Creation of a sports body and proportions

Creation of a sports body and proportions

To achieve a beautiful sports body is quite real! To do this, you should pay attention to training and proper nutrition, as well as set clear goals and fulfill them.

Love for physical education and leading a healthy lifestyle is the main hobbies of a modern person. Only a healthy, beautiful and toned body can make any person a happy and satisfied life. A sports well -groomed body is the secret of longevity and good mood!


Before improved, you need to clearly set yourself clear goals to create a sports female body. Forgetting pity and not lowering your hands is your main task. Having determined for yourself the terms and points of the reference, which you can rely on - you will achieve success and visual result.

Setting goals to achieve sports physique

 Goal 1: abandon a monotonous warm -up

There are significant differences between the correction of the male and female figure. Therefore, the training program is planned based on gender and individual characteristics. Yes, the needs of a man and a woman are similar, but hormonal background varies radically. Recommendations for the productions of creating a sports body will help to achieve results in a short period of time.

It is important to understand for yourself that not intense training is little useful for you. Warm up in the form of simple walking is the usual loss of time, the time that you could spend more efficiently. Warm the warm -up quickly and energetically.


IMPORTANT: jumping on the skating rope will use all muscle groups and in 20 minutes of jumps you can burn about 200 calories.

Heat your body with dynamic exercises that can raise your pulse to the desired mark. It is this factor to allow calories to burn immediately and will not have to tune in to training for a long time. Walking along the path will not remove fat and will not set the tone of the muscles. But, jumping on the rope - they will very well raise the pulse and suit everyone.

Purpose 2: lift severity

To achieve harmony and tightness for your body, it is necessary to deal with the weights. Such strength training should occur for women at least twice a month. This is the fastest and most effective way to achieve the result of the toned muscles. And it is worth being afraid of turning into “pitching”, female hormonal background differs about the male presence of a small amount of testosterone, which means “pumping” and getting fat muscles will be extremely difficult.

Goal 3: pedal

Active training on an exercise bike contribute to burning fat in the lower body. Therefore, if you want to “get” slender legs, this is your option. It was also noted that during the active load on the legs - muscle tissue is also burned, thereby reducing the massiveness of the calf muscles.

Purpose 4: To achieve the figure of Venus

This comparison is an excellent basis for undertakings. It is the figure that distinguishes people by sexual basis. Therefore, every woman strives to have sports shoulders, thin waist and rounded hips. Exercises such as “sitting” will help to achieve the figure of the “sand clock” and strengthen the gluteal muscles.

Purpose 5: Improve the quality of training

Building your body yourself is very simple. To achieve progress, just try and do more exercises for less time. This will contribute to fat loss and increase performance. Such training can make you stronger and more resilient.

Purpose 6: to find a sexy body

IMPORTANT:  Lunches and squats are able to strengthen your muscles without making them massive.

Lugs and squats most effectively affect the formation of a beautiful priest. During the squats, it is enough to arrange the legs wider so that the emphasis is on your buttocks. Lights forward and forth strengthen their legs without overloading the hips.

Sports for creating a beautiful sports body

Such sports will help create beautiful reliefs as:

  • Gymnastics and aerobics.The level of load is individual and these classes do not require any special devices. As a result, you will get a flexible and slender body, stretching and posture
  • Aquaerobics and swimming.Classes in the pool are able to spend a large number of calories and not give a load on the spine
  • Sport games.The most exciting way to remain fit and slender
  • Gym.Running on the tracks, fitness and exercise bikes allow you to form a wonderful body relief
  • Run And sports walking.Contribute to quick and high -quality weight loss

Fitness for creating a sports body: running, swimming, bodyflex, aerobics, cycling, pilates and power trendy

Fitness is able to make your figure perfect. Only with its help you can lose weight and, if necessary, gain muscle mass. Correctly selected exercises will be able to lead you to the desired success.

Everyone has the right to choose their own type of fitness: whether it be Pilates or classes on simulators. Studying with a coach or yourself will change beyond recognition and gain a sports body of a dream.

  • Run.The running process accelerates the metabolism in the body, releases a large amount of energy, saturates with oxygen and burns calories. Having involved a huge amount of muscles, running on the path gives an amazing result
  • Swimming.Allows you to burn about 500 calories per hour. You can perform exercises in the pool, even the most complex ones. During class, water will provide favorable hydromassage
  • Bodyflex.This is a system of exercises focused on proper breathing. To achieve perfect proportions, it is important to practice breathing gymnastics every day. One lesson is capable of burning from 200 to 700 calories
  • Aerobics.This is the best way to burn fats and lose volumes. During classes, proper breathing is formed and well -being improves
  • Cycling.Daily classes on an exercise bike can give a visual result of losing weight in a short time
  • Pilates.Increases flexibility and develops muscles. Pilates classes increase biochemical processes in the body. He is able to improve metabolism and keep the muscles in tone
  • Power training.Having involved the main muscle groups, strength training strengthens them and forms a beautiful body relief. Squats, lunges, bench presses and push -ups work perfectly, creating a sports body

Diet, sports nutrition and drinking mode for creating a sports female body

A properly selected diet contributes to full weight loss with health benefits. Sports diet - A diet calculated with the condition of constant classes and exercises. Such a diet includes a large number of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and trace elements.

Important: when compiling a sports diet, increased consumption of water, proteins and carbohydrates with an increase in physical activity should be taken into account.

Not only a diet in a sports diet is important, but also the diet itself.

  • So, for example, before training, you can’t eat. The food is packed with the body and will not allow you to fully exercise. It is important to eat 2 hours before training and only food saturated with carbohydrates
  • “Fast carbohydrates” in the form of a bar or chocolate can satisfy hunger before training. After training, the result is usually fixed with plentiful meal
  • When engaged in the gym, it is also important not to forget about special sports additives. Using sports nutrition , the human body becomes completely ready for physical activity. It helps to achieve a complete saving of energy resources in the body during sports
  • The dosage and choice of sports nutrition should be done based on individual characteristics and sport. Also, sports additives can help the body and muscles recover faster after strong loads
  • a significant role in the life of the athlete plays drinking mode. Observing it, you can achieve qualitative results in the fight against excess weight and the formation of a relief body. Rational intake of water during the day will contain the body-salt balance of the body normally and avoid dehydration

Exercises for creating sports physique

There are several exercises that always act effectively and allow you to build a beautiful sports body in 100% of cases. Namely:

  • Hand exercises.Allows you to make your hands slim and fit. To do this, it is enough to exercise with the help of dumbbells of 1-2 kg. Become so that your legs should be width apart. Raise the dumbbells alternately. Perform three approaches for 20 uplifts
  • Strengthening the pectoral muscles.The exercise is able to visually “raise” the chest and get rid of adipose tissues. Effective classes on fitball, but you can also perform exercises with dumbbells. Laid your arms alternately to the sides and return to the chest. Three entries 20 times
  • Press.To achieve an elastic abdomen will allow swinging the press. It is enough to perform 30 exercises in three approaches
  • Exercises for the waist.Make inclinations in different directions, connecting your hands in your palms. Make two approaches by tilt 15 times. Finish the exercises tilts forward and backward in the same amount
  • Exercises for buttocks and legs.In this case, squats with the fixation of the case are incredibly effective. Perform exercises 30 times in three approaches

Video: Super figure for women from scratch


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  1. Without training, I really advise everyone to find what you like-it is not necessary to go to the hall) I myself go to Pilates and dancing, before training L-Carnitine, I drink (1 portion, a sports expert with me) to increase endurance and fat burning. I also recommend trying everyone, it helps to achieve the result faster) and I advise you to do it in general, it is also important)

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