What is a mastic for a cake and how to make it with your own hands? How to sculpt from mastic figures for cakes?

What is a mastic for a cake and how to make it with your own hands? How to sculpt from mastic figures for cakes?

The mastic for modeling different figures for cakes today is very popular. We suggest you familiarize yourself with one very simple recipe and different figures as ideas for cakes.

The mastic in cooking began to be used actively not very long ago, but very quickly became popular. Today, each cake or cake began to decorate with different figures. This mass allows you to create real masterpieces, and therefore it is not surprising that she fell in love with confectioners.

What is mastic and is it difficult to work with it?


Mastic is a very thick mass, like plasticine. But you can still eat it. It is also important to note that mastic of different types.

The most famous at the moment are:

  • Honey. This is the softest mass of all and it is convenient to sculpt from it
  • Gelatin. Differs with quick solidification and hardening
  • Dairy. It is used more often than the rest due to cheapness. Its main component is a condensed milk. It can be used both the main coating for cakes and for sculpting small figures
  • Marcipan. Usually she is covered with cakes. Figures from it cannot be obtained, because the mass is very soft
  • Universal. This type is sold in confectionery shops. It is used both for modeling and for coating. It does not even differ from the one that can be prepared independently
  • Flower. From this mastic, excellent jewelry is obtained, and especially small details

Each of the presented mastics is good in its own way, but in order to choose the most suitable for yourself, each of them should try and learn to work with it.

Sugar mastic for modeling figures at home: description, recipe step by step

Sugar mastic
Sugar mastic

It is very easy to make home mastic and offer you one of the simplest recipes:

The composition of the mastic
The composition of the mastic

Cooking method:

  • Take a wide bowl and sank sugar into it and pour dry milk. Mix the components and add the condensed milk.
  • Then we interfere with the future mastic as an ordinary dough. While you interfere, gradually add lemon juice, cognac and dye. As a result, you will get a pleasant thick mass that will be pleasant to be felt in your hands and you can sculpt good figures from it.

Mastic has a huge advantage, because it allows you to create beautiful figures of any size. In particular, it can be useful when you want to decorate the cake or cakes for the holiday.

How to blind the peanut of their mastic: step -by -step instructions

Cool from mastic
Cool from mastic

To create a peanut, it is better to make bodily mastic. This is done by adding the appropriate dye in preparation.

Stage 1. Roll the oval in appearance, like an egg. It is required for the body. Take a toothpick and make a hole for the navel slightly below the center.

Stage 2. We make a head. We ride a small ball. At the same time, the amount of mastic is less than for the body. You need to insert a toothpick into the body, on which the head will hold on.

  • Make holes under the eyes in the head. Blind a small nose. It should be flattened in the amount of 4-5 mm. This will be enough
  • We also draw a mouth and dimples from a smile with a toothpick
  • Make two small balls for your ears. Roll them and do a couple of dents in the center.

Stage 3. Now fix your head on the body, putting it on a toothpick.

Stage 4. We start modeling the pens. It is enough for the hands to take very little mastic and first roll sausages. Draw your fingers with a toothpick from one end.

Stage 5. Attach your arms to the body. If the parts are poorly glued, then draw at the junctions with a brush. Pre -moisten it with water.

In addition, the baby can be made in the pens some toy, flowers and other jewelry.

How to make a small mouse from mastic: step -by -step instructions

The mouse will require yellow, green, white and pink. The mouth and eyes are best made from black beads, edible, of course. If there is no black, then the dark blue is suitable.

Mouse from mastic
Mouse from mastic

In addition, you will need such tools as: toothpick, stack, shape for the base and knife.

Stage 1. First we make the base. To do this, take a green mass and roll it in a pancake of 3 mm. You can make a circle with a glass or glass.

Stage 2. We make a gift. For this, yellow mastic is used. It is most convenient to roll the ball and then redo it in a square.


Next, roll out pink mastic to 1-2 mm. Cut with a knife on several strips. These will be a gift for a gift. Another of them will need to be knitted a bow.

From what remains, make peas with a mold. In diameter, they should not exceed 1-1.5 mm. Fix them with a stack or toothpick.

Stage 3. We make a mouse. For Taurus, we use white mastic. The body is made in the form of a drop. Designate the strips for the fingers with a toothpick.

  • Now place the toothpick on both sides. Halfs are suitable for the legs, because they are small. We fasten the body and legs so that one is like a base, and the other is in the air.
  • We skate a ball onto the head and do a small recess below the center. Then we also cut out the mouth and eyes. Insert black beads and make a nose from pink mastic.
  • After that, take two more small pieces and sculpt the ears. First we roll balls, and then we make recesses in them. Squeeze them well and remove the lower part. Now fix them on your head.
We make a head
We make a head
  • The head is ready and now place it on the body. Again, we use a toothpick to connect.
  • We make the upper legs as the lower, but only a little smaller. For the tail, roll a thin sausage, but it should refine to one edge.

Stage 4. Flower. The stalk for the flower will be green. Its value is slightly larger than the mouse.

  • We make the bud pink. If you do not want to mess with an independent creation, you can use beautiful molds for petals and then create a flower.
  • Stack on the petals make recesses, and use the yellow piece for the middle. Now fasten all together and make a small green leaf.

How to blind a lion cub from mastic: step -by -step instructions

Lion City
Lion City

For a lion cub you will need the mastic of yellow, white, brown and black.

Stage 1. Make a ball for the head, and the body will be a stronghold.

  • You also need to make white inserts for the body. They are also made like droplets.
Head and body
Head and body
  • Make a mouth from white mastic and distribute the mastic with a glass for the best view.
  • It remains to make the eyes and fashion rounds near the mouth.

Stage 2. The paws will be two -color - white and yellow. Yellow is basic, and white is used for fingers. Do not forget to share your fingers.

  • Insert the white large parts into the recesses for the eyes, and then a little smaller. At the end, we put black eyes. We make the nose brown in the form of a triangle.
We draw up a lion
We draw up a lion
  • In conclusion, blind the ears in the form of flattened circles, and there is still not enough tail. It is made in the form of a sausage, and on the tip there will be a brown brown brush.

Stage 3. The mane will also be brown. You need to do it with petals and then fix them around the head.

  • If you have not ended the white mastic, then spend it on the pebbles for the lion. It turns out that he is sitting on them. And from green you can make grass.

How to blind a panda from mastic: step -by -step instructions

Panda is made of white and black mastic, you will not need any more colors.

Panda from mastic
Panda from mastic

Stage 1. Blind a small ball - it will be a head. We make slots under the eyes in it and then roll black balls for them. If necessary, the recesses can be expanded by stack. They must be completely closed.

We make a head
We make a head
  • It remains to finish your nose - rummage it too from black mastic and make a couple of holes.

Stage 2. From small pieces, roll eyes and ears.

  • The body has two parts. The first is made of white and round workpiece, and the second is elongated and black. Breakment is carried out toothpicks.
Eyes and ears
Eyes and ears

Stage 3. Paws are made in the form of droplets from black mastic. You can also make pillows on them, but already white.

How to blind a plane from mastic: step -by -step instructions

Aircraft from mastic
Aircraft from mastic

To make an airplane, you need to cook blue and white mastic. Do not forget about additional tools.

Stage 1. Blind the white body of the aircraft, it turns out a little like a trapezoid. From the blue mastic, sculpt the front glass and attach it in front.

Stage 2. Now we make wings. To do this, take a couple of balls, roll them out or open them. Make wings in the form of triangles. We make the tail a little thinner and also like a trapezoid.

Stage 3. Now make strips of blue for all parts of the aircraft.

Stage 4. Then we sculpt black and white eyes. The mouth can be drawn with a toothpick or stack.

How to use mastic for modeling: Useful tips

Sometimes it happens that even if the instructions are observed, not everything comes out as it should. Each craftswoman has some secrets to make modeling more effective:

  • In some situations, it is very difficult to make a full coating for the cake with mastic so that it is neat. Folders appear on the sides that can ruin all the work. You can solve the problem if you roll it out so that you get a small stock.
  • After that, the mastic is laid out on the cake and its weight makes you go correctly.
  • Black dye is considered very rare. To correct the situation, you can take three colors- blue, yellow and red. They are mixed in a proportion of 2: 1: 1. You can also try to add blue dye to brown paint.

To obtain a shiny mastic, lubricate the surface with vodka with honey. Both components are added in one quantity. The surface obtained by the liquid is lubricated and after drying it is shine.

Video: Figures from mastic for a cake. How to blind an owl?

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