Nature asks for protection: arguments for an essay, composition

Nature asks for protection: arguments for an essay, composition

In this article, we will talk about nature - why does it ask for protection and what affects it?

We all know that a person is inextricably connected with nature and we have to observe this every day. This is a breath of breeze, and sunsets, and sunrises. Under its influence, society formed, personalities and art developed. But each person also has an influence on nature, but it is not always positive. The problem of ecology is relevant at all times. Most writers affect her in their works. Let's look at several arguments with you proving that nature needs help.

Nature asks for protection: reasoning for the essay

Protection of Nature
Protection of Nature

Gerald Darrell has loved nature since childhood. He studied her a lot and talked about her in his works. He taught people to treat animals correctly. In one of his works, he spoke about the problems of the protection of animals and the environment, and also stated that nature asks for protection.

As you know, people draw all sorts of resources for their good, but no one thinks about what consequences will be. Hence the problems arise - nature suffers very much. Even today, people do not fully realize how much they destroy the world.

The author believes that the problems of nature protection are able to solve the state. In many countries there are already laws prohibiting killing, mocking animals and so on. There are countries where there are no similar laws at all. The author himself is confident that the defenseless nature should be protected from people, otherwise nothing will remain in the future. He urges everyone to do this, because a person cannot live without nature.

Nature asks for protection: arguments for the essay

Facts about nature
Facts about nature

As for the arguments proving that nature asks for protection, you can give a huge number of examples:

  • First of all, remember how many species of animals were exterminated. For example, sea cows. These are cute and good-natured animals, which seems to be something like a sea cat, only in size. He had no large fangs and therefore there was nothing to defend. The animal’s meat was very tasty, and it was easy to kill it. Despite this, animals did not be afraid of people, they rested on the banks of the seas. The hunters used this. Now not a single sea cow is left in the world and will never appear.
  • Each year, 13 million hectares of forests are cut down on the planet, and in such quantities the planet is not able to restore them. Every second, a whole football field of trees is exterminated, but they give us oxygen and take harmful gases. Moreover, the water cycle in nature without them is simply impossible. Often experts note that the rivers become smaller if the trees are removed along their shores.
  • Examples can be given from literature. So, Viktor Astafyev in his work "Tsar-fish" He talked about the confrontation of man and nature. The writer claims that every person is responsible for the commission of certain actions. The problem of poaching is also touched upon in the work, when the hunter does not listen to prohibitions and exterminates entire species of animals. Such people are called poachers. So, the main character of the work and nature collide. The author shows that if a person eliminates nature, then humanity will die.
  • In the work of Ivan Turgenev “Fathers and Children”, the problem of nature is also raised. Evgeny Bazarov directly claims that nature is not an inviolable temple, but a workshop, and a person works in it. He does not like nature, he does not experience any pleasure from it. She is just a trifle and, according to a man, should be beneficial. That is, taking all its fruits is our right. For example, in one of the episodes of Bazarov went to the forest and broke branches there. Neglecting the world around him, the hero was trapped in his own ignorance. Although he was a physician, he did not discover anything new, nature did not allow to find out her secrets. He died because of his negligence, becoming a victim of the disease, from which there is no medicine.

Essays - “the influence of environmental factors on nature and living organisms”: arguments

Nature needs protection - conclusion
Nature needs protection - conclusion

To date, the situation is such that nature asks for protection. What affects her so much? What is it dying from?

  • First of all, it is worth saying about the same poachers and hunters. Rare animals disappear through their fault, and indeed they kill animals, which is no longer good for nature.
  • Water and air are constantly polluted by all sorts of emissions, garbage and so on. The Earth also suffers from this, because today there are many landfills that have a poor effect on the Earth.
  • Forest fires began to meet in the summer very often, earthquakes and hurricanes arise, where there were no before at all. One of the good examples is the hurricane that passed through Russia several years ago. This is due to the change of climate in which a person is to blame.
  • Again, nature also suffers from deforestation of trees, this affects people. After all, the trees cannot clean the air so effectively when there are few of them. Today, a situation is often found when the streets of cities, and in the yards, are also removed trees, hiding the whole earth under the asphalt. Accordingly, it becomes more difficult for people to breathe. Their city begins to "strangle".

As you can see, there are a lot of influences on nature and this is only a small part of all this. In order to save nature, all people must take responsibility and not only take, but also give. Solving the problems of ecology is quickly quite difficult or even impossible, because they are found everywhere and have global proportions.

So, in order to live with comfort, a person must not subjugate nature, but adopt its laws. Although a person considers himself the main thing, perhaps this is so, but if he runs out nature completely, he himself will die.

Video: Nature asks for protection

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