Glucose in the blood. Increased and reduced sugar: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention

Glucose in the blood. Increased and reduced sugar: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention

The article describes the symptoms and treatment of high and reduced blood sugar.

Glucose in human blood is a necessary element, so how she is does his more active and hardy, increases his strength. However, it is necessary to monitor the level of glucose, since its fluctuations can lead to undesirable, and sometimes very severe, consequences.

Glucose norm in the blood

glucose norm in the blood

Glucose for the human body is considered sugar dissolved in the blood, with the help of which the correct carbohydrate metabolism is determined. Glucose enters the blood from the liver and intestines. In order for human cells to learn glucose, insulin-hormone is necessary. It is produced by the pancreas. If insulin is not enough in the blood, type 1 diabetes occur, if insulin acts weakly, then type 2 diabetes (90% of cases).

Level glucose in blood must hold on in limits norms. If in the body the human level is disturbed in the direction of glucose in the direction of increased (hyperglycemia) or decrease (hypoglycemia), then this leads to the development of serious complications. For example, with increased blood sugar (hyperglycemia), diabetic neuropathy occurs - nerve damage. There are pain in the legs, a burning sensation, “running goosebumps”, numbness. In severe cases, trophic ulcers, gangrene limbs may occur.

Blood sugar indicators
blood sugar indicators

The sugar content in men and women is the same and is 5.5 mmol/l. With age, the amount of sugar increases to 6.7 mmol/l. In children, the blood sugar is 3.3 - 5.6 mmol/l.

Increased blood sugar

Blood sugar
blood sugar

In a person, on an empty stomach, the minimum amount of blood sugar is determined. After eating, food is absorbed and nutrients enter the bloodstream. Therefore, after eating, the amount of sugar in the blood rises. Such an increase in sugar is small and does not last long. This occurs provided that the function of the pancreas is not impaired, the carbohydrate metabolism is correct and additional insulin is released, which lowers blood sugar.

If insulin is not enough (type 1 diabetes mellitus) or it acts weakly (type 2 diabetes mellitus), then blood sugar after eating increases for a long time. This acts on the kidneys, on the nervous system, on vision, a heart attack or stroke may occur.
The reasons for increasing blood sugar can be not only diabetes, but also:

  • nervous stress
  • infectious diseases
  • violation of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland
  • prolonged use of drugs, etc.

Signs and symptoms of high blood sugar

symptoms of hyperglycemia

The main feature of increasing blood sugar is thirst, which is strong, which is accompanied by dry mouth. With high sugar, nerves are affected and the doctors called this condition neuropathy. There are pains in the legs, weakness, a burning sensation, “running goosebumps”, numbness. In severe cases, trophic ulcers, gangrene of the limbs may occur.

Reduced blood sugar

Most people have an increase in blood glucose. However, a common serious disease is a decrease in blood sugar - this is below 4 mmol/l. With diabetes, a sharp decrease in blood sugar is dangerous, which can cause serious consequences. A decrease in blood sugar is more common in fat people who suffer from obesity and eat incorrectly. For such people, it is necessary to establish the right lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Signs and symptoms of low blood sugar

symptoms of hypoglycemia

The main symptoms of sugar reduction are:

  • headache
  • constant fatigue
  • anxiety
  • hunger
  • increase in heart rate (tachycardia)
  • cloud of vision
  • sweating

With a sharp decrease in sugar, a person may not have consciousness or such inadequate behavior that is characteristic of alcohol or narcotic intoxication may occur. If insulin is used, then a decrease in sugar can occur at night (night hypoglycemia), which is accompanied by a violation of sleep and severe sweating. If the sugar drops to 30 mg/DL, a coma, cramps may occur and death occurs as a result.

How to determine the exact level of glucose in the blood?

You can donate blood for blood sugar in the hospital in the morning on an empty stomach from a finger (capillary blood).

Blood fence for analysis
blood fence for analysis

For the reliability of blood tests for glucose, a method of oral glucosotolerant dough is carried out. This method is that the patient is offered to drink glucose dissolved in water (75 gr.) And after 2 hours, they take blood for analysis.

Glycemic curves during GTT
glycemic curves during GTT

It is advisable to carry out these two analyzes one after another after 5-10 minutes: first take blood from a finger on an empty stomach, and then drink glucose and measure the sugar level again.
Recently, glycated hemoglabin is an important analysis, which shows % glucose in relation to red blood cells - blood cells. Using this analysis, it is possible to determine the amount of blood sugar over the past 2-3 months.

HBA1C results compliance with the average blood sugar value
hBA1C results compliance with the average blood sugar value

At home, a glucometer is used. Sterile lancens and special test strips are attached to the glucometer: Lancet is needed to pierce the skin on the tip of the finger and a drop of blood to the test strip. We place the test strip in the device (glucometer) and determine the level of sugar in the blood.


How to prepare for blood test for sugar?

Blood analysis
blood analysis

To analyze blood for sugar, you need to remember the following rules:

  • Firstly, if we donate blood for analysis in the morning, do not eat in the evening and in the morning before the analysis; secondly, you can drink any liquid
  • If we take blood for glycated hemoglabin, it does not need to take it on an empty stomach
  • When using glucometer at home, blood can be taken for analysis three hours after eating

How to normalize blood glucose levels

The choice of proper nutrition
the choice of proper nutrition

First of all, it is necessary to establish the reason for the increase or decrease in blood sugar, for which it is necessary to consult a doctor who will suit each patient individually.
Some forms of diabetes do not need special treatment to normalize blood sugar, it is enough to establish a special diet: to refuse sweets (jam, sweets, pastries), potatoes, pasta, consume more ugly fresh vegetables and fruits, there are fish, seafood, nuts, soy and soy and soy and soy legumes, Jerusalem artichoke.
It is necessary to include plant foods: onions, garlic, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

Diet to normalize blood sugar
diet to normalize blood sugar

You can normalize blood sugar with the help of medicinal herbs, for example, leaves or blueberry berries, a bead of beans.
In addition to nutrition, you can use and other methods of normalizing the level of glucose in the blood, for example:

  • walks in the open air
  • cold and hot shower
  • small physical activity, exercises
  • regular sleep - not 8 hours a day

Medicines are also used to normalize the level of glucose in the blood, including insulin.

Low sugar treatment in blood

With low sugar in the blood, a doctor’s consultation is required about the therapeutic dose of insulin. When the blood sugar drops:

  • the patient must use glucose tablets
  • proper nutrition should be installed: it is necessary to consume products with low glycemic content (seafood, vegetables, dairy products, whole grain bread, etc.)
GID indicators in products
gID indicators in products
  • you need to eat at certain intervals of time 4-5 times a day, so as not to cause hypoglycemia.

Video: Symptoms and treatment of low blood sugar

Treatment of high blood sugar

For a patient with high blood sugar, it is necessary:

  • install a low -carb diet: use in small portions of not more than 120 g per day. Carbohydrates, in severe cases of diabetes-60-80 gr. Exclude all products containing sugar from food and eat 4-5 times a day
Low -carb products
low -carb products
  • with such a low -carbal diet, more often check the blood for sugar
  • if the patient has constipation with high pressure and seizures in the muscles of the legs, it is necessary to take a multivitamin complex with vitamin C and magnesium
Vitamin complex
vitamin complex
  • for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, the drugs prescribed by the doctor and insulin are used
  • to reduce sugar, any caperte fluid is useful in large quantities, such as tea from leaves or blueberry berries
Tea from blueberries
tea from blueberries

Video: Reducing blood sugar in folk remedies

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Comments K. article

  1. It happens in people increased sugar, it is reduced, and the insidious is the heated one - it jumps up and down and it is not clear what to drink. Now I know that the dibikor is best suited in such cases, because it does not just act on a decrease, but maintaining at the level, that is, it does not reduce below, it does not increase above. And before, I suffered, of course, very much with this.

  2. I have no idea what a person with a reduced blood sugar feels, I have always been increased (I am sick of type 2 diabetes). But I have already forgotten about bad symptoms, I drink metformin and dibikor, they do not allow sugar to increase, and, accordingly, my well -being is normal.

  3. I also have sugar rode back and forth for a long time. Now the situation is much better. I switched to a keto diet and I take the alpha-lipoic acid of Evalarovskaya to be supplemented ... Ugh pah, sugar holds on normal limits, and this cannot but rejoice)

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