How many hours after eating can you train, engage in different sports? Why can't you play sports, train immediately after eating? When is it better to play sports before eating and after eating in time?

How many hours after eating can you train, engage in different sports? Why can't you play sports, train immediately after eating? When is it better to play sports before eating and after eating in time?

Food before and after training - features. The consequences of violations of the regime of the day.

A beautiful fit body is a person’s dream of any age. It will help to realize only constant training and a healthy lifestyle with properly selected nutrition.

Successful smiling athletes are very serious in compliance with the daily and rest mode. Knowing the price of good health and loads, they strictly adhere to the power rules before and after planned classes.

Why can't you play sports, train immediately after eating?

The girl in the gym is bad due to a short break after eating
the girl in the gym is bad due to a short break after eating

There are several explanations and each of them from practice:

  • Heartburn. As a result of a violation of the digestion process in people with gastroenterological diseases, there is an increase in unpleasant sensations in the stomach up to heartburn.
  • Vomit It is possible if you were bitten immediately before the entrance to the gym and performed exercises associated with lifting weights or slopes down.
  • Low efficiency of exercises. The desire to take a nap or at least calmly sit increases after eating. There is increased fatigue from training, too lazy to bring the exercises to the desired number of approaches, while they are performed with minimal efforts. You may want to interrupt and talk with someone or check the phone.
  • Preservation of subcutaneous fat. After the food is inside, an increased amount of serotonin hormone is produced. On the one hand, it relaxes the body, and on the other, it blocks the process of splitting fat. The last moment is extremely important if your goal is to build, bring the body to good shape.
  • Difficult digestorse - blood instead of stomach, begins to go to the muscles experiencing increased load. The body is trying to adjust this by narrowing of the vessels. As a result, all tissues and organs, especially the heart and digestive system, suffer.

How many hours after eating, breakfast, lunch can you train, engage in different sports?

Bananas, apples and water - light breakfast before running
bananas, apples and water - light breakfast before running

Definitely do not go to the hall immediately after awakening. First break out. If there is not enough time, but I don’t want to miss the morning training, eat a couple of fruits, for example, apples or peaches. They will be absorbed quickly, and you can start lesson in a quarter of an hour.

In case of lunch, play sports and physical exertion at least an hour later, optimally after 2-3. The reason lies in the combination of different products, the digestion time for which is different.

The easier the sport in terms of physical exertion, the earlier you can proceed to the lesson after eating. For example, for a chess lesson, withstand about 5-10 minutes of time, and before training hand-to-hand combat or boxing, and 3 hours will be not enough.

When is it better to play sports before eating and after eating in time?

A man eats a vegetable salad after training
a man eats a vegetable salad after training

Consider your diet and the sport that you are doing.

  • If you prefer to eat tightly 3 times, then keep the interval before the lesson. Focus on your feelings - the lack of heaviness in the stomach indicates the assimilation of food and the future comfort from training.
  • The adherent of the fractional and frequent nutrition is enough 1.5 hour break before the start of physical activity.

After training, if you do not engage in bodybuilding, eat for 20 minutes. This time is called an anabolic window when all the food that enters the stomach is digested quickly and without harm to the figure. Of course, we are not talking about fatty foods and fast food.

So, we examined the features of eating before and after training so that the latter has the maximum effect for your body, well -being and mood.

Be healthy, eat correctly and engage in with pleasure in the activities that you love!

Video: How many hours before training can you eat?

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  1. Yes, after eating, you have to wait.

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