Vegetarian sports menu. Vegetarianism and bodybuilding. Where to get a vegetarian protein?

Vegetarian sports menu. Vegetarianism and bodybuilding. Where to get a vegetarian protein?

Is it possible to adhere to a vegetarian way of life and at the same time engage in bodybuilding? We not only read about all this in our article.

Among ordinary people, there is an opinion that it is impossible to pump muscle, without eating meat. But, as professors prove professors, this is a completely achievable task.

Are vegetarianism and bodybuilding compatible?

Before answering the question posed, it is necessary to figure out what vegetarianism is and with the causes of its occurrence.

Bodybuilder is a fan

The reason for the conscious refusal to eat meat may be:

  • Health problems, this may not be the absorption of animal products, allergic reactions. A person may not even just like the taste of meat
  • The desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, because it is plant food that helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, protects against cardiovascular diseases, normalizes the robot of the gastrointestinal tract

A big plus, about vegetarians, is that they do not suffer from a set of excess weight, are more protected from various diseases, even some types of cancer. I. In general, they feel much better than people who use meat.

  • The conscious unwillingness to kill animals for the sake of human needs, this also applies to clothes sewn from the killed animals
  • Religious principles, some of the world religions categorically deny the use of animal foods
  • In order to save money, some people refuse meat
  • And some refuse and call the reason that the processing of meat and products of animal origin is very polluting the environment

Sometimes these are several reasons taken together, sometimes one, but, one way or another, people consciously abandon animal fats and proteins.

Types and causes of vegetarianism
Types and causes of vegetarianism

There are three types of vegetarians:

  • Strict vegetarians completely exclude the food of animal origin from their diet
  • Lactovegetarians, in this case, milk and dairy products are allowed
  • Lacto -ovegetarians, in addition to dairy products, they eat eggs also for food

Scientists have proved that for muscle increasing the protein is not so needed as carbohydrates. It is they who play a big role in this process. And the protein itself needs very little - 1.6 grams per kilogram of weight.

Vivid examples of reality that vegetarianism and bodybuilding are compatible are:

  • Corey Everson, she refused meat another 17 year old girl. But this did not stop her from becoming a six -time champion from bodybuilding
Corey Everson
Corey Everson
  • Adreas Kahling, he looks great, in his years, and now
Adreas Cachling,
Adreas Cachling,
  • Bil Pearl, a bright star of the bodybuilding of the 60s, a striking example of a vegetarian bodybuilder
Bil Pearl
Bil Pearl

It is worth noting that muscle extensions would not be possible without special vitamins and additives. These sports supplements are accepted even by those athletes for whom the meat is familiar to food, and is not chemical complexes.

Important: if a person has been playing sports for a long time, and did not limit himself to food, he decided to become a vegetarian, then this must be done gradually, and not immediately, after the decision made.

The disadvantage of vegetarianism when increasing muscle mass is that a feeling of hunger may not occur for a long time. This is good for those who want to lose weight, but not for bodybuilders. They should often take food.

Vegetarian girl
Vegetarian girl

How does vegetarianism affect muscle growth?

There is a specially developed diet for vegetarians. Although many people doubt the effectiveness of this method of muscle building, but this is quite real. In addition, the athletes of vegans feel much healthier than their colleagues in sports who eat meat. After all, it is animal food that helps to increase harmful cholesterol in the blood and the development of cardiovascular diseases.

From a correctly selected menu, a vegetarian receives the required amount of protein for muscle growth. The missing components can be replenished using special sports additives. But it must be remembered that the muscles will not grow, even if the protein will come in excess of the norm, and the fats are absent in the diet. The same will affect the athlete’s appearance, the skin will become flabby, the hair will begin to fall out, the muscle mass will become weak. Therefore, it is necessary to consume vegetable oils, coconut milk, and if vegetarian principles, cow's milk allow.


It should be remembered that no expensive additives will replace good nutrition. And, with a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, but with a large amount of protein, the body itself transforms it into carbohydrates. Thus, the athlete only harms his health.

Where to get protein to a vegetarian?

For those who wish to switch to a vegetarian diet, the question arises where to take the necessary protein.

  • With strict vegetarian principles, protein can be taken from mushrooms, nuts, legumes, vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, grains, cereals
  • If a bodybuilder is a lacto -ovetarian, then this makes it possible to eat milk and dairy products
  • For less strict vegetarianism, it is allowed to add to nutrition and eggs

But in order to get the required amount of protein, vegetarians need to adhere to diversity in nutrition and combine various foods. Then some products, with a low content of amino acids necessary for the synthesis of amino acids, will be supplemented by others. In this case, incomplete proteins become complete. An example for the combination will be legumes and cereals. Of these, a full -fledged protein is obtained, and even better absorbed than from meat.

Products containing protein
Products containing protein

Vegetarian sources of protein

Consider the sources where vegetarians can receive protein:


Mushroom sources of proteins
Mushrooms Sources of protein
  • The largest amount of protein can be obtained from dried boletus 35.4 grams, from fresh this indicator will already be different 3.3 grams
  • White mushrooms are in second place, they can provide the body with 20.1 grams in dried form, but fresh only 3.7 grams of 100 grams of mushrooms
  • Fresh champignons are in third place - 4.3 grams


They are rich in protein and fats, vitamins and minerals. To preserve all nutrients, it is necessary to use them only in raw form.

Nuts Sources of protein
  • The first place is occupied by peanuts - 26.3 g
  • On the second nuts cashews - 20 g
  • on the third almonds - 18.6 g
  • on the fourth hazelnuts - 16.1 g
  • on the fifth, walnuts are 15.6 g
  • on the sixth pistachio - 10 g


The legumes contain protein and complex carbohydrates. They are very valuable for the body and the fact that they contain calcium, iron, zinc, fiber. Legumes can be germinated, eaten raw, or you can cook dishes from them.

Bob sources of proteins
  • In terms of protein content, the first place is occupied by soybeans, it contains 34.9 grams
  • the second is lentil, it contains 24 grams
  • Pinocheated peas occupies the third place - 23 grams
  • Beans in fourth place - 21 grams


Cereals fill the body with all the necessary trace elements, this also applies to protein. Buckwheat is most appreciated, it is very useful for people who observe vegetarian principles, as well as observing strict posts.

Zloki sources of proteins
Zloki sources of proteins
  • The first place in terms of protein is occupied by wheat cereal - 11.3 grams
  • second place for Ovsyanka - 11 grams
  • in third place, buckwheat - 10 grams
  • in fourth place, semolina and corn - 10.3 grams
  • the fifth belongs to Perlovka - 9.3 grams

Greens and vegetables

Greens and vegetables in green color contain all the amino acids necessary for the body. It is very important not to limit yourself in choosing, but to eat different types of greens and vegetables.

Sources of proteins: greens and vegetables
Sources of proteins: greens and vegetables
  • Garlic championship - 6.5 grams
  • The second place is occupied by Brussels cabbage - 4.8 grams
  • Third place for parsley - 3.7 grams
  • The fourth is spinach - 2.9 grams
  • Fifth for horseradish - 2.5 grams
  • Sixth for young potatoes - 2.4 grams
  • Seventh place is ranked white cabbage - 2.8 grams
  • Eighth for cucumbers - 0.8 grams


A large role in replenishing protein reserves is played by fruits and dried fruits. We note some values \u200b\u200bof the content of protein per 100 grams of weight in them.

Fruit sources of proteins
Fruit sources of proteins
  • First place behind bananas - 1.5 grams
  • second for mountain ash - 1.4 grams
  • third occupies cherries - 1.1 grams
  • fourth place is taken by Kizil - 1 gram
  • The fifth shares grenades, peaches and apricot, they all contain 0.9 grams of protein
  • Complete our list of apples - 0.4 grams

Other foods

In addition to the above suppliers of protein to the body, other foods can be noted, rich in protein.

Bread is a mandatory food product of a vegetarian-sportsman
Bread is a mandatory food product of a vegetarian-sportsman
  • The first place is occupied by a cocoa powder in it contains 24.2 grams of protein per 100 grams of weight
  • In second place canned olives - 18
  • On the third bran from wheat - 15.1
  • On the fourth wheat bread - 8.1
  • On the fifth milk chocolate - 6.9
  • On the sixth rye bread - 6.6
  • At the seventh black chocolate - 5.4

You should also recall the products made of soy.

Tofu is a cheese made of soy milk, contains a large amount of protein, as well as iron and calcium. Almost a universal product, because it can be baked, cook soups out of it, fry on grill, make desserts. You should know that the tofu is almost tasteless, when preparing it, much attention should be paid to spices and sauces.


The pace - an exotic food product made of soybeans, contains a sufficient amount of protein to replace the eating meat. It can be frying, adding spices and sauces to your taste. The main thing in choosing a pace is his freshness. The coating must be white at the same time, it is possible even that there are gray spots. But if the pace on top has become yellow or blue, this indicates the inconsistency of the product.

The pace contains more protein than in tofu
The pace contains more protein than in tofu

There is another plant substitute for proteins - this is the sean, it is made of wheat gluten. A 100 grams of the product contains 25 grams of protein. Very popular among athletes of vegetarians.

Seatan Squirrel Squirrel Substantia
Seatan Squirrel Squirrel Substantia

For vegetarians who allow themselves to eat dairy products, an excellent supplier of protein will be:

  • Hard cheese
  • Powdered milk
  • Skim cheese
  • Brynza
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream
  • Milk
  • Kefir
Dairy products are important for the human body

Eggs, in addition to protein, contain 60% fat.

  • In one piece of chicken eggs, as well as in a quail, there are 6 grams of protein
  • In duck, a little less - 2 grams
Eggs Sources of proteins
Eggs Sources of proteins

IMPORTANT: Correctly combining, all these listed, and not only products, a vegetarian will never experience a lack of protein.

Video: Where to take raw foodists and vegetarians and how to make up for an amino acid profile (raw food and protein)?

Vegetarianism and amino acids

Amino acids are indispensable for the human body, the required amount can only come with food, since he himself will not be able to synthesize them. For an adult, this indicator is 8 amino acids, and for children - 10 amino acids.

There is a myth that vegetarians cannot get all the necessary amino acids from plant foods, and bring great damage to their health. But after all, as practice shows, animals also cannot synthesize amino acids on their own, but get them along with plant foods. Especially this myth does not apply to vegetarians who use milk and eggs in their food.

The necessary amino acids are in greenery, vegetables and fruits

For beginner vegetarians, or for those who still doubt the veracity of the above, we will present a list of amino acids and products that they contain:

  • Triptophanes are contained in bananas, dates, milk, yogurt, arachis, sesame seeds, cedar nuts and in Soy
  • Lizin is contained in nuts, wheat and dairy products
  • Valin is contained in mushrooms, arahis, soy, dairy products and grain
  • Methionine is present in legumes, eggs and dairy products
  • Treononin is present in legumes, nuts, eggs and dairy products
  • Isolecin is present in seeds, peas, eggs, almonds and nuts cashews
  • Leucins are present in lentils, seeds, nuts, as well as in brown rice
  • Fanillanine is present in a sugar -saucer, as well as in soybeans, milk and eggs

Important: two more amino acids are needed for children: Phystidin and Arginine. You can replenish your reserves with the help of such products: yogurt, seeds, arahis, lentils, sesame seeds.

As the list shows, all amino acids necessary for the body can be obtained from plant foods. An exception may be the case when a person decided to become a vegetarian, but did not take care of a variety of food. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary:

  • Eat legumes of all kinds
  • Combine sources of protein and amino acids
Vegetarian girl
Vegetarian girl

As for the non -thorough vegetarians, regular use of dairy products and eggs in the food of the amino acid deficiency.

Vegetarianism and main vitamins

Vitamins are extremely necessary for the normal life of the body. They prevent, or with their help, various diseases, increase the body's resistance to viral infections. Sources of vitamins are both plant foods and animals.

Since in vegetarianism there is a refusal of animal food products, we will consider which main vitamins can be obtained exclusively of plant foods:

  • B1-the lack of this vitamin affects the work of the nervous system, cardiovascular and the digestive tract. The largest amount of thiamine is contained in carrots, potatoes, oats, wheat germ and cabbage
  • B2 - with its help, cell recovery processes occur, as well as their growth. Helps fully function the organs of vision. Basically contained in meat and milk, but with the help of peas, green onions, grain, tomatoes, you can thoroughly replenish your stock
  • B6 - with a deficiency of this vitamin, changes occur in the nervous system, metabolism is disturbed, swelling and rash on the skin may occur. You can replenish your body with this vitamin using legumes, grain, and vegetables
  • Folic acid is especially necessary for the full development of the fetus. Mainly contained in the leaves of the plant, but only green
  • The disadvantage of biotin affects the general condition of the body, and causes a feeling of fatigue, appetite may disappear, muscles begin to hurt a lot. In order to prevent such a state in the diet, it is necessary to include peas, oatmeal and so
  • Nicotinic acid plays a huge role in the life of the body, its deficiency affects the condition of the skin and the functionality of the nervous system. You can get a sufficient amount of vitamin from mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals
  • C - this vitamin helps to recover faster and protects against viral infections, affects metabolism, affects the vessels. Its lack of non -healing wounds signal its deficiency. A large amount of this vitamin is contained in currants, rosehips, red Bulgarian pepper, parsley, dill
  • Pantotenic acid is treated with burns and bruises, as well as diseases of the nervous system. You can find it in peas, wheat, asparagus, barley
  • Rutin is indispensable for the normal state of the vascular system of the body. Contained in cherry, blackcurrant, cherry, gooseberry and cranberries
  • The lack of vitamin E negatively affects the work of the whole organism. To replenish the stocks, it is necessary to include vegetable oils, green vegetables, wheat germs in your diet
  • Vitamin K is responsible for blood coagulation. For full intake in the body, it is necessary that cabbage and salad be present in the diet
A person receives all the necessary vitamins from plant foods
A person receives all the necessary vitamins from plant foods

Important: for vitamin A and D, eggs, butter, milk are needed - this will not become a problem for vegetarians, including these products in their daily diet.

As you can see, from the listed main vitamins, and the products from which these vitamins can be taken, for their body, vegetarians do not lack them.

Vitamin B12 in the diet of a vegetarian

A large role, in the life of the body, is played by vitamin B12. Its disadvantage can provoke severe headaches, disturbance of digestion and intestinal and nervous system diseases, can provoke disorders in the ability to remember information.

It is believed that this vitamin cannot be obtained exclusively from plant foods. And a lot of people criticize vegetarians for this. But, the fact that this vitamin is contained only in the meat of untruth. A sufficient amount of vitamin can be obtained from eggs and dairy products. For Lactoovwegetarians, this is not a problem, they can easily do this, using these products regularly.

Vitamin B12 is necessary for healthy well -being
Vitamin B12 is necessary for healthy well -being

In addition, now there are a sufficient number of ways to replenish your stock with vitamin B12. This is trembling beer, dry breakfast with the addition of vitamins in them, dietary supplements.

Important: vegetarians need to eat food with caution with the addition of bakery yeast in them. They destroy vitamin B12.

Video: Where to get vitamin B12 (how to replenish the deficiency of vitamin B12)?

Vegetarian menu for recruiting muscle mass

Proper and balanced nutrition is the key to good health, and in case of desire to gain muscle mass, and the key to success. To do this, it is necessary to include in your menu not only protein, but fats and carbohydrates. The number of meals must be increased to six times a day. These are five main tricks, and one before bedtime. If you do not follow this advice, the body will experience a stressful state and put off excess fats, in addition, the muscles will begin to collapse.

Important: you can’t eat too much, or let even one of the meals.

Bodybuilder breakfast
Bodybuilder breakfast

The approximate menu of the vegetarian bodybuilder.


  • Freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or fruits
  • At least three pieces of whole grain bread
  • Peanut butter
  • Porridge, can be cooked on cow's milk or on its substitutes


  • Vegetable casserole
  • Nuts, preferably a mixture


  • Vegetable soup
  • Vegetable stew
  • Soye meat
  • Pace


  • Fatfound kefir
  • Seeds
  • Jam fruit
  • Slice of bread


  • Boiled potatoes, in the form of mashed potatoes
  • Cheese
  • Broccoli boiled, or steamed
  • Half of the avocado
  • Tofu
The dining table of the vegetarian
The dining table of the vegetarian

Bodybuilders of vegetarians need to be included in their diet and sports supplements, but they should not be the main supplier of protein. One half of the daily dose of protein obtained from additives, and the other half should be obtained from food.

Video: How to gain mass if you are a vegetarian?

The opinion of doctors about vegetarianism

Doctors often oppose vegetarianism. This is especially true for young children, mothers who bear the baby, elderly and sick people.

But still, most people dwell on the idea that vegetarianism is good for health and excellent health. This applies not to the most strict of species, but that includes dairy products and eggs.

In favor of vegetarianism, they serve:

  • Lowering sugar levels
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Full cleansing of toxins and toxins
  • Improving the state of blood vessels
  • Close -reduced cholesterol
The opinions of doctors about the dangers and benefits of vegetarianism diverge
The opinions of doctors about the dangers and benefits of vegetarianism diverge

Vegetarian diets can be prescribed for the treatment or prevention of some diseases.

  • Before the transition to a plant type of food, you need to consult with a nutritionist
  • Take the necessary tests, undergo a full examination
  • Together with the specialist, it will decide on the necessary set of products
  • Make a detailed menu
  • Develop a smooth transition to a plant type of food

An obligatory recommendation of all doctors will be the inclusion of milk, eggs and honey in the diet.

Video: The harm and benefits of vegetarianism. The opinion of doctors

Myths about vegetarianism

Vegetarians have many adherents and opponents. Both of them are looking for arguments in their favor, creating the next myths.

Permanent satellites of a vegetarian
Permanent satellites of a vegetarian

Myths about the dangers of vegetarianism:

  • The first myth says that people who do not eat meat are weak and powerless. In response to this myth, you can list a huge number of athletes of vegetarians who established world records who received the title of champions. But, it should be noted, this became possible only with proper and balanced diet
  • It is believed that for the assimilation of information it is necessary to eat meat, and vegetarians, abandoning it, become stupid. This was refuted by science, since all the vitamins necessary for this process are contained in legumes, and are very well absorbed by the body
  • Vegetarians do not receive proteins necessary for the life, we refuted this myth at the beginning of the article. You should only be able to correctly mix food, then there can be no talk of deficiency
  • It is believed that vegetarians have a constant deficiency of iron in the blood. But, this trace element is contained in a large number of vegetables and fruits, only for its absorption it is necessary to include in your diet and vitamin C. Following this rule, the vegetarian will not have problems with the level of hemoglobin
  • Vegetarians catastrophically lose weight. This can be refuted by world celebrities who adhere to abandoning meat. This is nonsense Pete, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Alicia Silverstone, Pamela Anderson, Orlando Bloom. Looking at their bodies, there can be no talk of any dystrophy
Family of Vegetarians at the dinner table
Family of Vegetarians at the dinner table
  • Mother, boring babies, and children themselves need meat. The evidence of the reverse point of view is Indians, adherents of a strict religion, and from celebrities, as an example, it can be called the mind of Thurman, she has observed a vegetarian diet since childhood, and managed to endure and give birth to completely healthy children. Alisia Silverstone can also be added to this list
  • Another conviction that our grandfathers and great -grandfathers have always eaten exclusively meat. But, if you carefully delve into history, this is another myth, because strict posts occupied almost the whole year, and the ancestors replenished their energy reserves exclusively with food of plant origin

Consider the myths created by the adherents of vegetarianism themselves:

  • The transition to a vegetarian diet will help solve problems with excess weight. This is not so, it all depends on the individuality of each organism, and the correctness of the thoughtful menu. If a large amount of fat is present in the diet, the weight can only be gained, and not lose
  • Vegetarians believe that their nutrition method is much more useful than in people who eat meat. The fact that adhering to a proper and healthy diet indicates the benefit of this myth. But, at the same time, scientists have proved that eating meat can prevent a number of serious diseases
  • Vegetarians prove that a person is not able to digest meat, and that this process takes about two days, sucking all energy from the body. This myth was completely refuted by scientists, since the acid in the stomach breaks out of any food in a short period of time
  • Vegetarians believe that there are more centenarians among them than among meat -eaters. Practice speaks the opposite
The girl thinks about the benefits and dangers of vegetarianism
The girl thinks about the benefits and dangers of vegetarianism

As can be seen from the list, both of them have their own myths and beliefs. A person must consciously approach the vegetarian diet, not forgetting about his health and well -being.

Video: The best is about vegetarianism that you have ever heard

How to gain muscle mass in vegetarianism: tips and reviews

  • First of all, novice bodybuilders are vegetarians, it is necessary to make the right menu for every day. It must have fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Only with a balanced diet can be pumped up muscle mass
  • It is necessary to take food in small portions, but often, every three hours
  • Feelings of severe hunger must not be allowed, it will negatively affect the muscles
  • Power loads are required, it is advised to engage in no longer than half an hour, otherwise there is a large waste of energy, which vegetarians are very difficult to replenish, and muscles may begin to collapse
  • Take vitamin complexes and special sports supplements
  • Mandatory for the recruitment of muscle mass, there is a full sleep and rest, because the muscles increase precisely at this time, and not in the process of training.

Video: n the abort of muscle mass from Arnold Schwarzenegger







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  1. Vegetarians, of course, are more difficult ... For me, too, there was a question where to get protein. It’s good that I found a way out, a sport expert is a protein cocktail and try more cottage cheese. So I'm saved)

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