Cream-chiz for a cake at home: six recipes for cooking

Cream-chiz for a cake at home: six recipes for cooking

Bake a cake is only half the battle, it still needs to be nourished with a delicious cream. In this article you will learn how to make Cream a cheese for a cake at home. Read what types of Cheese Cream are, and study all the subtleties of their preparation.

For any holiday, housewives prepare many delicious dishes so that the guests are satisfied with a welcoming trick. But, perhaps, the main decoration of the table is a cake. And the dessert should not only be able to bake, but also decorated beautifully. The cream cream-chiz for the cake was loved not only by confectioners, but also to the hostesses, because it is used as the basis for various creams.

It can be used for biscuit cakes, sand dough, baking, meringue prepared according to the recipe. The only thing you should know that the real Cream cheese is prepared from cottage cheese, and this product cannot be replaced with melted or other types of cheeses.

Cream-chiz for cake: Classic recipe

A great and tasty decoration of baking is a cream-chip for a cake. With the help of this delicacy, which children like to eat with spoons, you can align the cakes and not worry that such Cheese Cream will begin to melt at the most inopportune moment. At room temperature.

Thick Cream cheese
Thick Cream chiz

It is not difficult to cook a cream-chiz according to the classic recipe, it will be enough for you to devote a little time, only 10-15 minutes. It is only required to choose good quality ingredients. And yet, the fatter the oil, the better the cake.


  • Crute cream cheese - 295 g
  • Butter - 125 g
  • Sugar powder - 75 g

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the container, place slightly melted oil there, pour sugar powder, and all the cheese. First, open the products, then mix them with a mixer, beat them to get a homogeneous mass. Beat the products about 6-7 minutes.
  2. When you mix everything, let the products stand in a cold place, place the cream in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

To prevent the cheese cream from, transfer it to a special confectionery bag, close the top of the bag, so the cream will turn out perfect.

Classic recipe for cheese cream
Classic recipe for cream-chiz

IMPORTANT: Confectioners advise choosing oil for preparing a cake with a fat content of at least 82 percent.

When you decorate the cake, you can add vanillin, cinnamon, or citrus fruits in front of the process. The cooked cream can be stored in a cold place for some time, if the cake is not yet ready.

Cream-chiz for cake from cottage cheese, sour cream

Very tasty will turn out to be a cream-chiz for a cake, if in addition to cottage cheese, add sour cream. In order for the Cream chiz to be not liquid, buy products with a high fat content. True in supermarkets, it is difficult to find such, because home sour cream and cottage cheese that are sold on the market are ideal for cream-chiz.


  • Curd cheese-650-725 g
  • Sour cream - 125 g
  • Powder - 170 g
Cheese cream with sour cream
Chiz-cream with sour cream

Preparation of cream-chiz:

  1. Prepare two cuts of gauze. In one place cheese (cottage cheese), pour a thick sour cream (home) in the other. Be sure to make sure that the gauze is clean without any rollers, etc. Such a gauze is usually sold in a pharmacy.
  2. Carefully roll the products into gauze and hang the resulting bags so that moisture from the products to a bowl flows out.
  3. When the process is over, about an hour and a half, then take out the products.
  4. Put them in a deep container, pour sugar powder there. Beat for 5-7 minutes. It remains to let the mass in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, then can be applied to the cake.

The cream-chiz will turn out to be delicate, they can not only lubricate the cake or cookies, but also decorate the desserts. You can water with melted chocolate or lemon juice on top. It will turn out very tasty if you add a little vanilla to this cream.

Cream-chiz for the cake: chocolate cream with cream

It is not difficult to prepare a chocolate cream for a cake, but it is likely that a thick consistency will turn out to be heterogeneous. So that this does not work out at home, it should be prepared according to a specific recipe and buy products, as indicated below in the text. And also a little cunning, delicate ganash will turn out only if you use to prepare the cream, then in more detail.
Products for the preparation of chocolate cream-chiz:
  • Black chocolate - 185 g
  • Cream (33% fat) - 145 g
  • Butter - 245 g
  • Cream cheese - 525 g
  • Powder - 120 g
  • Cocoa - 55 g
Biscuit with cream
Biscuit with cream

Cooking Cream Chiz:

  1. First of all, melt the chocolate over low heat, then mix it with cream.
  2. Beat the powder with butter to get a white mass. Add the caco powder there.
  3. It remains to add cheese to the oil mixture with cocoa, mix well until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Mix ganash (chocolate cream) and the resulting product. Move to the refrigerator. There it is better for him to stand for about two hours.

The finished cream can be eaten even without a cake, it will go perfectly, like a separate dessert. After all, many people like chocolate yummy, without them it is difficult to imagine a festive event. And what a beautiful cake it turns out if it is decorated with such a cheese cream, even those who do not really love sweets will appreciate it.

Cream-cream for cake with cream

Probably not everyone knows about cream with cream, and not every housewife prepared such a dessert at home to decorate the cake and impregnate it. A delicious cream for a cake with cream will turn out to be very tender, suitable for a biscuit, a honeycock and other types of dough for a cake.

Curd cream cheese
Crute cream-chiz

Of course, Cream chiz with cream is a little more difficult to cook than a traditional dessert. Sometimes everything can be ruined in the process of whipping the product. It may turn out that the cream will not rise or, which is still undesirable, will become thick oil.

Ingredients for cheese creams:

  • Cream cheese - 425 g
  • Fat cream - 95 ml.
  • Powder - 45 g

Cooking process:

  1. Cool before mixing cheese and cream in the refrigerator. It is better that the products stood in a cold place for about 12 hours.
  2. Before starting to whisk the products, degrease with vodka a bowl, then put it in a cold place. So you can achieve the desired effect of whipping.
  3. Now move all the ingredients to a bowl and whisk them. And first, do this at a small speed, and then gradually switch to a large one.
  4. When the cream becomes thick, stop whisking it.

You will get an amazing result. The cream-chiz will be delicate and at the same time it will be possible to decorate pastries or fill eclairs. If you like additional additives, such as vanillin, cinnamon, citrus fruits, then you can add them to your Cream. Thanks to this, you will still have a cream not only with amazing taste, but also with a pleasant aroma.

Cream-chiz for a cake with condensed milk

Surely many people love condensed milk from childhood and sometimes do not deny themselves the pleasure of enjoy this sweetness. And which chees-cream checkers can not be conveyed with condensed milk. Thanks to the condensed milk, the cream-chiz for the cake will turn out not as thick as usual. By the way, a condensed milk for Cream can be chosen, both boiled, but then the cream will turn out to be thick and ordinary.

Ingredients for cheese creams:

  • Cottage cheese - 525 g
  • Condensed milk - 275 g
Cream for cake cheese with condensed milk
Cream for cake cheese with condensed milk


  1. Place all the cottage cheese in a bowl, add one tablespoon of condensed milk there. Beat this mass with a blender. When this portion is mixed, add one spoon again, and so all the time, until you add the entire jar of the product.
  2. When you get the result, you can give the mass to stand in the refrigerator before use.

Cream-chiz for cake: Recipe from Andy Chef

Andy Chef or Rudkov Andrei advises preparing a cream for a cake with cottage cheese and butter, and add a little vanilla for the aroma. This Crem likes not only children, but adults eat it with great pleasure if they decorate the cake or cupcakes. As a jewelry, you can use frozen fruits, they will be perfectly combined with the components of the CHAZ cream.

Ingredients for cream-chiz:

  • Cottage cheese - 345 g
  • Butter - 125 g (82.5% fat)
  • Sugar powder-125 g
  • Vanilla-2-3 g

Cooking method:

  1. Notice, before whipping the cream, you should give the cliff so that there are no side effects. Therefore, before cooking, give the clock a little to lie in the warmth.
  2. And the cheese, on the contrary, cool, place it in a cold place for four to five hours. Start the process of whipping from oil and sugar powder when these two components mix, then just start adding cottage cheese. This will need time, if you beat the cream with a blender, you will spend about 6-7 minutes.
Chiz cream Andy chef
Chiz-Crem Andy Chef

Before using the cream, place it in a confectionery cook, and put it in the refrigerator. There he will cool down and become the desired consistency.

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes for making cake cream for cakes. And you can improve them yourself. Do not be afraid to experiment, because the result is more and more new dishes. And only thanks to the courage and fantasies you will get praise not only from your loved ones, but also of other guests that are present at your holiday.

You can also see information here in articles on culinary topics:

Video: Cream-chiz for cake

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