Composition on the topic “The image of Eugene Onegin in the novel of Pushkin”: characteristics, quotes

Composition on the topic “The image of Eugene Onegin in the novel of Pushkin”: characteristics, quotes

In this article you will find several works about the image of Onegin, Larina, Lensky from Pushkin’s novel.

Evgeny Onegin poet Pushkin - so many stories, school works and even verses have been written about him. This image is close to many, and therefore not only writers, but also ordinary people are composed of it. The school is often set to write an essay on the topic of the novel Eugene Onegin. Below you will find several such creations that may be needed, both students in the 9th, 10th grade and graduates. Read further.

The image of Onegin in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” is characteristic: essay, 9, 10, 11 grade, quotes

The image of Onegin in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”
The image of Onegin in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”

Evgeny Petersburger, a young man from an aristocratic family. Here is the detailed image of Onegin in the novel Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" With a characteristic - an essay for 9, 10, 11 classes with quotes:

He lost his parents, sisters and brothers early. Brought up by the tutors. However, “brought up” is too loud. In fact, the young man had to independently know the basics of this life (“We all studied a little ...”). This is not to say that Onegin loved to read, but he gravitates to some novels.

The hero’s life was far from the righteous. He, like many young people of that time, spent the nights in the skeletons at secular balls. He woke up late, and then he indulged in rest. As for labor, this is difficult with Onegin. It is likely that if the circumstances were different, then he could work - but, alas, the young man was not accustomed to work.

Eugene loves to flirt and does not betray partners of serious importance. Moreover, he was not used to being with one girl for a long time. Onegin attracts diversity. However, by the age of 26, the character is already tired of everything-how diverse his fun life was.

Eugene is an egoist. When he hurts people, he does not even think about it. But, at the same time, he is charming. It was a kind of charm that allowed him to win the heart of Tatyana Larina. The girl sent him a letter. That's just a clean and closed young lady does not attract the hero. He rejects her. Not because Larina is not sympathetic to him, but because he is tired of everything.

Nevertheless, he takes care of the bride of his friend Lensky. Moreover, he kills a friend - what speaks of him as a vile man. Usually for friends, a friend’s beloved is a taboo. But Onegin is aware of his guilt and wants to forget everything. The wanderings change the hero. He understands that he loves Tatyana. However, now she also does not need his feelings.

Onegin characteristic (briefly):

Despite the fact that the character cannot be called positive, he is not negative. This is just a person with his pros and cons. The once selfish, narcissistic heart and aristocrat, ultimately understands that he has chosen the wrong strategy of life, but not everything can be changed by the wave of a magic wand.

Quotes to the composition:

“... We all studied a little
Something and somehow
So upbringing, thank God,
It’s no wonder to show off ... ”

“... you can be a practical person
And think about the beauty of the nails ... "

“... who lived and thought, he cannot
Do not despise people in the soul ... ".

"... as if it is impossible for us to write poems about something else, as soon as about ourselves ...".

The author claimed that Eugene Onegin is not a novel about himself. Continuation of quotes:

“They came together. The wave and stone, poems and prose, ice and flame, are not so different among themselves ... ” The author talks about the differences between Onegin and Lensky.

“So people (the first I repent), there’s nothing to do friends ...”.

"We read all zero, and units - ourselves ...".

"A habit is given to us from above: replacing happiness it ..."

“The less we love the woman, the easier it is to like her, and the more accurately we destroy her in the middle of seductive networks ...”

"Satan jokes with love ...".

“Who to love? Who to believe? Love yourself. The subject is worthy: nothing, dear, right, there is no it ... ".

The image of Tatyana Larina in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”: Composition

The image of Tatyana Larina in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”
The image of Tatyana Larina in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”

Tatyana Larina - A lot is connected with her Evgenia Onegin. This is the standard and an example for many characters of various authors. A real Russian woman, with an ardent character, is a dreamy, straightforward, but heroic personality. Here essay about the image of Tatyana Larina in the novel Pushkin "Eugene Onegin":

Tatyana grew in the village, in a poor, but noble family. Has a sister Olga. But they are completely different. If the latter loves to have fun, very energetic, then Tanya is very silent, thin and pale. She seems to be closed. Larina, as if he does not open to the world to the end, is afraid that she would be painful. Tatyana is brought up, knows languages. He loves a nanny and homeland. Somewhat sentimental. He believes in signs and practices fortune telling.

The heroine also actively reads love novels and dreams of surviving a real feeling in reality. In Onegin, she falls in love at first sight. The girl writes a letter in which she expresses her feelings - after all, she does not have the spirit in words. Nevertheless, it is sincere, open, honest, possibly even shy and very vulnerable.

But when, after years, they meet with Eugene, he discovers that Tatyana has changed. Now this is a confident, decisive girl who is not at all like that romantic, shy child, whom she had recently seemed.

Larina also has a character and a sense of pride - she refuses the resulting Onegin. Given that she was already marriage by that time, she will never betray her husband. This indicates incredible fidelity and sacrifice.

Composition on the topic "The image of the author" in the novel "Eugene Onegin": the image of Pushkin

"The image of the author" in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

The author in the novel is also a hero. His image is clearly traced. Here An essay on the topic “The image of the author” in the novel “Eugene Onegin” is the image of Pushkin:

The author in creation is considered along with the heroes. He is not an “all -seeing” invisible eye, as in other literary masterpieces, but a separate character. They even meet with Onegin once. The writer says that their spiritual position is similar, but there are differences. The author and Pushkin are not quite the same person. Nevertheless, the hero-author speaks the thoughts of the poet, he is filled with wisdom and life experience.

The author is a guide. He gives the reader the opportunity to adapt to the pages of creation, accompanies it, explains, makes remarks.

The image of the Larins in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”: essay, briefly

The image of the Larins in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”
The image of the Larins in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”

The Larins family pays special attention to the novel. The car describes in the smallest details. Here's the essay on the topic “The image of the Larins in Pushkin’s novel“ Eugene Onegin ”:

Larina's sisters are completely different. Tatyana is a modest girl, thin, pale, quiet and reasonable. It is very difficult to see an exuding rampant fun. This is a well -educated and slightly shy person who dreams of events from love novels, wonders, knows languages. Nevertheless, the heroine is melancholy and degree. It almost never violates the silence, rejoices and complains almost silently.

But the youngest Olga, like a spring, sparkling brook. She is incredibly active - she manages to catch the admiring eyes of men, and have fun. Olga lives in the full sense of the word. She is fervent and cheerful, full of fire and positive.

If Tatyana is difficult to say about her feelings, as a result of which she writes recognition on paper, then Olga is not shy and can say about everything openly. However, Olga is also clean and a little naive. She seeks to be in the spotlight, but this is a youthful error. As for the author, he admires both Larins, does not compare them and does not believe that one of the girls is something better than the other.

Father Dmitry Larin - died a few years ago. He was much older than his wife, whom he loved very much. Mother Praskovya - loves her daughters. Like any Russian family, they like to cook pancakes for holidays, guess to baptism. These are typical representatives of that time - welcoming hosts, provincial elderly people.

The image of Lensky in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”: Composition

The image of Lensky in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”
The image of Lensky in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”

Lensky can be called "a special intellectual." He is inclined to philosophy, because he grew up on Goethe. He is fond of poetry. Freethinker. A very emotional person, pours all his experiences into the world. Here's the essay on the topic “The image of Lensky in Pushkin’s novel“ Eugene Onegin ”:

Smart and capable. Nevertheless, Pushkin hints that Lensky is not so talented that millions admire his poetry.

The hero can also be called a reverent romantic who is very difficult to adapt to the cruel world. Watching soulless people and sneaks, the young man sees all the differences and from this he becomes uneasy. He idealizes people what Olga’s example is talking about. Of course, the girl also has disadvantages, but Lensky refuses to see them.

For him, Olga is a queen, an immaculate deity. Of course, any opposite of this judgment, or visual confirmations of the opposite, are able to drive the character into long thoughts, and, possibly, depression.

Despite the fact that Lensky and Onegin of one circle, the latter does not seem so decent. Yes, Lensky is not adapted to this life, he has oddities and hovers in the clouds, but still he is less inclined to meanness, not as finished egoist as Eugene. But, however, people tend to change - because in the course of the work the reader seems to be an updated, improved Onegin.

Video: Image of Evgeny Onegin in the novel by A.S. Pushkin. Russian literature grade 9

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