The image of Chichikov in the poem “Dead Souls”: characteristics, analysis, essay. Is Chichikov's image relevant today?

The image of Chichikov in the poem “Dead Souls”: characteristics, analysis, essay. Is Chichikov's image relevant today?

The description of the image of Chichikov may be needed to write an essay or for the presentation. In this article you will find a characteristic and analysis of the characters of the poem “Dead Souls”.

Chichikov - The character is multifaceted. On the one hand, this is a person in whom all the base human qualities have intertwined. But on the other hand, it has worthy praise, features. The hero is also unique in that he knows how to achieve goals, resourceful, entrepreneurial and stubborn.

As for the negative features, Pavel Ivanovich - A real “adaptation” who will sacrifice his principles in order to deliberately eat and be warm. He is not one of those who will suffer for his beliefs and tolerate deprivation for their sake. More about the image Chichikov Read below. Also in this article you will find descriptions and characteristics of images of different characters from the work “Dead Souls”. Read further.

Image Chichikov: Plan for Composition

The image of Chichikov
The image of Chichikov

Gogol worked his hero to the smallest detail. That is why, even with all its imperfections, Chichikov causes sympathy. He is diligent, charming, confident in his aspirations. If you need to write an essay about the image of this character, then you first need to draw up a plan. This is often set in literature or Russian lessons. Here is a plan of essay about the image Chichikov:

  1. Individual characteristics of the character.
  2. Chichikov and "acquisition", Chichikov and enterprise.
  3. Adapter in the main character.
  4. Hero and scam.
  5. Cold calculation in the main character.
  6. Hero and communication with people.
  7. Chichikov and goals (perseverance in their achievement, etc.).

Now, according to this plan, you can write an essay or invent a story about the image of the character according to the work. Below you will find several works that will come in handy in literature or exams.

The image of Chichikov in Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”: analysis, composition briefly, quotes from the text

The image of Chichikov
The image of Chichikov

The character does not suffer from underestimated self -esteem - on the contrary, he considers himself attractive, even if the rest doubt it. Another character in literature - Oblomov was the same special. Read the description of his image in the article on this link. The author involuntarily ironizes this self -confidence. Here is an analysis and essay briefly about the image Chichikov In the poem Gogol "Dead Souls":

Chichikov mysterious. Perhaps this is what the ladies like in him. He has secular manners and strives for impeccability. Costume, perfume, small details - all this is a fraudster pays attention to. He does not like when the image looks sloppy.

  • The beginning of the poem depicts Chichikov A middle -aged man, dubious external beauty, but at the same time refined in behavior and communication.
  • It is very easy for him to place everyone around himself.
  • It is impossible to say that Chichikov - Proud, but he respects himself, knows his price.
  • It is noteworthy that the hero does not even suffer unpleasant odors in his presence. And even more so, vulgar and familiarity.
  • The hero also belongs to swear words.
  • The origin of Chichikov Not the most noble.
  • But, working on himself, he managed to squeeze the maximum from the available.
  • Manners, tone, timbre of voice, gestures, facial expressions - everything in it is so worked out that it involuntarily delights others.
  • He is polite, even working at customs.

Art Chichikov It is called the ability "to flatter everyone and everyone." This is exactly what the hero practices. As for concepts such as love and friendship, the character is cold for them. The late parent has repeatedly told him that it should only be communicated with even. However, he hinted at the futility of friendly relations. Regarding the women, the hero is shunning. He remembers that these are embezzlement and additional problems in life. That's why Chichikov He does not let anyone into his heart, and admires a girlish beauty from afar.

This is a collective image in which there is something from each of the landowners. As well as PlyushkinHe is economical. As well as Sobakevich, hot -tempered, but active. It also has manic household, as in Box. As for Nozdreva, Chichikov It may well compete with him in lowering money and lies.

But he is somewhat more perfect than other gentlemen. This is a person of a special disposition. Active, immoral, dodgy. In all matters, he is only interested in the moral side of the issue. Chichikov Nothing “just like that” does nothing - the benefit of the enterprise is important to him.

Quotes from the text - characteristic of the hero:

  • Pavel Ivanovich "Closed extremely loudly". He respected him for this tavern servant, he shuddered when his nose was a guess "It sounded like a pipe".
  • Reads a college adviser, "Square a little right eye".
  • Chichikov knows how to talk with the rulers "Very skillfully flatter everyone".
  • Paul has modesty. He "Avoided talking a lot" About Me. He called himself not meaningful worm. To "All provincial officials began to relate to a pleasant educated guest with reverence".
  • "Dispute somehow extremely skillfully". The interlocutors understood that he was arguing "Meanwhile, pleasantly argued". Speech has rushed "Neither loud nor quiet".

Chichikov Very patient. The author compares him with the Germans, Pavel Ivanovich's patience is stronger than "Wooden patience of a German". Sceles, a polite bow of the head, sincere handshake made him an experienced expert on secular manners, "Wherever you turn it, there was a very decent person".

The image of Chichikov and landowners in Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”: characteristics of images in the table, for presentation

Image of Chichikov and landowners
Image of Chichikov and landowners

Many literary images are not only collective, but also do not lose relevance after centuries. For example, the image of Bazarov from Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Children”. Is this the image of the landowner Chichikov? Undoubtedly. Such people can meet in modern society. Other characters also have their own characteristics.

Here is a characteristic of the images of landowners for presentation or composition, as well as a description of the image Chichikov In the poem Gogol "Dead Souls". Table:

Surnames of the characters Description of the image Age
  • A lively, noisy, cheerful, active.
  • Reaches for drunkenness and kategs. The peasants care about the peasants.
  • He has 2 children, but he almost does not deal with them.
  • He is interested in his own dogs.


35 years

  • Enterprising, modest, but respects himself.
  • He seeks to please everyone.
  • He is looking for benefits in everything.
  • It has perfect manners.



  • Lazy.
  • Likes to dream all day in the office, smoking a pipe.
  • His peasants are also moving away from work.
  • Boring, but romantic.
  • Vulnerable and sensitive.



  • Household
  • Lean
  • Safe
  • Stupid
  • Suspicious
  • Has only 80 souls



  • Healthy
  • Strong
  • Clumsy
  • Rightness and rude
  • A little hot -tempered
  • Prosperous, loves to eat well
  • Peasants live well with him


40-50 years

  • The richest landowner.
  • It dresses, like a beggar and will never spend an extra penny.
  • Economy to greed.
  • The peasants are in poverty, but he does not see this.



Is Chichikov's image relevant today: composition, grade 9


Gogol The reader draws the attention of not only non -existent peasants in the form of “dead souls”, but also for life and foundations of people. The latter have become more rational and callous. We can say that they turned into complete materialists who, besides money, do not value anything else in this world. Is the image relevant Chichikov today? Here is an essay on this topic for 9th grade:

The hero cannot be called bad, but it is clear that he seeks to live up to the expectations of his parents, to secure the title of a secured person who does not need anything. And for the sake of material benefit, he is ready to betray even his own mother. Chichikov It is rational, for him there are no spiritual authorities. He rejects them.

The character perfectly understands that big money is not earned by honest labor. This determines its tendency to various kinds of fraud and tricks. In conscience Chichikov does not live. However, conscience is not the main thing for him.

The landowner most appreciates comfort and comfort, as well as a well -fed existence. In this, he is somewhat similar to Ilya Oblomov (by the way, they are similar in appearance). But unlike the latter, Chichikov Not apathetic. On the contrary, he does not live, but twists, constantly inventing new scams.

The hero’s disadvantage is that constantly trying to please everyone and be “winnings”, he forgets the present to himself. This is a person whose life consists in hypocrisy and enrichment. Be that as it may, this is a very dubious prospect of the future.

Chichikov’s lifestyle from the text: essay with quotes

Chichikov's lifestyle
Chichikov's lifestyle

Lifestyle Chichikov quite measured. Perhaps because the hero does not try to enter into conflict with anyone or take risks. Here The image of Chichikov from the text - essay with quotes:

This is an adapter who flatters everyone. As soon as he appears in a particular company, Chichikov It immediately becomes its own. Even outwardly the hero is streamlined - he "Not a handsome man, but also not bad", "Not too thin, not too complete", "Not old and not young".

In the city, he appears under the guise of a landowner. He enters the Society of the Electors quickly enough and he sympathizes with him. Chichikov He knows how to support the conversation. But here everything is somehow “in any way”: he says “Neither loud nor quiet, but completely as it should. In a word, wherever you turn, there was a very decent person ".

However, the plus of the hero is that he can find an approach to any personality-he manipulates someone, touches someone for the living, and forces someone to love and respect himself. One way or another, in everything Chichikov pursues only his goals.

Communicating with people, the character instantly applies their image on himself. Suppose, talking with Manilov, he behaves and thinks like his copy. The same thing with Sobakevich or Nosodev.

Quotes about Chichikov:

  • And what kind of Russian does not like fast driving?
  • Love us with black, and everyone will love us white.
  • Nothing can be more pleasant how to live in solitude, enjoy the sight of nature and sometimes read some book.
  • Eh, Russian people! He does not like to die with his death.
  • It is enough of ten sides to have one stupid to be a recognized fool past nine good.
  • No matter how stupid the words of the fool, and sometimes they are sufficient to confuse a smart person.
  • No, who is already a fist, they will not burst into the palm of your hand!
  • How to not fight with a bull, and all milk cannot be achieved.
  • The Russian people are strongly expressed! And if he rewards someone in a word, then it will go to his family and offspring, he will drag him with him and to the service, and resigned, and in St. Petersburg, and to the ends of the world.
  • Lord God! What is the immense distance between the knowledge of light and the ability to use this knowledge.

Now you have enough material to write an essay about the lifestyle of the main character.

The image of Chichikov in Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls” in chapter 11: Description

The image of Chichikov in chapter 11
The image of Chichikov in chapter 11

This chapter affects the formation Chichikov as a person. Starting from childhood. The father collects the Pavlushins of things and takes him to the city, to a distant relative, where he will have to study at the school. It is urban chic species that awaken in the guy the desire to get rich, to live a secured life. Read more about the image of Chichikov in Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls” in chapter 11:

The young man is obsessed with a thirst for rapid enrichment. However, he remembers instructions - he communicates only with even, never humiliates, protects money. According to the parent, the hero never sad, knew how to save on himself and friends. Gradually, he became an enterprising plot, starting with the sale of cakes and gingerbread classmates, and ending with more serious matters. He did not reach for study. Although he graduated from an educational institution with an excellent certificate. He realized that the main thing is to please the authorities, and knowledge is the tenth business.

A little bit later Chichikov He begins to care for the daughter of the boss, but is not going to marry. Nevertheless, the father of the "lover" promotes the young man in the service. This turned out to be a mistake. Once Chichikov They increase, he forgets about the former boss and his daughter. For the hero there is no morality and virtue - he seeks to be enriched with any means.

After the turning point comes - the character does not save, but enjoys pleasures. It dresses in the latest fashion, allows itself to be a lot. It is amazing that he manages to enrich himself, struggling with bribery. This is a kind of amazing paradox. However Chichichkova Firing. And he loses his "feeder."

He re -makes his condition from scratch, settles in customs. Your talent Chichikov Shows during searches. We can say that he politely tears people like a sticky, guided by a special tact and adaptive talent. In the fight against smugglers, he is given complete freedom of action. However, the idea breaks up again.

Chichikov Starts all over again. He only has 2 serfsthat became a father's inheritance. That is why he begins to trade dead souls - he buys up for a penny from the landowners of the dead peasants, and then sells them. From all this it follows that the hero is cynical and vile, but very decisive, ambitious, stubborn and enterprising.

Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls" of Gogol: the meaning of the image


Image Chichikov collective. It combines both the negative features of landowners and officials, and the shortcomings of representatives of high society. Moreover, given the need for the hero to “whip” before the authorities, such people are still among all kinds of professions. That's what the meaning of the image of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls":

In the poem, the hero is like a mirror. Considering that he completely adopts the model of behavior and communication of the interlocutor, he seems to show the reader the shortcomings of the landowners to whom the hero makes visits. Because thanks to this projection, the shortcomings of the same Nozdreva, boxes, Sobakevich They become even more visible.

By the way, this is the only character in the past and the present which is described in detail. Nonetheless, Gogol characterizes it negatively " the owner is the purchaser and "scoundrel". We can say that with the help of this image, the writer makes fun of those who steal from the treasury, who take bribes and are a sneak.

Nikolay Vasilievich He introduces the hero into the creation so that by his example people understand that this is not worth doing. The thirst for enrichment should not be the main meaning of human existence. As for Chichikov, he brought it to this status.

Chichikov image: origin

The author describes little the origin of the protagonist. But still, in a few words he mentions details:

It is known that Chichikov - A native of the poor nobles. His father was poor enough - because the serfs were about 1 family. After years, the hero almost inherited anything from his father. He tried to enrich himself on his own. Pavlushi had no friends or bosom friends in childhood. Nothing is said about the hero’s mother. Perhaps she died during childbirth.

Chichikov image - childhood: composition

Chichikov - childhood
Chichikov - childhood

The description of the childhood of the main character of the work “Dead Souls” may be needed to complete homework in literature in grade 9. Here Mini-processing on the topic "Children's years of Chichikov":

Father raised Paul stern enough. He did not allow himself sentiments in relation to him, but for the fault - he was fighting his ears. Once upon a time Chichikov In a small room. She was very different about the choir in which noblemen usually lived. The hero’s father was very painful.

He paid close attention to the education of his son. However, the father influenced his worldview. Since childhood, the guy was sure that you could only get happy if you get rich. Little of, Chichikov I perfectly understood that no one but himself would help him in this.

Video: Chichikov’s image in the poem “Dead Souls”. Russian literature grade 9 | Infoor

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