Developing active games for children from 8 years old, for erudition, logic, development of musical, mathematical skills, imagination, instructing etiquette instructing, allowing to navigate in time

Developing active games for children from 8 years old, for erudition, logic, development of musical, mathematical skills, imagination, instructing etiquette instructing, allowing to navigate in time

This article contains the most useful games for 8-year-old children.

An eight -year -old child is already a small person. The man is fully aware of himself, is ready to express individuality. Well, in this case, the task of adults is to instill the necessary skills. How? In the form of a game, of course! It will be the most interesting to the child, and productive.

Developing erudition games for children 8 years old

Schoolchildren without the development of erudition are simply nothing! Why not do it in a playful way? For example, using the following games:

  • "Seven original words." For this group game, only leaves and pens will be needed, the number of which should coincide with the number of participants. The host calls any letter alphabet. The task of children is to write words starting in this letter. Words must correspond to the following list: Country, city, river or lake, plant, animal, bird, profession. Next, everyone reads their options and those that coincided, need to be deleted. The participant who wrote most of the original words not coincided with a list of friends.

Important: you need to warn children that they should not be peeped in each other's leaves.

The game inventing original words will surely appeal to an 8-year-old child
The game inventing original words will surely appeal to an 8-year-old child
  • "We call professions." The purpose of this game is to guess the profession in any subjects related to it. For example, in the case of a pharmacist, it will be a micacture, in the case of a teacher, a pointer. Items can be laid out on the table or draw them. The form of presentation of the material is not so important, because it is important that the child simply guesses the necessary profession. If the game is group, you can invite children to guess at speed - The first responding person will correctly receive a chance to become a leader.
  • "Snowballs for quick wits." For the game you will need to install a bucket at a distance of approximately one and a half to two meters from the participants. In it you need to throw a snowball. If it turns out to get, the acting person has the right to ask the presenter any letter of the leading word. If it did not work out, then you can’t find out the letter. The game can be both for two and mass. She develops not only erudition, but also attentiveness, eye.

Important: if the street is not winter or winter, it is quite possible to replace snowballs with something. For example, balls.

The game of snowballs can become intellectual for a child 8 years old
The game of snowballs can become intellectual for a child 8 years old

Games for children 8 years old for logic development

In order to develop logic, you can use the following useful games:

  • "Lamp chaos." An adult makes a word. He must write it down, but so that all the letters are mixed. The child’s task is to solve the riddle. The host can use tips, but it is important that they are brief.
  • "Letters-characteristics." Group game, during which children should sit down and form a circle. Each of them is given a certain letter. Next, the presenter asks one of the children if he likes a neighbor and why. The child who is asked the question must answer, indicating as the reason a characteristic starting on the letter of the neighbor. For example, the answer may be: "I like Masha, because she is very kind." At the same time, the letter "D" was given to Masha.
  • "Compose the words." An adult writes any long word. The longer it is, the better. The child’s task is to make as many words as possible, using only those letters used by the adult in the inscription-orinal. Wherein it is not allowed to use some letter several times, if it was used in the original only once. But if, for example, “a” met two or three times, it is allowed to enter a word in an invented by the student as many times.

Important: you can’t invent non -existent words!

A great game of logic for an 8 -year -old child is to make many words based on one mystery
A great game of logic for an 8-year-old child is to make many words based on one mystery

Musical development games for children 8 years old

In order for the children to learn to perceive various melodic transitions, and also move to the beat, you can offer such musical games:

  • "Bold rider." An adult includes a musical work Schumann's "Bold Ridge". To begin with, the schoolboy should just listen to the work. Then the game begins: during the first part of the "rider" The kid holds with one hand for imaginary reins, and the second waves an imaginary whip. One of the legs should stomp. The second part of the work It is accompanied by a gallop movement in a circle. The hands are placed on the side.
  • "Dance improvisation." The child is given the task during the dance under some fun melody to portray various animals. At the same time, of course, he must get into the rhythm. Originality is welcome.
  • "A concert ticket." An adult gives the baby a beautiful ticket drawn in advance and invites to take a place more comfortable. The baby is issued cards with portraits of famous composers, with the works of which the child got acquainted earlier. Various works are included, during which the child should raise the card with the corresponding composer.

Important: this game will help to develop not only a hearing, but also erudition, will instill a love for quality music to the child.

Such a game will help to instill in a child 8 years old love for good music
Such a game will help to instill in a child 8 years old love for good music

Mathematical development games for children 8 years old

In order to develop mathematical abilities in a student, you should pay attention to the following games:

  • "Arithmetic rows." An adult should write mathematical rows, and the baby’s task is to continue these rows. Naturally, the numbers will not be selected at random, but in accordance with a certain idea. A child must guess this idea. For example, “2, 5, 8, 11” - here, each previous number needs to add 3.
  • "More, less, equal." To begin with, the baby should explain what these signs mean. Then they should be cut out of paper and prepare various items, trays. Items are placed in the trays, and then the child is invited to find out whether their equal amount was on the tray or not. To illustrate the answer with the appropriate signs.

Important: children often confuse signs ‹and›. To get rid of this, adults should explain that these signs are beaks. And the larger is always eating a number standing after it.

These cards can be prepared for a mathematical game with a child 8 years old
These cards can be prepared for a mathematical game with a child 8 years old

Developing games for children 8 years old, instructing the rules of etiquette

The schoolboy must know the basics of etiquette. Why not offer him to master them in a playful way?

  • "Polite words." For the game, you just need to get sticks or matches, as well as a piece of plasticine. The sticks are stuck into it. The child is invited to stretch the wand, calling the polite word. Of course, the more items are prepared for the game - the better! The schoolboy must remember as many polite words as possible. The game can also be group - in this case, the one who calls the maximum number of words will win.
  • "Serving". It is necessary to accustom the child to ensure that he sets the table for each meal. Let him represent, for example, a waiter of a solid restaurant. Such a game will not be confused in the future when receiving guests.

Important: periodically you need to complicate the task. For example, ask the table for drinking compote. The task is at first glance simple, but often when performing it is mistaken. The baby should know that, for example, berries are correctly eating a spoon, gently spitting out the bones into it.

Let the child of 8 years learn to serve the toy table for a start
Let the child of 8 years learn to serve the toy table for a start

Developing games for children 8 years old to orientation in time

In order for the child not to get confused in the components of the time, you can conduct the following games with him:

  • "Crazy week." The adult prepares cards in advance, on each of which any day of the week appears. Then all the cards are laid out in random order. The task of the child is to decompose them in the right order. You can also hide any of the cards-here the baby has to guess what day of the week is not enough.
  • "Card calendar." Previously, you need to prepare cards that depict separately the seasons and seasons. Then the adult reads something that illustrates these times. The source can be any - a fairy tale, a mystery, a poem or simply an sentence invented right there. The child raises the card corresponding to the text. For example, after the phrase “Seryozha woke up, washed and sat down to breakfast” you need to raise a card depicting the morning.

Important: in the future, you can complicate the game by holding it for a while.

Cards from the seasons will come in handy for playing with a child 8 years old
Cards from the seasons will come in handy for playing with a child 8 years old

Games for children 8 years old for the development of imagination

Developed imagination is what should be from childhood. We offer the attention of parents the following games:

  • "What if…?". It is very cool to play this game somewhere on the trip or during a boring sitting in line so that the fidget is fun. The parent asks what will happen if, for example, the frogs will become blue or in the summer it suddenly snow. The most important thing is to the question was as unexpected, unusual. There is where to walk around the imagination!
  • "Letters from the trip." An adult invites the baby to make an imaginary journey. The place is not so important - It can be either previously visited or not. Or maybe even fabulous. The main thing is that the child describes in letters everything that tells him the imagination. It may be inspired by what sees outside the window or use the map - any sources of inspiration are encouraged. Letters must be placed in a box specially created for the game. Then the adult shares his impressions of letters with the child. It is especially useful to arrange imaginary voyage in the summer, When during rest all skills are slightly dull.

Important: the game not only develops imagination, but also improves written skills, expands the horizons.

Letters from an imaginary trip - a useful game for a child 8 years old
Letters from an imaginary trip - a useful game for a child 8 years old

Active developmental games for children 8 years old

The development of endurance and strength is that which must be present in the life of an 8-year-old younger organism. The following games will help in this:

  • "Tightening." For this collective game, you need to draw a line on the surface. Then two people are selected from the children, become on both sides of the line and try to pull each other to their side. The one who was pulled is a prisoner. He becomes behind the winner, grabs him and helps to pull the participant of his team. The team that wins that was able to collect the largest number of prisoners.
  • "Kolobok". A group game in which a ball stands out for each participant - this will be a bun. Children should stand in a row on any smooth surface, Put your balls next to you and turn them strongly at the signal. Then they run each with their own kolobka and come back.

Important: the fastest will win - this condition will push children to maximum activity.

As bols in the process of this game, 8-year-old children can use balloons
As bols in the process of this game, 8-year-old children can use balloons

Eight -year age can not always be called simple. Children are sometimes harmful, become too emotional. However, if the child is occupied with something interesting and, most importantly, useful, the chances that the difficulties of character will bypass the child is quite high.

A little about other developmental games for children 8 years old:

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