Alternative treatment of stomach ulcer: principles, methods

Alternative treatment of stomach ulcer: principles, methods

Treatment of peptic ulcer should be prescribed by a doctor. In addition to it, you can use alternative methods.

Peptic ulcer, also known as a peptic ulcer, is characterized by the presence of destructive changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and the initial part of the duodenum. This is a complex and dangerous disease that is treated for a long time, and sometimes all life.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "When the stomach hurts very much: diet with gastritis, ulcer".

In this article we will talk about alternative treatment of stomach ulcer. These are interesting and effective methods. Read further.

Causes and risk factors for the development of stomach ulcers

Causes and risk factors for the development of stomach ulcers
Causes and risk factors for the development of stomach ulcers

The stomach ulcer occurs as a result of an imbalance between factors that have a protective effect on the mucous membrane and those that act on it, damaging the cells. The protective factors of the mucous membrane and duodenum include:

  • Gastric mucus
  • Good blood supply to the mucous membrane
  • Bicarbonate secretion
  • Prostaglandins from the group (E, A, I2)

Damaging factors or causes of pathology development are:

  • Increased acidity
  • Pepsin

The disease is more often chronic, there are periods of lull, during which the symptoms and exacerbations of the stomach ulcers temporarily stop. There are many factors that can also be called the reasons:

  • Smoking
  • Abuse of caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Eating products that increase acid secretion
  • Stress
  • Helicobacter pylori bacterium

To reduce the risk of ulcerative disease, it is worth excluding all risk factors that are described above. If you still feel bad, then you should see a doctor. Remember the symptoms of ulcers, they should not be ignored. Read about them below.

Symptoms of peptic ulcer

Read on our website another article about stomach ulcer. You will find information about causes, symptoms, prevention.

One of the key symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcers is considered to be pain with localization in the epigastric region, on an empty stomach, that is, two or three hours after eating. There is also pain at night, between 23-00 and 2-00 hours. Eating usually leads to pain relief. Nausea and vomiting also accompany the ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. The stomach ulcer is characterized by pain, which appears shortly after eating.

IMPORTANT: If you have any of these symptoms, consult a doctor. Otherwise, the condition may worsen and this will lead to a complication of the disease.

Video: Treatment of stomach ulcers in three days

Alternative treatment of stomach ulcer: Methods

Alternative treatment can be carried out by the following methods:

  • Compliance with the right diet
  • Grassing
  • Reducing stress

Below are home "recipes" for the treatment of this disease.

Acute pepper tea: principles of treatment of peptic ulcer

The beneficial effect of acute pepper is associated with the active substance contained in it, known around the world as capsaicin. It improves the digestive process, reduces bloating after eating and a sense of severity. Studies conducted in Hungary established that the use of capsaicin reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and at the same time activates the cells of its walls to produce prostaglandins with a protective effect.

Simply put, this pepper acts like antacids. And the principles of treatment of peptic ulcer of this consist. To prepare tea, you need to do the following:

  • Add 1 tbsp. l. ground red (acute) pepper in warm water - 200 ml.
  • Stir well. Ready.
  • Drink this tea 3 times a day.

With the first use, pain may occur, so a gradual increase in the reception until the desired dose is recommended. Tea can be drunk before or after eating, but best after eating. You can try both options and decide which one is better. It is also recommended to take 500 mg of acute (red) pepper or 500 mg of glutamine in capsules 3 times a day.

Remember: Before any treatment, it is important to consult with the attending doctor. He knows your history and will be able to say whether such treatment is suitable for you or not.

Cabbage juice for the treatment of peptic ulcer

Cabbage juice for the treatment of peptic ulcer
Cabbage juice for the treatment of peptic ulcer

Cabbage contains amino acid, which plays an important role in protecting and updating the mucous membrane. In addition, it has lactic acidwhich is very important for maintaining the optimal concentration of beneficial bacteria. Cabbage still contains vitamin C"which is in a minimum number of people with a stomach ulcer.

Due to the fact that cabbage grows close to the soil, it is rich in useful lactic acid bacteria. Therefore, “sourdoughs” are not needed when preparing pickles, and only salt and water need to be added for leafing of cabbage.

How to make delicious sauerkraut in banks for the winter at homedescribed in another article on our website. You will find the best recipes.

As a result of pickling, there will be a lot of cabbage juice. It is very useful for treating peptic ulcer:

  • Squeezed cabbage juice take 50 milliliters 2 times a day for 3 weeks.

Many people argue that taking cabbage juice improves the condition on the second day. You can not only drink it, but also use cabbage itself. All this will have a beneficial effect on the state of the mucous membrane.

How right shing white cabbage for quarrels, you will read in this article. It is simple and you will get a beautiful and delicious “straw”.

Honey for the treatment of peptic ulcer

Honey may contain up to 200 useful trace elements, including polyphenols and various antioxidants. This is a powerful natural antibacterial agent that suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria. You can use honey only with the normal value of sugar in the blood. It can also relieve serents of ulcers. Just eat a teaspoon of this product at each meal, for example, adding to dessert.

Cranberry for the treatment of peptic ulcer

In a number of studies, it was proved that cranberries helps reduce urinary tract infections, preventing bacteria on the wall of the bladder. Extract and fruits from this berry help in the fight against pathogenic bacteria. You can drink cranberry juice, use the berry itself or take cranberry additives.

It is worth noting:

  • There is no specific dosage or quantity of product that will help alleviate the disease.
  • Too many cranberries in any form can cause discomfort in the stomach and intestines due to the high sugar and acid content, so you need to start with a small amount and gradually increase the dosage.

Many cranberry juices are strongly sweetened by sugar or high -fruel corn syrup, which can also add “empty” calories to the body. It is worth avoiding their use. It is better to buy juices that are sweetened, for example, by other fruits.

Treatment of peptic ulcer

Treatment of peptic ulcer
Treatment of peptic ulcer

Alternative treatment of peptic ulcer using grass is based on taking teas, extracts or tablet grass forms. Such herbs are used:

  • Aloe vera
  • Solo
  • St. John's wort
  • Mint
  • Chamomile
  • Turmeric
  • Echinacea
  • Oil or mastic pistachio

Different herbs have a different mechanism of action (depending on active chemicals in individual crops). The therapeutic effect of medicinal plants is carried out by one of the following mechanisms:

  • Protection of the mucous membrane by increasing the bioavailability of arachidonic acid, as a result of the biosynthesis of cellular protective prostaglandins in the stomach (mainly PGE2).
  • A decrease in the release of leukotrienes (inflammation mediators), which cause damage to the mucous membrane and duodenum, as well as hypoxemia (reducing the flow of oxygen to the mucous membrane, which prevents recovery processes in the mucous membrane).

Here's what is popular for treatment among patients with this diagnosis:


  • The natural resin of mastic wood (Pistacia Lentiscus) improves digestion, has a protective effect on the mucous membrane and duodenum.
  • It is also believed that it has antioxidant activity.
  • Pistacia Lentiscus is a tree that is found mainly in Greece.

Aloe vera:

  • This plant is widely used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries.
  • It is known for its antibacterial and healing properties.
  • An interesting fact is that Aloe Vera can be used as an effective natural remedy for stomach ulcers.
  • In one study, the use of aloe vera has led to a significant decrease in the amount of gastric acid in rats suffering from ulcers.
  • In another study on rats, this plant showed the effectiveness in the treatment of stomach ulcers.
  • This effect is comparable to omeprazol, a common anti -icing drug.
  • With severe pain, it is recommended to take aloe several times a day.


  • It has anti -inflammatory effects and reduces stomach pain.

It is also good for cure or for remission of the disease - to improve the intestines. After all, the functionality of all important organs in the body depends on this organ. This will help make probiotics.

Video: How did I cure the stomach ulcer with folk remedies?

Probiotics in the treatment of peptic ulcer

There are research data in Germany, which prove that the use of probiotics leads to a decrease in the swelling of the stomach and intestines. In addition, it is assumed that these substances have antihelicobacter activity, since they increase the percentage of non -pathogenic (good) bacteria that prevent adhesion (attachment) of Helicobacter pylori bacteria to the gastric mucosa and duodenum.

Zinc in the treatment of peptic ulcer

Zinc is a trace element that must be taken with peptic ulcer, since with this disease its normal absorption (absorption) is disturbed due to increased acidity in the stomach. Another reason is an increased consumption of zinc, which is involved in a number of vital processes in the human body.

  • Zinc can be taken in dosage 25-50 milligrams daily.
  • In addition, to accelerate recovery processes in the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to take zinc up to 100 milligrams per day.

But with an overdose, side effects are observed, which may include stomach disorder, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, drowsiness and hallucinations. In addition, an overdose of zinc can lead to a weakening of the immune system and a decrease in the number of another important trace element - copper in the body.

Products that are prohibited for peptic ulcer

Products that are prohibited for peptic ulcer
Products that are prohibited for peptic ulcer

Just as some products can prevent ulcers or help in their treatment, some of them have the exact opposite effect. People suffering from stomach ulcer or duodenum should think about reducing the use of the following products:

  • Milk. Although in some sources it is recommended as a means that helps reduce the acidity of the stomach and relieve pain, the most new studies show that milk increases the secretion of gastric acid, so it should be avoided by the use of people with an ulcer.
  • Alcohol. The use of alcohol can cause damage to the stomach and digestive tract, thereby increasing the likelihood of ulcers.
  • Coffee and soft drinks. These drinks, even without caffeine content, can increase the production of gastric acid, all this will irritate the mucous membrane and cause pain.
  • Acute and fatty foods. Such food can cause some people a sense of irritation of the stomach. Sharp pepper is an exception thanks to antacids in its composition. But you need to pay attention to individual intolerance.

In addition to abandoning the above products, you should eat small portions at the same time, eat light dishes during the day, eat slowly and well chew food. All this will help reduce pain, and also stimulates the process of recovery. In addition, the rejection of smoking and a decrease in stress are two additional useful strategies in the fight against an ulcer.

Video: cured the ulcer with natural remedies.

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