In every person and his actions you can always recognize yourself: arguments for essay, essay

In every person and his actions you can always recognize yourself: arguments for essay, essay

Only by actions can we judge the attitude of a person. You can learn about moral behavior from the article.

"In every person and his actions you can always recognize yourself" - wrote L.N. Tolstoy. In his work, great importance is given to issues of moral education. In his works, the author gives many examples from life about the power of good.

In every person and his actions you can always recognize yourself: arguments for essay, essay

Revealing the positive and negative features of the characters of their heroes, Tolstoy teaches his readers. From each story you can take out a moral lesson. Analyzing the actions of literary heroes, we transfer their experience to our own lives. Proper and timely conclusions are used in the real world. In the actions of another person, we always find something similar to ourselves and our beliefs. We think about how we would do in this situation.

Each moral situation helps to clearly distinguish between good and evil. A critical attitude to other people's actions forms the ability to admit its own mistakes, correct your guilt, defend your point of view, forgive other people's misconduct. In the works of Tolstoy, the topics of virtue, responsibility, conscience, and justice are raised. The author calls for a respectful and friendly relationship between people.

Tolstoy's instructive work was the novel "War and Peace". It widely reveals the relationship of personality and society. In the struggle for the homeland in the heroes of the work, real and fake patriotism is revealed.

  • On the example of Pierre Bezukhov, we see how a person, based on his own actions, completely rethinks his existence. After a rampant way of life, Bezukhov falls into war and understands that his true purpose is to serve the Russian people. You need to live not only for yourself, but also for the good of your environment, your relatives and friends. Contrasting the heroes, the author shows how true patriots do real acts, while others simply conduct empty conversations.
  • On the example of a comparison of two female images - Helen and Marya Balkonskaya, The author reveals the essence of true beauty. It shows that in a person it is not external data that is important, but a filled inner world. Personality is beautiful with his soul and heart.
  • For example Boris Drubetsky, We see what base acts people are capable of for their own benefit. For the sake of his career, he easily refuses to marry, neglecting the feelings of another person.

The source of morality is Tolstoy's fables. They instill in the reader such qualities as courage, love of work, respect, honesty. The fables are based on stories from the life of a simple peasant people.

  • In the fable "Two comrades" The author checks friendship in a difficult and dangerous situation. Ridicules human cowardice.
  • In the fable "Father and sons" Tolstoy, using the example of one family, shows the power of unity. The coordinated interaction between people always leads to a positive result.
  • In the fable "Liar" The author calls to appreciate the trust and respect shown to you. Shows what senseless jokes can lead to.
The story of the liar
The story of the liar

In the Tolstoy trilogy "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" We observe the formation of the personality of the protagonist Nikolenka. The young man’s self -development, his desperate attempts to understand his own views, largely remind the reader his real story. In the actions of a literary hero, perhaps someone will recognize himself the present.

Nikolenka is brought up on his life experience. Thoughts about his own sins and mistakes cause him genuine fear. Achieving the goals allows him to improve. The desire for truth helps to notice the hypocrisy and lies of others.

L. N. Tolstoy created a large series of stories for children, in each of which the author managed to affect education issues and moral issues. With the help of literary techniques, Tolstoy helps children to extract an understanding of good and honesty. In the stories about animals, the author humanizes the animal and herbal world, endowing them with character traits. With the help of these works, children develop imagination and thinking, get acquainted with the laws of nature, extract folk wisdom.

  • In a children's story "A cup" We get acquainted with the relationship of father and son. The boy accidentally breaks the cup. He needs to admit his oversight, but he is very scared. The son finds the strength to tell the truth. To his surprise, his father does not punish him, but thanks for the truth. But the son could keep silent or blame someone else. The boy chose to be honest.
  • In the story "Stupid man" The author talks about a man who performing rash actions comes in a negative result. Before proceeding with the implementation of the plan, it is necessary to carefully consider your actions and be prepared for the consequences.

From childhood, moral education of children helps to lay culture and spirituality in them. During the period of active knowledge of the surrounding world in children, it is easier to form a person, to influence their behavior model. A positive attitude towards people and the world around him should be laid in preschool age. Already during this period, the child should distinguish between the concepts of good and evil, hard work and laziness, responsiveness and indifference, sociability and isolation.

Moral education is important
Moral education is important

The vaccinated moral values \u200b\u200bwill help the child avoid conflicts with peers, build the right interpersonal relationships, and make decisions independently. In school age, such values \u200b\u200bas responsibility, punctuality, perseverance are added. Under the influence of criticism and evaluation by adults, their own self -esteem is formed.

In adolescence, the character is affected by self -confidence, personal self -esteem, sources of external information. And finally, in adulthood, the development of our character is influenced by the opinion from the outside, the actions of authoritative people, literature, television, society and the state.

Moral education of modern society

The concepts of morality are an urgent problem of modern society. Seeking the ideal, it becomes more difficult to distinguish between a lie from the truth. On the way to the formation of personality, we strive for true friendship and faithful love. We are looking for support from our loved ones.

  • The modern world modifies ideas about morality. People do not reinforce their thoughts by actions. The permissiveness and culture of society depreciate our inner world.
  • The relationship between modern people is superficial and frivolous. We stopped thinking about committed actions and analyze our mistakes. But this is the only way to strive for the ideal.
  • The formation of the character of each individual is affected by a large number of factors. The famous eastern proverb says: "" Sow an act - you will reap a habit, eat a habit - you will reap your character, sow character - you will reap fate. ” It is our actions and actions that lay the character traits in us.
Moral education
Moral education
  • According to the usual actions of a person, you can tell a lot about his moral ideas. External data cannot convey our inner world. A person is judged by his actions.
  • Each person fully characterizes the workflow. Attitude to work, diligence and conscientiousness lead to a specific result. The intellectual and physical abilities of a person are ultimately visible. In the process, emotions, desire, moral and ethical norms are manifested.
  • The self -improvement of each individual affects the formation of typical features of a national character, the formation of the spiritual culture of society, and rooting certain social norms. From birth, we are instilled in the established traditions, generally accepted cultures and laws.
  • Public norms and orders regulate the relationship between people. Violating generally accepted rules, we will not be able to coexist with each other. Apparently contrary to moral laws, a person becomes dangerous for society. A vivid example is the literary hero of schismatics in the novel of Dostoevsky.
  • We choose a model of behavior that is like and understandable to others. But each person is individual and adheres to his views on life. Our values \u200b\u200band desires are formed primarily on our own experience, and only then from the actions and actions of others.
  • Being in the same circumstances, people choose different models of behavior. The action plan for each person is determined by his value system. Some are looking for ways to move forward, others prefer to give up or accept the role of the victim. Thus, the fate of a person is in his hands.
  • The education of character in a person directly affects his lifestyle. Both internal and external motives affect behavior and actions. The internal power of will and our beliefs form specific decisions and push to certain actions. Often our behavior is guided by external factors.
It is important to educate
It is important to educate
  • Of great importance are the spiritual experiences of a person. Positive and negative emotions leave a different imprint on our character. In order to protect against negativity as much as possible, it is necessary to choose the right environment and selectively belongs to their activities.
  • Interaction with people should bring progress to your life. Avoid conflicting form of communication. Give preference to cooperation.
  • Use the valuable experience of other people and share the results of your own work. Active and high -quality interaction forms a person from a person.
  • The experience of other people has a great influence on the formation of character. Each person has someone to equal. If a person wants to improve, learn new things and achieve their goals, he will always find a worthy example to follow. As a rule, parents, teachers, peers are a model of behavior. Unfortunately, they do not always convey to us a positive experience.
  • Daily interaction with the immediate environment has a great influence on our character. In the work, we are equal to managers, in creative activities - on outstanding personalities, in social activities - on active participants in the team. For some people, it is preferable to be equal to literary heroes.
It is important to educate the family
It is important to educate the family

The actions of people from one social environment are largely similar to each other. Removing the right lessons from the actions of other people, we correct our own behavior for the better, overcome our negative aspects.

Imitation of the actions of other people is part of self -education. Watching someone else's success, we find the strength to achieve new heights. Interested in the activities of other people, we expand the baggage of our knowledge. Watching other people's mistakes, we choose a more correct way for ourselves.

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