“What is humanity”-an essay-building on the topic for the OGE, the exam: arguments, examples from life and literature

“What is humanity”-an essay-building on the topic for the OGE, the exam: arguments, examples from life and literature

Despite the fact that each person comes to this world alone, and leaves him alone, situations often arise in life when he needs help. But the world is sometimes cruel-even under force majeure circumstances, many people can simply pass by. The ability to find mental strength in yourself, to show generosity, to enter the position of another person and, sharing his pain as his own, to provide him with feasible help and is called humanity.

Below you will find several works on this topic, as well as examples and synonyms for the word “humanity”. There are also works on other topics on our site, for example, "What is kindness".

Composition-reasoning on the topic "Man and humanity": with arguments

"Man and humanity"

Of course, the basis of this concept is the love of one's neighbor. Otherwise, the person simply will not have an appropriate impulse.

  • The antipode of humanity is indifference and callousness. But the ability to help people disinterestedly, to listen to their needs is not a manifestation of weakness. This is a sign of a strong, self -confident person. And also very bold.
  • After all, only a coward can save before danger and leave someone in trouble, worrying about his skin. Humanity is also based on attentiveness.
  • Sometimes in order to help help, you should see that the addressee really needs it. Few have the purity of the soul and thoughts, few have this opportunity.

All these words can also be taken for essay. They reveal the essence of humanity, but not completely. Here composition-reasoning on the topic "Man and humanity", with arguments:

Humanity is one of the qualities that are inherent in every developed personality. Anyone who is not capable of empathy and generosity is slightly different from wild animals. In addition, sometimes it becomes even worse than them.

Humanity almost always provides for the sacrifices for which this or that representative of the human race is in order to help another. This quality was often sung by writers and poets. Suppose Dostoevsky, introducing into the work "Crime and Punishment"  Sonya MarmeladovThe complete opposite of Raskolnikov shows the reader a genuine example of benefactors, sincerity, humility, mercy and humanity.

The girl puts her own honor on the end, her own body. She sells herself so that the children do not starve. As for Rodion, he believes that the common good can be achieved only by someone's blood, the elimination of those who harm society. In the case of Sonya, humanity borders on compassion, and its schismatics is deprived of it. After all, he believes that if the murder is committed “according to conscience”, then he can be justified. The hero does not really complain of people, but Sonya sincerely loves them. Despite the fact that her life is far from happy.

Humanity saves the heroine. She wants to commit suicide, but at the last moment she recalls for whom she turned to a shameful profession. And leaves attempts. From this, humanity is that this is the ability to think not only about oneself, but also about others, the ability to take a risk or a deal with his own conscience in order to save anyone. It is noteworthy that after she saved children's lives, the girl saves Rodion himself. She manages to reach his mind, as a result of which the guy changes his mind.

Humanity is a desire for justice, respect and honesty. This is the ability to see good people in people, even if they acted unfairly with you. This quality is devoid of self -interest. Maternity may also include this category. After all, every woman, giving the child life, at the same time risks her. If the birth has passed successfully, it radically changes its lifestyle and habits, devoting its existence to a new person for many years.

Also, a manifestation of this quality can be considered the salvation of a person on the street or a homeless animal. He has both a person who risking himself, saved the child from a burning house, and one who protects the weak and destitute. Accordingly, this is kindness, bordering on courage.

Another example of humanity from literature is Professor Preobrazhensky in Bulgakov "Dog's heart". He challenged all scientific dogmas and turned a street dog into a man. However, the scientist paid for his kindness. Contrary to efforts, a person created from an animal, was poorly lended for education. The instincts in it prevailed over the moral base that the professor and Bormental sought to instill him. As a result, Preobrazhensky was forced to admit his discovery by a failure. But, perhaps, it became such because there was no most important quality in Sharikov - humanity?

Examples of humanity in man from life and literature: Grade 6, tell us about the life experience of heroes of works

Examples of humanity in man from literature
Examples of humanity in man from literature

There are plenty of examples of humanity in a person in our life. You just need to look around and pay attention.

Here are examples from life:

A human person should have love not only for people, but also for animals. Not so long ago I happened to see how one man saved the dog in the subway. It is quite obvious that if it were not for his efforts, then she would have died, because seconds after the act, the wagons at high speed to carry past. She had an interrupted her back, so she certainly would not have time to jump over the rails and run away. By the way, I was the only one told him “thank you”, the rest of the people looked at this guy as a dim. But a person accomplished a feat. It's a shame to realize that humanity sometimes causes not admiration and desire to imitate, but misunderstanding.

People who are engaged in charity capacity can be called human. Many famous artists help those who are sick with cancer and the starving children of the third world countries. I am also delighted with donors. These people with a good heart save human lives, not using any weapons for this. There are those who have taken blood more than 1000 times per life. Thanks to this, they saved millions of people from death.

Here are examples from literature - Grade 6, tell us about the life experience of the heroes of the works:

The heroes of many works are an example of this quality from literature. Suppose, in creation M. Gorky "Chelkash", the thief had high moral principles. He refused to kill the accomplice for the sake of profit, while the peasant was already ready for this. This character is even comparable to Sonya Marmelado. After all, he was engaged in theft due to the lack of an alternative. But, as it turned out, not every criminal can lose humanity. This hero remained faithful to the principles of honor, living in poverty, among misfortunes and deprivations. And this can be proud of.

AT "Captain's daughter" Pushkin, Pugachev saves Petra Grinev, despite the fact that they are on different sides of the barricades in this war. But humanity shown in relation to the enemy is an even more significant act than the salvation of a friend. In Grinev, he sees a man of words, and in return gives him salvation. As for the latter, he takes care of the girl, which is surrounded. It turns out that the chieftain did not feel the bestial rage, destroying the enemies. He retained moral principles and humanity.

AT "The fate of man" The author of Sholokhov, the hero takes an orphan under his custody. He believes in a bright future and makes a real person out of the child. Despite the fact that he himself was inhuman in the past. This suggests that even if the personality is stumbled, she has a chance to fix if she has not yet completely lost her human appearance.

In the poem "Vasily Terkin" Alexander Twardowski, a brave soldier who himself suffers deprivation, helps the elderly. And there are hundreds of such examples. Both in reality and in books there is always a place for responsible and honest people who understand that you should not pass by someone else's trouble, that even in difficult conditions it is forbidden to become embittered, to become callous and insensitive.

What is humanity: a list of words

That's what humanity is
That's what humanity is

Humanity happens - a list of words:

  • Bold
  • Disinterested
  • Sincere
  • Real
  • Honest
  • Unexpected
  • Comprehensive
  • Overwhelming
  • Simple
  • Natural
  • Boundless
  • Natural
  • Scolded
  • Normal
  • Natural
  • Political
  • Weak
  • Characteristic or unusual
  • Exceptional
  • The highest
  • Own
  • Limp
  • Rare
  • Effective
  • Individual
  • Deep
  • Alien
  • Original
  • Patient
  • Genuine
  • Strange
  • Imaginary
  • Endless

Of course, these are not all the words that can characterize humanity. There are others in the vocabulary, but these same suitable and often used by people.

What is humanity: social studies

This is what humanity is
This is what humanity is

Epicurus believed that personalities are not so important to receive help, as an awareness of the fact that there were people who could provide it. However, he was not the only thinker who was thinking about this issue. In fact, without humanity, life becomes deprived of meaning. Creating good deeds, the personality benefits to society, it is made morally better and spiritually cleaner. This is what humanity is from the point of view of social science:

Those people who do not show humanity often feel spiritual emptiness. They are tormented, because life only for the sake of satisfying their needs never brings real happiness. We can say that this quality is the property of any person “by default”, but many deliberately strangle humanity in themselves, because they believe that this is unnecessary weakness. They are mistaken.

However, in order to show compassion, mercy, humanism, humanity, you need to draw strength throughout life. That is why time and spiritual development should be devoted. Anyone who cannot take care of himself is unlikely to bother to help another. It turns out that the basis of humanity is the ability to competently manage your own life.

Humanity is nobility. This is a manifestation of love for each member of society, for every living being. She never provides for praise and gratitude. Nevertheless, it can be called an instrument with which the personality realizes himself, showing his best mental impulses, making sincere good.

Synonyms of the word "humanity": a list


There are also many synonyms for the word “humanity”, and all of them are difficult to list them. Here is a list of several:

  • Kindness
  • Humanism
  • Responsiveness
  • Compassion
  • Mercy
  • Generosity
  • Attentiveness

These synonyms best show what humanity is, revealing its essence.

Crimes against humanity: an essay about problems and the manifestation of this quality for the OGE, exam

Manifestation of humanity
Manifestation of humanity

When writing an essay on OGEand Exam, schoolchildren often face the topic of humanity. Below you will find interesting material. Here is an essay about problems and the manifestation of this quality:

Crimes against humanity are not just a situation when individuals have to sacrifice their principles. This is a much broader concept, which includes meanness in peacetime and wartime, which are performed, ignoring the situation in society for the sake of its good. Moreover, the connection of illegal acts is often not important. An exception may be the intentional persecution of some separate group. Illegal actions that can be directed against civilians.

However, citizens of the country can be both victims and criminals. Crimes against humanity are characterized by cruelty and scale in many countries of our planet. You can even say that this can be attributed to genocide due to the negligence of the government of a country. Naturally, there should be a large number of victims. But these are not only illegal attacks on the civilian population. This includes various kinds of natural disasters. If the evacuation of people from dangerous places and zones of infection does not occur, people die, and the authorities, moreover, sells personal means of protection outside their border in order to cash in deaths and someone else's grief. This is a real crime against humanity.

Also, this category includes the persecution of people by ethnic, racial, national attribute, by their religious beliefs and even sexual orientation. Alas, despite the beliefs that everyone is individual and has the right to their position, if at the same time, he does not harm others, dissenting and differing from the total mass, people still cause the inhabitants of misunderstanding and aggression.

The meaning of the word "humanity" in the war: essay about quality

The meaning of the word
The meaning of the word "humanity" in war

Despite the fact that the war forces the cruelty of even convinced humanists, one should never forget about kindness and other similar qualities. What is the meaning of the word "humanity" in the war? Here is an essay about these qualities:

The manifestations of humanity at the front can include both generosity to prisoners or already defeated instead of their total extermination, and the salvation of pregnant women, children, and elderly people from potential danger. Of course, there are cases when the enemy cannot be released alive. But still, one should adhere to the principles of Emelyan Pugachev in "Captain's daughter". He took pity on Grinev, and thereby showed himself as a noble, generous man. The war could not kill moral qualities in him.

In order not to lose humanity, protecting his homeland, it is never necessary to be saturated with pleasure from the process of killing their own kind. It is worth regarding the weapon in their hands as a forced need for saving oneself and the Fatherland. If there is an option not to use it for its intended purpose, they should always use it.

After all, even if representatives of the two peoples participate in a military confrontation, civilians are far from always to blame. Often, war is not even a conflict of soldiers, but the confrontation of the authorities of the two states. And peaceful people in warring countries may not feel hatred and aggression towards each other.

Being a participant in the war and a cruel fascist is far from the same thing. Sometimes generosity in the war makes a man a much bigger hero than the maximum number of murders that he can commit. After all, it is one thing when you kill a really dangerous personality for humanity that you need to stop so that it does not bring more grief. Another thing is when it is a weak and defenseless peaceful resident, whose death is needed only for your own fun.

Composition about kindness, friendship on the topic “How humanity” is manifested in the text of Charushin: examples of human moral choice

Manifestation of humanity in the text of Charushin
Manifestation of humanity in the text of Charushin

This concept means a humane, tolerant attitude to the world and people. Those personalities that show humanity are responsive and subtly feel. They are noble and fair. Here is an essay on kindness, friendship on the topic "How humanity manifests itself" By the text of Charushin with examples of human moral choice:

In creation Charushin "Ryabchonok", humanity is manifested in the fact that the heroes of the work did not touch the chick, because they saw how mother protects him. The moral choice was that they could make the meanness (pick up the chick from Ryabchikha, and amuse him until he died), or to do his own violation and return it to his place.

But people were largely affected by the behavior of the bird. They realized that without her a child is helpless. It is such impulses that distinguish a person from the beast. The latter in his anger and impulses of anger cannot stop. At a certain stage, a person recalls moral principles and norms - this keeps it from the commission of cruelty or meanness.

Such a thing as humanity is always based on a moral choice. It is like a test of strength. If the personality passes this check, then this characterizes it as human and noble, and if not - as a vile, cruel, inhuman.

Kindness is the most effective and powerful weapon. Anyone who possesses it becomes almost omnipotent. After all, the world always responds to a smile with a smile, as in an old cartoon about a raccoon crumb. That is why it is worth considering friendship as the greatest virtue. Quite often, a person himself can save himself from many problems and negativity if he learns to friendly and friendly to people and the world around him.

However Charushin The choice between cruelty and justice is simple. Alas, there are situations when the manifestation of humanity or generosity can cost the life of the one who has acted noble. After all, the one who was saved a second ago will become a source of danger and attack the back. In such cases, a person puts on longer and is able to make a choice not in favor of humanism.

“Both gratitude and humanity have their main root of sympathy”-Herbert Spencer: Composition-Junction according to the English philosopher


There are many different philosophers who lived in the past centuries, and contemporaries. Many of them thought about humanity. Their works will be interesting to read to everyone. The school often set to write an essay on this topic. Here, for example, an essay-reasoning according to the English philosopher “Both gratitude and humanity have their main root of sympathy” Herbert Spencer:

Despite the fact that by showing generosity and humanity, a person does not expect a reward, there is still a certain consequence (or rather, the scenario), which is correct for the one who received help. This is gratitude. Any good deed should reward. No, we are not talking about material reward at all. The best bonus for humanity is sincere gratitude.

In other words, the philosopher means that gratitude is no less important than humanity. They are equivalent. And often relations in society are based precisely on humanity and gratitude. These mutual actions can give rise to sympathy between people, which will lead to further friendship.

There is a simple scheme: "Humanity - gratitude - sympathy - friendship". And it is on this logical chain that you can find an approach to any person. Considering concepts in a broader sense, between the words “humanity” and “gratitude”, one can find a connection. After all, both in order to show generosity, and in order to realize the importance of this generosity and thank you - you need to have a good heart, a pure soul. A stale person simply will not understand and is not aware of all the value of a human act. Even if it is made in relation to him.

Also, humanity can be a manifestation of gratitude, and gratitude is a manifestation of humanity.

The power of the spirit, character is the source of humanity: how do you understand these words?

Strength of spirit, character - the source of humanity
Strength of spirit, character - the source of humanity

Many people know that humanity is a source of strength and character. How do you understand these words? Here is an essay on this topic:

Humanity is not just the ability to provide assistance. In order to commit noble deeds, you need fortitude. After all, only a brave person can risk life, doing good. Only a hardy and persistent person can abandon convenient and familiar in order to do good.

Therefore, the source of humanity is a strong character. Even if a weak person wants to become famous and show mercy, he will have 1000 reasons to save and abandon his decision. Only really loving people and a brave person can go this way to the end and show humanity.

It is especially difficult to remain human in the war when all circumstances are forced to be cruel. But if the personality really appreciates justice and brings light, it succeeds. The main thing is not to lose your soul and remain a person in any situation.

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