Cake drunk cherry: step -by -step recipe, cooking secrets, reviews. Cake "Drunk cherry": cut

Cake drunk cherry: step -by -step recipe, cooking secrets, reviews. Cake

In this article, you will learn how to independently prepare a “drunk cherry” cake.

The drunken cherry cake is considered one of the most popular desserts for any holiday. And this is not surprising, because the taste of this delicacy is so unique that every sweet tooth will like it. Almost every housewife comes up with her branded recipe, but there is also a classic one. Let's find out how to cook this cake.

How to make a classic cake "Drunk cherry" at home: step -by -step recipe

Classical drunken cherry
Classical "Drunk Cherry"

To make this dessert, put on the cherry, bake the biscuits, soak them and prepare the cream cream. Does it look just true? But we immediately note that the Drunk Cherry Home Cake has a rather complicated preparation, but the efforts are worth it. So it is worth highlighting one day and prepare everything you need. Despite all the difficulty, even a beginner will cope with cooking if he follows the recipe.

Stage 1. filling

The very first thing you have to do is to marinate the cherry for the filling. Berries for impregnation are required for several days. So they will turn out juicy and with a characteristic aroma.

We make the filling
We make the filling

You will need some berries for the filling. Literally 300-350 grams and cognac or wine-300 mg.


  • To get started, rinse the berries well and remove the seeds. Try to do it carefully so that the berries do not lose juice
  • Pour the finished berries with alcohol and leave for a couple of days in the refrigerator

Stage 2. Corges

Cook the biscuit
Cook the biscuit

When the cherry is already ready for use, start cooking a biscuit. So that you get it correct, that is, lush and soft, clearly follow the recipe.

You will need cakes:

Components for cakes
Components for cakes


  • To begin with, we turn on the oven for warming up so that it reaches the desired temperature while we knead the dough.
  • Immediately we take the form for our biscuit and smear the bottom with oil. Place it in the refrigerator while cooking the dough, with a chilled form the biscuit is better.
  • So, first of all, divide the proteins and yolks.
  • The yolks, half sugar and vanilla, and then begin to beat. As a result, your mass will increase significantly in size.
Beat the eggs
Beat the eggs

The readiness of the mass can be checked when the recess begins to slowly tighten.

  • Beat the proteins with the remains of sugar. Keep in mind that in the finished form you should get a dense mass that does not spread.
  • Now we proceed to loose components. Separate the flour and cocoa, sereth and mix.
  • Now we return to the eggs - mix half the protein with yolks.
  • When the mass becomes homogeneous, pour flour slowly.
  • In conclusion, add the remaining proteins.
Add proteins
Add proteins

The biscuit is baked for 30 minutes.

Stage 3: filling for the Cake "Drunk Cherry"

A custard filling is usually introduced into the classic homemade cake "Drunk Cherry". She impregnates the biscuit well and does not spread. And also - this is the perfect option for impregnation.

For cooking you will need:

Preparation of the filling
Preparation of the filling


  • Take the oil and let it grind it slightly so that it becomes soft
  • Separately mix sugar with egg
  • The whole mixture is rubbed to a homogeneous state
  • Then we use milk. Heat it over low heat to evaporate excess fluid
  • When the milk begins to boil, add vanilla to it
Cook the cream
Cook the cream
  • When the milk is ready, carefully add it to the already finished mixture and return everything to the fire again
  • You need to prepare the mass until the moment it starts to thicken
  • While the workpiece cools, proceed to work with oil. Beat it carefully so that it looks like air cream
  • After cooling the thick mixture, both obtained blanks are connected

Stage 4. Cake assembly

The penultimate stage is the assembly of the cake. Our biscuit has already cooled down and it's time to work with it.

  • First, cherries must be divided with alcohol. To do this, take a sieve and put the berries there. Wait a little so that all the glass fluid. If you leave it, the cake is soaked too much.
  • Then we take the biscuit itself and remove the top from it. In thickness, it should be approximately 1 cm in order to then cover the filling.
  • Make the cake with alcohol in which cherries insisted. You must be neat, it should just get wet, but not at all so wet.
We collect the cake
We collect the cake
  • Using a teaspoon, carefully remove the crumbs from the center. It is enough to leave on all the remaining sides in a centimeter, but it is possible a little more if you are afraid to remove too much. Do everything carefully so that the foundation is intact. It is better to leave a little more biscuit.
  • The resulting walls are also impregnated with alcohol.
  • Break the half of the pulp into small pieces and add to the cream. Mix them well so that you do not have a dry biscuit.
  • Then add cherries to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly again.
We lay out the filling
We lay out the filling
  • The resulting filling is laid out inside, and covered with a lid on top.

It remains for a while to put the cake in the refrigerator so that it cools.

Stage 5. Glaze

Cooking icing
Cooking icing

This is the last stroke.

You will need:



  • Put the oil on a small fire and wait until it melts
  • When this happens, pour the powder and interfere with the mass until the sugar dissolves
  • Put starch and interfere well so that all the lumps dissolve
  • In conclusion, continuing to stir, add chocolate

Let the finished glaze cool down and pour the cake for it. Act quickly because the mass freezes quickly. For uniform distribution, use a spatula.

Now leave the cake in the refrigerator for half a day so that it is well saturated. The top of the cake can be decorated as you like best.

Cake "Drunk Cherry" without alcohol: step -by -step recipe

Cake drunk cherry without alcohol
Cake "Drunk cherry" without alcohol

Of course, in the classic version, the Drunk Cherry Cake is not suitable for the children's table, so you need a recipe without alcohol. Since cognac or liquor is the main component that sets the aroma cake, it is difficult for it to find a replacement. However, there are still solutions. We offer you to get acquainted with the recipe that can be called the best in the opinion of the hostesses.

You will need:

Cake without alcohol
Cake without alcohol


  • Sut the flour well and connect it with cocoa and soda. Do not add cocoa completely, you have enough only 5 large spoons.
  • Add another 240 g of sugar and shake the container several times.
  • Now take the eggs and mix them with warm milk (350 ml). This is done in a separate bowl.
  • Gently connect both obtained masses. You should get a thick, but viscous mixture.
  • Continue to stir and add boiling water slowly. You will need 200 ml
  • Pour the dough into the mold gently along the edge. Turn in the process so that the mass is evenly distributed over the entire surface. Bake a biscuit at a temperature of 185 degrees for an hour.
  • Let cool with the finished basis and remove the top. You do not need it yet, put it aside.
  • With the center of the spoon, remove the whole of meakin. Do not make the walls and bottom too thin so that your walls do not collapse.
  • Next, process cherries. Separate it from the seeds and add it to the crumb.
  • Pour the melted oil of 180 g with condensed milk and cocoa.
  • Your filling is ready, so feel free to fill her cake. At the end, cover the remaining biscuit and send to the refrigerator for an hour to soak.
  • While the cake is cooling, prepare the glaze from what you have left. Gently distribute it on the cake and leave it in the refrigerator for another 30 minutes.

Read also: "Carrot cake: the most delicious and simple step -by -step recipe"

Cake "Drunk cherry" in chocolate: step -by -step recipe

Cake drunk cherry in chocolate
Cake "Drunk cherry" in chocolate

The delicious home -made cake "Drunk Cherry" in chocolate differs from the classical in that its biscuit is more humid, and the pulp retains softness longer. For cake, not cocoa is used, but a regular chocolate with the content of beans in 75%. The ratio of flour and starch can be changed, as it will be more convenient. If you want more crumbly baking, use more starch.

You will need:

Cake in chocolate
Cake in chocolate


  • Cherry without a bone pour brandy. It is important to soak the berries, so we leave them for 6 hours. If you have berries with bones, then remove them carefully so as not to damage the berries, otherwise they will be lost their appearance.
  • To prepare a biscuit, melt the chocolate with butter and enter in turn of the eggs, powdered sugar, starch and lemon juice. The latter is added to the baking powder.
  • Bake thick cake for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. When pulled it out of the oven, let it go for a while. It takes about an hour, and therefore you can still make the filling.
  • Beat 200 g of cream with sugar and add berries there.
  • When the cake rests, cut off the top and put it to the side. Using a large spoon, carefully remove the crumb from the center.
  • Mix it with the finished mixture and place it inside the cake. Close the top with a cap.
  • Beat the cocoa to decorate the cream cake and pour the cake with the mixture.

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Cake "Drunk Cherry" in a slow cooker: recipe

You can cook a drunken cherry cake even in a slow cooker. It turns out it is no worse than usual from the oven.

You will need:

Cake in a slow cooker
Cake in a slow cooker


  • Pour the cherries with alcohol and leave for a day or two. Pre -remove the seeds
  • Beat eggs to thick foam. It is better, of course, to use a mixer, since with it the mass turns out to be perfect
  • Mix soda and sour cream separately, and then add to the existing mixture
  • Beat eggs and sugar well to get thick foam
  • Mix sour cream with soda and add it to the egg mixture
  • Add a little flour and cocoa and mix everything well again
  • Take the multicooker bowl and grease with oil. Gently remove the dough and bake the biscuit in the "baking" mode for 50 minutes and leave after cooking for heating up to 20 minutes
  • While the cake is baking, make the filling. Beat the condensed milk for her and then add the softened oil
  • Then add nuts and cherries to the cream. Soften the first, and strain the cherry so that alcohol is separate
  • Cool the finished cake and cut the top. He will have it as a lid to close the filling
  • Inside, the entire biscuit crumb must be removed with a spoon. Be careful so that your walls do not fall apart. It is recommended to retreat at least 1 cm
  • Mix all the remote pulp with cream
  • Place the finished filling inside the remaining cake and close the lid on top
  • Take the finished cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours

You can make icing on top. It is usually made of chocolate. There is also a option with cream. Choose what you like best.

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Cake "Drunk Cherry" with condensed milk: step -by -step recipe

Cake drunk cherry with condensed milk
Cake "Drunk Cherry" with condensed milk

If you love sweets very much, then we recommend making a drunken cherry home with condensed milk. The recipe is quite simple, and you can cook it from inexpensive products. Cooking will not take you much time, and the product itself will turn out tasty and beautiful.

Cake with condensed milk
Cake with condensed milk


  • The start of cooking in itself is the same as in the classic version. We already talked about him at the beginning of the article, so we will not repeat ourselves. From the finished biscuit, also remove the hat and remove the crumb. It will be required for the filling.
  • Then make the cream. Beat the butter and boiled condensed milk. Leave a little cream separately. You will need it on the sides of the cake.
  • Add the crumb and cherry to the resulting cream and stir well.
  • Now add the filling to the cake.
  • Close it with a lid on top, and apply the remnants of the cream on the sides.
  • Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour the cake for them, and put a couple of cocktail cherries on top. Or boil the glaze themselves.
  • After preparing the cake, let it brew for an hour and you can serve on the table.

Read also: "Tasty mastic for a cake at home: 7 best recipes, ideas, photos"

Cake "Drunk cherry": cut

Many are interested in what the Drunk Cherry Cake looks like. In the section, the finished dessert looks very interesting:

Cake in the section
Cake in the section

How to decorate the Drunk Cherry Cake: Recommendations

You can arrange a home cake "Drunk Cherry" as you like. It all depends only on your imagination. However, many confectioners recommend adhering to some unspoken canons. The most important of all of them is the decoration of the cake does not have to be carried out using chocolate and berries. There are several options:

  • Warm gelatin and cherry juice. Choose proportions according to the instructions on the package. You will get jelly. They cover the cake as well as glaze, and neatly put the berries inside the jarns. Lubricate the edges of the cake with cream and sprinkle with chocolate.
  • Pour the top completely glaze, and place the cherries not on the center, but at the edges.
  • A biscuit crumb can not be spent on the filling. Mix part with sour cream and sprinkle the cake on top. Also add berries.

In general, it is recommended to always use berries. They, as a business dessert card, are difficult to imagine without them.

Read also: "Delicious home cake is the most popular recipes"

How to cook the drunk cherry cake: tips

So that your home -made cake is even tastier and better, it is recommended to observe some tips:

  • It is worth adding a baking powder to the biscuit. Without it, baking will not rise so good and can be poorly saturated.
  • In most recipes, it is recommended to separate yolks with proteins. This is the only way to make an air biscuit. If you just mix everything at once, then nothing will come of it.
  • You can cook the cake from frozen berries, but fresh ones are much tastier and juicier.
  • If frozen berries are used, then excess water must be removed from them. To do this, defrost them and strain them.
  • It happens that the cream is liquid. Then thicken it with a gelatin. Do not overdo it, because the cream should soak the biscuit if it turns out to be too thick, then there will be no impregnation.
  • If the biscuit is difficult to cut and the knife sticks, soak it with hot water.
  • For convenience, the biscuit can be cut into two halves and then combined together.
  • To make the glaze more fragrant, add a drop of cognac to it.

Read also: "A delicious cake without baking in 15 minutes for a child, for tea for the whole family, for guests: step -by -step recipe"

Home cake "Drunk cherry": reviews

All the sweet tooth love the home cake "Drunk Cherry". He has an original taste, largely thanks to alcohol and cherry soaked in him. It is unlikely that you can find those who did not like this dessert, although he is an amateur.

Reviews 1
Reviews 1
Reviews 2
Reviews 2

Video: Cake drunk cherry - Emma's grandmother recipe

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