Cream Sokebir for cake with sour cream, cream, milk, with chocolate: the best recipes, tips, reviews

Cream Sokebir for cake with sour cream, cream, milk, with chocolate: the best recipes, tips, reviews

Recipes for cooking cream for the cake.

Cream Pimbir is one of the most universal fillings for any type of dough and cakes. Its main advantage is that there is no need to prepare one option for a layer of cakes, the second for design. The filling cream is quite thick, but its taste is very delicate and pleasant, so you can safely lubricate the semi -finished cakes, as well as decorate the top. It is also suitable for alignment. In this article, we will tell you how to cook a seal cream.

Cream Pimbir for Cake: Recipe

There are a lot of recipes that can include various components. But most often they prepare a combined way, that is, a kind of custard cream into which a large amount of cow oil is introduced. The result is a dense texture that becomes thicker,solid When cooling. 

Below is a list of products: 

  • 350 ml of sour cream 
  • 120 g of sugar 
  • One large chicken egg 
  • 150 g of butter 
  • Vanilla 
  • 40 g of flour 

Cream of filling for a cake, recipe:

  • Be sure to in advance before you start making goodies, it is worth exposing the cow oil so that it becomes soft and supple. It may take about 2 hours. 
  • Next, you need to do the preparation of the base. Please note that for these purposes it is better to use a steam bath, or a vessel with a thick bottom. Pour sour cream, small sugar, egg and flour into a suitable bowl. 
  • As a result, a mass should turn out, which somewhat resembles the pancake dough. Please note that the higher fat content in sour cream, the sooner the product will prepare. 
  • This is due to the fact that fatty foods are faster, respectively and the texture is very dense. Next, you need to place a bowl on the bathhouse and prepare with constant stirring. 
  • On average, you will need about a third or quarter of an hour. As soon as the pasta becomes viscous, you can finish it to cook. How to understand that Paste is ready? To do this, turn the spoon and try to draw the masses with your finger on the remnants. 
  • If the trace does not restore and does not flow on the spoon, the dent remains, you can safely turn off the product. After the paste stands a little on the table and will acquire a temperature of 30-40 degrees, it is necessary to introduce butter into it at small speeds of the mixer. As a result, an elastic paste should turn out, very fat, viscous in consistency. 

Cream of filling for aligning the cake

Basically, the alignment filling cream is designed to make the surface ideal, and suitable for decoration with mastic. Some of the types of such products with temperature fluctuations can hide sag, respectively, and the surface of the cake is floating because of this, which is unacceptable during decoration with mastic. Accordingly, the product that holds the form, even during the summer heat, will be the perfect option. One of the ideal options is the filling cream in condensed milk. 

Cooking products: 

  • 230 g of cow oil 
  • 210 ml of condensed milk 
  • Black chocolate tiles 

P -sealing cream for aligning the cake: 

  • To begin with, it is necessary in a water bath, or just break the pieces of chocolate in a bowl, and immerse it in a container with boiling water. Stir from time to time so that the product will completely melt and become thick. 
  • In another bowl, it is necessary to beat the oil. It is necessary to ensure that it becomes quite stable and airy, resembles a foam. 
  • Enter the condensed milk, gradually adding it, but without turning off the device that whips the paste. When the mass becomes airy, you can add melted chocolate in small portions. 
  • This cream must be used immediately after cooking. That is, it is not necessary to compose for cooling. 
Walnut paradise
Walnut paradise

Cream Sokebir for cake on cream: Recipe

A rather interesting, unusual option is the preparation on the cream. However, he has one big drawback - 33% cream is not in all small shops, so in small cities there is a difficulty in finding this ingredient. That is why they are often prepared on sour cream, or on condensed milk. Product usinganimals cream, Very saturated to taste, so ideal for fresh dough, which is prepared from oil, water, flour. 

For the preparation of cheese cream, the cream needs the following products: 

  • A glass of thick fat cream 
  • 100 g of cow oil 
  • 150 g of small sugar 
  • 230 ml of milk 
  • Vanilla sugar 
  • 50 g of corn starch 
  • 4 yolks 

Cream of filling cake on cream, recipe:

  • It is necessary in a bowl with a thick bottom to mix the yolks with small sugar to a white state. In small portions, corn flour is administered and thoroughly shaken. 
  • Pour milk in parts, averaged again, and heated with not strong heating, thoroughly stirring. It is necessary to cook paste with constant averaging, until it becomes as thick as semolina. The product is set aside and cooled to room temperature. 
  • Now you need to do fat components. To do this, set the heat to the heat for softening. Prepare cow cream. They are beaten in a cup of blender to lush foam. In small portions, interfere in the resulting mass butter. 
  • You can turn off the mixer to get a magnificent substance. After that, it is necessary to introduce in small portions lush cream whipped into the foam, and knead with a soft spatula. 
  • Moreover, you need to do very carefully, in the direction of the clockwise so that the foam does not sit. Before use, cool on the balcony or in the refrigerator. 
Paradise for sweet tooths
Paradise for sweet tooths

Cream Pleskibir for Cake on Milk: Recipe

Cream of filling in milk is considered one of the best, economical options. The fact is that the ingredients for the preparation of sweets can be purchased in any store, and there are no problems with the search for cream with fat content of 35%. Indeed, in small cities sometimes you have to go to a special market where home products are sold. After all, buying cream with such fat content in a store is a rarity. Not all small points have similar products. 

Cooking products: 

  • 230 g of milk 
  • 230 g of cow oil 
  • 130 g of sugar 
  • Vanilla pinchsalt 
  • 2 large eggs 
  • 55 g of flour 
  • Liquor or cognac 

Cream Fokes for Milk Cake, Recipe  

  • Take a bowl of large diameter and drive eggs into it, pour all the sugar and work with a mixer. Kitchen appliances should work until the mass turns into foam. 
  • Pour somewhere 120 ml of milk and turn again into a homogeneous substance. In small portions, about a teaspoon, pour the ingredient that thickens the paste, that is, flour. 
  • Place the remaining milk in a bowl made of stainless steel, and put it on the fire. As soon as the milk boils, heating must be reduced and poured in small portions, with constant averaging, oil with eggs and flour. 
  • Thus, the substance that is located in the saucepan will begin to thicken. After about 3-5 minutes, the mixture will become very thick, it must be set aside and cool. 
  • Add butter in small portions. Please note that in no case can you add this product to a warm mass of milk, eggs and flour. 
  • In this case, the taste of melted oil will be felt in the finished product, which is not always like. As soon as the pasta becomes like a foam, you can turn off the equipment and pour cognac or liquor. Beat again, but already at small speeds. This option is an excellent filling for eclairs and waffle tubes. 
Dense texture
Dense texture

How to make a cream of a seal for a cake: Subtleties of cooking, tips

The preparation of this product is associated with a large amount of subtleties. In fact, there is usually nothing complicated in the stages, but inexperienced housewives may have difficulties. Below, consider the most common errors and the correct option for preparing a sealcream.  

How to make a cream of fillings for a cake, subtleties of cooking, tips:

  • Be sure to choose cream with high fat content. The ideal option is 33-35 %. Try to purchase a home product, but one that has not yet had time to freeze and turn into a substance similar to oil. Best if they are fresh and liquid, while veryfat.  
  • Be sure during the preparation of custard mass, carefully averaged the ingredients. With weak mixing, the products can be laid out, as a result of this, the finished product will be divided into two fractions - solid liquid. This is the main problem that inexperienced housewives face.
  • Relaxing the finished product can occur for several reasons, the most basic is the use of ingredients with different temperatures. As described above, in no case when preparing it is impossible to use cold or hot cow oil. It must be at room temperature and in consistency resemble a day cream. It is also worth monitoring the temperature of the cream.
  • It should also be equal to room. Eggs are best beaten in cold form, so they turn into foam faster. Although, during the preparation of this cream, the temperature of the eggs does not matter, since there is no need to turn them into foam with persistent peaks. It is enough to achieve homogeneity and lack of lumps. The second basic mistake is the formation of lumps.
  • This is due to the fact that housewives immediately pour flour into liquid ingredients. You can’t do this in any case, it is necessary to mix the thickener with a small amount of milk, and only then add boiling milk in small portions to the rest. Moreover, it is necessary to constantly mix and carry out the process with weak heating.
  • Strong heating, and the lack of mixing also contributes to the formation of lumps and grains. Very often for several minutes, for which the flour thickens, there is not enough to dissolve grains of sugar. That is why it is recommended to use powder. If you do not want to feel the creak on the teeth of sugar crystals in the finished product, you should take care of this in advance. 
  • Frequent error- this is The use of pure vanillin. This is a very concentrated product, and with insufficient experience it is very easy to overdo it. As a result, you will get bitter cream. Therefore, in the initial stages, if you have very little experience in cooking, use vanilla sugar. It is almost impossible for them to spoil the product. 

Cream Pimbir for Cake: Reviews

Below can be found with the reviews of experiencedhousewives.  

Cream Pimbir for cake, reviews:

Svetlana. I love pastries, so I often cook. Recently, even neighbors began to come to me, order cakes and cakes for family holidays. I am cooking a filling cream exclusively on sour cream. I do not like it when the product is very fat, so I prefer a sour, neutral taste. Often I complement the finished paste with cognac and a liquor. I really like the cream withbeiliz. I enter it into the product not so often, but when there is in the house. I do not buy a liquor separately for thesegoals.  

Natalia. I like to cook, but do not bake complex cakes. The last time she took a chance, baked a biscuit, and surprisingly I got it. Although before that it baked several times, and the cake became thick and dense. On the Internet I found a recipe for this cream, was pleasantly surprised. As for me, one of the best options for biscuits. 

Victoria. I love this cream, and I cook very often due to the fact that my households adore home pastries. I cook on cream, with the addition of milk and flour. In general, if you adhere to the recipe, the number of ingredients and the stages of cooking, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is that the oil is at room temperature, and the custard pasta cools well. Otherwise, everything can simply delay. This will spoil the taste of the finished product. 

For decoration
For decoration

Articles about baking can be found on our website:

Custard for cake

Yogurt cream for cake

Cream for cake from condensed milk

Cream for a biscuit cake

Video: Cream-Glorifier for Cake

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