready for further use.

Aligning the cake with protein cream

In order for the cake to be a real work of art, it must be beautifully decorated, but first the cake itself needs to be leveled. For these purposes, you can use different creams and one of them is protein.

  • We prepare proteins in the previously indicated way, and then beat for 5 minutes.
  • Next, we pour 100 g of powder to them and continue to whip until the we right dense consistency.
  • Cream before whipping is placed in the cold for several hours. Beat them separately from proteins with the remaining powder. The process continues until the moment of a thick consistency is obtained.
  • When both masses are ready, they need to be connected. Remember, again you can’t beat such masses, they can lose their air and dense consistency. Therefore, we portionably insert into the protein mass of cream and carefully mix the cream manually with a spatula.
  • It is not difficult to work with such a cream, it is light enough and lies well on the product.
We align
We align

Dense protein cream for cake     

Another version of a dense protein cream is a cream on sour cream. It can also be used to align confectionery.

  • Such a cream it will not turn out thick if you do not use the right ingredients for its preparation. Namely, a thick, cold sour cream with high fat content, chilled proteins.
  • If your sour cream is liquid, be sure to give excess fluid, shifting the product into gauze.
  • According to the protein recipe, whip from 150 g of sugar until a dense mass is obtained.
  • Beat sour cream with the remaining sugar to a thick consistency.
  • We melt the chocolate, cool a little and enter it into sour cream.
  • Now in whipped proteins neatly manually enter the sour cream and mix the cream.
We cook correctly
We cook correctly

Simple protein cream for cake

This recipe for protein cream is incredibly simple, but at the same time completely unusual. Such a cream differs in taste and color from other protein creams, although neither dyes nor flavors are used for its preparation.

  • Berries can be used both ice cream and fresh. If your cranberries are frozen, defrost it, drain all the liquid. If you add berries with juice to the cream, its consistency will be liquid.
  • Now cross the berries with a blender and separate the pulp from the skins, bones with a sieve.
  • Puree from cranberries Beat with powder.
  • Prepare proteins and beat them with a pinch of salt to thick foam.
  • Now portioned in a protein workpiece berry mass, Mix gently.
  • If necessary, the finished cream can be beaten so that the mass becomes even thicker.

Squirrel cream with gelatin for cake

This recipe is suitable for those who need to get a very persistent protein cream that will not settle and lose shape.

  • We immediately fill the gelatin with a small amount of water so that it is swollen. There is exactly so much water that the gelatin is hidden. As soon as gelatin swells, melt it.
  • Combine in the pan sugar and water, Cook the syrup until it boils.
  • Add acid to the syrup and cook it for several minutes.
  • Pre -prepared proteins Beat to a thick consistency by adding a pinch of salt to them.
  • Now we pour hot syrup into the protein mass and beat the cream for 2 minutes.
  • Next, pour it there oil and gelatin, And we continue the whipping process for another 3 minutes.
  • That's all, the cream is ready. Such protein cream can be used as an independent dessert.

Protein cream is a simple and tasty treat that can be used for completely different purposes: cake coating, leveling, smearing cakes.

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Video: How to cook a protein cream?

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