How correctly and how many times a day you need to brush your teeth to adults: tips of dentists. The better, how carefully and how many minutes you need to brush your teeth to adults in time: a brush diagram. When to brush your teeth for adults: before or after breakfast, food? What will happen if you do not brush your teeth?

How correctly and how many times a day you need to brush your teeth to adults: tips of dentists. The better, how carefully and how many minutes you need to brush your teeth to adults in time: a brush diagram. When to brush your teeth for adults: before or after breakfast, food? What will happen if you do not brush your teeth?

The article will tell you how to correctly brush your teeth and what means should be careed for the oral cavity.

Why and why should you brush your teeth to adults and children?

The reasons:

  • Cleaning eliminates plaque on the teeth.This plaque is formed after a person takes food, drinks tea and coffee, smokes. Such a plaque makes the teeth turn yellow, which very strongly spoils their appearance, makes rough and leads to diseases (after all, pathogens, organic compounds that are able to rot can multiply in the dirty raid). The plaque corrodes tooth enamel and damages the tooth stone. As a result, the tooth needs to be drilled, cleaned and sealing (at best, and at the worst - to tear out). This applies to both adults and children.
  • Tooth brushing is the best replacement of caries.Caries is the most common tooth disease, as a result of which a plaque made of putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria corrodes tartar, completely destroying it. By cleansing your teeth, you remove the plaque and restore health to your teeth.
  • Breathing of breathing.Any meal leads to the fact that in the space between the teeth, in the tongue and the inside of the cheek there are particles of food. These residues can make an unpleasant odor due to the decay process. This is not very beautiful for a person, unpleasant to others, repels people.
  • Emaly's saturation with minerals.The tooth enamel by 95-96% consists of minerals, the enamel can be strengthened by regular cleaning with toothpaste, saturated with fluorine, calcium. Strong and healthy enamel will not cause the disease and tooth loss.
  • Caring for the gums.Healthy gums are strong teeth. High -quality pastes should also have components that feed and take care that they do not become inflamed and not hurt. In addition, when you clean your teeth with a brush, you also massage the gum stems, improving blood circulation.
  • The prevention of throat diseases.Cleaning the oral cavity from pathogens and putrefactive bacteria, you prevent them from entering the throat, which means that you do the prevention of tonsillitis, other ENTs, inflammation of the tonsils. Be careful if you brush your teeth during infectious diseases, if you have a recovery, throw a toothbrush.

Important: think about it regularly cleansing your teeth, you will give yourself health, which means that you warn yourself against embezzlement for treatment in the future.

Video: "If you do not brush your teeth - what will happen?"

How to correctly and how many times a day you need to brush your teeth to adults and what toothpaste: dentist advice

In order for the use of cleaning, adults should be carried out every day 2 times a day (these are minimal requirements) or after each meal. It is considered ideal-30-40 seconds for each side (left-right or upper niz).

Keep in mind that the rapid brushing of the teeth (which most adults do, going to work or out of habit) is little effective, because it removes only those food remnants that were on the surface, but does not perform the prevention of toothpower diseases and gums.

Morning cleaning eliminates the plaque formed overnight, but the evening (before bedtime) takes care to go to bed without food residues that gathered in a day.

Important: choose a toothpaste for cleaning, focusing on your needs (strengthening enamel, elimination of gum or yellowness). Kids should buy a special children's paste. In any pastes, the content of fluorine is desirable. Also approach the choice of a toothbrush.

How to brush your teeth correctly?
How to brush your teeth correctly?

How carefully and how many minutes to adults need to brush their teeth in time: the scheme of movement with a brush

How to brush your teeth correctly:

  • Consider the fact that when you brush your teeth, you hold a brush at an angle of 40-45 degrees in relation to your teeth, so it is important to change its directions.
  • Cleaning should begin with the farthest chewing teeth and gradually approach the front.
  • It is believed that ideally, one tooth should account for up to 20 movements.
  • The first movements of the brush should literally sweep dirt and garbage from the teeth.
  • The following - less intense and circular
  • Do not forget about the cleanliness of the gums, the inner parts of the cheeks and tongue (for this, there is a rubberized surface for most toothbrushes).

Important: end the procedure should be finished with rinsing. To do this, you can use natural decoctions (for example, oak or chamomile bark), and special refreshing liquids-steamers that are sold in stores are also very popular.

Proper cleaning and rinsing the mouth
Rinse of the mouth

When to brush your teeth in adults in the morning: before or after breakfast, food?

As already mentioned, to brush your teeth correctly - twice a day (this is the opinion of specialists and dentists). Of course, if you prefer to brush your teeth every time after eating, you only do better for yourself. Do not worry, all the allegations that it is harmful and erases tooth enamel - just rumors.

Evening cleaning should be carried out after the last meal and before bedtime, this will effectively remove the remaining food before you sleep 8-10. But about the morning cleaning, there are two opposite opinions:

  • Cleaning before breakfast.It will allow you to remove the resulting bacteria from the oral cavity overnight and prevent them from getting into the throat cavity (which means it will prevent bacteria).
  • Cleaning after breakfast. He will remove all the remnants of eaten food, drink and coffee.
Rules and recommendations
Rules and recommendations

Do adults need to brush their teeth in the evening?

Evening tooth brushing is a mandatory measure of precaution and care for your health. For the whole day, an adult takes a few az, smokes or drinks coffee, tea, and other drinks. If you go to bed with a “dirty mouth”, you risk turning the remains of food stuck on enamel and in the space between the teeth into putrefactive bacteria (which multiply very quickly).

Important: such bacteria in 99% are the cause of the development of teeth diseases, leading to caries, gum inflammation, periodontal disease, bleeding. Therefore, they should be removed before you fall asleep and oxidative processes will occur in the oral cavity for 8-10 hours.

Is it possible and how to brush your teeth with adult baking soda, salt, hydrogen peroxide, activated coal, household, soap?

In addition to toothpaste (the usual toothpaste appeared not so long ago), you can brush your teeth with such means:

  • Dentifrice -it is still produced. This is a classic tooth cleansing tool that can be applied to a toothbrush. It is very effective, but it is believed that small grains can be scratched with enamel and wound the gums.
  • Rinserticator for the mouth -special disinfectants and refreshing liquids that kill bacteria in the mouth and on the surface of the teeth (but the liquid cannot penetrate into the interdental space, as the brush can do).
  • Dental floss -a special fiber, which is saturated with a disinfectant and penetrates even into those interdental spaces that the brush cannot clean (but is not able to clean the surface of the teeth).
  • Soda -it perfectly disinfects the surface of the teeth, kills the acidic environment and pathogenic bacteria (but can scratch the enamel, as the tooth powder does).
  • Salt -it also acts as a disinfectant for the oral cavity (like soda and tooth powder can scratch enamel, it is important to use only Extra salt for cleaning).
  • Activated carbon -particles of activated coal act as a remedy that attracts toxins and therefore it is desirable for brushing tooths.
  • Wheat -having chewing this plant, you get small particles of cellulose, which very effectively attract to yourself and catch particles of food.
  • Water - A simple and ineffective agent that can only wash away surface pollution.
How can you brush your teeth except toothpaste?
How can you brush your teeth except toothpaste?

How to brush your teeth with adult tooth powder?

Tooth powder for the most part consists of chalk. It is chalk that is an active substance, and the aromatic part in powder is essential oil. The manufacturer can also add sodium carbonate, clay, soda to the composition. Interesting, but such a powder has several advantages (if you compare it with toothpaste):

  • It polishes the surface of the teeth better
  • Beasy to whiten his teeth
  • Easily eliminates traces of food and “corrosive” drinks
  • Caries loosen (helps to remove from teeth)
  • Strengthens the gums (preventing bleeding and inflammation)
  • Roses the acid and alkaline balance to normal

Important: the only drawback of the powder is its abrasive surface that can scratch the enamel. Therefore, the recommendation for adults: use powder with the toothpaste, alternating it.

How to use powder:

  • You can’t dull the brush into the powder (moisture on the brush will make the powder lose an important part of the beneficial substances, it is advisable to pour the powder or breed it with paste).
  • Alternate cleaning with powder with toothpaste (and you can also every two days).
  • If you do not want to brush your teeth with powder too often, do it once a week.
  • Brush your teeth with powder preferably at least 3 minutes, but no more than 5.
  • After brushing your teeth powder, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with water.
Toothpower for cleaning
Toothpower for cleaning

How to brush your teeth to adults so that they are white?

In order for your teeth to be white, preferably:

  • Correctly select toothpaste with a “whitening” property.
  • Periodically brush your teeth tooth powder (natural).
  • Use special teeth whitening
  • Professional cleaning at the dentist
  • Abandon bad habits (smoking, coffee, strong tea)
  • Brush your teeth after each meal and a "harmful" drink

After how much and how can you brush your teeth after removing the tooth, wisdom tooth, sealing?

If you have visited the dentist with treatment or tooth extraction, listen to the following recommendations:

  • A constant and temporary seal can be cleaned with toothpaste after 2 hours.
  • After erasing the tooth, after a day it is necessary to regularly rinse (especially after eating) with the means that doctors will prescribe to you.
  • The brushing of the teeth is required, even if the tooth is removed, but only after a day (just carefully avoid the injured place).
  • If the tooth is removed, do not caress your mouth with alcohol rinses (only chlorhexidine or decoctions of herbs).

What toothpaste and brush is better to brush your teeth to adults?

In choosing an adult toothpaste, give preference to the proven brands and the means that contain the maximum number of natural components and necessarily fluorine (it strengthens the enamel and makes it healthy).

The best toothpastes: Colgate, Glister(AMVEI firms), Lacal

The brush needs to buy the one that suits your gums: if they bleed - soft stiffness, if not - medium or severe hardness.

Also among the best toothbrushes of the same companies.

What will happen if you do not brush your teeth, or, if you often brush your teeth?

The neglect of the purity and hygiene of the oral cavity can be detailed not only on the health of the teeth:

  • An unpleasant putrid odor appears from the mouth
  • The teeth turn yellow
  • A black stone appears on the teeth
  • The teeth begin to hurt
  • The gums are blushing and inflamed, bleeding
  • The teeth fall out
  • A person often suffers from inflammation of the throat, tonsils, adenoids.
  • The digestive organs suffer (since the food is not chewed carefully by sick teeth and bacteria from the oral cavity enter the gastrointestinal tract).

Video: "How to brush your teeth correctly?"

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  1. For some reason, everyone believes that if only to brush your teeth, then there will be no problems with the teeth. In fact, it is generally very important to provide a sufficient amount of nutrients so that the teeth do not crumble and do not break .. I take the calcium Helat from Evalar for this. I always take it, because the easily digestible form. Plus, of course, I try to eat more fish. This is phosphorus and protein, which is very important for teeth.

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