The diabetes intelligence officer is next to you: what is metabolic syndrome and how to deal with it?

The diabetes intelligence officer is next to you: what is metabolic syndrome and how to deal with it?

This article describes signs, symptoms, methods of treatment, diagnosis and prevention of metabolic syndrome.

Today, many patients hear from their doctors such a diagnosis as metabolic syndrome. Naturally, the question immediately arises - what is it? What is the treatment and how to save and prevent the appearance of other concomitant diseases? Look for answers to these questions in this article. Read further.

The disease metabolic syndrome is a diabetes intelligence officer next to you: what is this in men, women, children, adolescents?

Metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome in men, women, children and adolescents is a set of symptoms that appear due to anomalies of metabolism. The disease lies in the fact that the tissues and cells of the body do not perceive insulin.

  • This hormone is responsible for the absorption of glucose, and therefore is very important for a person.
  • The exchange of such important substances as lipids, purins and carbohydrates is violated.
  • Glucose in the blood It becomes more, but in the cells less.
  • The disease does not depend on the age or belonging to the floor.
  • It is simply for a number of reasons that the body is lost in glucose and this pathology develops.

Only at the end of the last century, Professor Riven was able to analyze the results of metabolic changes and gave the name of the pathology "Syndrome x". In the course of his activity, he was able to find a connection between insulin resistance, visceral obesity, hypertension, myocardial ischemia and a pathological state in metabolic syndrome.

Когда возникают факторы риска развития метаболического синдрома: патогенез, критерии, адипокины

Metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome

Hereditary predisposition is the main reason for the occurrence and development of a metabolic syndrome. The risk of developing the disease increases significantly in such conditions:

  • Incorrect lifestyle
  • Regular stress
  • Problems with hormones

Pathogenesis Diseases:

  • Since insulin performs many important functions, its presence is necessary for the body.
  • The consequence of the reduced susceptibility to insulin is the hormone accumulated in the blood itself.
  • So insulin resistance is the main factor in pathology.

The pathology itself is divided into several stages:

  1. Elementary. The patient is inherent in dysglycemia, the normal functioning of the pancreas. Diabetes and heart disease are absent.
  2. Average. Hyperglycemia, the gradual addiction of the body to glucose, impaired functioning of the pancreas.
  3. Heavy. Diabetes mellitus, pancreatic pathology.

It is worth knowing: It is important at any stage of pathology to explore adipokins in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome. These are hormones of adipose tissue that are released with fat cells. If they are modified, then this is a direct path to insulin resistance and the development of diabetes.

Criteria The risk of the development of pathology is as follows:

  • Most often, lovers of "heavy" fatty foods receive such a disease.
  • A sedentary lifestyle plays an important role in the development of the disease.
  • To date, the syndrome is especially relevant and is compared with the epidemic.
  • Often the disease is found in men 35 to 65 years old Because of the hormonal background.
  • In women during menopause, when estrogens are stopped produced.

In children and adolescents, this disease was rare before. However, today the cases of disease at this age are increasingly registering.

Disorders in metabolic syndrome - diseases: arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, abdominal obesity, wide waist, insulin resistance

Metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome

People with metabolic syndrome can have other disorders and illnesses - one or several at once:

In sick, fat appears in the abdomen. The waist becomes wide and can reach the size of more 120 cm in volume. Headaches are also concerned about headaches, the inability to get saturation from eating, fatigue, muscles poorly absorb glucose. When examining in the blood, hypercholesterolemia and hyperinsulinemia are found.

Metabolic syndrome: etiology, causes

Metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome

With metabolic syndrome with insulin resistance, people with heredity are found. The generating metabolism is located in 19th chromosome. When he mutates, the receptors sensitive to insulin change. Therefore, it becomes difficult to perceive the hormone. Immunity creates antibodies that block receptors in the cell.

There are many indicators that adversely affect metabolism. These include:

  • Unreasonable consumption of fatty foods and carbohydrates, overeating, excess calories and insufficient physical activity.
  • Violation of the musculoskeletal system, fuzzy movements.
  • Violation of blood circulation due to fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Regular stress, emotional instability, conflicts, panic attacks.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • In a dream, breathing stops for a short time, which is why the brain receives not enough oxygen (brain hypoxia).
  • Reception of glucocorticosteroids, oral contraceptives, thyroid hormones. You can add antidepressants, adrenectors and antihistamines to the list.
  • Incorrect treatment with insulin, which increases the amount of hormones in the blood and contributes to addiction.

During the evolution, low susceptibility to insulin was laid. However, in the modern world, people use calorie foods harmful to their health. Also, a hereditary predisposition leads to the development of the disease.

It is worth noting: In the risk zone are small children who surround poor environmental conditions, and also have insufficient weight and a feature of feeding. Teenagers are affected by unbalanced nutrition and lack of physical activity.

The diagnosis of "endocrine metabolic syndrome": symptoms, signs

The diagnosis of
The diagnosis of "endocrine metabolic syndrome"

The diagnosis of "endocrine metabolic syndrome" may not be made immediately, since pathology occurs gradually. Most often, complaints come to different conditions of the body from sick. Here are the symptoms that most often bother, as well as signs of the disease:

  • Sluggish state, apathy
  • Bad sleep
  • An unstable emotional state
  • Aggression
  • Indifference to meat products and excessive consumption of sweets
  • Thirst
  • Polyuria
  • Constant hunger

A person begins to uncontrollably eat everything in a row. Moreover, the more he eats, the more he wants to eat. This one is like a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out. What to do? It is urgent to go to the endocrinologist so that he prescribes diagnostics. What will it be, read on.

Metabolic syndrome: diagnosis, what is the blood glucose rate mmol/l?

The diagnosis of
The diagnosis of "endocrine metabolic syndrome"

It is quite difficult to diagnose metabolic syndrome due to the lack of special symptoms that can indicate a specific disease. The diagnosis is done by the endocrinologist. The specialist listens to the patient’s anxiety and examines. Then it is important to consult such doctors:

  • Nutritionist
  • Gynecologist
  • Andrologist
  • Cardiologist

They find out if a sick relatives suffering from obesity. The weight changes are also analyzed at each stage of age, monitor blood pressure, find out the presence of heart disease and blood vessels, information about living conditions. The laboratory determines the level of cholesterol in the blood, triglyceride, glucose, insulin. Usually all this exceeds the necessary norm. When passing urine, protein is found, which indicates diabetic nephropathy. The following factors are important in diagnosis:

The most effective research method is an ultrasound of the heart and the presence of a change in blood pressure. If you do not detect the disease in time and do not start treatment, then you can get complications that are life -threatening:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Infarction
  • Infertility
  • Gout
  • Impotence, etc.

The blood glucose rate is 3.3 - 5.5 mmol/l. If below, then this is hypoglycemia, if higher, then this is the risk of diabetes. How treatment goes with this pathology, read below. It is important to follow all the recommendations of doctors, otherwise there will be no result.

Metabolic syndrome - how to treat: therapy, clinical recommendations, diet

Metabolic syndrome - how to treat: therapy
Metabolic syndrome - how to treat: therapy

The disease is poorly treated. Usually a special diet is prescribed, which allows you to return normal weight, and drugs that restore metabolism. First of all, it is worth starting with increasing metabolism, as well as fight the rest of the symptoms. The nutritionist helps to lose weight to the right one. During treatment, they give recommendations that are required so that the patient can feel better as soon as possible.

Metabolic syndrome is an especially relevant disease in the modern world. In order to minimize negative consequences, the following clinical recommendations should be followed:

  • Follow proper nutrition
  • Lead healthy lifestyle
  • Normalize weight
  • Limit yourself in alcohol consumption, smoking and harmful food
  • Regularly do sport

To date, the disease cannot be completely cured, however, with proper treatment, many negative consequences can be avoided. The main factor is normal nutrition. The basic principles of eating healthy food are:

  • Restriction of simple and quick carbohydrates -School bread, fast food, sausage, sweets, canned food, smoked meats, etc.
  • Abbreviated consumption of salty dishes.
  • The emphasis must be seton vegetables and fruits, herbs, cereals, low -fat meat and fish, seafood.
  • Food at least five times a day In small portions later 3 hours. Exclude overeating and starvation.
  • From drinksit is allowed to receive fruit drinks and compotes without sugar, unsweetened tea on herbs, mineral water.
  • Add to the diet vitamins, trace elements and dietary fibers.
  • Sports shown to those who have no problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Those patients who, due to health reasons, cannot do anything listed, offer to carry out charging every morning and walk in the fresh air more often. With drug treatment, such therapy is prescribed:

  • Tablets struggling with hyperglycemia.
  • Preparations for dyslipidemia correction.
  • Medicines to normalize blood pressure.
  • Medications that suppress the appetite and those that will help reduce fat assimilation.

If you follow all the prescriptions of the doctor, then you can minimize the risks of the occurrence of undesirable consequences of the disease, as well as improve the quality of life.

Prevention of metabolic disorders: measures

Prevention of metabolic disorders syndrome
Prevention of metabolic disorders syndrome

In order to prevent the appearance of pathology in the future, it is worth observing several rules. This is the prevention of metabolic disorders - events:

  • Follow food
  • Instill love for physical education
  • Avoid bad habits
  • Fight hypodynamia
  • Restore the nervous system, limit nervous overvoltage and stress
  • Take the medicine prescribed by the doctor
  • Regularly control blood pressure
  • Monitor the weight and BMI
  • Observe the endocrinologist and regularly donate blood to hormones and blood sugar

If you quickly detect the disease and begin timely treatment, then the outcome will be favorable. Late diagnosis and lack of therapy can lead to serious complications, up to death. That is why it is so important to monitor your own health, regularly examined, lead a healthy lifestyle and follow the recommendations of doctors. Good luck!

Video: Metabolic syndrome

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Comments K. article

  1. It is a pity that about 5 years ago I did not own this information. Maybe I would not allow the appearance of diabetes. Now I know everything about symptoms and prevention, I advise readers to pay attention to the described features. I myself, like a diabetic, support the normal level of sugar with diet and olyjima pills. I buy them for at a good price.

  2. You know, with age it will get sick there, then there, you write off, write off on age, you can’t always think that you have diabetes. From such a disease, I took inspiration, I helped me a lot, I don’t feel health problems.

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