Comparative characteristics of Andriy and Ostap in the story of Gogol “Taras Bulba”: patriotism and the tragedy of fraternal fate

Comparative characteristics of Andriy and Ostap in the story of Gogol “Taras Bulba”: patriotism and the tragedy of fraternal fate

The classic work of Taras Bulba is known and relevant so far. Let's look at the characterization of its main characters.

In the patriotic story of N. Gogol, the historical past of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks appears before the reader. For a reliable reproduction of historical events, the author studied a large number of documentary materials and folklore sources. Gogol in picturesque colors describes the heroic era in which the Ukrainian people fought for their nationality and freedom. To the smallest details, it reveals the character and customs of hacking Cossacks. Each character works "Taras Bulba" expressive and realistic. Stormy episodes are filled with romance and drama.

Comparative characteristics of Andria and Ostap

The central characters of events are the Cossack Commander -in -Chief and his future continued in the person of two sons. Taras Bulba becomes an example to follow the whole Cossacks. The main place in his life is reserved for serving in the Zaporizhzhya Sich and the prosperity of his homeland. He lives according to the Orthodox canons and does not violate Cossack traditions. Taras becomes an example for their sons, and they grow up brave Cossacks.

  • In the youth years The brothers appear before us in the image of two younger seminarians, on the faces of which beauty and youth are displayed. Their high slender figures have not yet acquired courageous outlines. Ostap is a little older than Andria and has an internal rod. The youngest son has always been closer and dear to his mother.
  • For Ostap, the main authority There was always a father. Taras, seeing the sentimentality of the youngest son, calls him "the Mamenkin Son." Ostap does not allow his father to laugh at himself and is ready to defend his honor. Parents strive to give their children the best, and therefore both brothers receive the same education in Bursa. Although for their further lifestyle, education does not matter. The comparative characteristic of Ostap and Andria gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200btheir belonging to different eras.
Ostap and Andriy
Ostap and Andriy
  • Andria is much easier to study. In his misconduct, he always gets out and dodes from punishment. In a younger brother, the author repeatedly emphasizes an attractive appearance, calling him a beautiful stately Cossack. In his behavior there is softness and sophistication. He knows how to adapt to different circumstances and has more ingenuity. Andria has developed a sense of inner beauty and exquisite taste. He is inclined to gentle spiritual experiences.
  • Older brother learns with great reluctance. He repeatedly gets rid of the primer and often escapes from the educational process. Having a solid character, Ostap is not afraid to receive fatherly punishments. He shows effort in his studies only after Taras’s threats about sending to the monastery and deprivation of service in the Zaporizhzhya Sich.
  • Ostap never participated in dubious events, but always played for a brave business. In Bursa, he enjoys the great respect of comrades. Unlike his younger brother, he does not notice the charms of life. Ostap is indifferent to both female beauty and flowering nature. His thoughts are filled with dreams of future Cossack exploits.
Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba
  • During their studies, the brothers form a different worldview, and they rush to different purposes. In various situations, opposite characters are clearly manifested. They are united by a thirst for exploits, the desire to show their courage and strength in the battle with the enemy. A new stage of life of both is an arrival at the Zaporizhzhya Sich.

Patriotism and tragedy of fraternal destinies

Ostap very much sought to be like his father. He wanted to earn the same glory and recognition. His thoughts were filled with dreams of battles. Nothing interested him stronger.

  • Andriy Not so much was fixated in the service. His thoughts were occupied by youthful love in the Pole. The heart of the Cossack was overwhelmed with warm sweet memories. He could not share with someone his emotional experiences, since he would be immediately shamed. After all, in the first place should be the Fatherland.
  • The Cossack loved to retire. Street landscapes pacified his soul. Andria's heart is always open to love, understanding and compassion. Gogol combines in one image a romantic nature and a courageous Cossack. There is an internal struggle between love and service.
  • At the Zaporizhzhya Sich, the brothers showed their best qualities. For their courage and courage, dexterity and courage, they earned respect and recognition of the Cossacks. The brothers strove for the championship among the best. Their only entertainment on Sich are Cossack rampers.
  • In Ostap From the first days of service, leadership qualities are manifested. He is always careful in his actions. Showing courage, he never forgot about caution. The Cossack always found a way to get out of a difficult situation. His judgment has repeatedly helped preserve the lives of the Cossacks.
  • I always remembered the combat comrades, for the sake of a friend is ready to sacrifice himself. He spoke on equal terms with each and expressed good nature. Father was infinitely proud of the achievements of his son: “Oh, this is a good colonel over time! ... and even such that the old man will shut up for the belt! ". Thanks to his strong qualities, Ostap becomes the head of Kuren. Cossacks do not doubt his candidacy in the least and do not hold meetings. Despite the age, Ostap’s actions and reasoning have wisdom and judgment.
  • Andrey flew into battleoverflowing with emotions and feelings: "... rushed, like a young greyhound, a dog, the most beautiful, fastest and youngest in a pack ...". He plunged into any battle with his head, showing crazy courage. He seemed to be pleasure from every battle. The sounds of weapons sounded like music for him. Andria attracts weapons and danger. His courage and assertiveness help to leave any battle the winner. In his actions, Andriy is guided by feelings, not mind. Father also could not get enough of his youngest son: “And this is kind - the enemy would not have taken it! - Warrior! Not Ostap, but good, kind warrior! ".

Love for a girl The Pole became fateful in the life of a younger brother. It turns out to be a hostage in a city surrounded by Cossacks. Andriy leaves his army and makes his way to the side of the enemy to his beloved. Faced with hungry and defenseless people, the Cossack is not able to stay away. Andriy recognizes the panel in his feelings and swears to be faithful and devoted to the end.

He chooses a new life path, making his firm independent decision. Now he wants to fight for the well -being of his beloved. Taking it under his defense, he renounces his past. He is no longer concerned with Cossack duty, he is covered by knightly feelings.

  • Gogol fully reflects Andria's sincere and deep love. But he does not find words in his defense. No one has the right to such weakness, because the duty is always above all human.
  • His firm independent decision, on the one hand, makes him a traitor, and on the other is respect. Not everyone can show such a desperate courage and go at the call of their heart. In the name of love, Andriy crosses out his whole life and goes contrary to the moral principles that his father instilled in him. It is important for the Cossack to realize his desires, and not the hope and expectation of Taras. He is not afraid to show freedom of choice and forever lose his relatives and friends.
With sons
With sons
  • After such an act, Andriy loses the love and support of his father. He disgraced Taras's honor in front of the whole Cossack army. The father sees his son in cold blood killing the Cossacks and is overwhelmed by rage.
  • Ostap in all battles remain faithful to comrades. For him, there was always a clear division of society into enemies and friends. Personal happiness took care of the Cossack least of all. The debt to the Fatherland is always in the first place.
  • Ostap never admits thoughts of betrayal. Being captive of the enemy, subjected to violence and torture, he finds the strength and courage to remain silent. In the face of death, Ostap is fearless and until the last minute does not pronounce a single word before the enemy. The Cossacks come to the place of execution proud and calm. They have nothing to be ashamed of either the enemy or before the comrades.
  • From the beginning to the end of the life path Ostap shows courage and courage, fighting for the well -being of the Motherland. Before his death, the Cossack feels his father's support. The last words of Taras express unlimited respect and love for their hero. Father adopted all the tragedy and pain of his son to himself. The execution of Ostap becomes an example of resistance and hardness in the face of the enemy. For the death of his son, Taras has a military confrontation to the enemy.
  • Both Andriy and Ostap They themselves chose their fate and both deserve understanding. Both brothers die a ruthless death. Ostap realized all the hopes of his father and was worthy of the highest respect. Andriy, having chosen a dangerous path, takes death from his father. Even in the last minutes of his life, repentance does not come to him. His thoughts are addressed to a young wife. Heart experiences for him become the meaning of life.
Ostap and Andriy
Ostap and Andriy

Taras could not come to terms with the betrayal of his son and himself deprives his life. Thus, he tries to atone for his son’s guilt in front of the Fatherland. Debt for him is more important than the family. The older brother shares Taras’s position and does not try to intercede for his brother. The eyes of his father is precisely such a shameful death, the traitor is worthy. Taras finds the strength to tear the traitor out of his heart, and deprives him of the opportunity to be buried with honors. Even after death, Gogol emphasizes the beauty of Andria. His pale courageous face is decorated with black eyebrows. Mourning clothes complement his charm. Even in the dead body, his strength and fortress are visible.

Gogol characters are filled with patrioticity and love for their homeland. On the example of Ostap and Andria, you can see how native people become blood enemies. Each of them chose his life values \u200b\u200band fought for them to the end.

Video: Three Deaths in the story of Gogol

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