An essay on the topic “Man of Honor”: whether there are examples from literature, statements of famous people, arguments in our days, what qualities.

An essay on the topic “Man of Honor”: whether there are examples from literature, statements of famous people, arguments in our days, what qualities.

If you need to write an essay on the topic “Man of Honor”, \u200b\u200bthen look for options in the article. Here you will also find answers to questions for presentation and reports.

Many consider the honor an obsolete concept, associating it with those distant times when people called each other to a duel because of a one-wing word or an oblique look. Often, in this way, “questions of love” were decided in this way - in particular, those situations when the good name of the beautiful lady should be defended.

There are also works on our site on the topic "What is humanity" and "Why proud people are alone".

Now in schools they are taking a topic of honor, they analyze literary heroes of different times. Teachers also ask students to write an essay on this topic so that children can understand who people are people. This topic is often found on the final works in grade 11 and the exam. Below you will find several works on this topic, as well as answers to questions related to this topic. Read further.

Are there people honor these days?

Man of honor
Man of honor

Principle "Life is the homeland, honor - nobody" combines musketeers and midshipmen, medieval knights and brave ancient soldiers. But are there people of honor today?

It seems that practically no. However, this is not the case. Despite the fact that the concepts of “honor”, \u200b\u200b“nobility”, “valor” are rarely illuminated today, among our contemporaries there are purposeful, proud and fundamental people, for which the ideals of justice are the main ones.

Such personalities will never violate their own moral taboos. They are almost always honest and straightforward. But is it fashionable to be a person of honor in our time? This is a completely different question. After all, fundamental and honest people in modern society have quite low chances of achieving heights. Success, on the contrary, achieve more “penetration” and flexible.

However, people of honor are worthy of respect. It is their "moral" component that is striking. Even being behind the poverty line, a person of honor will never agree to a humiliating activity for him (which can promise big fees), will never compromise with morality and conscience.

A modern man of honor is a vocation. After all, they are born, not become. A similar tendency is genetically. Who are people of honor in our time? It can be both military personnel and doctors, both teachers and workers. Moreover, the type of activity is not particularly important.

A person of honor can be called anyone who is responsible for his words and acts according to conscience, honors moral principles and ideals. This can be a person of absolutely any age and social layer.

What qualities a person of honor should have: what does it mean to be a person of honor?

Honor means to be a decent person
Honor means to be a decent person

Decent people have been valued in all centuries. Since the time of the Russian Empire, many personalities risked their lives so as not to lose their face or to relieve a loved one from the shame. What qualities should a person of honor have? What does it mean to be a man of honor? Answers to these questions can be described in this essay:

An example of a great person during the Russian Empire is A.S. Pushkinwho fought a duel with Dantes to protect his honor and honor of his woman. It seems to me that people of honor are distinguished by uncompromising and integrity. If it weren’t for these qualities, if the poet then simply “missed everything” and continued to live on, he would have created many more beautiful poems. But then he would not be a man of honor. However, Pushkin was them, he had no other choice, except to accept a mortal battle.

People of honor are highly moraine personalities. They cannot make a deal with their own conscience, even if all their further existence depends on this. However, there are other options - when in the eyes of others a person has sank, everyone speaks of him as a person with low moral and social responsibility, but he stores bright ideals in his soul.

That was exactly what was Sonya Marmeladov from the work "Crime and punishment" Fedor Dostoevskywho had to engage in the "ancient profession" in order to feed hungry children. However, even being a prostitute, the girl continued to be a highly moraine person, thanks to her own inner world, life position, faith. Moreover, she was even able to change the worldview of Raskolnikov. By the way, the young man himself is also a man of honor. True, this is the victim. He had a persistent (albeit incorrect) system of values, pride, self -esteem, determination, uncompromising, principles - all the qualities that are inherent in such a person.

If a person of honor is contrary to his ideals, he ceases to be himself. However, society itself breaks off all kinds of contacts with dishonest people. A person of honor has responsiveness. He always helps those who find themselves in trouble. People of such a warehouse will never humiliate, will not allow you to insult their loved ones. They are not arrogant, but always require respect. People of honor always upheld their principles and aspirations.

It happens that such a person is given a choice - to become successful and rich, but to violate his principles, or to leave everything as it is. Naturally, he will choose the second. After all, no matter how much a person of honor suffers, he will never go against his morality. Such people are strong in spirit, sensitive, noble.

Sholokhov "Fate of man" - honor and dishonor: composition

Sholokhov "Fate of man"

Honor and dignity are very important for a highly moral person. In the story "The fate of man", the writer shows that a person of honor will remain such, even if force-major circumstances are pressed on him, even if he is before his own death. Here is an essay about honor and dishonor according to Sholokhov "Fate of man":

Andrey Sokolov It falls captive to the Germans. He tries to run, but suffers a fiasco, works hard in his career, suffers bullying. The prisoner does not withstand and speaks of overwhelming work, he is sent to the command. The officers decide to mock a hungry and exhausted person, offer him a drink for the victory of fascism. Sokolov refuses. Then he is offered to drink for his own death.

Sokolov understands that if he gets drunk before the execution, then it will not be so scary to die. Therefore, he refuses the snack and drinks in one gulp almost three glasses of vodka. A loaf of bread and a piece of fat that they gave him, he attributes to other inhabitants of the hut.

An example of the hero shows that a person of honor remains so even in very harsh conditions. Moreover, even the Germans appreciated his persistent position and left alive. By the way, the author does not call creation in vain "The fate of man", and not the “fate of Sokolov”, thereby emphasizing that the hero is a man of honor with a capital letter.

Honor and dignity are the highest moral values \u200b\u200bof man: composition

Honor and dignity - the highest moral values \u200b\u200bof man
Honor and dignity - the highest moral values \u200b\u200bof man

The problem of honor and dignity is considered in many literary creations. Real heroes are always ready to make any sacrifices in order not to tarnish their honor. Here's the essay on the topic "Honor and dignity are the highest moral values \u200b\u200bof a person":

Honor and dishonor often create a moral choice. A person can succumb to circumstances or keep his principles to the last. For example, Homer - The ancient Greek poet believed that there are some external forces (divine fishing) and internal (moral values \u200b\u200bof man). For example Achilles and Hector - characters of ancient Greek mythology, he shows how the honor can manifest itself. Despite the fact that both heroes are people of honor, the first obeys feelings, weak before anger and revenge. The second sees his purpose in protecting the family, city and people.

Losing honor and dignity, a person ceases to be himself. He loses everything that he had previously appreciated. Even the best friend may turn away from such a person. A dishonest person from the perspective of society - the personality is unworthy, low, not developed.

Highly moraine people with honor and dignity are useful not only because they have a persistent life position, but also by the fact that they are able to benefit society. You can even say that they move society to progress. After all, if a person had not had moral principles, but would only trust the low -powered instincts, he would be no different from the primates. A reasonable man made him not only the ability to think, analyze and compare facts, but also qualities such as honor and dignity.

Why is it important for a person not to tarnish his honor?

It is important for a person not to tarnish his honor
It is important for a person not to tarnish his honor

The Russian folk proverb says: "Take care of the dress dream, and the honor of a young man". But the line between honor and dishonor is very thin. And sometimes even those who consider themselves a high -moraine person violate her. But why is it important for a person not to tarnish his honor?

It is worth contacting examples from literature. AT "Dead Souls" the main character - A fraudster, which is enriched at the expense of others. Initially, society is loyal to it. Chichikov even decides to "let the roots." However, after the crime is revealed, he loses his position in society, people turn away from him.

Accordingly, even those who initially do not appreciate the concept of honor, an honest person is needed in order to seem a worthy element of society. After all, no one respects dishonest people, they do not want to communicate with them. As soon as everyone finds out the price of Chichikov’s money, they begin to despise it. And life is no longer as cloudless as before.

Regarding people of honor, it is important for them not to stain your good name - since it is a matter of life and death. If a decent person is intentionally disgraced or society does not value it, then this is fraught with mental torment and long depression, up to the attention of accounts with life.

In other words, a decent person simply cannot live with a tarnished reputation. For him, this is the norm and absolute truth, the meaning of existence. Violating his own principles, he loses everything that he had - both in the direct and in the figurative sense. He does not see incentives to live on. Suppose the heroine of the novel Lev Tolstoy  "Anna Karenina", decides on treason to her husband. But betrayal does not give her happiness. When she noticed the cooling of feelings from a new lover, she committed suicide, because she could not say goodbye to a good name and carry this cross further. There can be no prosperity for decent people without honor.

They honor the uniform, not man: military greeting

They honor the uniform, not man
They honor the uniform, not man

The military way is largely normalized, it provides not only a clear and unquestioning execution of orders. Why is the honor are given to the uniform, not man? This is understandable.

The fact is that the manifestation of respect for the uniform is the recognition of those professional merits that allowed the individual to earn a high military rank. As for human qualities - in this case, no one considers them. That is, a private or corporal may not internally encourage any actions of the officer, not to consider him a person of honor and moral person, but he must give the honor of his uniform-since he is subordinate to him.

It turns out that the honor given to the uniform is hierarchical relations, not human, this is a military greeting. Respect for a person is based on actions. Therefore, a high rank may not guarantee that a person of honor is in front of us, and the owner of a low rank can commit a heroic act, while not having regalia and an officer uniform.

On the other hand, there is such a thing as "the honor of the uniform." It implies the wearing of the title of "soldier" with pride. In other words, a person must actually prove that he does not form because it was given to him in the warehouse and this is a “dress code”, that he is worthy of the title of a real warrior. Therefore, he is:

  • Brave
  • Disciplined
  • Fair
  • Responsible
  • Bold
  • Decisive
  • Strong
  • Persistent

However, to keep the honor of the uniform is sometimes the same as being a "man of honor." Not in vain, in those cases when the military commits impermissible offenses, he is lowered in rank, thereby showing that he is from now on not worthy to wear one or another “title”. This is a kind of punishment, which makes you think about your behavior.

A decrease in the rank threatens a spoiled reputation, a decrease in authority. This is an incentive for an officer to observe his honor to the last, otherwise he will lose respect, the restoration of which can take years.

Who can be called a person of honor: arguments

Man of honor
Man of honor

A person of honor can be called the one who lives in accordance with his moral principles and moral attitudes. They determine behavior and judgments. The type of man of honor is very well illuminated in the literature. Here are the arguments:

Ostap, son Tarasa Bulba In the work of the same name Gogol, is a valiant Cossack, for whom the salvation of their homeland and faith is a matter of honor. He has selflessness and perseverance, boldly looks into the face of danger, comes to the rescue of the twin. When Lyakhs kill his mother and destroy the house, a good business for him is also a revenge. He cannot reconcile with the situation, therefore he denies personal interests, and devotes his whole life to the salvation of the people. It all ends that the hero is publicly quartered. But even in this case, he does not spare and does not show weakness.

AT "Captain's daughter" Grinev Also faithful to honor. He refuses to join the army of rebels, does not spare his life. Moreover, Emelyan Pugachev himself appreciates the moral qualities of Peter and retains his life. The young man receives a similar “gift” for what is a person of honor, he is courageous, stubborn, courageous and honest. Even the enemy managed to evaluate this.

A person of honor can be called a virtuous personality, courageous, with pure thoughts that protects the weak. He knows how to look into the face of danger with dignity, fundamental and does not give up halfway.

A man of honor - examples from literature: Dubrovsky, Andrey Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov

Man of Honor - Andrey Bolkonsky
Man of Honor - Andrey Bolkonsky

To better understand who a person of honor is worth considering examples from literature. For example, you can discuss Dubrovsky, Andrei Bolkonskyand Pierre Bezukhov. Let's compare these characters:

At first Bolkonsky from the poem "War and Peace" It seems to the reader a conceited person, smug. Even in war, he comes for glory and exploits. But the elevation of its own ego is soon replaced by a code of honor. Andrei becomes a fundamental person who holds his word and is not afraid of risks. At war Bolkonsky Shows valor and nobility. However, Prince Andrei is honest not only with others, but also with himself.

He can be cold with his wife, but supported to Pierre. The protection of the Fatherland for him, both a way to become famous and the desire to break with a familiar circle that is alien to him. In the war, Bolkonsky has to manifest himself from the best side. However, seeing the bottomless sky during the battle, he understands that all military ambitions and military honor are nothing compared to human honor.
It’s not enough to be a good officer, you need to be a good person - this is what Prince Andrei understands. From now on, his priorities are helping people and families. In this state of affairs, he feels absolutely happy.

Is an example of a person of honor and Vladimir Dubrovsky In the novel of the same name A.S. Pushkin? He decides to take revenge on his father. The young man is decisive, fundamental, fair, selfless. But his offender turns out to be the father of his lover. The guy decides to abandon his decision on revenge, so as not to make Masha hurt. In addition, Dubrovsky’s robber is noble. A gang from serfs acts according to the principle of Robin Hood, “punishing” only those who got good in a dishonest way. Dubrovsky and their people are kind and responsive to the common people, they are always ready to defend those who need help.

A person of honor is and Pierre Bezukhov. The war saves him from naivety and cowardice, he learns to answer for his words and actions, to benefit society. Bezukhov is also honest with himself and knows how to admit his mistakes. The spiritual search makes him a noble, highly moraine person.

Swabrin a man of honor or dishonor?

Swabrin man of dishonor
Swabrin man of dishonor

Shvabrin From the story A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" It is the exact opposite Grinev. He lives only for the benefit of himself, is always able to “switch” to where they offer more favorable conditions. He has not so developed the ideals of good and justice.

For the sake of his benefit, the hero is capable of any meanness. That is why it is wiser to call him a person of dishonor than honor. Although Shvabrin Sometimes he is capable of good, but he has no moral ideals and can do good only when he is interested in it.

A man of honor never does that. After all, it doesn’t matter to him what he will receive if he helps anyone, he provides assistance only because he cannot otherwise. Shvabrin - The person is inspecting, a little insidious, "with a wormhole." He is always interested in the “giving” of his actions, does nothing “just like that” and “for justice”.

This is a man of dishonor. However, even in the case of Shvabrin For some reason, it seems that other circumstances could change it and make a worsened copy Grinev. It is a pity that this never happened in the novel.

"Tale of a real man": an essay about a person of honor

"Tale of a real man"

The basis "Tale of a real man" Boris Polevoy Facts from the real life of the hero, the Soviet military pilot-fighter are laid. His biography is very unique. The pilot was shot down by the Nazis and the wounded three weeks made his way through the snowy forests until he got to the partisans. He lost both legs, but subsequently the hero shows an amazing strength of character, sits down again for the helm of the aircraft and replenishes the score of air victories over the enemy. Here is an essay about a person of honor:

Alexei Maresyev It can be called a person of honor. After all, he is faithful to his ideals. The hero had to go through the pain in his legs, hunger, cold and fatigue. However, he did not give up to the Nazis and gave himself a vow, at all costs to get to the Soviet line of the front. The obstacles only hardened its combat character.

When the exhausted soldier is selected, he begins to fight Gangrene. But even amputation of the legs did not break the hero. He returns to duty - at first recovering on prostheses, gradually learning to walk and dance. In the end, he again raises the plane into the sky and fights with the enemy.

This example shows that if a person of honor gives himself any obligation, then he fulfills it, no matter what it costs him. Maresyev gave himself the word that even the absence of legs would not prevent him from protecting his homeland with others, and he fulfilled it.

This is exactly what a person of honor should do. Even if, after amputation, the soldiers would not return to the front, no one would have condemned him for such an act, would not accuse him of cowardice. After all, disability is a serious reason to stay in the rear. But the hero could not afford it. Example Alexei Maresyev It shows what it means to be a real warrior and a brave, responsible person who is not afraid to sacrifice life for his principles.

What does it mean to be a person of honor: arguments

Man of honor
Man of honor

To be a person of honor means setting your honor above any desires. Here are the arguments on this topic for the composition:

Tatyana in the novel "Eugene Onegin" marry. When he himself Onegin Years later returns, the girl, although she recalls the former love, does not allow herself to change her husband, which honestly and tells Eugene.

AT "Dubrovsky" Vladimir Refuses to kill Troekurovabecause it will hurt his beloved. It turns out that the happiness of another person for him becomes more important than his own ambitions and thirst for revenge. A person of honor is and Maria - Since she has already made a marriage oath, she refuses to run with Dubrovsky, although she loves him.

Also, a person of honor should be generous. Suppose, let's Peter Grinev Forgates Shvabrina After a duel. Its decency is also manifested in the refusal to serve Pugachev. Since Peter made a promise to serve the authorities, he cannot just turn off the path. This person follows his ideals to the last.

To be a person of honor means to be persistent, courageous, fundamental, to have a system of views and values, to maintain a moral look in any circumstances.

Is it possible to take away the honor of a person?

Man of honor
Man of honor

For a fundamental person for whom honor is more important than life, he will not succeed in taking it away. Such a person is Peter Grinev From the work "Captain's daughter" A.S. Pushkin. He will better take death than to depart from his principles.

But it is worth remembering the words A.P. Chekhova: "Honor can only be lost". This is traced in the same novel "Captain's daughter"but does it Shvabrin. He is an adapter, because he passes to the side of Pugachev when “smells fried”, when his life begins to threaten danger.

Even if they try to dishonor a person honestly, he still will not lose his honor. For example, merchant Kalashnikov From a historical poem "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" M.Yu. Lermontov, He did not concede the king. He went to battle with the oprichnik to protect his honor and honor his wife. It was not important for him whether he would be the winner, whether he would be convicted by the authorities.
For Kalashnikov, it is necessary to realize that he is a worthy member of society. Amazingly, fate rewards his efforts, and he wins.

It is impossible to take away honor from such a person even after death. But, if a person is vile and dishonest, then he will betray his ideals as soon as possible, if it threatens him with benefits.

Statements of famous people about honor

Statements of famous people about honor
Statements of famous people about honor

Honor is important for people, at all times. Of course, people are different, for some it is more expensive than their own life, while others can lose it. Great people - poets, philosophers, writers and others, made their statements about this quality of man. Their words are priceless and live today.

Here are the statements of famous people about honor:

  • “Not strong better, but honest. Honor and own dignity is most of all ” - Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.
  • “Honor is more expensive than life” - Johann Friedrich Schiller.
  • “I agree to transfer all misfortune, but I do not agree that the honor suffers” - Pierre Cornel.
  • “Honor is courageous bashfulness” - Alfred de Vigny.
  • “Honor is an external conscience, and conscience is an internal honor” - Arthur Schopenhauer.
  • “He who is losing honor can no longer lose anything” - Publius Sire.
  • "Honor is true beauty!" - Romain Rollan.

Of course, there are statements of other great people. All of them cannot be described. These are the most popular and famous who live in our time.

Can a person without honor be happy?

A person cannot be happy without honor
A person cannot be happy without honor

Honor is a moral concept. Therefore, whether a person can live and whether he will be happy without honor depends on his personal beliefs and qualities. One individual is capable of committing meanness and even not to blink an eye, and for another honor - above all. Therefore, even if a person “gets out of the way”, he will reproach himself for the slightest weakness until the end of his life.

Happy without honor can be only in cases where this quality is not his main priority when he is a person with low moral attitudes. However, even convinced scoundrels are sometimes important. After all, such people really do not like it when there is no respect for them and they are talking about them badly.

Accordingly, for some honor it is the meaning of life, it is a form of existence, it is the only condition for a happy existence. Others are simply pleasant when they are called people of honor. They can do low acts for their own benefits, but if the rest do not know about it and consider them decent, this is also an occasion to be happy. It all depends on how much a person himself appreciates the concept of honor and what he puts in it.

Modern films about human honor: List

Film about the honor of man
Film about the honor of man

Many films have been shot about people of honor. These are almost all Soviet films of the last century about the war. For example, a film shot on a work "Tale of a real man". Here are a few modern films about the honor of a person who are not related to the Great Patriotic War, but their heroes are also people from whom they need to take an example. Here's a list:

  • "Carrier: Heritage"/"The Transporter Refueled"
  • "Lord of the Elements"/"The Last Airbender"
  • “In the name of the king: the history of the siege of the dungeon”/“In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale”
  • "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"/"Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi"
  • "First Avenger: Confrontation"/"Captain America: Civil War"
  • "Tomorrow at dawn"/"Demain des l’ aube"
  • “Highlander: In Search of Revenge”/“Highlander: The Search for Vengeance”
  • "Volunteers"/"Taking Chance"

This list can be continued endlessly. Directors and producers make many films about people of honor, their lives and exploits, even sometimes fictional.

What a person is ready for the sake of honor: composition

A person is ready for a lot for honor
A person is ready for a lot for honor

On the example of literary heroes of different times, it is clear what people of honor are ready for. They even sacrifice their lives, but always retain their dignity. Here is an essay on the topic: "What a person is ready for the sake of honor":

Since honor is the highest moral axiom, a person is ready for the sake of it for almost everything - even sacrifice his life. However, only if it comes to a decent and highly moraine person.

Circumstances are different. Therefore, even a convinced daredevil can subconsciously save in cases where there is a direct threat to its existence and security. This is an instinct that sometimes takes its own. Therefore, being a person of honor is very difficult. One awkward movement can forever deprive this status, translating a person from the category of bold and honest into the category of cowardly and vile.

For example, a similar situation was observed with Shvabrinfrom the work A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". Sometimes he simply lacked courage to act like a valiant warrior. U GrinevOn the contrary, such a quality was observed in abundance.

People who risked their lives for their honor

People who risked their lives for their honor
People who risked their lives for their honor

This category with complete confidence can be attributed to all heroes Great Patriotic Warwho, not sparing their youth. They gave their lives for a clear sky above the heads of their descendants. These are people who risked their lives for their honor.

As for modernity, if a person saves from the death of a child, or sacrifices some benefits for the sake of who is in trouble-it can already be talked about as decent and noble. In addition, anyone who defends their beliefs and strives for bright ideals without changing opinions is already an honest, decent person. The issue of risk of life in this case is only a matter of time.

Video: a story about a real person. The film of the USSR. 1948

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