How to correctly calculate the body mass index for women, men and children: calculation formula, table. Normal and perfect weight by age for men, women, children, obesity in the body weight index: Table

How to correctly calculate the body mass index for women, men and children: calculation formula, table. Normal and perfect weight by age for men, women, children, obesity in the body weight index: Table

The article will tell you what excessive weight is and how to calculate it using your parameters.

What is the body mass index - BMI?

BMI (body mass index) is a concept that denotes the ratio of human growth and its body weight. IMT needs to know the state of health and keep weight normally, avoiding obesity.

Important: BMI is not used for children, women in a position and professional athletes, since this technique does not suit them at all.

How to correctly calculate the body mass index yourself by the formula?

If you want to calculate your own BMI yourself, you should use the formula:

  • Connect and measure your growth
  • Divide your weight in a square. The formula is given in the picture below.
Special formula
Special formula

For example:A man with a height of 1 meter 80 cm (180 cm) has a weight of 80 kg. The index is calculated by formula 80/1.80² \u003d 22.2. The result of the calculation is 22. It is precisely it should be sought in the table.

Insufficient, excess and normal body weight according to BMI: Indicators

You can judge in the state of your body only by the table with accurate values. So your mass may be normal, insufficient or excessive. Focusing on the results, you should gain weight or discard it.


  • Less than 16 -body weight deficiency
  • The result of 16-18-insufficient body weight
  • The result of 18-25-body weight is normal
  • Result at 25-30-assembly (the stage that brings a person closer to obesity).
  • The result of 30-35-obesity I degree
  • Result of 35-40-obesity of the II degree
  • The result is more than 40 - obesity of the III degree

When losing weight, one should take into account the fact that to keep weight within norms BMI 18-25 It is easy, but as soon as the weight goes beyond 25, it will be very much effort to return it back. Therefore, think about the consequences ten times when you want to eat too much.

The same goes for those who want to gain weight or losing weight to exhaustion. If he goes beyond BMI 18. It will be difficult to go back.

All about weight standards
All about weight standards

Normal and ideal body mass index by age for men: Table

You can calculate the perfect weight according to a table with clear designations.

The table of perfect weight
The table of perfect weight

Normal and ideal body mass index by age for women: Table

Following an excess weight of a woman is a little more difficult than a man. All because they have fewer physical works than a man and nature “took care” in advance that it was comfortable to bear children.

Perfect weight for women
Perfect weight for women

Normal and ideal body mass index by age for children: Table

Children should compare the indicators of a completely different table.

Table for children
Table for children

The degree of weight is higher than the norm, obesity in the body weight index: Table

Obesity is a serious disease that is characterized by impaired metabolism and excessive weight gain. Obesity is easier to prevent than to cure, and therefore, regularly follow your weight.


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