Marcipan recipe, marzipan cookies at home: step -by -step instructions. How to decorate the cake by marzipan: ideas

Marcipan recipe, marzipan cookies at home: step -by -step instructions. How to decorate the cake by marzipan: ideas

Today we want to talk more about interesting sweets, no less tasty and even useful - marzipan. From this article you will learn not only about how to prepare such a treat, but also about how they can decorate cakes and cakes.

Are there many sweeties among us? It is safe to assume that there are a lot. And for the sake of justice, it must be said that it is difficult not to love sweets when there is its diversity around us. Cakes, sweets, cakes, cookies, how can you stay here?

What can be done from marzipan?

First, let's figure out what is marzipan.

Marcipan is usually called a mass prepared from almond flour (ground almonds) and sugar syrup. That is, it is simply a marzipan is a confectionery from almond dough.

Such sweetness is distinguished by a very unusual almond taste, the most delicate consistency and a pleasant aftertaste. What can be done from marzipan?

And you can make a huge amount of goodies to the most different taste:

  • Marcipan cookies
  • Marzipan muffins, muffins and cakes
  • Marcipan galet
  • Croissants
  • Coverage for the cake
  • Figures for cake and cakes

As you can see, taking the marzipan dough as a basis, you can make a huge number of different sweets. Below we will tell you how to cook some of them.

How to make a marzipan mass at home?

  • Of course, today there is no such product that could not be bought in the store.
  • However, sometimes I want to cook something with your own hands, because it turns out much tastier and in most cases more economical.
  • The marzipan mass is no exception, it can be purchased already in the finished form, but we recommend that you try to make it at home at least once, because with our recipe you will definitely succeed.

So, initially prepare the following ingredients:

  • Sweet almonds - 550 g
  • Tensor Gorky - 17 pcs.
  • Fruit sugar - 220 g
  • Sugar powder - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.

Now proceed to cooking a delicious marzipan mass:

  • Initially, you need to do nuts. We put them in a deep plate and pour them with steep boiling water. This is necessary so that their skin can easily remove from nuts.
  • After 3-5 minutes. remove the peel from the nuts.
  • Now transfer all the nuts to the baking sheet and send it to the oven. This is necessary in order to dry the almonds. We do this at a temperature of 140-150 degrees without closing the oven door. How much this process will take time depends on your oven and the size of the nuts.

We need to ensure that the nuts acquire a light golden color . At the same time, it is important not to overexpose them, because from burnt and too fried nuclei there will not work.

  • Further almonds are needed grind. This can be done in a coffee grinder or in a blender. You should get a powder mass without pieces of nuts.
  • Fruit sugar is also chopped in a way comfortable for you.
  • Now combine the nut and sugar, mix.
  • Add water to the mass. This is best done using a spraying device - spray gunsince this is how the liquid is distributed evenly.
  • Next, we put the whole mass into a container with a thick bottom and smear on the lowest heat for about 5 minutes. Stiring it periodically. If you use a pan with a thin bottom, the mass may be burned.
  • Now we put the resulting mass on a clean table or wooden plank and start knead Our dough. To do this, add a little sugar powder to the mass.
  • As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, she's ready.

Marzipan from peanuts, marzipan cookies: recipe at home

Traditionally, Marcipan is preparing from almonds, but such a nut is not always available, since it is not cheap, so sometimes it is replaced by a cheaper option - peanuts. Of course, it will not be right to say that the taste of sweets will not suffer from this, however, for a variety you can try.

So, to cook marzipan from peanuts, you will need:

  • Peanuts - 2.5 cups
  • Sugar powder - 1.5 cups
  • Arachic paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water
  • Pour the peanuts with boiling water to clean from the husk, then rinse with cold water.
  • Next, dry the nuts in a pan or in the oven. Please note that peanuts need exactly dry, not fry.
  • Now you need nuts grindAs smaller as possible. Use for this a coffee grinder or a blender.
  • You can buy a finished sugar powder, and if you don’t have one, make it yourself from ordinary sugar. To do this, take it and grind it, like nuts.
  • Connect nut and sugar mass. Mix.
  • From the spray gun, add a little water to it. Determine the amount of water independently, since it will depend on the grinding of peanuts, powder, etc. You do not need much water, so much to slightly moisten the dry mixture. Mix the ingredients again.
  • Add arachy paste to the resulting mass, knead the dough.
  • The dough should turn out to be homogeneous. If you can’t knead the dough, it breaks up, add a little more arachisian pasta Or stir water again.
  • Now form from marzipan ball dough and roll it to a thickness of about 2-3 cm.
  • Take cookies for cookies and with their help do beautiful figures or form neat small from the dough balls, sticks.

We also present to your attention the recipe for aromatic marzipan cookies, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

For the test:

  • Wheat flour - 370 g
  • Sugar - 320 g
  • Egg protein - 1 pc.
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 190 g
  • Lemon zest - 1.5 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • Almonds - 300 g
  • Sugar powder - 300 g
  • Kurin egg - 1 pc.

We proceed to the preparation of goodies:

  • Put in the container butter. Remove it in advance from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature so that it softens, it will be more pleasant and easier to work with it. To prepare such cookies, it is best to use high -quality butter, and not its substitutes. But if suddenly the oil is not at hand, replace it with high -quality margarine.
  • Pour sugar and any flavorings that you like here.
  • Mix thoroughly the mass is uniform.
  • Now send the indicated amount of egg proteins, yolks and the zest of lemon to the resulting mass, which, by the way, can be replaced by orange. Stir again.
  • Next, you need to add flour to the container. It is preliminarily see you And preferably several times. Such a procedure will remove all lumps from the flour and enrich it with oxygen. We knead the dough, tightly wrap it in a food film or bag and put in the cold for an hour.
  • In the meantime, we will deal with fillingwhich actually will be the highlight of the cookie.
  • Pour the nuts with boiling water, free from the husk and wash.
  • We dry almond Paper towels, slightly dried in a dry pan and immediately send to grind. We need to get the most homogeneous mass, almost flour from nuts, so for such purposes a coffee grinder is best suited.
  • We connect all the ingredients for the filling in a deep plate and knead the dense, but supple and elastic dough.

Now we proceed to the formation of marzipan cookies:

  • From the usual test we form balloons The size is about how walnut or large plum.
  • From marzipan we form balls half as much.
  • In each ball of simple dough we make a small recess, place it in it the fragrant ball of Marcipan and pinch the dough so that in the end you get one a flat and neat ball.
  • The balls can be left as they turned out or give them any other form.
  • Now we cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, put our cookies on it and put in an oven for about half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • If desired, such cookies can decorate with almond chips, powdered sugar or any other decoration.

How to paint a marzipan at home?

As you know, marcipan They call a delicious dough that is prepared from nuts and sugar. Nuts can be used different, however, the classic recipe involves the use of almonds. You can, if desired, can replace this nut with other, more affordable, for example, peanuts and even walnuts.

Since there is no color ingredient in the test, marzipan dough is originally white, grayish. And in order to get colored dough, it will need to be painted. You can do this in 2 simplest ways.

Way to paint marzipan # 1

  • Prepare marcipan dough. By the way, such a dough, if necessary, can be bought in a finished form. On sale it is in large confectionery stores.
  • Take the amount of dough that you immediately use, do not paint all the dough at once.
  • Leave it to lie down at room temperature for about 40 minutes. This is necessary in order to make the dough heated, it became soft and supple. Otherwise, you simply can’t knead it properly.
  • After the mass is suitable for work, open it and put it aside. At this stage, you need to work with the test quickly, since it can dry out and then it will have to again mash and add water to it or corn syrup.
  • Now decide on the dye. Give preference to pasty dyes, and not liquid, since the latter can make a mass with liquid and sticky, and in this state you cannot work with it.
  • Put on confectionery gloves or any others to protect your hands from paint. Apply dye On a clean and dry stick, for example, a toothpick, and then place it on the mass from the wand.
  • Thoroughly open a piece of dough with your hands so that the entire paint is distributed evenly on it.

Method number 2

  • Take a piece of marzipan dough, open it and immediately blind From it what you need.
  • If you want to cover the cake by the marzipan mass, apply it in an unpainted form, and then leave the product for a while so that the surface is dried. So it will be more convenient for you to apply the dye.
  • Now we go to the choice of dyes. In this case, it is better to use dye in powder, Which before starting work should be diluted with water. Do this manipulation and, having received the desired color and consistency, proceed to painting the product.
  • In this case, it is most convenient to paint products with an ordinary artistic brush.
  • Please note that marzipan dough can be stained not only with chemical dyes, but also by natural ones.
With dyes
With dyes

To obtain orange color, use carrot juice, red - lingonberry, cherry, beetroot, purple - silk juice, blueberries, green - spinach juice, brown - cocoa. However, remember that these ingredients give the dough not only color, but also taste.

How to cover the cake by marzipan, decorate the cake: ideas

  • Cover the cake by marzipan It is not difficult, since it is quite supple and elastic. Moreover, Marcipan has a huge advantage - it has a pleasant nut taste, and not just the taste of sugar, as, for example, in mastic.
  • You can cover them with cakes under different fillings, for example, for sugar lipstick, under the royal glaze. If desired, marzipan can be left not covered with anything.

So, before telling the technology of cake marzipan cake, we will tell you a quick and simple recipe for the latter.

  • Raw almonds - 950 g
  • Sugar powder - 500 g
  • Juice 1 lemon
  • Water - 150 ml

We will prepare the marzipan dough like this:

  • Pour the nuts with boiling water for several minutes. After cleaned the skin and wash in cold water. Such a procedure will not only cleanse almonds, but also retain its color.
  • Now dry the nuts with paper towels and send it to a preheated dry and clean pan.
  • Dry the almonds Within a few min., But do not allow him to be fried.
  • Grind dry nuts in flour.
  • Now connect the nut mass with 150 g of powder, stir.
  • In a separate container, connect all the remaining ingredients, cook them over low heat until the mass boils. After boiling the mass, do not interfere with it in any case, just sway the container. Ready syrup should have a light color, do not bring it to caramelization.
  • Send the resulting syrup to a previously prepared dry mass, stir thoroughly.
  • After that, knead the resulting dough until it becomes homogeneous.
  • Now wrap the marzipan in the food film and leave at room temperature for 15 minutes., Then you can transfer to the refrigerator.

The marzipan mass prepared according to this recipe is perfect for covering the cake and making jewelry for it.

So, now let's figure out how to cover such a mass cake:

  • We’ll say right away that the cake you will cover almond tests, should stand. That is, it is not necessary to cover the product with marzipan, while it is still hot, not soaked.
  • How smooth the surface of the cake will depend on how the marzipan will lie.
  • Therefore, the surface of the cake is slightly aligned with an ordinary kitchen rock and a little sprinkle with powder.
  • Take a fairly large piece of marzipan dough and give it a form shara. After using a rolling pin, roll it into a large round layer of dough with a thickness of about 5 mm. Please note that the dough layer should be much larger than the cake, since we need to cover the whole product and do it carefully and beautifully.
  • Using a rolling pin, transfer the dough to the cake. To do this, wrap the dough layer around the rolling pin.
  • Place the dough so that it is enough to cover the entire product.
On the cake
On the cake
  • Now gently smoothed the surface of Marcipan. You need to do this from the middle to the edges. If necessary, raise the edges of the dough so that they do not break. You can smooth the surface with a rolling pin, dry, clean hand, special confectionery blades and spatulas.
  • It is impossible to pull on the marzipan dough when leveling, since it can break.
  • When the top of the cake is covered with marzipan and leveled, proceed to the sides. Also, using inventory, smooth the dough on the sides of the cake, while removing extra pieces. They can simply be trimmed with a sharp knife.
  • After that, just “stir up” the cake from all sides clean and dry hands, so that he becomes yet smooth and neat.
  • If you want to cover the marzipan dough with something, first leave the cake for 1.5-2 hours. In a warm, but necessarily a dry place.
  • Do not worry if the first time you can’t perfectly cover the cake, because everything comes with experience.

Also, all kinds of figures can be made from marzipan. There are many ideas for decorating a cake: there are many:

  • If you are a novice confectioner, try to do the most simple figures, gradually improving their skill.
  • For a love theme, you can make from marzipan tests hearts, sponges.
  • To decorate the children's cake, you can fly out the characters of the cartoons.
From the cartoon
From the cartoon
  • For marine topics, you can cover the cake marzipan blue or blue and decorate it with figures sea \u200b\u200bstars, shells, anchor etc.
  • If you make a cake for some event, like a birthday, wedding, christening, use thematic attributes. For example, do it from marzipan dough the name of the child, couples, make numbers, a cross, an angel’s figure or just wings, etc.
At birth
At birth

A decorated cake in the form of numbers is very beautiful. We offer you to consider the ideas of creating a cake in the form of a digit 7, 8 and 9.

How to make letters out of marzipan?

From marzipan you can make completely different jewelry and figures. The letters from Marcipan are no exception, to make them quite simply even if you do not have special devices at hand.

  • You can make a marzipan according to any recipe that was described in this article, including according to the recipe made of peanuts. Prepare in advance marcipan dough, paint it in the desired color, if there is such a need and get to work.
  • So, make letters from marzipan can be using a special molden with an alphabet. Mold is a silicone form with recesses in the form of letters.
  • To make the letters using such a device, take a small piece of marzipan and compare it tightly in the form with the letter that you need. After placing Mold in the freezer for 15-30 minutes. Depending on the size of the letters. Next, take out the Mold and gently squeeze out all the marzipan beaks out of it, placing them immediately on a plate sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Tip: After you extract the letters from Mold, immediately attach them to the product, because when heated, they can lose shape.

  • You can also purchase cutting off the alphabet. With its help, making letters will be even easier, but they will not be so voluminous as in the manufacture of them in Mold. For this method, you need to roll out the marzipan dough into the layer, put a cut down on it with the desired letter and press it well on it. That's all, the letters are made like this with this confectionery.
Cutting down
Cutting down
  • If you do not have such devices, use the usual plastic ruler with alphabet. With its help, you need to make the letter by analogy with the confectionery cutting - apply to the dough and press.
  • Another option to make letters from marzipan, use paper, cardboard stencils of their own manufacture. Take a sheet of cardboard or paper, draw on it the letters that you need and carefully cut them out. Do not forget that you need to cut the letters at once the size that you need for the product. Attach a stencil on rolled marzipan dough and cut the letter along its contour. It is convenient to cut the letters a sharp knife or a new and clean office knife.

Templates of letters for decorating confectionery you can find here.

  • Also letters from marzipan can be sculpted. It is worth saying that it is not difficult, but even and beautiful letters will not work out the first time. In order to make them in this way, roll out the dough and start modeling. Do not forget that marzipan can dry out, so try to work quickly, and that part of the marzipan dough with which you do not work, be sure to wrap it in a package.

As you can see, marzipan is not only a delicious nutty, but also a great basis for creating other, no less original and delicious sweets. Also, with the help of such a treat, you can create a very cool decor for the cake and cakes.

Video: almond marzipan, recipe

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