Children's games from 6 years to develop auditory perception and perception of forms. Games for children 6 years old for the development of speech, mathematical abilities, logic, memory, imagination. Active games for children from 6 years old. Developing games for children 6 years old to get acquainted with the outside world

Children's games from 6 years to develop auditory perception and perception of forms. Games for children 6 years old for the development of speech, mathematical abilities, logic, memory, imagination. Active games for children from 6 years old. Developing games for children 6 years old to get acquainted with the outside world

The article is a detailed description of games that can be offered a 6-year-old child for his entertainment and benefit.

Six years-the age is truly reactive. The child is actively growing not only physically, but also tries to grow personally. Of course, without help from the outside, it will not work out without help. Let's see what developing games can come in handy.

Games for the development of auditory perception in children from 6 years old

Despite the fact that most of the information is perceived visually, auditory perception is no less important. Especially a first -grader who begins to get acquainted with a mass of new information. So what games can help?

  • "Mysterious whisper." To get started, you need to decompose toys in front of the baby. The bigger, the better. Then the adult leaves approximately 2 or 3 meters. From this distance, he must ask the child to do something. For example, turn over the bear or call into the bell. Wherein teams are pronounced clearly. As a result, the first -grader learns to correctly perceive requests and other information, regardless of sound strength.

Important: it is necessary to take into account the fact that the commands should be clear and brief.

Having learned to perceive information in the form of a game, a 6-year-old child will better study at school
Having learned to perceive information in the form of a game, a 6-year-old child will better study at school
  • "Find out by voice." This is a great group game. One child needs to blindfold some dense material. The remaining children or adults become around this child and take a round dance for some time. Then the round dance stops. A kid with blindfolded eyes should show at random towards someone. The one to whom it was indicated pronounces something. The task is to find out the speaker. You can complicate the task deliberately distorting the voice.
  • "Mysterious animals." The player needs to give paper and pencils, felt -tip pens, paints - in a word, a favorite tool for drawing. Further, the adult calls some fictitious animal. The child should come up with and portray what this verbal abracadabra means. Then he explains, Why this set of sounds caused just such associations. For example, the abundance of voiced consonants, as a rule, pushes to create an angular pattern. But the abundance of the soft-on the contrary, draws in the imagination a clumsy or fluffy animal.

Important: this game will not only train hearing, but also develop creative skills. The child will be able to evaluate words, guided only by their sound, and not a semantic load.

A 6 -year -old child with great pleasure will perceive the game in which you need to draw a fantastic animal
A 6 -year -old child with great pleasure will perceive the game in which you need to draw a fantastic animal

Games for the development of perception of forms in children from 6 years old

The correct perception of the forms and the size of the surrounding objects is not such a trifle as it might seem at first glance. This perception allows spatial thinking to develop normally. Of course, you can’t do without games:

  • "Miracle bag." First of all, you should stock up on a bag of approximately 20x35 cm. An indispensable condition - it must be made From dense material. In such a bag is placed About a dozen different items. It can be a teaspoon, cube, button, etc. The main thing is that no subject i didn't look out And so that each of them is unlike another form. Further, the child is invited to approach the bag, lower his hand into him, feel one of the objects and try to guess it. As an option, you can ask to feel the object through the fabric, without lowering the palm inward.
  • "Boxes with figures." A great option for a group game. The adult should first cut out of paper or cardboard according to several options for various geometric shapes - ovals, triangles, squares, etc. Then he gives the children boxes and asks each child to collect some specific figures in his box. For example, only triangles.

Important: in this task you do not need to focus on the color palette. Children should in this case learn to focus exclusively on form.

A 6 -year -old child must be able to distinguish objects in forms and sizes during the game
A 6 -year -old child must be able to distinguish objects in forms and sizes during the game

Speech development games in children from 6 years old

In order for the child’s speech to be as coherent as possible, we bring to your attention the following games:

  • "Come up with the words." The rules are simple - by calling a certain letter, you need to ask the baby to remember and name the maximum number of words starting in this letter. Of course, each time it is worth pointing with different letters.
  • "Ball and words". For the game you will need only one inventory - a ball. It needs to be thrown to the child, calling a certain group of objects. For example, "furniture". The kid, in turn, returns the ball, calling the word relating to the specified group. For example, "chair".
  • "We make up sentences." The task of the adult includes the listing of several words, and the task of the child is to draw up a sentence with them. It is better to start with a minimum number of words.
  • "Young guide." The parent suggests that he flew out of a distant country and does not understand what surrounds. The child becomes a guide that thoroughly tells about everything that is located around.

Important: an adult is worth clarifying everything from time to time. For example, asking such questions: “What is it?”, “Why is it needed?” etc.

A 6 -year -old child will gladly tell an adult in the process of playing everything that surrounds
A 6 -year -old child will gladly tell an adult in the process of playing everything that surrounds

Games for the development of mathematical abilities in children from 6 years old

The first class is time to train mathematical abilities! For example, the following games:

  • "Mathematical aquarium." For this game, you need to stock up on rectangular boxes and fish figures. On each box you should write simple examples - “1+1”, “2+3”, etc. One box - one example. Then the child should put in each container-akvarium the number of fish that corresponds to the answer to the task.
  • "Cards with numbers." It is necessary to prepare the cards, each of which will appear one number. The baby is invited to decompose them in accordance with a certain requirement. For example, by increasing, in decreasing or missing every second.
  • "Feast of numbers." The child is invited to celebrate a feast of a number every day. Like any birthday, the number invites guests. But there is a rule: each guest should take a couple.

Important: the couple in total with the guest should be equal to the number of the number. For example, the birthday is 7. And when the number 2 is invited, it should take in the accompanying number 5.

A 6 -year -old child will be interested in playing the birthday of the number
A 6 -year -old child will be interested in playing the birthday of the number

Games for the development of logic in children from 6 years old

Logic is another quality that will allow the first -grader to study well. The following games will be able to help in this:

  • "Trees in a clearing." According to the conditions of the game, the following trees grow in a clearing - pine, birch and oak. At the same time, pine is higher than oak, and oak is higher than birch. Next, the baby should be asked to name the highest and, accordingly, the lowest tree. For clarity, you can offer to portray them on paper.
  • "We collect suitcases." The baby is invited to imagine that he is going on a trip. And depending on where he is going, you need to make a list of items that will certainly be useful.
  • "Young Gardener."The child is offered toy flowers and geometric figures from cardboard, which will symbolize the flowerbed. At the same time, flower beds should be painted in different colors. The task of the young gardener is to correctly distribute the flowers depending on the conditions.

Important: just asking to arrange the flora depending on the shade of the flower bed is too simple for 6-year-old children. It is much more productive and more interesting to veil the task. For example, "let the roses are not located on a round and not on a triangular flowerbed."

A 6 -year -old child will be happy to play in the compilation of flower beds
A 6 -year -old child will be happy to play in the compilation of flower beds

Memory development games in children from 6 years old

Of course, the memory must be developed. We offer the attention of parents the following games:

  • "We saw in the zoo ...". The game is intended for a large number of children. One of the kids says: "We saw a giraffe in the zoo." However, you can call any animal. The next child repeats the phrase, but only to the giraffe adds another inhabitant of the zoo. In such a chain is lost by the one who is stammered and forgets some word.
  • "Restore order". First of all, the parent should come up with a legend with the baby’s favorite toy. For example, the doll Lena made lessons - in front of her was a notebook, on the right there was a pen, etc. Then the dog came running (here you can point to a toy puppy) - and arranged a mess. Now restore everything only to the child. The baby will be enthusiastic about to recall the order of the location of things and strive to recreate it.
  • "And me too". The game lies in the fact that the adult pronounces some phrases, and the child reacts to them with clap. But only if something is pronounced, What he can do himself. For example, after the phrase “Olya came out to take a walk”, a cotton should be heard. But after the “dog wags its tail” there should be silence.

Important: this game is an excellent test of what the child studied earlier.

Memory training games are very important for a 6 -year -old child
Memory training games are very important for a 6 -year -old child

Games for the development of imagination in children from 6 years old

You can develop the imagination of the first -grader thanks to the following games:

  • "We master space." Circles, ovals are cut out of colored paper or cardboard. They will symbolize the planets. These planets are laid out on the floor or on the table, after which the child is invited to fantasize. For example, about what the planets are called, by whom they are populated. You can also cut out such paper residents, come up with their history.
  • "Uninhabited island." You can come up with a story about how your favorite toys fell on a uninhabited island. How will they live there, what objects will help them?
  • "Mysterious windows." During a walk in front of the child, it is proposed to fantasize about what the luminous windows of the houses are similar to. What patterns do they form?
  • "Clouds". Great scope for imagination is observing the clouds. They can be similar to anything, change the form, which should comment on the child.
  • "We make it ourselves." The best gift is as you know, the one that is made with your own hands. The kid must learn this truth, making presentations for family and friends. Postcards, panels from cereals, paper flowers - The list can be continued for a long time.

Important: the parent must ensure that the baby’s creative impulse is not dried up. To bring the idea to the end is no less important than creating an image in your head.

Creating a creative gift is a great game for a 6 -year -old child
Creating a creative gift is a great game for a 6-year-old child

Active developmental games for children from 6 years old

In order for the child to be able to warm up properly after lessons, you can offer him the following games:

  • "We jump on one leg." A line of about a length of about a length of 5-8 m. The child is given the task of jumping to its end on one leg, and then in the opposite direction on the other. In this case, it is necessary jump the line, and not just move along it.
  • "We jump with the ball." For this game, you also need to draw a line. The baby is invited to jump along it, jumping in different directions. But at the same time, between his legs he should clamp the ball. If the ball falls out, the game is considered complete.
  • "We jump over the rope". An adult should take a fairly long rope - and squeeze one end in his hand. The second end lies on Earth within the reach of a child, that is, two people stand opposite each other. Then the adult begins to spin around his axis, and the child tries to jump over the rope every time it approaches. If he touches the rope, the game needs to be started again. The game is great develops the muscles of the legs and helps to develop coordination.

Important: it is preferable to pick up the rope more authentic.

Games based on jumping, children 6 years old and like and bring great benefits
Games based on jumping, children 6 years old and like and bring great benefits

Developing games for children from 6 years old to get acquainted with the outside world

Six years - it's time to learn more about the world around us. Of course, in the form of a game:

  • "Create a rainbow." In sunny weather, you need to put a container with water so that rays fall on it. Then approximately a mirror is installed at an angle of 25 degrees, which is "caught" by a ray. Or you can put a glass on a white sheet of paper. After your home rainbow is formed, you need to explain to the baby, which is why it appears in nature.
  • "Collect the trees." The parent draws and cuts out various trees - birch, maple, oak, etc. Then he cuts each tree into parts - the crown separately from the trunks. The child is invited to collect the parts suitable for each other. In addition to the fact that the baby learns to distinguish the types of trees, he will know, why trees are bark, leaves, roots - An adult should tell about all this.
  • "Traffic Laws". On the example of your favorite toys, cars, you need to start introducing a child to the rules of the road. Such modeling will be much better to affect memorization than ordinary attempts to tell.

Important: it is even better to start conducting such an excursion into the world of traffic, drawing a scheme of the street on a piece of Watman with roads, houses, traffic lights, etc.

It will be useful for a child at 6 years old in the form of a game to learn about the rules of the road
It will be useful for a child at 6 years old in the form of a game to learn about the rules of the road

Six years - the same age at which many children become first -graders. But it is too early for parents to sigh in relief, hoping that now the school is responsible for raising children. Nothing like this! Developing home games at the age of six are no less important than in the preschool period.

A little more developing games for 6-year-old children:

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