Berestov’s poems for children are funny, for reading, presentation: best selection

Berestov’s poems for children are funny, for reading, presentation: best selection

A large collection of poems by Berestov for boys and girls of school and preschool age.

Berestov - Poems for Presentation

Berestov - Poems for Presentation
Berestov - Poems for Presentation

Berestov - Poems for the presentation:

Happy summer
Summer, summer came to us,
It became dry and warm
Right on the path
The legs walk barefoot.

Bees circle
Birds curl
And Marinka

I saw a rooster:
- That's the miracle! Ha ha ha!
Amazing rooster:
From above - feathers, from below - fluff!

I saw a pig
The girl smiles:
- Who runs from the chicken,
Does it screech throughout the street?
Instead of a tail hook,
Instead of a nose, a patch!
Piglet is holey,
And the hook is a swivel?

And Barbos, red dog,
He laughed her to tears.
He runs not for a cat
And behind your own tail.
A tricky tail curls
It is not given to the teeth.
The dog is dull.
Because he is tired.
The tail wags merrily:
“I didn’t get it! I didn't get it! "

The legs walk barefoot
Right on the path.
It became dry and warm.
Summer, summer came to us!


Farewell to a friend
He fled before my eyes.
I see him off in tears.
Yehu and I lived wonderful
They respected each other, were friends.

He allowed to touch the abdomen.
He licked milk from his hand.
He had a sweet face.
He did not like to prick and hacking.

But the door was left open
And he is running angry now.

Like a stranger, and he hisses and pricks.
I spent it to the outskirts.
And in the barbed grass he disappeared,
And the forest went to the dense.


Seryozha and nails
The whole house shakes:
Hits Seryozha with a hammer;
Redness with anger
Cutting nails.

The nails are bent,
The nails are crumbling,
Nails wriggle.
They are over Seryozha
Just mocking -
Do not drive into the wall.

It's good that the hands are intact.
No, a completely different matter -
Nails to score in the ground.
Tuk - and hats cannot be seen.
Do not bend, do not break,
They are taken back!


Album for drawing
And at ten, and at seven, and at five
All children love to draw.
And everyone will boldly draw
Everything that interests him.

Everything is of interest:
Distant space, near forest,
Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dances ...
We will draw everything! Would be paints
Yes, a sheet of paper on the table,
Yes, the world in the family and on Earth.

Valentin Berestov - Poems for Reading

Valentin Berestov - Poems for Reading
Valentin Berestov - Poems for Reading

Valentine Berestov - Poems for Reading:

As a child, I was friends with a giant.
We had fun alone.
He wandered through the forests and clearings.
I rushed skipping after him.

And he was a real man
With the consciousness of its own forces,
And the knife turned the penny,
And he wore long trousers.

We walked together all summer.
No one dared to touch me.
And I am a great for this
He sang all his father's songs.

Oh my noble and proud
Intercessor, giant and hero!
At that time you finished the fourth,
And I moved to the second.

The guys are equal to the growth
And they will be friends on a par.
I grew up. I finished the ninth
When you died in the war.


Father was called to the front.
And for such a reason
I have to live from now on
As a man should.

Mother always at work.
The apartment is empty.
But in a house for a man
There is always a thing.

Full of the water of the bucket.
The apartment is mixed.
It is easy to wash the dishes -
It has not a drop of fat on it.

With three cards, coupons
They cut me in a gastronom.
The breadwinner and the earner.
Man. The eldest is in the house.

I'm sincerely sure
What became his father to replace.
But in that distant life,
Blessed, pre -war,

Father was not engaged
Similar things.
Mother replaced dad.
I help my mother.


Puppet show
The theater travels
For children's matinee
The artists are in a hurry.
They have in suitcases
The artists are lying.

Happier than artists,
Probably not:
We play dolls
Until old age.
And there are no artists
More unhappy of us:
Nobody sees us
We are hidden from the eyes.

The hand of the artist
The hand turns
And in the kitten and in the puppy.
So that the hand becomes an artist,
Very, very little is needed:
Special gloves,
Mind, talent - and everything is in order!


I am the queen on the throne.
I am created for this role!
They sent a parcel
Me from the workshop
For this very role -
And no more!

Paper King
From paper cul
You can make a king.
I assure you, king
He will play a role well.


Soldates fingers
For each finger
We put on the boot.
Eight hands -
It is forty legs.
Twenty soldiers
Udaty regiment ...
Feel free to battle
Walking troops!

Tin soldiers
- Who is the sentry?
- I'm sentenced!
- Password? - A game!
- And the review? - The battle!
Soldiers from tin -
Desperate heads.
But, fortunately, a tin sword
He can't cut off your head!

Royal guard
Royal soldiers
Marching to dawn.
From all of mathematics
They only know: “One! Two! Three!"


Pull them by the threads -
What do you want will do.

Evil wizards
In a terrible dungeon
A terrible fun.
He boils, bubbles a potion.
We will sell it.
We will inflate anyone
We will enchant anyone.
Who do we want in whom
We will turn it forever!


To become bold
You need to become more fun.
To become more fun,
We need to become bold.


Hey, blond of the first row!
Didn't you recognize me at first sight?
Do you think this is a toy?
And I - parsley!
Is the nose long? But still in question,
Who will have anyone with his nose!
Does the cap on the back of the head loom?
Let's see who will be fooled!
Oster cap,
Even wider tongue.
Oh, and I laugh now at you,
Yes, so that you are bursting out yourself!


Karabas Barabas
Dads, moms, uncles, aunts
Each of you has.
Only orphans do not have them
By nickname Karabas.
The unfortunate orphan
Nicknamed Barabas
There is no protection, except for a whip.
Quiet, dolls! Here I am you!


Without you, my Malvina,
I am spent and burning.
And with you, oh, Malvina! -
I am dying with happiness.
Without you, my Malvina,
I am longing and suffering.
And with you - ah, Malvina! -
I completely disappear.


Poodle Artemon
Oh, how nice, ah, how nice
To sing with animals and poultry!
Ah, how nice - incredible! -
Poodle, poodle, podel to be!
Be calm, animals and birds
The poodle will not touch the mink and nests.
The poodle dances, the poodle frolic,
A bow is decorated with a bow with a bow.


Turtle tortil
Let it go forward, not knowing fear,
Following a beautiful dream
The one to whom the old woman
I gave a golden key.
Good and joyful heart
The right path will ever find.
If there is a key, then there is a door,
The door behind which is waiting for happiness.


I guys, tamer!
Do not want to tame?

Do not run away, spectators,
Do not jump from places!
Neither you nor the tamer
The scientist lion will not eat!


Hush, hush, my friends! For stargazer
There is nothing more terrible than getting out of the account!
The starship is completely tired. The stars counted everything.
In the palace, a commotion: there are not enough four!


The play is over. It is strange to see
As because of the screen, everything is in the lights,
Giant artists get up,
Holding the artists in their arms.

After the performance
The night came.
Tired dolls
Sleepy dusk lulled.
There were dolls on the canes
We were on the nails.
And they hang, poor thing,
Like a coat or cap
In the dark and in silence
They see the audience in a dream.

Valentina Berestov’s poems for extracurricular reading

Valentina Berestov’s poems for extracurricular reading
Valentina Berestov’s poems for extracurricular reading

Valentine Berestov’s poems for extracurricular reading:

School in the cold
Like iron, snow is grinding
And, like a violin, sings at the feet.
On the trees, hook, like fur.
In fences, hook, like moss.
And the smoke from the pipes rises
Sleeves of shaggy fur coats.
And - attention students! -
Factory bundles are buzzing.

Children go to school - prohibition ...
I despise the heat of housing.
There are no classes at school today,
But teachers are on duty,
Occupying students
Wandering eccentrics.

Amazing school in the cold:
Neither home nor cool work.
And the survey does not look like an interrogation,
And no one is waiting for the dictation.
What a cool magazine for us, what a diary!
No one is up to them now.

And the teacher on us
Looks just like children
And about your childhood, your story
She starts without venture
Then with a smile, or seriously.
How warm you are, school, in the cold!

And the director is not at all strict,
Sat like a guest at a tea table,
And, laughing, he is a whole lesson
I remembered my childhood ...
About the battle, about snow women ...
“Well, until tomorrow! The frost is weakened! "


Spring in the desert
Ah, spring, your spell
Our detachment is bewitched.
Turtles walk in pairs
And they thunder with boxes.
Tulip on a march
Not sands - a flowering meadow.
Susls, tuskanchiki
They dream about love aloud.
Hurricanes along with dust
The aromas are carried to us,
And the rams will pierce lilies,
And violets eat a camel.
But the blessing ends.
Great heat comes.
Bush of rolling
The basket is from itself.


The fish is building a house

Poem Rybka builds a house
In the depths of fluid waters
Fish Kolyushka lives.
This fish is building a house,
Builds a house at the bottom of the river.
The fish has no tools:
It wears with his nose, digs with his mouth.

Once! - a sip. Two! - Throw.
Rings the spine of sand,
The underwater blades are tearing,
Builds walls, ceiling.

Zevaka will appear a little -
Tearing into the fight of the cape:
Hey Zevaka, without looking back
Army in all the shoulder blades
Army in all the shoulder blades
From the construction site!

The house is ready! Great house!
The best house at the bottom of the river!
-Come on, dear mistress,
Pull into the new house,
Put eggs
On soft blades!
I don't go home.
I will watch the outside.
I will guard my children
From uninvited guests.
Hey guys, Buy-Bay! -
I download the water clean.
Let among fluid waters
A lot of priests live!


Wake -up
Mouse bat in a cave
He sleeps and does not lead.
Before going to bed, cleaning the feathers,
Small Sych - Flying Cat.
The gray wolf goes to bed ...
And it's time for you to get up!

We are in the forest at old stumps
They caught perches.
And in the Borovichka River
We fell on the hook.
We carry cages from the river,
Boroviki beat in them,
From the forest - Lukoshki,
Full fish!

There was nothing left
For a lazy one.
If you oversleep the dawn
Good luck for you!


The cloak is a heroic outfit.
What a blessing - in a cloak dressed,
With a spear, with a musket, with a crossbow,
With a sword or with a gun
Rack somewhere at random
So that the cloak fluttered at the same time,
Like a banner, Shumen and Krylat.

And daddy's cloak? By all signs
To the cloaks, poets naked,
He had nothing to do.
He might be bored and noisy
But his mother did not forget about him
And sewed buttons,
When he is crumpled and foul
In the corner on the clove hung.

But how gloriously he rustled,
When, rising to the heapon,
My dad and I walked and I'm a tin
He carefully kept with worms.
But on the shallows more than once
Opening a patterned inside,
In the carpet and in the tablecloth
He was transformed for us.


Children and flowers
How to draw a portrait of a child?
Once! - And the girl will run home,
And the boy will get tired of sitting.
But the artist, brush in paints,
Tells the kids fairy tales
And they do not touch their places.
How to draw a portrait of a flower?
He will not run away for sure
And the artist will not tear him.
Let the flower grow to itself, not wither,
Let him dance from the breeze,
Will wait for Bumblebee il Motylka
And in the sun, without blinking, it looks.

I was an artist once
I was an artist once,
At least to believe in it is difficult.
I bought without feeling the souls in them,
Brushes, paints and pencils.
A jar of water. Paper sheet.
I revive the paint with a wet brush,
And the strip lies on the sheet,
Separating heaven from the sea.
I painted striped tigers,
He painted hairy pirates.
Pipes without smoke, cannons without fire
I was not at that time.
The ships are smoking. Tanks shoot ...
Everything is cloudy, the druge of a bank in a bank.
I can't remember when
He splashed that water forever.

Birch bark - poems for preschool children

Berestov - Poems for preschool children
Birch bark - poems for preschool children

Berestov - poems for preschool children:

In the middle of the courtyard is a mountain.
There is a game on the mountain.
Run for an hour
Climb on the sand:
Clean, yellow and raw,
Do you want - Roy,
And you want - the system
If you want - bake dolls
Golden pies.


Open, fox, gate!
Get a fox, a card!
There is a picture on the postcard:
The tail of carrots and baton.
And it is written in the postcard:
"Collect your belongings
And get out of our forest!
With greetings, hare. "


Verbal counting
Well, in the direction of the pencil!
Not a skeleton. Not pens. No chalk.
Verbal counting! We are doing this business
Only by the power of mind and soul.
The numbers converge somewhere in the darkness,
And the eyes begin to glow
And only smart faces around
Because we count in the mind.


About the car
Here is the girl Marina.
And here is her car.

- On, car, a cup.
Eat, car, porridge.
Here's a bed for you
Sleep, car, sweet.

I'm cherishing the one
I don't conquer you.
So that you are not tired
So you don't catch a cold
So that she does not run in dust.
Sleep, car, do not go!

Suddenly the car fell ill:
She did not drink, did not eat
I didn't sit on the bench
I did not play, did not sleep,
It was gloomy.

Visited a sick bear,
He treated the "Bear" with candy.

Katya doll came
In a white clean robe.
Over a painful for an hour
Katya's eyes did not close.

The doctor knows everything in the world.
First -class doctor - Petya
(Petya finished the first grade),
And the doctor saved the car.

The doctor listened to the patient
Cargo, clockwork,
He shook his head and said:
- Why is the body sick?
He cannot live without cargo.
Because the motor is cold
That the motor needs air.
Tired of living idle -
And the car fell ill.
She does not need silence
She needs movements.

How can we save the patient?
Take the key - and get it!


Koshkin puppy
The cat had a reciprocal son -
Not a kitten, but a puppy,
Very cute, very modest,
Very affectionate son.

Without water and without wet
The cat washed his son;
Instead of a sponge, instead of soap
The tongue of the son of soap.

The tongue is quickly licking
Neck, back and barrel.
A cat-mother is an animal
Very clean.

But grew up
The son is reception,
And now he is a dog

Poor Mom cannot do
Wash the shaggy verzil.
On the huge sides
There is not enough language.

To wash his neck to his son,
We must get on his back.
“Oh,” the Cat-mother sighed, “
It’s hard to wash your son!

You splash yourself, bathe yourself,
Wash yourself without mom!

... the son swim in the river,
Mom is asleep in the sand.


Does not happen and does not dive
Because ice.
But it falls perfectly!
Why is no one rejoiced?


Behind the game
We quarreled, put up
And sometimes they argued
But they became very friends
Behind our game.

The game is replaced by the game
The game ends,
And friendship does not end
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!


Merry hunter

With a gun

He sees the wolf my double -barreled man.
It became very scary to the wolf.
Wolf howls: “I'm afraid! Afraid!
Do not shoot me! I give up! "

With a camera
It is not easy to shoot animals!
The hare asks: - Hurry!
The mouse is squealing: - I'm afraid a little
What the cat will see.
- I'll drive it! - The hedgehog is threatened, -
If you don’t send a picture!

Berestov-poems for children of grade 1-2

Berestov - Poems for children of grade 1-2
Berestov-poems for children of grade 1-2

Berestov-poems for children of grade 1-2:

Merry alphabet

Ah, what a watermelon in the garden!
I will knock on him, friends!
- Knock Knock! Can? - No you can not!
I'm not sweet yet!


The drum fell from heaven,
He rolled under a canopy.
The drum fought a ram.
Bukh! - And the drum burst.


A helicopter and a sparrow
Doctors saved the sparrow,
He was introduced into the helicopter.
The helicopter turned the screws,
He worried the grass with flowers.


Goose and accordion
Goose bought a harmonica for himself
But a little holey.
The accordion sang good,
Sawed in a guns.


Doctors do not be afraid, children!
He is kinder than everyone in the world.
I have long been familiar with him.
This is my mommy!

E and yo
Raccoon and hedgehog
The hedgehog in the bath was washing his ears,
Neck, skin on the abdomen.
And he said to the raccoon:
- You won't need my back?


The lesson answered.
Instead of the words "stream murmures"
Wrote "Burious buzzing."
The beetle flies over a meadow.
He was tired of walking.


The snakes over the roofs calls.
The sun in the sky will laugh
Will say to the cloud: “Here is a letter
It flies to us from the ground! "


Who, tell me, your friends?
- The sun caresses me,
The wind braids braids.


Oh-oh and ay-ah
- Oh oh oh! -said oh-oh. -
I, my friend, is completely sick!
-You go for a walk!
"All will pass!" —Walized ay-ah.


Cat-cat, go to the board,
Tell me about Kolosk!
- Kolosok, my friends,
He is mustache like me!


Livery, rain pours everywhere!
Rada swallows in the nest:
- Mom will sit at home,
It will not fly anywhere!


The ball jumps colored
In the courtyard in front of me.
This ball is very nice.
He has not yet beats the glass.

The bull mumbles two letters: - Mu!
- Meow! - The cat told him. -
Heard? So we, cats,
We know more letters than you!


Our brothers sewed the dress.
He was the king of one of the brothers.
He put on the crown
But he did not lag behind in work.


Dandelion! To what
You look like a cloud.
It’s scary to even look:
No matter how you blow a cloud!


The piglet was amazed:
- Oh, how long I haven't washed!
To be dirty is reluctant! -
And he went to the swamp.


- A brook, where are you in a hurry?
- To the river, to the river, my baby!
- A brook, when are you sleeping?
- Never sleep, baby!


Icicle and sun
Sun! From dawn
You suck this icicle.
Eat your lollipop rather
So that winter comes to the end!


TV and tiger
The tiger bought a tiger,
The best asked.
“I love,” he said strictly, “
So that there were many stripes!


Wow, how boring before going to bed
Leave the snail into the house!
Trying to invent a fairy tale
A sad fairy tale is obtained.


-Fu-fu! - Birds sing.
And violets bloom.
And the earth looks at us
A million blue eyes.


The sun walks in the Nebushka,
Rejoicing the sunflower.
Glad a tablecloth for bread:
He is on her like a sun.


- Tsyts! I will not bite!
Can I call brothers?
- Where are they? - Under the old linden!
- What is the name of them? -Tsypa-tsepa!


Turtle! Turtle!
The first time she, poor thing,
Completed in the rain.
- Mother! Who knocks on the house?

"H" with four confused Chizhik
And read: "Four Izhik."


I walked in the forest and was afraid ...
Someone came across a scarf.
Immediately the forest was not terrible:
- Hey, who lost the scarf?


Pike and brush
Pike swallowed the brush.
The brush tickles her throat.
- An amazing thing!
What did I eat for a fish?


B and b
Hard sign and soft sign
Hard sign and soft sign
They talked like this:
- How many cakes do I eat?
The soft sign replied: - Seven!


“You are thin, and I am a fat man.”
- Eat less on an empty stomach!


-Ege-gay shouting screams.
The tongue sticks out from the mouth.
- Mother! - It is heard from the hill.
The echo also shouts:-Ma-ah ...
It was mom that was called the baby.
Echo, who are you screaming?


I sewed my skirt for the doll.
I’ll hide a new one.
Tells me the doll: "Ma-ma!"
So I sew for my daughter.


I caught the lizard.
Fear stopped me.
- Why be there to be afraid of?
- The tail can break away!

There were cones on the forehead
Under the eye - lanterns.
Well, if we are boys
Then we are heroes.

Scratches. Staguses.
Only iodine is terrible to us!
(Here, not embarrassed, tears
The commander himself pours.)

Let the head in green
And in the patching legs,
But there are still strengths
To defeat the enemy.

Stubborn, in the morning we
Again to battle, in the patrol!
From those battles of the scars
Still remained.


We used to cow, kv-kva!
And now we are all-heroes, ate-two!
The tadpoles were-kv-kva!
The tails were beaten together-ate-two!
And now we are frogs, kv-kva!
Jump from the shore, guys! Att-two!
And with a tail and without a tail
Living in the world is beauty!


Where is the right, where is the left
The student stood at the forking roads.
Where the right, where the left, he could not understand.
But suddenly the student scratched his head
The very hand that he wrote.
And he threw the ball, and leafed through the pages.
And he held a spoon, and swept the floors.
"Victory!" - There was a jubilant cry.
Where is the right, where is the left, the student recognized.


Naughty doll
Our doll every hour
We repeat twenty times:
“What kind of upbringing!
Just punishment! "

Ask the doll to dance
The doll climbs under the bed.
What kind of upbringing!
Just punishment!

All play - she lie.
All lie - she run.
What kind of upbringing!
Just punishment!

Instead of soup and cutlets
Give her sweets.
What kind of upbringing!
Just punishment!

Oh, we suffered with her.
Everything is not like people.
What kind of upbringing!
Just punishment!

Birch bark-poems for children of grades 3-4

Birch bark - poems for children of grades 3-4
Birch bark-poems for children of grades 3-4

Berestov-poems for children of grades 3-4:

Three victories
- Without a quarter six!
Quarter to six!
Want to hear
Pleasant news?

- So what happened
Without a quarter six?
What is it
Pleasant news?

- And what I myself
You see, yourself
I can watch
Find out by the clock.

- You are right. This is true,
Quarter to six!
Thank you
For a pleasant news!


Where is the right, where is the left ...

The student stood at the forking roads.
Where the right, where the left, he could not find out.
But suddenly the student scratched his head
The very hand that he wrote
And he threw the ball, and the pages leafed through
And he held a spoon, and swept the floors.
"Victory!" - There was a jubilant cry.
Where is the right, where is the left, the student recognized.


How did I learn to swim?

Thank you, crocodile inflatable
For the fact that you burst in the water under me!
But instead of shouting “tone!”
I took it and spread my wave with my hands.
My victory turned around my trouble.
I sailed! I'm swimming! I swim!
Now a crocodile if he is inflatable
Can't play a joke over me!


Whose figure is
Smoky skin
Waiting for us from the outside, then inside?
This is our Murka
Clicks on the door, asks: "Open!"

You see, in the corner
Two brilliant points
Smile at all night?
The young one cannot sleep
Walks like a tigress
From the mice, the apartment will guard.

The morning shone -
Skok under the blanket
And sings, purrs -
Mura, Moore, Moore!
He plays all day -
Then the tangle rides
Then gnaws y phone cord.

In March in the moonlight
Like breast children
Crying, cats are torn.
Murka jumped on a chair
I climbed into the window
And disappeared. Murka, where are you?

Where are you, Murka, wander,
Why don't you come?
Or is our house now not sweet to you?
I didn't get along with you
I didn't stroke you
I didn’t feed you sour cream?

Whose figure is it
Smoky skin,
Whose eyes are shining from the underground?
Murk was sitting there,
Seven kittens sat next to her.


Valentine's first friend
Once primitive children
Let's go to the primitive forest.
And the primitive sun
Looked at them from heaven.
And the children met in often
Unknown animal,
What else
Have not seen yet.

The primitive dad said:
“Well, play with him,
When he will be more
We will eat him together. ”

Night. Primitive people
Sleeping primitive sleep,
And primitive wolves,
Sneaking in the darkness of the night.
The trouble with primitive people
In a dream defenseless.
How often the animal belly -
The grave was done to them.

But sensing the evil cannibals
The brave animal got stuck.
And these primitive people
He saved from death.

With dad to go hunting
He began when he grew up.
So became a friend to man
A cheerful and faithful dog.


Who lives in the portfolio?

He runs to school in winter,
And in the summer it lies in the room,
But only autumn comes
He takes my hand.

Pencil case
Pencil in the pencil case, rushing,
But he does not break.
The pen in the dark is located,
But it is easy.

Why from under the grinder
Are chips and sawdust curls?
The pencil does not want to write -
Here she is sharpening him.

I am a little pencil,
I wrote a hundred pieces of paper.
And when I started
Then he with difficulty climbed into the pencil case.
The schoolboy writes and grows,
Pencil - on the contrary.

The letters printed -
Very neat.
Letters for writing
I write myself.
The handle is written very cheerfully:
The letters hold each other by the handles

- Oh, mom! - said the pen. -
What does this squiggle mean?
- You are ink head
You wrote the number "2"!

I am a ruler.
Directness -
My main line.

In high school, every schoolboy
Studies the triangle.
Three some corners
And work is for centuries.

- The teacher is in my portfolio!
- Who? It can not be! Really?
- Look, please! He is here.
His name is the name.

I am a beautiful bookmark.
You need me for order.
In vain, do not leaf through the page.
Where is the bookmark, read there!

Above paper over the sheet
The brush waves his tail.
And not just waving
And the paper smears,
Paints in different colors.
Wow, what a beauty!

Notebooks in the portfolio rustled,
What is more important in life, they decided.
The notebook in the ruler mutters:
- Grammar! -
And the notebook grumbles into the cage:
- Mathematics! -
What was the notebook with a notebook on
For us, it still remains a mystery.

I am an eraser, I am an elastic band,
Chumazenny back.
But my conscience is clean, -
I erased a blossom from the sheet.

My circus, circus, dashing
Draws a circle with one foot,
And the other pierced the paper
He clung to and - not a step.

Then I think quietly, I
Then I click on the accounts again.
If we count correctly,
You will always get five!

In the diary of the task at home
And there are marks nearby.
How good!
Well, mom, sign it!

Berestov’s poems are free

Berestov’s poems are free
Berestov’s poems are free

Berestov’s poems for free:

Who is the nofelet?
What scientists Fedya became!
Who could be compared with Fedya?
He was leafed through the whole summer
Tom Encyclopedia.
People of famous people, for example,
He knows everyone ... to the letter "Er".

-Come on, Fedya, give me an answer:
And who was the nofelet?

- Who? Noofel? Ah, noofel ...
I will tell you for this,
What is ashamed of your people of your years
Do not know about the nofelete!
Lived in ancient Rome
Noofel -
Not that a sage, or a poet. -

How does he know
Such a sage?
We are just the word "Te-le-Fund"
They read him from the end.
And it turned out to be no-fuel-
Not that a sage, or a poet.


Three roads
I came to first grade
On one of the three roads.
I had it every time
Choose one of three.

The first of them was
A long street village.
There from the windows, from the gate
The people glanced everything.
I met comrades
Distinguished them in the quarter,
Then he was waiting for someone
Then he caught up with someone.

And the second behind the bridge
In a secret path
Walks in a thick spruce.
Listen to the birds. Sing the song.
Sit a little on the stump
Alone with itself.

The third path is short.
Three minutes before the call.
Rushing, your head is bumpy
Between the first two.


Mom left
That's because the days have come!
The house has such a longing.
You confuse the rugs
And they will not give a slap.
Chairs are not in the field.
The flower on the window is a little alive.
At the wrong time and wrong
Father is watering him.
There are no delicious smells
In the house at the lunch time.
From home for lunch
Dad takes us away.
Dining room
The visitors are stuffed,
Visitors, passers -by,
Road clothes.
The beetroot soup
And bread in a piece
Triangular cakes
In brown juice.
We grieve with dad together,
We drink hot compote,
As if we are away,
And mom is waiting at home.


The Dragon
On the door of the diet
The dragon was the seven -headed dragon.
He is in chorus "Hello!" said
And, smiling, he ordered:
- For this head,
Please, halva.
For this mouth -
Other sweets.
For this head -
For this pharynx -
For this head -
For this face -
For this face -
Two Academic Easter cakes.
What else?
Lemonade bottle,
Seven napkins, a knife and a fork.


Pictures in puddles
In puddles pictures!
On the first - the house,
Like a real
Only upside down.
The second picture.
The sky is on her
As a present,
Even blue.
The third picture.
Branch on it,
Like real
But green.
And on the fourth
I wet it

Berestov - poems about life

Berestov - poems about
Berestov - poems about life

Berestov - poems about life:


Two years for the student a terrible difference.
Here is a high school student sitting next to me.
And suddenly my eyes rushed at me
To which my cousin is captivated.
All high school students seem old to me,
But I trembled in front of these spells.
He looks at me as if I am he.
Oh happiness that I am not in love with anyone!



Oh joy of life, children's game!
A century do not leave the neighboring court.
Mother was behind me. But even mom
It happened to play with us.

Why is she, a giantess, to do here?
They will get into it with the ball earlier.
Throwing to throw, but did not hit.
And they waited a long time to dinner.


Feast of mothers

The eighth of March, the celebration of mothers,
Knock Knock! - knocks on the door to us.
He only comes to that house
Where they help mom.
We will volunteer the floor for mom,
We’ll get it on the table ourselves.
We will make lunch for her,
We will sing, dance.
We are paints her portrait
We will draw as a gift.
- Do not recognize them! Wow! -
Here mom will tell people.
And we are always, and we always
We will always be like that!


In old times

- What are you taking, horse, on the cart?
- I take the bread to the mill.
The bags are stuffed with grain,
So that people are full.

- What are you taking, horse, on the cart?
- I take bread from the bakery from the mill.
The bags are stuffed with flour,
So that people are full.

- What are you taking, horse, on the cart?
- I take the bread from the bakery.
Caravays, rolls, dumplings!
Eat, rejoice, kids!



Sometimes I happened to be an object
Dumb adversity and worries.
Infancy. Luzhaika early summer.
And the girl sits, woves wreaths.

And, laying the crown golden
On my haircut head,
All glows. And I do not protest.
I know myself an idol.

And, rejoicing at the shining look,
I look at the girl, at the clouds,
Obediently play the role of the king
And I feel severity and coolness,
And the freshness and solemnity of the wreath.


My father did not whistle at all

My father did not whistle at all
I did not sing at all.
Not that I am not like me
When I was with him.

Not in full voice, just like that
He did not sing anything.
Everyone says the voice was
My dad.

Did not become a singer, he taught children
He fought in three wars ...
He sang for his mother, for guests.
No, he did not sang.

And what are we just singing -
T-ra and t-ri-ri,-
Probably sounded in him
But somewhere there, inside.

No wonder he had
The gait is so light
As if the music called
Its from afar.

Valentine Berestov’s poems about animals

Valentine Berestov’s poems about animals
Valentine Berestov’s poems about animals

Valentine Berestov’s poems about animals:

Goat in the hairdresser
The girl shaved a beard
And decided to hide:
- Comb under the sheep,
It will be to me.
Win me rings
Just like the sheep,
And then heat the forceps,
On the horns, start the ends!


Throwing his head like a bird
He drinks a camel water from the trough.
He drinks and drinks. I got drunk at last.
- Drink in reserve! - the father advises, -
After all, the fact that people carry on camels,
Our brother is lucky in the camel itself.


Seagulls, Seagulls! Where is your home?
Seagulls, Seagulls, where is your home?
On the ground?
On the wave?
Or in blue embroidery?

- Well, of course, on Earth!
We are born on earth.
Well, of course, on the wave!
We swing in the wave.

Well, of course, in the embroidery!
We fly in the leaf.

That's where, that's where we live!
That's where we live!


The bear affectionately shakes her son.
The kid is having fun, the baby does not miss.
He thinks: this is a funny game
Not knowing that it is time to sleep cubs.


An animal entered the door
Before that hungry:
I ate a broom and a broom,
I ate a rug on the floor,
The curtain on the window
And the picture on the wall,
The certificate was licked from the table
And again went to the grass.


Little bull,
Yellow barrel
He steps with legs,
Washing his head:
- Where is the herd? Mu-oo!
Boring one-th!


Field Lark!
There is no singer more wonderful!
In a clean field - your house,
In a clear sky - a song!


Anyone who is close to the gusy,
He knows: the goslings are walking with a goose.
The one who is close to the husak,
They will not risk approaching them barefoot.


Martyshkin swing
The best swings -
Flexible vines.
This is from the cradle
Know monkeys.

Who is swinging all the century
(Yes Yes Yes!)
He is not upset


Bear, Mishka, Lege!
He slept for a long time and deeply,
I overslept a whole winter,
And did not hit the Christmas tree
And did not ride on the sled
And he did not throw snowballs
All Mishenka would snore.
Oh you, Mishenka Medvet!


Chicken with chickens
Kud-where? Kud-where?
Well, well, everything is here!
Well, to mom under the wing!
KUD-where did you suffer?


Here is the Bolonka from the Bloons!
Spelled from the diapers
How much wool
How much anger
With such insignificant growth!


Grass-up mouse
- You admire, cute cat,
How this dress goes to me!
And the bow on the end of the tail?
- Ah, mouse! Do not embarrass the cat!


If someone moves from the place
A kitten will rush at him.
If something rolls,
A kitten will grab for him.
Jumping gallop! DAC-TsArap!
You will not leave our paws!


Take care of tigers, children!
I am a terribly rare beast!
But please me
Beware like fire!


Walks like Napoleon
Handsome my rooster.
He delights me
And delights the hearing.

He loves battle. He loves power.
He is formidable like an eagle.
And that the hero is the mouth
And a kitchen boiler!

Try these giblets
Everyone is dreaming.
But the main enemy at the rooster -
Another such rooster.


The cockerels were bothering
But they did not dare to fight.
If you really like it,
You can lose feathers.
If you lose your feathers,
There will be nothing to come to a hush.


The elephant is the most!
And the trunk is the best nose:
He has grown all the noses in the world.
Beautiful nose! After all, with the help of his
The elephant can reach everything
Raise a fluff or a log from the ground
(For the giant it is all the same),
And take a shower, and pull out loudly,
And to get a naughty elephant,
And caress him, and shake your hand,
Flip flies, and sniff, and breathe!


A wise hen
Scolded the hen of the fighting chickens:
“Come on to slander who they say!
Who pecks a lot, he pecks little,
Who pecks little, he grows poorly,
Those who grow poorly are powerless and thin.
Who is thin and powerless, that will be! "


We used to cow, kv-kva!
And now we are all heroes, ate-two!
The tadpoles were-kv-kva!
The tails were beaten together-ate-two!
And now we are frogs, kv-kva!
Jump from the shore, guys! Att-two!
And with a tail and without a tail
Living in the world is beauty!

Berestov - Poems about the war

Berestov - Poems about the war
Berestov - Poems about the war

Berestov - poems about the war:

A peaceful harassment
One two three four five!
All miracles cannot be counted.
Red, white, yellow, blue!
Copper, iron, aluminum!

The sun, air and water!
Mountains, rivers, cities!
Labor, fun, sweet dream!
And let the war come out!


I have a furry worm in my hands.
He is lucky with a greenish light.
And his name is the guys - a firefly.
So shine is brighter, small! Light!
It is a pity that in childhood I did not have to find you!
I would say: "This is my firefly!"
I would take you home, Firefly.
I would put you in a box
And I could not fall asleep with joy.
Because I did not find you that mother
I put it too much in time?
Is it because it was cowardly in childhood
And in the forest did not wander in the evenings?
No, I wandered, evil wizards spite.
Obviously, I was not lucky then.
And then the burning July came.
The roar of explosions. The shine of tracing bullets.
Leaving the darkened town,
The trains reached for the east.
I lost my childhood somewhere in the way ...
So shine is brighter, small! Light!


Blockade. Night. The clogged window
Timmering smokehicles dull light.
A canvas occurs from the darkness.
The artist writes women a portrait.
She sat, the head of the slope
And I thought in a hungry half
“Here I will die ... and something from me
It will remain on this canvas. ”
And he wrote in the blinking of fire


No, the word "world" will hardly remain
When the wars will not know.
After all, what used to be called the world
Everyone will just call life.
And only children, experts of the former,
Playing fun in the war,
Having run up, they will remember this word,
With whom they died in the old days.

Birch bark poems about nature for children

Birch bark poems about nature for children
Birch bark poems about nature for children

Berestov verses about nature for children:

First of September
The non -fingered sun is warm,
Forests are still dressed.
First -graders have bouquets.
The day, though sad, but cheerful!
You are sad: - Goodbye, summer -
And rejoice: - Hello, school!


Autumn dandelions
In a wreath of sheets of flattened ones,
Half-bore, dark red,
Without a stalk, without a peduncle,
Like buttons or brooches,
They lie, pinching to the ground,
The last living gold.
And like the first snowflakes
The last fluffs fly.


The forest fades quietly,
Clouds, flies around
Wet, dry ... but wait!
In the spruce in the middle of old cones
The gingerbread splashes yellow juice.
In this forest is half -empty
The newcomer appeared silently.
Here he was surprised at life
Here he is happy, here he is his own.
Fresh, strong and alive.


The first leaf fall
Perhaps the first leaf fall
Meets this maple.
For the first time a festive outfit
He substituted the wind.

Put on his bitch
Six leaves of cut.
They are red and wide -
Just like large.


Here on the branch is a maple leaf.
Today he is just new!
All ruddy, gold.
Where are you, leaflet? Wait!

Evening. In wet flowers window sill
Evening. In wet colors, a window sill.
Grace. Purity. Silence.
At this hour, the head is on the palms,
Mother usually sits by the window.

Will not respond, will not turn
He will not rise from the palms of the face.
And wakes up as soon as it wait
Behind the window of the father’s smile.

And he will pull the walkers at the walkers,
And rushes towards him.
What is love in this world,
I know, but I don’t understand soon.


December snow
Snow is growing. The day is reduced.
The year passes. Winter is coming.
Even at noon, a giant shadow behind me
A blue step in the snow goes.

Snow, hanging, does not pour paws from spruce,
And tits whistle without undertaking.
How many snowy women are covered with women,
How many snowy fortresses!

The dawn changed imperceptibly by sunset
And snow was sterned from darkness.
I love you, short days of December
Evening of the year and morning of winter.


All morning the rain ... nothing fun.
But the sun has a friend - one of the best.
Stubbornly turning the head
He is looking for the sun hidden in the clouds!

Either with a stream, then a small rivulet
Either with a stream, then a small river,
What is slowly flowing to the pebbles,
Then a cup of a spring (with a broken edge),
Whose surface newborn keys
Baby is rolled with fists, -
The watershed lies in front of me.
Winding, playfully, whimsical
River and streams run. From here
They now diverge forever
For many thousands of miles. They are separated
Not mountain ranges and not a gorge,
And tubercles and small hollows
Among the fields and greenery of meadows.
Such an endless plain,
So everything around is open and spacious,
What do you believe like rivers and streams
Diverge forever of his own free will
At the whim, they choose the road,
Flowing to themselves where to someone hunting
What are the rivers and the seas.


Morning. The table under the ridge trunk.
Old oak, tell about the past!
From the leaves, the drops poured onto the table.
The oak told: "It went rain at night."

Berestov - funny poems for children

Birch bark - funny poems for children
Berestov - funny poems for children

Berestov - funny poems for children:

A backward man
Seryozha dreamed of a dump truck
Just before the control.

- All clear! So I disappeared! -
He decided in displeasure.
And he turned to the grandmother,
Find out what the dream means.

The old woman thought half a day:
“Blood ... So, relatives will eat.
And, say, a horse is a lie.
Dog? You will find a friend.
And a dump truck? Say for mercy!
Yes, we never dreamed! "


The very first song
Once upon a time there was an Iguanodon
Weighing eighty tons,
And he was friends with a bird
This bird did not sing anything
Only her teeth creaked terribly.
And she wheezed, and moaned,
And she did not know the other songs.

But a hoarse moan is delighted
Iguanodon listened,
Rejoicing the singer
For these sounds are terrible
Were the first song in the world
The first song in the world,
On a deserted, on a wild planet.


Who will learn what ...
What is the first thing
Learn a cat?
- Grab!
What is the first thing
Learn a bird?
- Fly!
What is the first thing
Learn a schoolboy?
- Read!

The kitten will grow up with a cat
The same as everything in the world.
The chick will turn into a bird
Such as everyone in the world.
And the children read
And the children dream
And even their mothers and dads do not know,
Who will the children grow up.


Owl and tit
Owl with old
Not eyes, but headlights -
Round, large,
Such terrible.

And the bird has a blue,
The blue-jelly has
Eyes like beads,

But the blue eyes
Look without fear
And on the cloud in the distance,
And to the grain in dust.
During the day, the owl does not see
So he will not offend.

The night entered its right
An owl sets off on the road.
All eyes are huge
They see the dark at night.
And the tit is not afraid
Because the tit is sleeping
She sleeps tightly in the nest
Do not see her anywhere.

Good poems of Berestov for children

Good poems of Berestov for children
Good poems of Berestov for children

Berestov’s good verses for children:

Belish island
Nobody goes here
They go here on foot.
Such housewives
They live on the island.
Both adults and children
Hurry to visit them.
Guests do not forget
Mistress to treat.
You need to love nature
To become a person.
For this even squirrels
They will respect you.
Let them play with you
They will take food from hands
And they will explain to each other:
"Don't be afraid! It's a friend!"


The song of the wolf

Why is a wolf howling at night?
Because he knows a lot about music!
What does wolf howl mean?
He means: “I am alive!
I am brave, smart and famous
And even kind, as long as fed.
And where the wolves, life-her! -
Though worse, more fun! "

What does wolf howl mean?
Be careful, my dear!
Let the shepherd watch better,
Let the hare faster run.
And who is lazy and stupidly,
He will become food for the wolves!

What does wolf howl mean?
“I am mine! I am a fairy -tale hero!
Princess, as if on a horse
Ivan Tsarevich rushed on me.
I had enough strength for me -
No wonder I ate his horse! "

What does wolf howl mean?
“Alas, children scare me.
Like, who does not behave like that
The wolf will pick up
And he will take him away, and eat him.
How to lie to people will not get tired! "


The song of the hare
In the forest, not long before trouble.
But the hare is not a simpleton.
Know how to confuse traces!
Like this! Like this! Like this!

Here, the trace is looped,
Forward, back and sideways.
Where the hare was, there is no hare.
Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

The hare has a timid shower
And a cautious mind,
But how good carrots!
Krum-Khrum! Krum-Khrum! Krum-Khrum!

Spaciousness and will in front,
And behind - a fierce enemy!
And the heart of the hare in the chest -
Tick-so! Tick-so! TIK-Tak1

But in the circus where the people are around,
He forgets fear
And in the drum bravely hits:
Babah! Babah! Babah!


The song of the boar
Terrible boar, forest boar!
Every fang is like a yatagan
So that they do not touch the guys
Striped piglets.

It looks like a monster, villain,
Visits the gardens,
Absorbs root crops.

I have little boot.
Two fangs, like two blades.
The wild brother of the Pig homemade
The boar is worse and fearless.

Pigs need eyes and eyes
Warm stable and pig.
Adore the will of VAPP
And your forest wilds!


Fox song

- Fox, fox,
Who are you a sister?
- The answer is surprisingly simple:
My brother is my own tail
Fluffy, and red and dexterous, and
Ready for any tricks.
Now I'm cooling my tail -
I turn the enemy in the wrong way1
Let him look in the field of empty,
Where did I wave my tail

- Fox, fox,
Who are you a sister?
- I am a sister to all the cunning
Piadohas, liars and flatterers.
But they can’t compare for anything
With me, with a cheerful fox,
With my eyes, like me, do not sparkle
Do not wave a fluffy tail!
So, rogue and rogue
They will not notice their traces!

- Fox, fox.
Who are you a sister?
- To all those who loved me,
Who has not forgotten me since childhood,
Whose good heart forgave
That I swallowed the bun
That the hare from the house drove
What the cheese from the raven took.
Fox Patrikevna,
Forest Princess!


Wagges and jokes
Kotofei rolls to visit
Cleches the horses.
He is lucky with him kittens
Let them be treated too!

The sun, rain, come,
Bring a fairy tale for children!
And from the cloud thunder
He drives into the house, into the house.
Show the sun from the cloud,
Take a look at the window,
Light a lighter rather
Tell us the fable.

Cloud with the sun again
They began to play hide and seek.
Only the sun will hide
The whole cloud will cry.
And how the sun is found
In the sky, the rainbow laughs.

Us for distant lands
The carousel will not roll off.
But where without looking back
Hares and horses rushing?
We are going to the carousels
From fun and to fun!

Horned head!
Do not fight small children,
Give them better milk!

The sun is not to see the sun
Do not raise a stigma to the sky.
The flash of the sun is looking for in a puddle -
There it is no worse.

So the fairy tale has responded.
We will start it from the beginning
Or let's start a new one
But first we will rest.


A crow flew
In royal mansions.
A lot of honor
No flight!

I smoke a glass,
I'll look at the sun.

Goat in the tape,
Duck in skirts,
Kurochka in boots,
Sleep in earrings.
Cow in the mat
But everyone is more expensive!

There is a pit,
Stop straight.
Remember this:
There are no wings.

There is lunch
So there is no guest.
There is no crust
And guests from a hill!
Fun to the horses
When jumping through the fields!

Cold and frost.
A man has frozen on the stove!
Frost is small
Yes to stand n!

The dog barks for a month
And the month does not know that.

Guys guys,
Want to live richly!
Buy threads
Sew holes!
Buy a soap
Wash the stigma!


Matryoshkina nursery rhymes

We meet everyone with bread and salt,
We carry the samovar on the table.
We don't miss tea
We are talking about this.
Like ours with a khokhlata
Today, chickens have been withdrawn,
And from one shell
Matryosh went out in a skirt.

At the dawn, the horn trumpets,
Clicking the herd to the meadow:
- Come out, Burenushka!
- I go out, Matrenushka!

Chickens go away
They forgot about me.
Brought peas -
They remembered the nesting doll.

Printing gingerbread,
Until that elegant.
We will not immediately eat them,
And first, let's look.

Love little kids love
All kinds of sweets.
Who is gnawing and who swallows
Who rinses for the cheek.

I embroidered a flower
“Zhu-zh-zh” heard.
Selo a bee on a flower
Carriage - Office.

We love us, nesting dolls,
Multi -colored clothes.
Ourselves and spinning ourselves,
We ourselves come to visit you.

Blow in the puffs, beat in spoons!
Matryoshki came to visit us.
Tablespoons wooden,
Matryses are rosy.

The whole people look at the windows:
Matryoshki went dancing.
Eight drive a round dance
And the ninth sings.

Girlfriends walked along the path
There were a little of them:
Two Matryns, three nesting dolls
And one nesting doll.

Walked on the berry of the nesting doll,
I forgot to take a basket.
“And where is such sweet
Now, girlfriends, put it? "

We sat on the carousels,
They moved to the swing
We met a hundred acquaintances,
They answered the bow.

At the merchant, at the merchant
We bought new things
Felt and measured
They did not believe their eyes.

The mouse was met by girlfriends
And hid each other.
And which remained
Most of all scared.

I am a girl nothing!
I'm not afraid of anything!
If I disappear,
I will not be lost anyway!

Dust swirls along the path -
Matryoshka's fairs are coming from the fairs,
On rams, on bulls,
All with the bagels in the hands.

We stayed until midnight
They didn’t let us go home
Leave to spend the night
Tomorrow to tea again!

Children's poems by Berestov

Children's poems by Berestov
Children's poems by Berestov

Berestov’s children's poems:

Lullaby to Baobaba
Grandma sang baobababu,
“Bao-Bao! Bao-Bai!
Baobabik, grow up!
You will be above mothers and dads,
And thicker than my grandmother,
Old Baobabushki! "


Money in childhood
It is nice to have money in childhood,
Especially copper to rattle it.
You will spin the patch with your fingers,
He will spin like a top
It will dance on the table and on the floor.
And in winter you will press it to the glass,
To white, completely stolen, -
Immediately from the warmth of your hand
Pyathaws will take the glass on the glass,
And through the round window in the glass
It will be seen what is happening on the ground.
And choose one or that,
Eagle or Tails - the coin takes off,
And with the help of money you decide fate
By the number of elegant or by the coat of arms.
The bruise showed up - we will attach a nickel.
No, money and in childhood is not a trifle at all.


Light flowers rust on the bushes
Light flowers rust on the bushes,
Losing a look, losing its smell.
And the apple tree stands like a creature
Bashful and complete humility,
But more than lilac, she is sad,
When the color flies from her, Belea.
That the lilac promised, then accomplished:
She burned herself and handed out joy.
And the apple tree, at least flourished, blossomed
I have not yet deserved recognition.
And the overwhelming smell is so embarrassed ...


Seeds in the snow
Here, branches of LIP are sternly blackened.
Frosty shine and silence.
And fly around a little
From the pasty branches of seeds.

Circle over the snowy clearing
And fall, numb
And it is strange to see the lifeless
False sowing on the snow.

For an inattentive gaze
The nature of the north is poor.
But is the forest that is poor
Having entrusted the snow with the snow?

Spring will come, spring will melt
Unpertured white layer
And everything that winters will accumulate in it,
He will give the lands to be awakened.


I hear a branch cracked,
And immediately saw the moose
And the moose saw me.
Stands and will not move ...
And all before my eyes
Loses the elk of the outline:
The branches merged with the horns
The body merges with the bushes,
With birch trunks
The legs are already merging.
Forest generated by a moose,
Hides his child.


I look at the herbarium with surprise:
Medunitsa with Ivan da-Maria,
Goose onion with mouse peas,
Mother-i-Machech with a thistle,
Sad liliax with cheerful porridge
And violet with high chamomile
On one bloomed the edge of
And they did not know each other!
Autumn rain poured outside the windows.
I took out dry plants
Put on the sheets a semicircle
And he introduced the flowers to each other.

Berestov Verse "Fun Summer"

Berestov Verse Fun Summer
Berestov Verse "Fun Summer"

Berestov Verse "Fun Summer":

Happy summer
Summer, summer came to us!
It became dry and warm.
Right on the path
The legs walk barefoot.
Bees circle, birds curl,
And Marinka is having fun.
I saw a rooster:
- Look! Ha ha ha!
Amazing rooster:
From above feathers, from below - fluff!
I saw a pig
The girl smiles:
- Who runs from the chicken,
Smalls throughout the street
Instead of a tail hook,
Instead of a nose, a patch
Piglet is holey,
And the hook is a swivel?
And Barbos, red dog,
He laughed her to tears.
He runs not for a cat
And behind your own tail.
A tricky tail curls
It is not given to the teeth.
The dog is dull.
Because he is tired.
The tail wags merrily:
“I didn’t get it! I didn't get it! "
The legs walk barefoot
Right on the path.
It became dry and warm.
Summer, summer came to us!

Berestov - a verse "Familiar"

Berestov is a verse "Familiar":

Today I left the house.
Fluffy snow lies around.
I look - to meet my friend
Runes in the snow barefoot.

And here we do not hide joy.
We are inseparable friends.
Screaming, and jumping, and jumping,
Either he, then I, then he, then me.

Hugs, jokes, conversations.
- Well, how do you live? Well how are you? -
Suddenly we see a cat along the fence
As a shadow on tiptoe passed.

- Stay with me a little more! -
But I could not hold it.
- Gav! "Gav!" —What a friend said strictly,
He waved his tail and ran away.

Verse "Brushchka" Berestov

Verse Berestov brush
Verse "Brushchka" Berestov

Verse "Brushchka" Berestov:

Above paper over the sheet
The brush waves his tail.
And not just waving
And the paper smears,
Paints in different colors.
Wow, what a beauty!

Verse "Travelers" Berestov

Verse "Travelers" Berestov:

In the beautiful cities of ancient,
In museums of all continents
You meet them, ruddy, long,
Gray and light old people.

Here, making impressions,
They, blessed, live
Almost already within paradise,
Where they will be called soon.

But let it be through travel
They really extend their age.
After all, traveling, as in childhood,
Moments slow down the run.

Berestov’s verse "For some reason in childhood I painted"

For some reason, Berestov’s verse was drawing in childhood
Berestov’s verse "For some reason in childhood I painted"

Berestov’s verse “For some reason, I painted in childhood”:

For some reason, in childhood, I painted
Only what he could not see -
For example, the battles are sea,
Only those who we will not meet, -
For example, Indians and pirates,
Only those edges where I was not, -
That is, mountains, jungle and deserts.
And from nature I took only the sun
With long and thick rays.
His eyes and lips were
And they almost always laughed.

Video: Valentine Berestov. Poems for children

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