Psychology of the education of a girl. How to educate a girl in an incomplete family?

Psychology of the education of a girl. How to educate a girl in an incomplete family?

The article will help parents figure out how to educate a girl and prevent serious mistakes in education.

To raise a daughter with a good girl, parents need to make efforts and approach the process of education competently.

Features of the upbringing of girls

General features of the girl’s upbringing, regardless of age, read in the article What is the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy? How to educate a boy and a girl

Raising a girl from birth

  • Girls from birth to a year may still not be aware of the meanings of all mother's words. But the baby feels my mother’s hugs and kisses
  • Therefore, already from infancy, spare, kiss, hug your baby more often
  • Do not shout at her when she does not want to sleep or eats badly
  • Screams and criticism of the child at an early age can affect the psyche of the baby

Raising a girl per year

  • After a year, the girl begins to be affectionate: she can kiss, hug her mother herself. Be sure to answer her the same that the baby does not think that you do not love her
  • This is the age when girls begin to be interested in combs, mother's beads, lipsticks. This is the right moment in order to instill in the child the need to be beautiful. Tell her why all these interesting things are needed
  • Tell us that it is beautiful when the girl dresses beads when she makes a beautiful hairstyle. Explain that the hair must be combed with a comb several times a day
  • If you begin to try to explain this to your daughter only by the age of 7, maybe it's too late: the girl already has her habits and it will be difficult for her to get used to the same hair combing, for example

How to behave With daughter per year:

  • Show tenderness and affection. The girl should feel that her mother loves her and will never let her offend
  • Tleas a hygiene: wash your hands, brush your teeth
  • Comb your hair and braid your hairstyles if the hair length allows
  • Do not allow your daughter to walk untidy or dirty
  • Teach to put toys in places after games
  • Dress up the baby and show her in the mirror. Let the child understand that you need to dress beautifully and take care of yourself
  • Praise your daughter for all her achievements: for the collected pyramid, for the ability to throw garbage into the garbage bucket. Each trifle must be noticed by you. Then the child will want to commit such actions more and more often and strive for them
  • If the girl wants to repeat the manipulations with a broom for you, do not say "impossible." Give her the floor herself, just wash your hands then

Important: in order to raise a daughter with a real beauty, mistress and just a kind girl, you need to instill the corresponding habits from a small age

Raising a girl from 2 years to 5 years old

Firstly, All rules and tips from the previous section continue to be relevant.

Secondly, many new points are added:

  • During this period, your daughter will experience a crisis of 2-3 years of age. Your daughter will sometimes seem uncontrollable and through an independent chur. During this period, you will increasingly hear “I myself”. Give your daughter the opportunity to do something yourself. Even if she doesn’t succeed very well - you better redo it
  • But the point is not to crush the desire to do something in the child. And when the baby will arrange hysterics unreasonable, then do not shout at her. You can raise your voice and say that this is impossible. And if possible, then find a compromise

  • During this period, the child will increasingly climb where he cannot. At this age, the girl may well understand what her mother explains to her. Explain slowly and clear why this is impossible: dangerous, harmful
  • Increase a love of cleanliness. In order for the daughter to be a good mistress in the future, you need to start at that age. Let it help you cook lunch. After eating, ask to help you wash the dishes: let him bring you a plate from the table. Learn to fold things on the shelves. She still can’t do it carefully. But here the essence is important for the girl to know: this must be done

  • Do not overdo it with guardianship. It may seem to you that if you have a daughter, then she should not go where she could be a boy. But this is not so. Let her climb where she wants, but explain that you can do this only when you are nearby
  • Follow the relationship with your husband. Scandals will not affect your daughter’s psyche. She will become clamped and uncertain
  • Compression and uncertainty will appear as a result of underolance. Do not spare pleasant words and kisses for your daughter
  • Repeat your daughter that she is beautiful. But do not say that the rest of the girls are ugly. Otherwise you will receive a few years later a self -confident and even arrogant person

Important: this difficult age must be endured with the dignity of mom and dad. At this age, you will see the character of your little lady. Help her in endeavors and take her sometimes stubborn behavior as a characteristic character

The upbringing of a girl 6 years old - 9 years

During this period, you need to secure the skills and knowledge that you instilled in her daughter under the age of 6 years.

Continue to teach the girl cleanliness, leaving, kindness.

But at this age, before mom is added a few more tasks:

  • At this age, your daughter will go to school. There, she can meet harmful and ill -mannered children. Prepare her for this. Explain that such children should not be an example for your daughter
  • During this period, mom often overcome her daughter. This should not be done, since at the first opportunity your daughter will break out from under your guardianship and may even start deceiving to do what you do not allow her
  • Your daughter will have a girlfriend at school. Sometimes they will swear. Help your daughter understand the reasons for the quarrel. And if your daughter is wrong - tell her about this, explaining the reason. So you will teach your daughter that she cannot always be right. If this is not done at this age, then it will be difficult for the girl to communicate and make friends in the future. Self -confidence is a good feature when it is justified

  • Put your daughter to participate in various competitions and competitions. Cut competitive qualities in it. Encourage victories and support in losses
  • If the daughter categorically refuses to participate, do not force. Perhaps there will still be a contest in which the daughter wants to participate herself
  • Show the example of your daughter. After all, it is mom for a girl that is an example to follow

Important: at this age, the most false can teach your daughter to cope with conflict situations at school

Raising girls without a father

Read about the rules for raising a daughter without a father in the article What is the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy? How to educate a boy and a girl

The upbringing of girls by the father

The father must participate in the upbringing of his daughter.

Such words that the father must educate his son, and the mother-daughter is absolutely unjustified and incorrect. This is an incorrect stereotype in society.

The role of the father In the upbringing of my daughter:

  • The father should be a support. The daughter must trust her father, respect him. The father should be interested in why the daughter is in a bad mood and help her cope with the difficult situation with her advice
  • The father in no case should be an awesome subject in her life. Do not tell the child that dad will come, find out about everything and punishes so that it will not seem enough. Do not intimidate the child
  • The father’s goal is to gain the confidence of the daughter. Then she will be able to tell about her problem. And you will help her solve her with your male advice

  • Spend time with your daughter: play catch -up, roll on an impromptu horse, throw it up

  • Her relationship with men in the future will depend on her father’s participation in the upbringing of her daughter. She will unconsciously look for a man corresponding to a stereotype that has developed from childhood

Important: often it is the father who can help her daughter cope with the problem, since mother takes care of her daughter too much and may not show all the real life of life

The education of two girls

In the education of two daughters, you need to adhere to the same rules as in the upbringing of one daughter (read above) with some features:

  • Pay the same amount of attention to both daughters
  • Do not tell one daughter that the second is something better
  • Teach them to be friends with each other. Do not encourage quarrels. Learn to forgive each other and apologize if someone is wrong

Incorrect education of girls

The main options for improper upbringing of a daughter:

  • Excessive custody. Parents may not let her daughter step a step aside, take care of every minute, control all aspects of the child’s life. This behavior can lead to the fact that the daughter will either be clamped and indecisive in the future; or, on the contrary, getting out of the control of parents, will do impermissible things, which will lead to immoral behavior
  • Insufficient attention to the child. If the child grows on its own, then he becomes aggressive, closed. At an older age, such children often leave home and contact bad companies
  • Impunity. Children whose parents do not punish them for bad deeds and allow them to do everything in a row, grow up to adulthood. In the future, no one will forgive them for their irresponsible behavior: at the university they can be expelled for missing classes, and at work they can be fired for delay and non -compliance with duties
  • The priority of another child. Parents who praise only the second child risk that the daughter will grow up with a clamped and uncertain
  • Too hard upbringing. The child, who was beaten in childhood with a belt or constantly scolded, will grow sullen, fearful. And the worst consequence of such education is anger that can prove itself at an older age and even lead to crimes


  • Constant reproaches. If parents reproach the child for every wrong act, such a child will be notorious and indecisive

Sexual education of girls

The sex education of girls begins at about 10-12 years. It all depends on your daughter. Sometimes girls and at the age of 12 play dolls and do not think about boys. And someone at the age of 10 wants to like the boys and attract their attention.

As if it was embarrassed, explain to your daughter how to behave with the boys: tell us when you can kiss, and when it is impossible; Tell us where the children come from and how to prevent their appearance at an early age.

Important: the cause of pregnancies aged 10-14 years is most often precisely the non-information of the child. The girl often does not even realize what kind of act she does.

A teenage daughter is already worth telling about contraception.

And if the daughter herself asks you such questions, then you must definitely give her an answer to them. Do not get away from the answer just because you are embarrassed. You need to answer clearly and confidently. Do not let your child feel your constraint.

Strict education of girls

The problem of very strict education is partially affected in the section above "improper upbringing of girls."

The strict education of the daughter should be in moderation: do not let your daughter do bad deeds, sometimes punish the case, do not use the belt in the upbringing of the girl for each case of disobedience.

Physical education of girls

Physical education of girls is as important as boys. This hardens the character, accustoms to order and sensitivity of actions.

Physical education, depending on age, may include:

  • Dressing on the weather
  • Development of the regime
  • Hardening
  • Hygienic procedures
  • Charging in the morning
  • Training in a special section
  • Training with parents: running, cycling, roller skating

It is better to determine the girl in any section for physical education: gymnastics, dancing, karate, volleyball. The choice is behind you and your child.

If the daughter does not want to go to dancing after several classes, find out the reason. Perhaps the reason is not in the dancing, as such, but in the not -missed coach.

If the child does not want to attend exactly the selected type of class - choose another. Until my daughter has reached adolescence, try different directions until you find the right one.

Important: do not force your daughter to do karate if she wants to be a gymnast. Listen to your girl

Problems of educating girls

The problems of educating girls arise when parents neglect the rules of education and educate their daughter incorrectly (read more above)

Differences in raising boys and girls

Read about the differences in education in the article What is the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy? How to educate a boy and a girl

Tips for the upbringing of girls

You can read about the features of education in sections above and in the article What is the difference in the upbringing of a girl and a boy? How to educate a boy and a girl.

But the most important short, but understandable tips:

  • Love your daughter as she is
  • Sorry, hug, kiss
  • Say pleasant words
  • Learn to be a mistress, learn to be feminine from a very early age
  • Pay attention to your daughter
  • Do not punish each occasion

  • Help to deal with problems not as a strict parent, but as a friend or friend
  • Do not save your daughter
  • Do not always exaggerate her advantages to the others. Otherwise, get an arrogant girl


Do not let your daughter upbringing on a groove, do not be lazy, do her and then your daughter will grow up with a good and successful person.

Video: educating girls, features and practical tips of a psychologist


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