“Good should be with fists”: the author of words, arguments for essay, essay

“Good should be with fists”: the author of words, arguments for essay, essay

In this article you will find arguments for composing on the topic "Good should be with fists."

Good must be with fists" - The well -known phrase. We often use it in ordinary life. But only a few know to whom such words belong. The school often set to write an essay on such a topic. Especially, the arguments and meaning of these words can be useful to prepare for an essay on the exam. Below you will find the poem itself, and also find out why they say so what is the meaning and meaning of these words.

“Good should be with fists” - a poem, text: who is the author of the words, where is the phrase, Kunyaev

We constantly use well -known phrases in our speech, without even thinking where they came to us from. "Good must be with fists" - This is the topic that Mikhail Svetlov gave to many poets and asked them to write several lines. That's where this phrase came from. To the question: “Who is the author of the words?”, We can say with the confidence that there are many of them. The most famous poem was written by Stanislav Kunyaev - here is the text:

"Good must be with fists"

Read more about this poem, meaning and meaning of the phrase, read below.

The expression “good should be with fists”: meaning, meaning, why they say that?

Expression "Good must be with fists.." It seems to some so ancient and established, as if her humanity has been using for a long time. And, indeed, if you look as a whole, the thought is quite obvious, but formulated and widespread in the form about which we are talking about, relatively recently. These words appeared at the beginning of the second half of the previous century thanks to Soviet poets.

What is the meaning of words, meaning and why they say that? Here's the answer:

  • Mikhail Svetlov, who was a mentor of two other talented poets Evgeny Yevtushenko and Stanislav Kunyaev, set them a topic that he designated something like a need for a kind to defend himself.
  • According to the memoirs, the poet Svetlova impressed just such an accurate and original wording as “good with fists”.
  • As a result, it was with this phrase that he began his poem, which became not as popular as the phrase itself.
  • Kunyaev said that good needs to be able to protect and show strength. In particular, because it is good that “crushes shackles of shackles”.

Nevertheless, some phrases in this poem sound a little more radically compared to Yevtushenko’s reasoning, and indeed look slightly harsh.

“Good should be with fists”: arguments for composing the exam, examples, essays

"Good must be with fists"

Yevtushenko also wrote poetry on the topic "Good must be with fists"but he did not use the phrase directly, but implied meaning. This can be used as arguments for composing the exam. For example, such a poem is called “Anger” and Yevtushenko in collaboration indicates Svetlova. He actually gave both poets the opportunity to reflect in verses over interesting ideas. From this you can start writing an essay. Here is the continuation:

Evtushenko talks about the fact that you need to be angry with evil, various negative aspects of existence and this is also good, but not in simple formalities and observing decency.

Actually, the poet speaks about this. In his opinion (or the position that he expresses in the verse), there may be goodness, including cruelty. Probably, the context of the time and features of the upbringing of that period should be taken into account here. In 1959, the memories of front -line soldiers were still alive, and in general, Soviet reality in spirit could not be called soft and servile. Against the background of this, as well as atheistic education, the lines of the poet about good, which is “not holiness .. not the remission of sins,” but the fact that the good “works as a machine gun” is “not a good action is“ to be knocked out .. good -good -good old people ”.

If we analyze, it is quite easy to detect some insolvency of such theses and the imposition of a rather aggressive, primitive position. Not even to mention any norms of religious or simply moral, universal. Nevertheless, in general, the thought is understandable and is largely true. At the same time, it is necessary to realize that sometimes even a person who is imagining himself a poet may not quite accurately express a true thought.

“Good should be with fists”: picture, photo, tattoos

Phrase "Good must be with fists" She entered our lives so firmly that it is used even as an idea for a tattoo. Here are pictures and photos of original tattoos with these words:

"Good must be with fists"
"Good must be with fists"
"Good must be with fists"

“Good should be with fists”: rap, Misha Mavashi

The most interesting thing is that with words "Good must be with fists" They even write rap. Such tracks sound so original and stylish that they immediately become hits. Misha Mavashi - a famous performer wrote a track with this phrase. Here is a video video, look and listen to how it turned out convincingly and unique:

Video: Misha Mavashi - Good should be with fists!

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