The role of grandparents in raising children

The role of grandparents in raising children
      Grandparents are important and closest relatives in every family. Moreover, the life experience and care of the older generation is always necessary for modern young parents. Is it possible to allow grandmothers to intervene in raising children and how to make a climate in the family favorable? These are important questions that excite many families.

The role of grandparents in raising children

  • After all, there are a lot of situations when mom and dad simply do not have free time due to work, business trips or other important things. It doesn’t matter whether parents live with grandparents, the main thing is that these family members have an important influence on the child and become part of his life
  • It is not for nothing that people say: “Children are toys, and grandchildren are children” and there is some truth in this. Currently, care and reverent attitude can only be for grandchildren. This is because in the “my time” grandparents were also too busy with work and did not have time to properly enjoy all the charms of motherhood
  • If you set aside the stereotypes that the older generation does not know how to cope with modern children, then we can understand that without the help of their parents, you can not do in any way

Advantages of communication between a child and a grandmother

Of course, communication with grandparents has a favorable effect on the child. Each parent must perfectly understand the importance of regular meetings, joint holidays and walks. Such classes are able to develop the social skills of a child and instill a love for his family.

Grandma’s life experience is always distinguished by her experience, which means she has already managed to see a lot in her path and knows solutions to important problems. Grandmother is the first person who will help to properly care for a newborn baby and reveal all the subtleties of motherhood.

Yes, and she has much more time than the busy mother, who works at work from morning to night. There are situations when grandmothers are forced to become a child “mothers”. The reasons for this: death, mother's dysfunction, rejection of the child or too early age. However, the baby is happy that for his life he was able to experience maternal love and grandmother's concern.

Can I leave a child with a grandmother?

Probably, the answer to this question depends on the grandmother herself and her desire to communicate with her grandchildren. It is safe to say that Grandma's care is trembling and painstaking. Someone who, and the grandmother will never allow the child to be hungry, easily dressed and dangling idle. Therefore, leaving the child to mom, mother -in -law or mother -in -law, each parent must be sure that the baby is provided with a decent entertainment program and a well -fed, full pies and cheesecakes, a table.

In addition, you also need to navigate on your child! Prepare the baby in advance that for some time he will need to be with his relatives, and not with them. Explain to him that they also love him there and are waiting for him and then no problems should arise.

Little children who have not reached a year after a year, of course, can painfully endure the absence of a mother. But, as practice shows, this happens only the first time. The more often you communicate with grandparents, the easier your partings will be. Therefore, we can conclude that you can leave children with a grandmother - it is possible and even necessary!

What can grandmothers learn from grandchildren?

One can definitely say that communicating with children, each person is getting younger. So, grandparents forget about numerous diseases when they spend time with their grandchildren. Constant games, sweets, cartoons, dolls and balls are able to force an elderly person to look at the world with children's eyes and see all the charms of life in him.

Watching how the child grows and develops, every grandparents understand what you want to live, which means it is too early to "write off the accounts." Communication with the younger generation helps the elderly convey their life experience, tell about dangers and help overcome difficulties. Children, like sunlight, are able to fill the void inside an elderly person and remove sadness from the soul.

Every little man is able to inspire his grandparents, remind them every day that they are not alone and delight with their successes. Having experienced holidays, events and games with children, adults would have plunged into the world of their childhood and recall what has long been forgotten.

What mistakes do grandmothers make?

It happens that parents limit the communication of a child with a grandmother for certain reasons. All because there is a special type of grandmothers who prefer to keep everything under control and “on a short leash”. They prefer to keep everything in severity and constantly give clear instructions: “Sit down and eat”, “Dress the hat”, “Do not sit so much in front of the TV”.

You need to know that the increased sense of guardianship “strangles” both the child and his parents himself. Hyperopeca is never useful and in most cases deprives the child of independence, muffling any personal calls in it. Such a grandmother's behavior causes an increased sense of anxiety, both others and the child himself. It also happens that if a child does not feel independent, he ceases to respect the rest and treat it frivolously.

Parents should have a conversation in advance with their grandmother that it is impossible to panic and that communication with the child should not be like that. Only parents themselves should control the correctness or incorrectness of any actions of the baby, and grandmothers only adorn the child’s life with their love, care and attention.

The responsibilities of the grandmother in relation to the child

  • First of all, the main duty of grandmother is constant communication with all family members: grandchildren and children. Only grandparents, as guardians of the family, have a special influence on everyone and are able to be initiators of joint events
  • Each grandmother must certainly know all the important holidays and events in the life of the child. Therefore, how attention paid to the baby in the important period of his life is invaluable. Unlike parents, grandparents can become excellent friends for a child for a lifetime and you can always consult with topics that cannot be opened to parents
  • Whether it is a mother -in -law or mother -in -law, but any grandmother should help her children in every possible way and in no case spoil the relationship with them. There is a good saying: “An ideal grandmother loves grandchildren and respects children,” so it is important to know the measure in advice, recommendations and directions that the older generation often releases to his children
  • Grandma’s help should not be obsessive and excessive, in a word - she should not be many. Parents and parents to occupy the main and main place in the life of the baby. Grandpa and grandmother are needed in order to be “invisible” assistants and always extend the hand of help in difficult situations
  • The main mistake of grandmothers is the rivalry between themselves or between parents for the attention of grandchildren. Such behavior can cause a child’s negative reaction and complete detachment, and discord and misunderstanding arise in the family. Parental authority should always be revered grandmothers and is never desecrated by an evil word

It is not difficult to be good grandparents if the heart wants that. In every life situation, you must always respect your relatives and not deprive them of attention. Observing the favorable atmosphere in the family, children will grow in love and respect for the elders and will always strive to communicate with their relatives.

Video: Parents and grandmothers: Disagreements in education

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