How to raise a good son? Sexual education of boys

How to raise a good son? Sexual education of boys

In every family where the boy is born, sooner or later the question arises - how to raise him correctly, how to make a real man out of him. Not every parent can answer this question definitely.

How to raise a boy correctly?

You need to start raising a boy from birth. As it is growing up, it is necessary to make more and more efforts to this process. But, be that as it may, with the right approach, your work will always give positive results.

How to still educate the boy directly depends on his age.

Features of the education of boys

You can read more about the features of the education of boys in the article What is the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy? How to educate a boy and a girl

Rules for raising boys

Read about the rules for raising boys in sections below and in the article What is the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy? How to educate a boy and a girl

How to educate a boy from 1 year to 3 years?

At this age, the floor does not matter in the issue of raising a child. As a rule, the child is constantly with his mother. A thin, but very strong connection is observed between the baby and his mother.

No matter how actively dad takes part in the life of mom and child, the baby continues to remain only his mother’s son, her joy, and outlet. The child perceives quite sharply even short separation with his beloved mother.

Important: dad should not feel offended by such behavior of the child. This period in the life of the baby will not last very long. The time will come when dad will have to become a key figure in raising a child.

Mom should behave so that:

  • The child knew and felt that he was safe
  • The child learned to trust others
  • The child has always been surrounded by the love and care of mom

Important: if possible, then up to three years to avoid kindergartens, due to the fact that the baby will feel abandoned there. His behavior may change - anxiety, aggression will appear.

As studies show, parents hug their boy and much more often and much more often than a girl-girl, and punish him. To give confidence in your child’s life, increasing his self -esteem, everything should be done the opposite.

Important: if you deprive the child of attention and care, he can feel unnecessary, devoid of love.

By the age of three, the child begins to distinguish people by sexual basis, realizes that he is a boy. At this time, it is worth emphasizing his male qualities - strength, courage, dexterity. This will allow him to come to the future to come to how good, important and responsibly to be a man.

Unlike girls, boys need more efforts to develop speech. Therefore, parents should devote a lot of time for games and conversations with their child in order to help him master communication skills.

It should be remembered that having realized his belonging to the male floor, the boy will begin to show interest in the opposite sex. The closest representative of the female is his mother. By the way, this explains such a strong attachment of boys to mothers.

During this period, it is very important to choose the right toys and games. Do not forbid the child to play with dolls or dishes. This will not affect his social role in society, but it will help to start the development of a comprehensive person.

How to educate a boy of 4 years - 6 years?

The process of educating the baby at this age practically does not differ from the period considered in the section above. The most important thing that the boy’s parents can do is surround him with great love and care, to give him the opportunity to feel himself safe.

Important: your behavior will help the baby step forward with a sense of confidence.

How to educate a boy of 7 years - 10 years?

In this period of life, the boy gradually begins to get closer to his father and move away from his mother. Sometimes it happens that there is no father nearby. In this case, the child draws attention to other men from his environment - grandfather, uncle, older brother, neighbor, etc.

Important: in this period of the child’s life, in no case, the father should ignore his son. This may affect the behavior of the child.

Father should get closer as much as possible with his son. This will help him form a trusting relationship with a child who will more clearly manifest in the adolescence and older age of the boy.

Important: a man should not be too strict with the boy at this age. He can begin to be afraid of him, become isolated in himself.

The child at this age likes to feel like a man, he becomes comfortable from this understanding.

The distinctive features of this age period are as follows:

  • The boy begins to pay attention to men's classes, toys with great interest
  • Begins to carefully monitor the dad, his interests and actions
  • Begins to fight, defending his opinion, protecting himself and his territory

Important: in no case do not prevent the expression of negative emotions. It should only be explained how otherwise he can achieve the desired without using fists.

Try to comprehensively develop your child. At this age, much attention should be paid to the development of the personality of the child:

  • Read good books, pick up films
  • By the age of 7, the child can independently choose a sports section. Support him. The dispute helps to become more organized, purposeful, persistent, self -confident
  • Always support your child if he is interested in something. This will help his personality develop comprehensively. Encourage it, for example, if he is interested in astronomy, buy him a children's encyclopedia
  • Teach the baby to be noble. In every possible way encourage kindness and openness
  • Learn to respect girls, mother, grandmother, aunt. The boy must understand that all women are allowed to be weak
  • Make a responsible person from the child - do not be afraid to entrust minor duties. For example, instruct to wash the dishes, remove toys
  • Learn to be independent. For example, do not rush to help with your homework. Give the opportunity to do it yourself, help only make out errors
  • Give your child the right to choose. Thus, he learn to be responsible for decisions made
  • Learn to take care of others. For example, you can have a pet
  • Increase a sense of compassion. Explain that the weak need help and support. Praise if your child helped the old woman cross the road

If you deprive the child of maternal love and care during this period of his life, the boy will most likely have problems in family relationships in the future. He will be rude and harsh with his wife and children.

Important: mother continues to play an important role in the life of the child, although her role fades into the background. The child should be sure that mom will always accept him and support him.


How to raise two sons?

To educate one son is responsibility, and to educate two sons is a double responsibility. Features and rules for raising boys are the same, the main thing is to remember some principles. If you bring up two boys of the same age:

  • Raise your sons with the defenders of your family. As an example to follow, if possible, the father should be

  • Never highlight one of them. They should be absolutely equal to you. Otherwise, one of them in the shower may skeled offense. This will necessarily manifest in adulthood. For example, a man can become aggressive in relation to his children
  • Do not postpone conflict resolution for later. Understand in place
  • Teach your children to find a compromise. Such skills will definitely come in handy in the life of a man
  • Teach children joint pastime. For example, watching films, cleaning in the apartment. This will help them get attached to each other, instill a sense of kinship
  • Distribute your time so that you can be alone with each of the boys. This will help you enter the confidence zone of each of them. And they, in turn, feel loved
  • Do not impose the interests of each other to children. They can be diametrically opposite. One - draws, the other - plays the guitar. Respect the needs of each person
  • Each boy must be endowed with a certain set of rights and obligations. They must be equal. For example, everyone can view their favorite cartoon, but everyone should wash the dishes behind them

If you bring up sons of different ages, in addition to the above advice, you should take into account:

  • With the advent of the youngest child in the family, the older boy may feel not entirely necessary, not quite loved. It should be explained by the older child that he also takes an important place in your life

Important: do not allow jealousy to you. Every child should feel necessary and important.

  • If the second baby is still quite a crumb, then you should ask your eldest son to help you care for him. This will help to educate him in a sense of responsibility for the neighbor

Important: if the older child has no desire to care for the younger, do not force. This can cause negative feelings for the baby. The eldest child himself must come to help you.

  • The rights and obligations with which you give children to be equal, but taking into account age

How to raise a boy without a father?

As practice shows, a lonely woman may well cope with the upbringing of her son - to grow a real man. However, some rules should be remembered:

  • Mom should take care of her health - she will have to spend a lot of effort on raising a boy
  • In the period of growing up a boy, the most important thing for a mother is to choose the right model to follow a certain man in the person of a certain man. For example, it can be an uncle
  • Mom should certainly remain herself - to be a woman, to be weak. Give love and attention, accept help from the child. A loving and caring mother for a child is an ideal image of an idea of \u200b\u200ba woman

How to educate a boy without a father can be read in more detail in the article What is the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy? How to educate a boy and a girl

How to raise a boy with a real man?

How to educate a boy with a real man read in the article What is the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy? How to educate a boy and a girl

How to educate a boy?

In order to create and throughout life to maintain a solid connection between the father and son, the man should begin to make efforts even before the birth of the baby. It is necessary to support a pregnant woman in every way - to dream and make plans.

To educate the boy, the father must:

  • At an early age, take care of the baby and his mother, help in caring for the child. This will help a man join the business, not feel superfluous, become disciplined and more responsible
  • As the boy grows up, it is worth staying with him alone. Giving time to my mother to relax, a man at that age of the baby will feel a close connection with him
  • Always find time to fulfill your father's duties. Despite the fact that at an early age, the child is closely connected with the mother, he should not feel the deficit of his father's attention
  • Always, when you want to show emotions - do not be afraid to hug, kiss your son, tell how he is dear to you. This will help the child learn to be sensitive and attentive
  • Play with your child, frolic. Thus, the child also knows the world

Important: the child loves those people who play with him

  • Pay attention and discipline. Do not lay this duty on your mother's shoulders. The child should know the rules that observe everything, and be ready to be responsible for their failure to fulfill. Try not to beat the child, but to solve the issue peacefully
  • If possible, to devote the child to their affairs, to introduce him to the decision of the affairs of the affairs for his age
  • Listen to his son, be interested in his deeds and thoughts

How to educate a boy?

As for the upbringing of a boy by a mother, psychologists believe that the following rules should be followed:

  • Your son is a child. Avoid excessive responsibility. This is a serious load on his mental state. For example, he may be afraid to make a mistake, because will think that you will decide him
  • Your son is small, but a man. Treat respect for him. Remember that your thinking is radically different from its thinking
  • The child must generally communicate with his father, and in his absence with any other, but only a positive male figure
  • Do not load too many household chores. The boy is not a girl. Give him more freedom, let him want to help you himself
  • Show interest in your child’s affairs and interests, support him
  • Talk to your child, teach him to speak your emotions. This will help you enter the trust zone, and the child avoid emotional shocks

Gender education of the boy

Gender education is the formation of an idea of \u200b\u200bboys and girls, about men and women. The boy must understand what his sexual role is, how he should behave in order to call him a boy, and later a man.

Sexual education begins with the family. After two years, the baby is just beginning to understand that he is a boy, but after three years it is worth seriously engaged in gender education.

Parents should adhere to some rules:

  • Never compare the boy with girls
  • Direct the child to certain actions, actions, characteristic men. Do not forget to praise the child
  • By personal example, show how this or that gender should behave

  • Give your child the initiative, support him
  • Let the child have the opportunity to communicate with male faces of different ages
  • Give the right to choose, allow you to bear responsibility for your actions
  • Do not impose a lot of household chores to your son, give him more freedom

IMPORTANT: If you relate to the sexual education of your child seriously, you will help your baby avoid mistakes in the future, not to become an outcast in the team.

With gender education of your child, it is important to use the following methods and techniques:

  • Conversations using pictures, books
  • Discussion of thematic problem situations
  • Didactic and role-playing games. For example, "who am I?", "Family"

Participants in the gender upbringing of your child, in addition to you, are pedagogical groups of kindergartens, doctors, surroundings of the child.

Physical education of boys

The well -known fact is that boys are more physically developed than girls. They are more nimble, choose more active games.

However, parents should take care of the physical education of the boy. After all, the life of a little man will not be limited to games. In the future, he will have to perform more serious physical work.

  • From the first days of life, the boy should be accustomed to hygiene procedures
  • From early childhood, it is necessary to harden the child, selecting the necessary temperature regime for bathing
  • You should always wear a child according to the weather, do not overheat the baby. In the future, he learn to dress himself, according to comfort
  • Starting from three years, it is worth introducing the boy to sports. At the initial stage, there will be a fairly small charge in the morning

Important: if along with the baby, an adult from the boy’s environment will be engaged in charging. A personal example will help the baby not to pull away from this lesson.

If your child shows interest, for example, in football, then you should consider the issue of determining him in the sports section.

Father-i-Sin (1)

In elementary school, the child can already choose a sports section on his own. Be sure to support it. In addition to physical development, this will contribute to personal development.

Important: let your baby become a great athlete, but he learn to properly manage his personal time, his life.

Psychologist's advice on how to educate a boy

Details the advice of psychologists on the education of a boy read in the article What is the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy? How to educate a boy and a girl

Your desire to grow a good person, a comprehensively developed personality, as well as your boundless love will help to overcome all difficulties and educate a real man. Come to the issue of raising your son with understanding the case.

Video: How to raise a successful man from his son?

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  1. Yes ... this happens in many families! Thanks for the excellent article! Good advice. She took note, they to help me in order to prevent mistakes in raising her son.

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