How to properly measure blood pressure by an electronic tonometer on which hand: instruction, pressure measurement rules

How to properly measure blood pressure by an electronic tonometer on which hand: instruction, pressure measurement rules

Increased or reduced pressure is often the cause of poor health. That is why you need to properly measure the pressure, an electronic tonometer will help in this.

If you want to control your well -being and prevent the occurrence of hypertension, then you can not do without a tonometer.

How to properly measure blood pressure by an electronic tonometer: Instruction

  • There are tonometers mechanical and electronic. In the first case, in order to effectively use the device, you will need some dexterity and skills of handling the device, in the second case - everything is simpler, but the measurement error is larger.
  • If you, however, have opted for electronic tonometer, then should know the rules by which it is worth measure blood pressure with an electronic tonometer.
  • So, the first thing you need to do is it is convenient to sit down on the back of the chair. The hand should be placed at the level of the heart (approximately the middle of the chest), but it should freely rely on the surface of the table or other furniture. Hands and legs are relaxed, not tense and do not cross. Sit so for 5-10 minutes, in complete peace and silence.
  • Make sure 30 minutes before the start of the measurements you did not use food, did not do hard physical work, did not smoke, did not take drugs of the adrenostimulant group.
  • Now, place the cuff of your tonometer on your hand, two centimeters above the elbow bend, slightly obliquely to get the most uniform coverage of the forearm. Between the cuff without air and your hand, you can put your finger.
  • Press the button "Start" electronic tonometer, according to the instructions that are attached to the device. The airing of air in the cuff will begin. Upon reaching a state when the pulse overlaps the pulse on the hand, the device will begin to automatically and gradually reduce the amount of air, thus measuring the marks where the pulse appeared (systolic pressure) and where it stopped listening (diastolic pressure).
  • And will give out the results on the screen.
  • Some models of tonometers also show the measurements of the heartbeat.

On which hand to measure pressure by an electronic tonometer: instruction

  • What kind of hand does measure pressure by electronic tonometer? There is an opinion that right -handed right in the right hand is higher than on the left, and the left -handed people are on the contrary. However, this is just an assumption.
Causes of error
Causes of error
  • To determine your personal difference, you need to conduct a small test. So, take a sheet of paper, and divide it into two columns - for the right and left hand. Take the position as described above.
  • You need to make pressure measurements on both hands 10 times, with an interval of 2-3 minutes (to restore blood circulation).
  • Carefully write down all the testimonies. After the measurement is completed, analysis should be carried out. Exclude the highest and highest result. By comparing the results, you will see on which hand the pressure is in most measurements higher. From now on, take measurements on this hand.
On which hand?
On which hand?

Rules for measuring blood pressure

  1. Measure pressure at the same time
  2. Measure the pressure in the morning immediately after waking up
  3. In the evening, measure pressure before bedtime

Measurements that are held twice a day are considered very informative: from 9 to 11 in the morning and from 7 to 9 pm. Regular measurements at the same time of the day will allow your attending physician to observe your health, and, if necessary, prescribe preventive treatment or give useful recommendations.

Remember, it is easier and cheaper to warn the disease than to deal with its consequences. Be healthy!

Video: How to use an electronic tonometer?

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