Sugar cream for cake: 10 most delicious recipes, detailed instructions, photos

Sugar cream for cake: 10 most delicious recipes, detailed instructions, photos

The sugar cream has a fairly dense consistency, thanks to which it can be used not only to lubricate cakes, but also to decorate the treats. The choice of recipes is so huge that it is simply impossible to stop at one one.

We offer your attention the 10 most delicious recipes for sugar creams, which will certainly find their place in your book of recipes. We hope the information will be useful for you.

Cream for cake made of powdered sugar: 2 simple recipe   

We start getting to know sugar cream with an unusual, but very tasty recipe. To cook it, you need a minimum amount of the simplest products.

  • Sour cream, cottage cheese - 350 g
  • Powder - 170 g
  • Rum/cognac - 30 ml
  • Sour cream can be used by any store and home, the main thing is that it is greasy and not liquid, as well as chilled.
  • Beat initially sour cream with powder until lush mass is obtained. For a long time to beat the sour cream mass, otherwise you risk killing it.
  • Cottage cheese should also not be liquid. Add rum or cognac or other flavorings to your taste, vanilla sugar and we pure the blender. You need to do this efficiently so that the mass is without lumps and grains
  • Now add in portions whipped sour cream in cottage cheese And mix the cream.

We also suggest you try such a recipe for sugar cream with the same main components, but instead of rum, add condensed milk (85 g):

  • Beat the liquid fat cottage cheese with a blender until a pasty mass is obtained.
  • After that, add condensed milk into it, and whisk the products for several min.
  • Beat the frauding oil until the acquisition of white.
  • After portioned, enter the powder into it and beat for another 5-7 minutes.
  • Now it is important to correctly combine the ingredients. In creamy mass in small portions, enter the curd mass, thoroughly mixing the sugar cream.
  • If you enter oil mass in the curd, Lumps and grains are formed, which then it will be very difficult to remove from there. Such a cream is no longer suitable for leveling the cake, so keep in mind this fact.
  • It is permissible to add dyes and flavors to the cream, as well as coconut chips, chocolate crumbs.

Cream for cake: cream and sugar powder

The combination of delicate cream and sweet powder will give you a lush, almost air sugar cream, which will easily be applied to the product and will not drain from it. This sugar cream for a cake is definitely a find for all hostesses, because it is not easier to prepare creams.

  • Cream - 650 ml
  • Powder - 130 g
Thick cream
Thick cream
  • Immediately indicate that it is not necessary to observe accurate proportions, preparing this particular cream. High -quality cream, which will be prepared in advance, they are excellent even with a minimum amount of powder. Therefore, cream can be taken as much as you need to get cream, and powder - depending on the desired sweetness of the cream.
  • The key to a thick and well -holding shape of the cream is high -quality and fatty cream, which can be found under the name "confectionery". The fat content of such cream is always higher than 30%.
  • A great option would be home cream, they even initially have a thicker consistency.
  • Whatever product you choose, before use it must be placed in the cold. Cooling will take about 2 hours. Some cooks recommend cooling the devices that will be whipping cream.
  • When everything is ready, you can start. Cream, taking into account all of the above recommendations, we begin Beat at the lowest speed.
  • After about 3 minutes. begin gradually pour powder into the increased mass.
  • After that, we continue the process until the cream begins to remain clearly noticeable traces from the device, as this sign is that the cream is ready.
  • Be careful It is easy to kill the cream. In this case, they will turn into oil, and it will be almost impossible to return the former consistency.
  • To everyone who loves the smell of vanilla, we recommend adding to the mass Vanillin, vanilla sugar. You can also add any other flavors, and also dyes. You need to do this while adding powder.

Cream for cake: oil and sugar powder, with the addition of cocoa and chocolate condensed milk

Sugar cream for a cake in oil and powdered sugar is a great option for those who need to make the cream very quickly and with minimal costs.

  • Powder, butter - 220 g
It turns out a white cream
It turns out a white cream
  • We recommend that the oil in advance get out of the cold and give it time to undress. If the oil is from the freezer or even from the refrigerator, you simply cannot beat it.
  • First beat only oil. We do this until the moment of receipt of a homogeneous mass.
  • After portions, in about 5-7 times we put the powder into the container and continue the whipping process for another 5-7 minutes.

Many novice hostesses do not risk making this cream, as they want to get it in white and think that the cream is yellow from oil. We want to warn everyone that the oil acquires white and this is without adding lemon juice.

Chocolate sugar cream for the cake also deserves attention. It has a rich chocolate taste and aroma. Add to the above set onlytoaKAO and chocolate condensed milk - 100 g

For a cake
For a cake
  • The first stage of cooking is completely identical to the one that was described in the previous recipe. We repeat it, at the end of the whipping, add cocoa to the cream, which we first recommend sift, and we get lush oil mass.
  • Now gently pour into it chocolate condensed milk, Mix manually with a whisk.
  • Sugar cream for a cake according to such a recipe is unusually aromatic and will definitely like all lovers of chocolate.

Mascarpone and sugar powder: cream for cake

  • Mascarpone - 550 g
  • Powder - 150 g
  • Cream - 260 ml
  • The basis of this cream is cream cheese. It is he who will determine the taste of the finished cream, so it must be carefully selected. There are creamy cheeses with a more pronounced curd creamy taste, there are those that taste slightly sour. Ideal for such sugar cream will be cheese with milk creamy taste.
  • Since in this recipe all the ingredients are beaten immediately together, they must all be approximately the same temperature - We also cool the cheese.
  • Another important point cream cheese should not be liquid. If you purchased it with serum or it is simply liquid, throw it on a colander covered with gauze, and wait until the liquid is draining. Otherwise, you will not get a thick and dense consistency of the finished cream.
  • Now we connect all the products and beat them until the mass becomes uniform dense and thick.
  • Understand that the cream is ready is simple. It will begin to be seen on it distinct traces of the corolla.
  • Such a cream is ideal for aligning the cake.

Cream for cake: sugar powder and milk

Few people know, but sugar cream for cake from powder and milk It turns out unusually tasty and original. Once having tried such a goodness, you certainly add it to the list of loved ones.

  • Butter, powder - 150 g/ml
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Topping or cocktail syrup - 2 tbsp. l.
  • We beat the melted butter with high % fat with a sifted powder. Beat until the moment the mass becomes snow -white.
  • Next, add topping or syrup to milk, Mix. We recommend trying Lavender, mint and coconut syrups.
  • Now portioned, about 3 times enter sweet milk into the cream. At the same time, we continue to whisk the cream at low speed.
  • As soon as all the milk is in the mass, the cream is ready. You can use it immediately after cooking.
  • Optional Topping/syrup You can not add, then the cream will have a milk taste.

Creamy cream for biscuit cake with powdered sugar

  • 500 g of sour cream
  • Sugar powder - 170 g
Sour cream
Sour cream
  • To cake sugar cream it turned out tasty and was not sourChoose the most “sweet” sour cream. Most often, it is the store sour cream that has a sour taste, while the home has a more creamy and sweetish taste.
  • We prepare sour cream before use in the same way as cream and cream cheese - we cool and, if necessary, throw it on gauze so that excess fluid will go away.
  • We connect the products and beat before receiving a homogeneous lush mass. Remember, you can also kill sour cream, so you should not beat it for a long time.
  • If you have chosen the product fat, high-quality, then 5-7 minutes. It is enough to get a thick sugar cream.
  • You can diversify the taste of simple cream with additives: nuts, tsukats, vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate crumb.

Squirrel cream with sugar powder for cake

It is most often used to decorate the cake. In preparation, it is somewhat more complicated than those that were described earlier. Armed with a good mixer.

  • Squirrels - 5 pcs.
  • Powder - 250 g
  • Citric acid - 2 g
  • Water - 30 ml
  • As you can see, to prepare such Sugar cream we need only proteins. They should be qualitatively separated from the yolks. Otherwise, the proteins will not be reached to the desired density. At the same time, it is worth knowing that the key to well -beaten mass is chilled proteins and clean, dry dishes.
  • So, add a little salt to the proteins and beat until a rather thick foam appears.
  • After portionably introduce the sifted powder into the mass and beat the products for 7-10 minutes.
  • We combine the water with acid, stir and 2 tsp. We send the resulting liquid to the cream. Beat until the moment the mass becomes so dense that it ceases to spread.
  • If necessary, you can add to the cream any flavoring agents, as well as dyes. Dyes are better to use gel, as they do not need to be diluted in water.

Cream made of cheese and powdered sugar

Most often used to align the cake, however, it is also ideal for lubricating any cakes, as well as filling baskets, cakes.

  • Curd cheese - 420 g
  • Softened oil, powder - 120 g
Ideal for cakes and cakes
  • Initially, whip the components of Dobel.
  • After portions, we introduce cottage cheese into this mass and beat until a dense cream is obtained.
  • The taste of the cream will be more dependent on the taste of cottage cheese. Therefore, choose cottage cheese with a more creamy and sweet taste.
  • The cream can be diversified by fruit mashed potatoes, nuts or chocolate, and also dried fruits and cocoa.

Sugar cream is a great option for smearing any cakes. Such a cream can be done with different additives, it will keep shape well and is ideal for decorating the cake. Moreover, sugar cream on cottage cheese, cream cheeses can serve as an independent dessert that will differ in delicate consistency and a pleasant milk taste.

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Video: Oil-Sachard Cream

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