Carrot cake: the most delicious and simple step -by -step recipe. Preparation of carrot cake with custard, made of sour cream, with condensed milk, cream at home. Which cream is better suitable for carrot cake? How to decorate cakes on carrot biscuit?

Carrot cake: the most delicious and simple step -by -step recipe. Preparation of carrot cake with custard, made of sour cream, with condensed milk, cream at home. Which cream is better suitable for carrot cake? How to decorate cakes on carrot biscuit?

In this article you will find methods and recipes for making a delicious carrot cake at home and from simple ingredients.

Classic carrot cake: recipe with cream-chiz step by step

A real carrot cake is able to surprise with its taste any, even the most sophisticated gourmet. Unfortunately, not every housewife bakes carrot cakes, and the dessert itself is not very popular.

Nevertheless, the methods of preparing carrot desserts are increasingly spreading among modern hostesses and conquer the love of sweet tooths.

Surprise your loved ones and you, having truly prepared a real confectionery delicacy from those products that are so accessible and are always available in stores.

The carrot is perfect for a solemn occasion and just to call guests for tea. Yes, the taste of the cake is specific, but that is attractive, unforgettable and unique. The main thing is to correctly balance the taste, creams, impregnations and other ingredients (nuts, centers, fruits and berries).

Important: the carrot is a very satisfying cake, it has a thin sweetish aroma, and at first glance the cake pulp seems wet and juicy at first glance. The advantage of the dessert is that you can choose absolutely any cream that you only know how to cook or know.

Prepare for cooking cakes:

  • Eggs -3-4 pcs. (the larger the eggs, the less they are required)
  • Carrot -200-220 gr. (very finely wiped)
  • Sugar (better brown) -180-220 gr. (The desired sweetness must be determined independently by preferences).
  • Supreme varieties flour - 200 gr. (It may take another +10-20 g).
  • Oil- 150 ml. (Any vegetable, best - sunflower).
  • Confectionery baking powder- small packaging (no more than 6 g.)
  • Nuts-140-160 gr. (any that you can find)
  • Cinnamon (powder)- A couple of a pinch

The composition of the most tender cream:

  • Cheese -200 gr. (Any creamy or cottage cheese, you can also finely grind fresh fat cottage cheese).
  • Fat cream -140-160 ml. (any, but more than 30%)
  • Sugar (powder) -up to 100 gr. Approximately (sweetness, like cakes, must be adjusted independently).

How to bake:

  • Prepare a mixer and coffee grinder
  • Divide the eggs into the protein and, whipping it, add a pinch of salt so that the foam is magnificent.
  • Only after the mass becomes elastic, pour the yolk (this is the secret of lush and soft biscuit).
  • Grind the entire portion of nuts in a coffee grinder, a very small baby should turn out.
  • Add this baby to the egg mass and mix. At the same stage, you should add carrots.
  • Gradually add the rest of the ingredients on the list (the flour is thoroughly sore).
  • The dough will turn out to be very viscous and even a little “sticky”. Move the mass into a well -lubricated dispensable, or silicone form (others are covered with parchment).
  • One large cake is not at high temperatures (ideal - 180 degrees). Time - 40 minutes.

Tip: be sure to cool the cake, cutting it with a thread for 2 or 3 pcs. While the pulp of cakes inside cools, prepare the cream.

How to make a cream:

  • Prepare 2 containers
  • In one, whip the cream thoroughly so that they thicken (without sugar).
  • In another - cheese cream and powdered sugar (if you have sugar, grind it into the powder in advance, otherwise the cream will unpleasant “crunch” on the teeth).
  • Mix two parts of the cream and whisk carefully the last time
  • You can proceed to the formation of dessert
Delicious carrot cake
Delicious carrot cake

Tasty carrot cake with condensed milk: the easiest home recipe

Even condensed milk, ordinary or boiled, can be an excellent filling and impregnation of carrot cakes. Such a “home” dessert will delight everyone on any holiday and a weekday.

What to prepare:

  • Eggs -3-4 (of which only 2 proteins)
  • Carrot -2 pcs. medium size (finely grate, do not push the juice).
  • Baking powder -1 bag
  • Flour -1 stack. (sift well)
  • Sugar -100-150 gr. (Focus on the sweetness that you like).
  • Butter -1 pack. (in 200 g, mandatory fat content 82%).
  • Cinnamonadd as desired

How to cook cream:

  • Oil -150-200 gr. (also high fat content - 82%)
  • Boiled condensed milk -1 bank

Important: everything is thoroughly whipped with a blender until a homogeneous mass.

How to make a cake:

  • For the splendor of the biscuit, beat the proteins well and gradually add all the ingredients one at a time: yolks, flour, baking powder, sugar.
  • Rub the carrots on the smallest grater and add to the dough with the juice.
  • If the dough is liquid, you can add a little more flour.
  • Bake one large cake for 35-45 minutes at medium temperatures.
  • Then let him cool at least half an hour
  • You can cut a large cake with a thick knife or thread.
  • Smooth the mixed and whipped cream already on cooled cakes.

Carrot cake with nuts from Andy Chef: Recipe

This cake is not in vain called “ideal”, because its recipe is particularly ease of cooking, and the dessert itself is ideal and balanced.

Cooking biscuit:

  • Flour -exactly 340 gr. (necessarily the highest grade and only sifted).
  • Cinnamon powder -5 g (approximately 1.5 tsp)
  • Nutmeg -2-3 g. (No more than 1 tsp)

Important: mix thoroughly with a spoon all these dry ingredients in a bowl.


  • Vegetable oil -240-250 gr. (sunflower, without smell).
  • Brown sugar -190-200 gr. (reed)
  • White sugar -190-200 gr. (ordinary)

IMPORTANT: Beating is important with a mixer or blender for at least 2 minutes.


  • In the whipped sugar mass, gradually add eggs (only 4 pcs).
  • Mix until the mass becomes homogeneous and add dry ingredients (spices, flour and 1 bag of baking powder).

Important: with finely grated carrots you will need exactly 275 gr. It is important that it is "wet." This is the secret of the “wet” and “juicy” biscuit. Lubricate cakes with a classic cream-chip based on cream cheese, powdered sugar (trying, balancing tastes).

The secret of this carrot from Andy Chief is that caramelized nuts are added to the biscuit. Fry any nut, and then languish with sugar in a stewpan. Let cool and add to the dough.

How to bake:

  • Pour the dough into a greased shape
  • Bake 40 minutes on 170-180 (do not do high temperature)
  • After baking the cakes, cool
  • While they cool down, beat the cream-chiz
  • Cut the cake into thin slides and spread the cream-chiz

Important: decorate with salty caramelized nuts, popcorn or mastic.

Method of preparation from Andy Chef
Method of preparation from Andy Chef

Carrot cake from Starbax: delicious recipe

This cake is unique in its own way, as it has a unique taste. Such a cake is prepared on the Network of the Starbax cafe.

What will you need:

  • Flour -400-450 gr. (See twice)
  • Brown sugar (ideally) - 200 gr. (everyone regulates the sweetness himself)
  • White sugar - 200 gr. (you can less if you want to bake not a sweet cake)
  • Sunflower oil without smell - 280 ml.
  • Eggs - 4 things. (large)
  • Spicy spices-cinnamon, cloves, muskat (1-2 pinch, tastes)
  • Vanillin- 1 bag or natural pod (1 pc.)
  • Grated carrot is very shallow- 300 gr. ("Wet")
  • Frying walnut- 1 stack. (can be caramelized)
  • Raisins are sweet- 100 gr. (steam and squeeze water)

Important: all ingredients are mixed gradually. First dry, then oil and eggs are added. Mix everything very importantly for a homogeneous state.

Add raisins and nuts to the dough, bake 40-45 minutes at 165-175 degrees. Take the carrot from the oven and let it cool, and then cut it into 2 or 3 plates.

The cream for the cake is classic based on the cheese "Mascarpone", which is mixed with powdered sugar. The cakes will be juicy due to carrots and therefore the cream can be oily and dense. You can decorate the cake with nuts and raisins.

Dessert: carrot cake
Dessert: carrot cake

Carrot cake with sour cream: Recipe

Important: bake cakes according to a classic recipe for flour, carrots, eggs, sugar and oils (read in detail higher).

You can replace the cream-chiz with a classic sour cream. It will be a slurry than the classic cheese of Mascarpone, but no less tasty. Choose a fat homemade sour cream for the cream.

How much is required:

  • Sour cream -500 ml.
  • Sugar powder -1-1.5 stack.

Important: beat everything to a dense state. Lubricate cream cream. Decorate the dessert whipped cream.

Unique carrot cake
Unique carrot cake

Carrot cake from Julia Vysotskaya: Recipe with photo

A very tasty recipe for a simple and affordable cake from ordinary ingredients.

To cake:

  • Eggs -5 pieces. (or 4, if they are large)
  • Oil (ordinary vegetable, no smell) -220 ml.
  • Flour -350-360 gr. (must be sifted)
  • Carrot -350-400 gr. grated pulp with juice
  • Brown sugar -300-400 gr. (for your preference)
  • Butter (more than 80%) -1 pack (cream)
  • The zest of one non -large orange
  • Cinnamon -a few pinch
  • Baking powder -1 bag (no more than 2 tsp)
  • Mascarpone -300 gr. (or any cream cream)
  • Homemade cheese, fresh and duffed through a sieve -200 gr.
  • Sugar powder -1-1.5 stack. (sweetness by preference)

How to make a cake:

  • Mix dry ingredients
  • Add vegetable oil and beat evenly, add the eggs gradually, 1 pc.
  • Then add carrots with all juice and spice, zest.
  • Bake cake for 45 minutes for 180-190 degrees. (Do not remove another 10 minutes from the oven, then cool).

Important: grind the cream in a blender with cottage cheese and powder. Add soft butter. Decorate and lubricate the cake.

Carrot cakes
Carrot cakes

Tasty carrot cake in a slow cooker: recipe

The slow cooker will help to bake the cake quickly and the dessert will also turn out very tasty.


  • Eggs -3-4 (2 proteins and 4 yolks)
  • Carrot -2 pcs. medium size (with juice)
  • Baking powder -1 bag
  • Flour -1 stack. (sift well)
  • Sugar -100-150 gr. (focus on the sweetness that you like)
  • Vegetable oil -200 ml.
  • Cinnamonadd as desired


  • For the cream, you can mix 500 ml. fat sour cream
  • Add 1 stack. sugar powder
  • Mix 100 gr. butter 82% fat

Important: Decorate the dessert with raisins and nuts.

With raisins and nuts
With raisins and nuts

Dietary carrot cake: recipe for PP

With this dessert you will not recover and you can always enjoy a delicious treat.

What to prepare:

  • Homemade cottage cheese -200-220 gr. (can be replaced with store).
  • Carrot -3-4 pcs. (not very large)
  • Coconut chips - 1 large pack
  • Nuts -100-120 gr. (any)
  • Natural honey -3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Orange or lemon - 1.5 tsp.
  • Eggs -3-4 pcs. (depends on how large they are)
  • Bananas -1-2 pcs. (sweet and ripe)
  • Dates -10-15 pcs.
  • Raises. oil -5-6 tbsp. l.
  • "Hercules" flakes - 1 cup. (you can muesli)
  • A pair of cinnamon


  • Grind the banana with a blender, beat with an egg, butter and add sugar.
  • Finely chop the dates and add to the blender, continue to grind.
  • Pour cereal and cinnamon
  • Then add finely grated carrots and coconut chips
  • If desired, you can also pour crushed nuts
  • Pour the dough into a lubricated shape and bake for 40-45 minutes (the degree of the oven no more than 160).
  • Pour the baked and cooled cake with honey, decorate with coconut.

Ideas for decorating carrot cake: Dessert decor at home

Ideas for decorating the cake can be completely different and everything depends only on how much your imagination is enough. See examples of work further in the photo.

Carrot cake:

Decoration with caramelized carrots
Decoration with caramelized carrots
Fresh strawberries for decor
Fresh strawberries for decor
Rosemary and Kumvat
Rosemary and Kumvat
Cream, nuts
Cream, nuts
Home decoration
Home decoration
Cream carrots
Cream carrots
Kumkvat and blue, rosemary
Kumkvat and blue, rosemary
Jelly roses
Jelly roses
Fresh orange and slices of mandarin
Fresh orange and slices of mandarin

Video: "Perfect carrot"

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