How does a diet helps to form a sports figure and improve it? Food before and after training, fluid use - life hacks for those who play sports

How does a diet helps to form a sports figure and improve it? Food before and after training, fluid use - life hacks for those who play sports

To achieve an ideal figure, it is important not only to play sports, but also to eat right. About nutrition and training will be discussed in the article.

If you regularly play any sports, you visit the gym or train at home, then you need to monitor not only the frequency and intensity of classes, but also your nutrition. After all, it is these two components, selected wisely, that form good health and a toned figure with pumped muscles.

How does a diet helps to form a sports figure and improve it?

If you think that systematic exhausting training is enough to create an ideal figure, then you are deeply mistaken. You can not get out of the gym daily for several hours, without reaching the desired result.

Why is this happening? It turns out that human health, and, accordingly, physical attractiveness, only thirty percent depends on sports, and seventy - on the diet and diet.

Everyone knows that in order to get rid of excess weight it is necessary to burn calories, but for some reason, many forget that they need to consume them much less, for which you should carefully monitor the quality and amount of food (fats contained in it, carbohydrates and proteins) .

Balancing is important
Balancing is important

If you firmly decide to figure out what exactly and how much you need to eat, playing sports in order to achieve the maximum result, carefully read this material. Most likely, this information will be enough for you to be able to develop a competent power system for yourself without expensive consultations with specialists.

Eating before physical exertion

Naturally, it is impossible to eat tightly just before training - you can become an elementary bad for you. Best at least in 30 minutes. Before class, drink a cup of green tea or coffee, enjoy fruits, nuts or dried fruits. If heavy physical activity is planned, then it is worth eating porridge - rice or oatmeal, which are rich in complex carbohydrates.

Food before
Food before

In no case is it recommended to consume products containing fats and overdoing protein products at least an hour before class.

Remember the magic formula: Before class, you need to eat proteins (amino acid suppliers) and carbohydrates (fuel for muscles and brain) and categorically avoid fats!

Thirsty during physical exertion

Naturally, no one eats during sports during sports, but to drink, and quite a lot - be sure! After all, even the slightest dehydration reduces the effectiveness of the lesson and can negatively affect your health.

At the slightest suspicion of dehydration (thirst, dry lips or oral cavity, dizziness or headache, inexplicable irritation or fatigue), immediately take a break and drink water until the condition is stabilized.

Do not forget about the liquid
Do not forget about the liquid

To avoid moisture deficiency in the body, drink a glass of water before starting training, and then drink water or a fresh diluted with water for about every 20 minutes. (depending on your sweating).

Eating after physical exertion

Regarding the most rational nutrition after playing sports, the opinions of specialists radically vary. Someone advises after heavy physical exertion immediately to eat, others insist on a break-at least two hours.

In any case, each organism is unique, so carefully listen to yourself and try to understand what you need.

Of course, it is easier for the body to digest and learn liquid food, a cocktail with proteins is good (ideally, for each of your kilograms you need 0.22 g of serum protein). Also for post -training nutrition are well suited: Seafood, boiled beef or bird, boiled potatoes, herbs, steam cutlets, buckwheat porridge, omelet (only from proteins), low -fat cottage cheese or cheese, fresh vegetables.

Food after
Food after

Advice: In order to recover as quickly as possible after strength training, do not use caffeine and tannin in any form immediately after them. This refers to not only coffee, but also tea, chocolate and the like.

Life hacks for those who play sports

  • You can not completely refuse food, even if you really want to lose weight.
  • Drink more water, freesh, green tea, milk (made of seeds and nuts).
  • You need to eat often - at least four times during the day.
  • Refuse “heavy” snacks, replacing them with fruits and vegetables, salads.
  • Do not use drugs that supposedly help to lose weight faster - they are all fraught with serious failures in the body.
  • Treat the mono -diets built on the use of a limited type of product. Remember: your body needs a variety of substances and elements!
  • Do not refuse evening meals: if you easily have dinner two hours before bedtime, then this will not hurt the figure in any way.
  • Do not give up sweets, especially if you really want to. Try bitter chocolate, as well as fruits with a reduced amount of sugars and starch - apples, citrus fruits, apricot.

If you follow all the tips above, then after a few months fatigue and extra pounds will leave, the general condition of the body will normalize, and life will sparkle with new colors!

Video: food before and after training

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  1. Water must be drunk more, especially with intense training and in the heat. It also helps me to control myself a larger amount of protein in the diet (it is usually not enough for everyone ..) - this is cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs. And after training, I drink protein Sportexpert Whey Protein to recover better and the appetite was not so strong later. Well, to eat less harmfulness-this is still a habit) We must fight)

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