The image of Peter Grinev in Pushkin’s story “Captain's daughter”: an essay, a comparison with other images of the work

The image of Peter Grinev in Pushkin’s story “Captain's daughter”: an essay, a comparison with other images of the work

In this article you will find several works about the image of Peter Grinev - the protagonist of Pushkin’s story “Captain's daughter”.

Pyotr Andreevich Grinev - The main character of the work Pushkin "Captain's daughter". This is a young man of years 18. A real nobleman, in whom his father raised the best human qualities - generosity, honor, fearlessness. Read more about the image of this character below. Such information is useful for writing or for a report. Read further.

The image of Peter Andreevich Grinev and the characteristic in Pushkin’s story “Captain's Daughter”: a plan to compose

Image of Peter Andreevich Grinev
Image of Peter Andreevich Grinev

To write an essay or message, you will need to first draw up a plan. It is easier to express material on its points. Here's a plan for an essay on the topic “The image of Peter Andreevich Grinev and the characteristic in Pushkin’s story“ Captain's Daughter ”:

  1. Children's and youthful years of the hero.
  2. Peter in the service. Independent life.
  3. The beginning of the path and life mistakes.
  4. Feelings for Masha and a garrison service.
  5. Grinev on a duel.
  6. The liberation of Mary from the fortress.
  7. Injustice as a test.
  8. Hero at the trial.
  9. Pugachev and communication with him.
  10. How did the difficult fate have influenced the character of Peter?

Now you can start writing an essay. Read further.

Instruit, comment on the image of Peter Andreevich Grinev - the hero in the novel “Captain's Daughter”: Analyze in the essay on literature, grade 8

Image of Peter Andreevich Grinev
Image of Peter Andreevich Grinev

Often in schools they ask to write an essay about the image Petra Grinev In the form of analysis. So it is much easier for the student to remember the material and the text that he read. But, if you have not read the work, then it will be more difficult to write an essay. We will help you to characterize and comment on the image Petra Andreevich Grinev - Hero in the story "Captain's daughter". This is how best to analyze it in an essay on literature, 8th grade:

The character is one of the main in the story. The young man has noble origin. He is a little more 17 years. A sense of duty to the Fatherland and the craving for justice were transmitted Grinev From the father. By the way, Peter was recorded in the Semenovsky regiment before birth.

The guy received a home education. Fortress Savelich He taught him reading and writing. After reaching 12 years The boy got a tutor. However, the latter was quite negligent about his work. Nevertheless, Petrusha was very interested in the French and quickly learned him. This skill allowed him to subsequently earn extra money.

A few years later, Grinev I went to serve. He was somewhat weighed by the fact that his father sent him far from home, to Orenburg. Reader Peter Grinev It seems too correct. It seems that Pushkin deliberately idealized him. It seems that there are no negative features in the young man. Peter skillfully overcomes difficulties, he is kind, obligatory, bold and fair.

Even in a difficult situation, Grinev He was not at a loss, was not afraid and defended the honor of the girl on a duel. As for military service, the moment came when the young man became a witness to the Pugachevsky uprising. But he refused to fight on the side of the rebels and miraculously survived.

It is noteworthy that he helped him himself Pugachev. Grinev - A man of honor, a valiant military man. As bequeathed PushkinHe protects "Dress is dreamed, and the honor of a young man".

The image of Peter Grinev - childhood and youth: composition

Image of Peter Andreevich Grinev
Image of Peter Andreevich Grinev

The child’s childhood and youth can be an example for many people of that and even our time. Petrusha loved to study and strove for knowledge. Father laid in him the best human qualities for the boy. Here's the essay on the topic "The image of Peter Grinev is childhood and youth":

The hero’s childhood passed in an intelligent family. Parents were honest, decent nobles, and since childhood they raised the right set of positive qualities in the child. It is noteworthy that the father raised Grinev Strictly - he believed that men should be disciplined. As for her mother, she was more loyal and supported the boy in his endeavors.

However, bad undertakings at Petra did not have. He avoided spoiling and vices. Most likely, the advice of the father will be remembered for a long time that you need to know and appreciate the honor from an early age.

Despite the fact that at first he had only Savelich And the tutor, Grinev It is quite smart, erudite and well -read. It is possible that he grabbed the basics himself, and then he was engaged in self -education. He was a very curious child. He was especially well given French and fencing.

But, nevertheless, little Petya was active and loved to have fun. From an early age, he dreamed of an officer future. However, in those years, he understood the picture of the world a little differently. He believed that being a military man means allowing himself everything that would only please. As practice has shown, these thoughts were erroneous.

The main features of the image of Peter Andreevich Grinev are the typical image, the formation of personality: an essay with quotes

Image of Peter Andreevich Grinev
Image of Peter Andreevich Grinev

Formation Petra Grinevit began from an early age. He was a savvy, showed honesty and nobility. He came out the winner from any troubles. Here is an essay with quotes on the topic "The main features of the image of Peter Andreevich Grinev are the typical image, the formation of the personality":

Particular influence on Petra As a person was rendering on a person who instilled a love of order and, to a greater extent, contributed to interest in military affairs. BUT Savelich He taught literacy.

Already after, on the way to the fortress, Grinev It shows that it has not yet been formed as a person. He lost the money to a new acquaintance. Not to say that Grinev Azarten. Simply, breaking out of the house, he felt the will. However, after he showed his character when he forced Savelyich to give out a debt.

The moment of acquaintance with Shvabrin. Grinev He considers him vile, because he puts Masha in a negative light. But, as it turned out, he defended the girl with a lie, for he loved. However, with this hero Peter Nevertheless, conflicts, despite the fact that the rest is respectful and kind.

Huge influence on character Petra She had a love for Masha and a duel. However, the latter stores a certain coldness. After all, there is no consent of parents for their connection. In addition to valor and justice, in Grinev There is kindness. He gives Pugachev a sheepskin coat. But still does not want to break the oath and serve the rebels. Generally, Peter Grinev It symbolizes an honest and responsible Russian officer who never gives up, is true to his principles.


  • “I was promoted to officers. The service did not burden me. "
  • “Just do not demand that it is contrary to the honor of my and Christian conscience, the duty of honor demanded my presence in the Empress’s army” “The hero never breaks his word.”
  • “I decided to declare the truth before the court, believing this method of justifying the simplest, and together and the most reliable” - Confirmation of justice.
  • “Well, well, Savelich! Full, make peace, guilty, I see myself that it is to blame. " - if Grinev He committed an unworthy act, he realizes his guilt.

Along with the image of Peter Grinev, other characters stand. Read their description below.

The image of Schwabrin, Pugachev, Savelich, Masha Mironova in Pushkin’s story: describe and write a comparison with the lifestyle of Peter Grinev's life

Shvabrin and Grinev
Shvabrin and Grinev

It may seem to the reader that since Shvabrin and Grinev are both nobles, officers, then they have a lot in common. In fact, they have a radically different characters. Here is a description of the comparison the image of Schwabrin, Pugachev, Savelich, Masha Mironova in Pushkin’s story with the lifestyle of Peter Grinev:

  • Peter Grinev Always acts openly and honestly.

Shvabrin He tries to achieve the location of Masha with deception - he dissolves gossip, trying to discredit her good name. Moreover, the meanness of Shvabrin also manifests itself in a duel - he beats Peter in the back. Grinev serves honestly. But Schwabrin is always ready to “switch” to those with whom it is profitable to be - he humiliates in front of Pugachev, prays for forgive him, showing cowardice. This is an unworthy officer, introduced into a creation for contrast with the “ideal” Peter Grinev.

Consequently, Shvabrin is cowardly, petty, mean, unpleasant. But, at the same time, he is quite wit, a good interlocutor - however, this does not smooth out the impression of his negative actions. The negative hero exudes the importance and pomp - it seems that his “leprosy” give him pleasure and he does not even regret that he often behaves inappropriately.

Swabrin does not believe in God. It is also harmful and vindictive. A traitor with a vile soul. Perhaps they are with Grimean education and similar. Yes, only one absorbed all the positive, and the second - everything is negative.

Pugachev - impostor. He called everyone who wanted to join their forming rebels. However, Grinev showed character and refused. He is faithful to his military principles, although he knows that he is in danger. We can say that Peter and Pugachev are ideological enemies. Nevertheless, Grinev has no hatred of those who stand on the other side of the barricades - because after he shows generosity in relation to Pugachev.

Savelich - A simple Russian man from the people. Since childhood, he took care of Grinev, taught him literacy, was something like a tutor. This is an elderly, quite stubborn and incredulous person. He carefully takes care of Peter, tries to protect from trouble so that the guy does not make mistakes. Economen. Economic. He has no family and children. Perhaps that is why he sees the care of Grinev by the meaning of his life. We can say that Savelich is a collective way, which symbolizes the Russian people.

Masha Mironova Yuna, pleasant appearance, is quite educated. Her moral values \u200b\u200bare very similar to those that are present at Grinev. There are no quarrels in their relationship. The only difference is that the girl does not have a dowry, and the young man is quite rich. Nevertheless, this is not a hindrance to their love.

Repeatedly both Peter and Masha defend their honor, but both show the remarkable power of the spirit. They do not change the principles, steadfastly tolerate hardships and deprivation. Perhaps that is why their love remained intact, passing through so many trials.

The image of the protagonist of the novel "Captain's daughter" Peter Grinev - Life in the Belogorsk fortress: "Take care of the honor of a young man"

Image of Peter Andreevich Grinev
Image of Peter Andreevich Grinev

The events that the hero experienced in the Belogorsk fortress forever changed his life. He realized that the main thing in life is not a machine gun and battle, but love and a loved one. Here's an essay on the topic "The image of the main character of the novel" Captain's daughter "Peter Grinev":

In the Belgorod fortress Grinev I met Alexei Shvabrin, my full antipode. Unlike the noble, “ideological” Peter, he is vile, vindictive, dissolves gossip and behaves unworthy. If for Grinev Human honor is the main thing in life, then for Alexei it is what you can sacrifice if there are other, more rainbow prospects on the horizon.

Finally, Shvabrin It passes to the side of Pugachev, violates the oath. And he does not see anything wrong with that. As for Peter, it is better for him to die than to betray his homeland. However, it was kindness that saved Petra From execution. His guide, to whom Peter gave the hare sheepskin coat, turned out to be Pugachev himself. Remembering the good, the enemy saved the military from execution. This once again proves that it does not matter which direction of the military conflict are people. In both peaceful and wartime, the main thing is to remain people, not to lose their human qualities.

Peter was always inspired: "Take care of the honor of a young man", and he followed this doctrine. By the way, a bandit is also decent. He shows generosity, despite the fact that Grinev It openly declares that if he is ordered to fight against Pugachev, he will not be able to spare him.

In the story of Pushkin, a deep meaning is laid, and educational values \u200b\u200bhere are intertwined with a sense of military duty and real historical events.

Video: the image of Grinev in the story of A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" | Russian literature grade 8. Infoor

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