Harmony after vaccination against influenza: Reasons - what to do? Coronavirus vaccination during the flu - to do it or not?

Harmony after vaccination against influenza: Reasons - what to do? Coronavirus vaccination during the flu - to do it or not?
The flu vaccination during the pandemic period.

In the conditions of pandemia, more and more people want to protect themselves, so they strive not to miss planned vaccination. This year, a large number of people began to doubt whether to vaccinate against influenza. Scientists have proven that the flu has nothing to do with the coronavirus, but the imposition of ailments on each other can be doubly dangerous for the body. Therefore, doctors recommend a flu vaccine.

Malaise after vaccination against influenza

Many were shocked by information about Korean deaths after flu vaccination. Often, after the introduction of the vaccine, patients have weakness, slight malaise, and low temperature. Therefore, patients who regularly made flu vaccinations decided this year to abandon the introduction of the vaccine. 

Harmony after vaccination against influenza:

  • Vaccination cannot cause the disease, but within a few days after the introduction of the vaccine, a slight allergic reaction may be observed. This is redness at the injection site, malaise, weakness or fever to a mark not exceeding 37.5.
  • Such a reaction is considered quite natural, and after about 3-4 days disappears. Therefore, doctors recommend within a week after vaccination, less to visit crowded places, do not come to the clinic.
  • After all, the body is trying to develop antibodies to the introduced fragments of the influenza virus, so part of the forces is aimed at this work. Finding in crowded places, clinics, can cause infection with influenza or other virus. However, in this case, the course of the disease can be much harder, since immune cells have not yet developed antibodies, while all the strength of the body is aimed at developing them. Toolympic Immune cells to combat other viruses are reduced.

Harmony after flu vaccination - what to do, what to treat?

To reduce unpleasant symptoms after vaccination, doctors recommend antihistamines.

Malaise after vaccination against influenza, what to do, what to treat:

  • Among them it is worth highlightingCetrin, Diazolin. Remember that they reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction, remove redness.
  • If a low temperature is held, the head hurts or dizzy, it is recommended to take drugs that help from temperature. Among them it is worth highlighting Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. 
  • In general, you do not need to carry out some medical manipulations. After about 3-4 days, unpleasant symptoms will disappear. Your task during this period is less to appear in crowded places, spend more time in the fresh air.

Try to limit communication with other people so as not to catch the virus. Antibody is usually generated within 2-4 weeks after vaccination. It is recommended to be vaccinated before the start of the cold of colds. Therefore, doctors recommend vaccination in September or October. However, this does not mean at all that during the time the disease is vaccinated is useless. The risk of infection before the appearance of antibodies increases. This is especially true for contact people, in particular doctors, teachers, bank employees. That is, all categories of the population who work with people. 


Vaccination from influenza will help from coronavirus?

Doctors note that coronavirus and influenza are completely different ailments that may occur simultaneously, increasing the likelihood of complications, and severe course.

Coronavirus vaccination will help:

  • In this way,cytokine Storm, as well as pulmonary edema with pneumonia, is quite difficult to avoid. Doctors recommend vaccination from influenza on time. However, in the current conditions, many patients who are asymptomatic tolerate coronavirus.
  • Before conducting vaccination from influenza, they do not make a coronavirus test, so there is a risk of vaccine to patients who are already infected with COVID-19. There is a high probability of complications due to the asymptomatic course.
  • Therefore, in the current conditions, it is necessary before vaccinating from influenza, to do an analysis for coronavirus. It is proved that a third of people are asymptomatic tolerate coronavirus disease. If at this moment the vaccine from influenza is made, a high risk of complications is possible. 

Influenza from influenza, temperature: what to do?

After the introduction of the vaccine from the influenza, the body is slightly weakened, part of the immune cells is aimed at producing protection from the introduced proteins of the influenza virus.

Infusion from influenza, temperature, what to do:

  • At temperatures up to 37.5, you should not drink antipyretic drugs.
  • You can take a bag Nimesila or Nimida. These are anti -inflammatory drugs that eliminate weakness and heat.
  • After vaccination, a slight malaise and a slight increase in temperature are possible. It is worth considering that during this period the body is weakened, therefore, it is more sensitive to various viral ailments, including coronavirus.

An ideal option is to conduct vaccination in a private clinic, or by recording, to exclude the possibility of infectioncovid Or ARI in line, in the clinic. 

Introduction of the vaccine
Introduction of the vaccine

Flu vaccination during coronavirus

This year, the Korean authorities decided to protect the weakest part of the population, introduced free flu vaccination. Doctors were afraid that the influenza virus could coincide with a surge of Covid-19, which would aggravate the situation in medical institutions. 

However, after the introduction of the vaccine, 48 people died. These are mainly elderly people whose age is 70-80 years old. Doctors claim that these deaths are in no way connected with the flu vaccine, and people died from concomitant diseases, since most of them suffered from hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases. However, among the dead, a 17-year-old young man who did not suffer from serious illnesses and was absolutely healthy. That is why now in Russia many people refuse to carry out flu vaccination. 

Coronavirus vaccination during the flu:

  • Doctors argue that the danger of a flu vaccine is minimal, it is much lower than the likelihood of complications while infectedcovid and flu. Therefore, it is still recommended to the population to make flu vaccinations on time.
  • This will help reduce the number of complications. Some people think, having vaccinated against influenza, you can protect yourself from coronavirus.
  • However, scientists refute the theory, because these are completely different viruses, with a different structure and effect on the body. The flu vaccination does not affect the ability to become infected with coronavirus. 

The World Health Organization recommends vaccinations from influenza, as it fears an increase in the number of patients with this ailment in hospitals. A surge of the incidence of influenza in our country is usually observed in January-February, which can cause a lining. The fewer people get the flu this year, the better.


Can a flu vaccination provoke coronavirus?

Doctors are afraid of a surge in the number of infected people with influenza and coronavirus at the same time. There are not enough places in the hospitals for two pandemias of flu and coronavirus. In developed countries in Europe, they recommend vaccines from influenza people who are at risk. These are doctors, teachers, doctors, as well as people over 65 years old. It is recommended that children have vaccination from influenza, starting from 6 months.

Can a flu vaccination provoke coronavirus:

  • However, some doctors of Mexico and the United States conducted a number of studies according to which they deduced some pattern. People over 65 years old, who were vaccinated from influenza, were more often infected with coronavirus, which ended with pulmonary failure and death.
  • Patients who have vaccinated against influenza more often suffered from complications atcovid. Many scientists criticized such information, considering it unreliable, due to the small number of sample.
  • Similar studies were also received in 2012, which were conducted among children. Then there was no Covid-19, but the children, vaccinated from the flu, more often suffered from pneumonia caused by pneumococci. They often became ill with other respiratory diseases than not vaccinated children. But even then the number of children, among whom the study was carried out, was only 112 people.
  • It is believed that such a number of patients is not an indicator. More large -scale studies are needed.
A drug
A drug

Infusion from the influenza to the patient with coronavirus: can it be or not?

The instructions for vaccination from the influenza indicate that it can be introduced if there are no clinical symptoms of acute respiratory infections. If a person does not have temperature, malaise, runny nose or cough, you can introduce a vaccine. Accordingly, even with the asymptomatic course of coronavirus, it is theoretically allowed to drive the vaccine.

Infusion from the influenza by a patient with coronavirus, or not:

  • But immunologists agree that the vaccine may not work at all, in case of infection with Covid, or with its asymptomatic course. In the process of developing antibodies in relation to one virus, and when infected with another, failure is possible.
  • Between vaccination and coronavirus disease should pass at least a month. If these lines are smaller, vaccination will not give results. There were no specific studies of the effect of influenza vaccine in relation to coronavirus patients.
  • Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally say how the body will respond to the introduction of influenza vaccine, with coronavirus disease.

A lot of information about vaccinations can be found on our website:

The World Health Organization recommends introducing flu vaccinations to prevent the overflow of hospitals. To do them or not, to solve only to you. 

Video: flu vaccination during the Pandemia of Coronavirus

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Comments K. article

  1. The doctor also warned me during vaccination that there could be side effects. To minimize them, she advised Mexidol. And she did, and really suffered everything easily and without negative consequences.

  2. In general, doctors always warn that malaise is possible after vaccination is normal.

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