20 reasons to lose weight. Why is obesity dangerous?

20 reasons to lose weight. Why is obesity dangerous?

Excess body weight is not only a defect in appearance. The larger a person has excess weight, the higher the risk of developing a variety of ailments. Today, a real problem is female, male and even childhood obesity. You need to know about the consequences of excess fat in order to consciously treat your nutrition and lifestyle.

With obesity, the risk of heart disease increases

Excess body weight primarily affect the cardiovascular system. There is not only fat located in the subcutaneous layers, because of which a person looks complete, but also the internal-visceral. The second type of fat covers the walls of the organs, the diaphragm is compressed, as a result of which the heart has additional work.

Extra pounds cause the following ailments:

  • arrhythmia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • regular heart pains;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombosis.

Obesity - the risk of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus today is called a real plague, which spreads through the planet along with a deterioration in the lifestyle of people.

Important: constant abuse of food leads to an increased ejection of insulin into the blood. The more food enters the body at a time, the weaker the body feels the effect of insulin.

Insulin is trying to neutralize the excessive amount of carbohydrates and lipids that a person consumes. Then the development of insulin -dependent diabetes mellitus begins. Today, obesity is the most common cause of diabetes. If you have excess weight, take care of it by means of low -carb diets and sports.

With obesity, depression develops

Depressive states are frequent satellites of overweight. A fat person falls into a vicious circle. Extra kilograms give birth to a sense of inferiority in it, which you want to "sit down". And with overeating, the feeling of depression and proper power increases.

Important: all the more, due to impaired protein metabolism, the amino acids of tryptophan does not suffer enough into the body from which the “happiness” hormone serotonin is produced.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a protein cocktail -protein, B vitamins, minerals (multivitamin preparations) and omega -3 fatty acids to restore protein metabolism.
And specialists recommend to full people not only to a nutritionist, but also to a psychologist.

The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in obesity

Excess fat deposits increase the risk of dementia by 80%. Alzheimer's disease is sometimes called insanity, although this is not entirely true. Due to this ailment, brain cells gradually die, and a person falls into dementia, that is, a state in which the rate of mental work is reduced.

Important: a high level of insulin, poor absorption of nutrients in the intestine provoke inflammatory processes in the vessels of the brain and helps to reduce blood flow to the brain and the development of this disease.

Obesity increases the risk of cataracts, glaucomas, age -related maculopathy and diabetic retinopathy

The listed ailments, according to researchers, are much more common in people whose body mass index exceeds the norm. Excess weight already affect the health of the eyes, and obesity becomes a rather common cause of vision of vision and the occurrence of eye diseases.

Important: obesity and diabetes are in the first place in the cause of blindness.

The poor state of blood vessels, inflammation due to an excess of insulin in the vessels of the organs of vision leads to the occurrence of these diseases.

Apnae occurrence - interruption of breathing during sleep with obesity

Since fat cells stock up all over the body, the neck of a person is fat. This causes a narrowing of the respiratory tract. Because of this violation, the fat person in a dream is interrupted by breathing, especially the shortness of the constant companion of people with losing weight.

IMPORTANT: You can track the probability of apnea at yourself. The thickness of the female neck, which has this ailment, reaches 16 inches, male - 17 inches.

Obesity increases the risk of hypertension

In addition to the above causes of the provocative and hypertension too.

Important: the mass of the human body presses on the vessels and this narrows them and increases blood pressure, which negatively affects the operation of the entire cardiovascular system.

Hypertension leads to strokes. According to experts, strokes are observed in full people more often than in healthy people.

Obesity causes vascular disease

Important: fat is deposited in internal organs not only in the liver, heart, but also in the vessels too. The first to suffer from obesity of myocardial vessels.

The heart overloaded due to internal fat is forced to work more intensively. With an excess of body weight of 40 kg, the pulse speed increases half from the norm. Such metamorphoses negatively affect both the organ itself and the vascular mesh and the process of blood circulation in the body. Obesity is a common cause of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

Kidney diseases in obesity

The lesions of the kidneys in people with overweight are realized using all the above factors of metabolic disorders in the body. In addition, internal fat is located around organs. The kidneys under its pressure are compressed, due to which there is renal dysfunction.

Important: excess fat violates the outflow of lymph and blood.

Also, many renal diseases are associated with other ailments that develop on the basis of obesity: hypertension, vascular diseases, diabetes.

Stroke risk for obesity

A stroke is a serious disease that causes paralysis of individual parts or the whole body. Scientists have found a connection between excess weight and the probability of this ailment. Obesity violates the functioning of the cardiovascular system, causes hypertension and an increase in cholesterol in the body, and this is a direct path to stroke.

Important: cholesterol plaques in the blood that occur due to excess fat in the body, entering the vessels of the brain can cause ischemic stroke.

The risk of asthma in obesity

Obesity increases the likelihood of asthma. With its therapy, extra pounds can reduce the effectiveness of drugs, which becomes an obstacle to both treatment and normal human life.

Important: people with an excess body mass are not able to breathe deeply and quickly, which leads to a deficiency of oxygen in the blood and excess carbon dioxide, and not only ups, but also inflammation of the respiratory tract and the occurrence of asthma occurs.

Due to obesity, the frequency of respiratory diseases and complications after them increases

Important: in full people, sensitivity to drugs is reduced not only from asthma, but also of other respiratory diseases, including the flu. This is fraught with serious complications after the disease, and in single and especially severe cases - death.

Risk of breast cancer due to obesity

Obesity not only causes breast cancer, but also prevents the normal therapy for this ailment. With a massive chest, it becomes more difficult to find a neoplasm, as well as conduct an operation to remove it.

Important: obesity stimulates the increased production of estrogen hormone, which increases the production of another hormone - liptine, which increases the growth and number of cancer cells.

Increased risk of developing esophagus cancer, pancreas, colon, endometrial cells, kidneys, thyroid gland due to obesity

The listed types of cancer occur in fat people much more often than in healthy people due to the above reasons, which are the causes of other forms of cancer. With some types of obesity, an increase in probability increases to 40%, especially for esophagus cancer.

Due to obesity, the likelihood of caries and periodontal diseases increases

In obese people, diseases of the oral cavity more often occur. The solution to these problems is often complicated by the fact that dental rooms are not equipped for obese people. In particular, the chairs intended for patients are small for too complete a person. Improper nutrition, abuse of fat and sweet cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, worsen the condition of the teeth-all this only enhances dental ailments.

Important: the causes of caries and periodontal in people suffering from obesity are caused by violation of the microcirculation of blood vessels, a decrease in immune activity, a violation of acid-base balance and hypovitaminosis, i.e. a lack of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

The risk of developing chronic ear infections in obesity

It occurs due to increased susceptibility to infections of people with overweight. Ear infections are directly related to infections of the throat and nose.
Children's obesity entails even more dangers, as the young organism develops under the pressure of fat to organs.

Important: so, in thick children there is often otitis media, which is called chronic inflammation of the middle ear.

Increased risk of bile stones due to obesity

Important: the formation of stones is due to food defects, in which a violation of the composition of bile occurs and due to compression of fat and a sedentary lifestyle, its outflow is difficult, stagnation occurs, which leads to a violation of the flow of bile in the intestinal lumen and the difficulty of digesting fats.

The emergence of bile stones is facilitated by the weight that is localized in the abdomen. It is proved that children suffering from excess weight are subjected to stones 6 times more often than adolescents with a normal body weight index.

Obesity is the cause of infertility in women and men

Excessive fat reserves are the cause of many ailments of the reproductive system of both men and women. According to the action of fat in the body, women have a displacement of the menstrual cycle. Men, in turn, suffer from reducing the level of male sex hormones. In representatives of both sexes, as a rule, libido is reduced. The most serious consequence of excess weight in the genital area is the development of male and female infertility.
To measure the risk zone by infertility, doctors use such a measurement as the size of the waist. They get into it men with a waist of more than 92-94 cm and women with a waist of more than 88 cm.


Important: obesity changes the appearance of a person, making him similar to the opposite sex. In women, this is an increase in the hairline on the body, in men - breast growth and the appearance of rounded lips.

The risk of liver obesity in obesity

When overeating and abuse of fatty foods, the liver suffers faster than other organs, obesity of the liver or fatty hepatosis occurs. After all, it is the liver that is a filter of fat of the human body. Obesity of the liver or fatty hepatosis increases the risk of diabetes by 5 times.

Increased risk of arthritis with obesity

Important: excess weight is a kind of ballast, which presses on the musculoskeletal system and increases the load on the joints. Therefore, cartilage fabric is destroyed faster than in people with normal weight.

Often, arthritis develops with obesity.

Video: Obesity is a disease of civilization. Epidemic of excess weight

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  1. My aunt is very complete, I think she also has diabetes besides obesity. I am constantly talking about weight loss.

  2. Anna, of course we need to lose weight, this is perhaps the main thing. Was she at the doctor? Maybe he will prescribe Tiocetacid BV to her? This drug is well removed by fatty harmful acids, therefore cholesterol is reduced. In a bowstring, it will be generally an indispensable drug. It is taken and 100 pieces are accepted and sold one in one tablet a day, I bought it conveniently for three months and take it. And one more advice is mandatory to the doctor! This is the first one!

  3. Exactly! Now there is just the propaganda of obesity. "Any body is beautiful." Not! This is ugly, because it is abnormal, and even harmful and dangerous. What does the inner world have to do with it? Oblomov was also a good person, but remember what happened to him at the end? They also talk about anorexics. But far from every thin girl is an anorexic: she just has a good metabolism. All the same, she would recover by the years 40. One aunt thought that I was sitting on a diet, since so thin. I wanted to answer: "Why are you so fat?"

  4. Oh, well, of course, everyone chooses how to be, but the fullness and obesity are different concepts and obesity already badly affects health. I know how hard a lot of extra pounds to carry on myself and shortness of breath immediately appears and my legs hurt - nothing good. Diet and sport helped me to come in the form, I also drank tioktacid, they wrote about it here. This tool helps to convert carbohydrates into energy, and not in fat, this is good for losing weight now and most importantly I feel cheerful and healthy.

  5. You must lose weight. Completeness will not lead to anything good. I am participating in the new project "Super Telo" now. In the team of Irina Turchinskaya, she throws up a video of the motive for us, gives tasks, we perform them and so losing weight. I really like. Every week webinars are conducting, we discuss successes. Very interesting. I want to start taking the model for more so that the effect is even better. These are such natural capsules for weight loss, the appetite with them becomes moderate, and then kilograms do not return.

  6. In half the cases, serious sores come from excess weight, and it does not necessarily come to obesity. To me +12 extra pounds were given increased pressure and shortness of breath. For her health, she took up the figure and sat on a diet. For psychological comfort and lack of breakdowns, I drank turboslim neuro, helped a lot.

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