Baby hooligan - what to do: 7 true ways, tips from a psychologist to cope when he turns into a bully

Baby hooligan - what to do: 7 true ways, tips from a psychologist to cope when he turns into a bully

Does your family grow in a hooligan growing in your family? Perhaps the reason is not in it? Read the recommendations and tips of psychologists in this article.

A small child is familiar with such behavior as a prank. However, what to do in those cases when it is already in his habit, and the little bully, with pleasure breaks something or spoils? The answer to this and other questions, look in the article below. Read further.

Why children become hooligans: an explanation of a psychologist

Children of the hooligan
Children of the hooligan

Often it is adults that make their baby a hooligan. Why do children become hooligans? Children tend to be naughty, and childhood in order to know and behave badly. In any case, do not immediately scold it or beat him. You just need to carefully deal with the cause of this behavior. Here is an explanation and tips of a psychologist:

There is not enough attention:

  • Behind any children's act hides a desire to concentrate all parental attention on oneself.
  • As a rule, a hooligan child lacks attention from the parents.
  • Such tricks are the only way to reach them.

Advice: As soon as he begins to hooligate, adults are obliged to ask themselves, how much time they communicate with their favorite child? Pay more attention to your child, and then he will not behave badly.


  • The reason for the bad behavior may be the problem of "nothing."
  • This is when the baby does not know what to do, what to do.
  • At the same time, no one pays attention to him.
  • As a result, there are a lot of various ideas related to the solution of a little signs.
  • Moreover, the little one does not understand that it does very poorly.

Advice: Urgently explain to him how to behave correctly. And if he has already committed a hooligan act, but does not understand what he is to blame, you just should talk to him. Explain clearly, explain the rules of good behavior.

Understands, but continues to hooligate:

  • Often there are situations when the baby understands that he has done something bad, but continues to do so.
  • In these cases, it is imperative to figure out what caused this behavior and try to direct this aggression in a different direction.

Advice: Play calm games with him, read a good book or draw together. In a word, distract him from various hooligan acts.

The baby never needs to be punished for hooliganism, but he also cannot indulge in this, too, so that it does not grow with brawls and a scandalist. You just need to talk and communicate as much as possible with him, but all this is required only in a calm and friendly tone.

Child Hooligan: Parents' mistakes

The child is a bully
The child is a bully

Often parents complain: "I don't know what to do with him, he absolutely does not obey me" or "Who are you so obedient to me, what should I do with you"or worse "Not listening to anything, the belt does not help". A huge number of parents are faced with the problem of disobedience to children. The worst thing is when adults “surrender nerves” and mom or dad are forced to switch to scream, threats and ultimately grab the belt.

It is worth knowing: Such methods act only for some time, and then everything returns “to its own circles”, or even gets even worse.

Who is to blame that the child behaves like that? If you think about this issue, it becomes clear that adults within the family form a habit of a particular behavior in children. What mistakes of the parents of the child of the bully?

First of all, you need to make out the most common of them from the parents that do not give a positive result. This is an increase in voice and physical punishment. When the parent constantly raises a voice to the child, he usually has two reactions to this situation:

  1. The kid is afraid of the parent, but this does not mean that he will learn to obey.
  2. The baby gets used to a constant scream from the adult and simply stops reacting to him.

Of course, the same reactions are present in the child to bodily punishment. Of course, you can not do without punishment and prohibitions, but everything should be within the rational limits. The punishment should not bear physical violence, and should not become familiar to the baby.

Baby hooligan - what to do: 7 true ways to cope when he turns into a bully

The child is a bully
The child is a bully

It is necessary to help the child get rid of any negative emotions. Only together, having patience, can you forget him about bad deeds. What to do if a child is a bully? Here are 9 correct ways to cope when it turns into a bully:

Special games:

  • The child will help a variety of special gamesthat soothe, remove the tension: a cup for a scream, a battle with pillows or throwing rubber balls into the water, helping to throw out all negative emotions.
  • It is important not to give the baby to drive him inside himself, otherwise it can in the future lead to nervous stress.

Classes of exercises related to relaxation:

  • Special children's games and gymnasticshelping to relax muscles and relieve tension, listening to calm music.
  • But most importantly, you should protect the child from watching films and cartoons, where there is cruelty, as well as violence.

Correct struggle with tantrums:

  • There is a situation when the child was huddled, and the parents could not restrain themselves, shouted at him or subjected to physical violence. The result of this may be a hysteria on his part.
  • In this case, you must first cool the parents themselves, and then calm down the peanut, distracts to something pleasant and positive.
  • Take an educational conversation later, and always in a calm and friendly tone.

Clear rules of conduct in the family:

  • They must be installed by both parents.
  • The child needs to be acquainted as early as possible (the daily routine, observance of traditions).
  • Half of success is achieved when the family establishes clear rules of conduct, a certain daily routine, a single tactics of education.

Adult promises for a child:

  • The parent should always fulfill a promise given to the child, and if he knows that he cannot do this, it is better not to promise.
  • This rule concerns not only the purchase of the desired toy, but also the prohibitions.

Unified tactics in parents' actions:

  • All family members adhere to a single tactic in their actions.
  • For example, if mom says to the child: "NO!", then dad must adhere to such a position, and should not run and do the opposite.

Acquaintance of the child with the words of the ban and permission:

  • This is important to do from early childhood.
  • Just do not use the word “impossible” too often, since it can lose its meaning for a small person.

Below you will find a few more tips to help parents how to find a common language with a child, without resorting to threats, screaming, and even more so physical punishments.

Child Hooligan: Tips for parents from a psychologist

The child is a bully
The child is a bully

It should be noted that these tips are addressed to parents of children from about three to five years old, since this is the period when the habit of obedience is laid. But, if your baby is more, then still listen to them and observe. This will certainly help in the upbringing of girls and boys. Here are the advice of the parents of the child’s child from a psychologist:

The child must hear an adult the first time and don't forget about his request:

  • Here you need to be patient, because this is one of the most difficult tasks.
  • The parent patiently and tirelessly reminds the child of the need to fulfill his request until it is fulfilled.

Playing with children, parents should constantly communicate with children:

  • Giving him tasks interesting for him.
  • For example, a child likes to play cubes, an adult asks him to build a turret, after performing praises a child.
  • Then he asks him for something else and praises him.
  • He loses this game several times, periodically returning to the cubes.

Try to hear you:

  • If the baby does not hear stubbornly, with her behavior, mom shows that this is very upsetting her.
  • Be sure to ask your child a question: “Don't you hear me?”, “Maybe my request is incomprehensible to you?”

Try to be what you want your child:

  • “If you want to change the world, start with yourself” - in raising a child it works 100%.
  • Nothing brings up the baby as a personal example of parents.

The family must exist not only punishment, but also rewards:

  • It is clear that without punishment it is impossible.
  • But do not cancel the encouragement. This is a good motivation for the child to behave good.
  • You can set the framework, if there are a lot of punishments, then there are few encouragements. This must also be explained to the baby so that he knows that because of poor behavior he does not receive something.

If parents pay a lot of attention, constantly communicate and listen to the child’s opinion, then mutual understanding and trust will be faithful family companions. It is also worth remembering that hooliganism in a child can cause a disease. For example, signs of ADHD are hyperactivitywhich requires treatment. This must also be taken into account.

Children of the hooligans: funny pictures, photos, videos

Despite the fact that you are constantly nervous because of your little ripper, try to look at these situations with optimism. Children grow rapidly, and in a few years you will recall his pranks together. Make an album or family video with tantrums, whims or hooliganism of crumbs. Believe me, after 5-10 years you will be funny to look at this. For example, here are funny pictures, photos and videos with children by hooligans:

Children of the hooligan
Children of the hooligan
Children of the hooligan
Children of the hooligan
The child is a bully
The child is a bully
The child is a bully
The child is a bully
The child is a bully
The child is a bully

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Comments K. article

  1. I don’t see anything wrong with this at all ... Most of the boys are like that. Simply, if everything is really bad, you can try to serve vitamins (Baby formula of Mishka Calm, for example), well, go to the psychologist. You can try explanatory conversations yourself. We all have been on and helped to establish a son’s behavior, now an obedient child))

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