Puree potato cutlets with filling, without filling, with mushrooms, minced meat, egg, sausage - how to cook: recipes, photos, videos

Puree potato cutlets with filling, without filling, with mushrooms, minced meat, egg, sausage - how to cook: recipes, photos, videos

In this article you will find a lot of recipes for cutlets with potato puree. Try to cook them from the remnants of this dish, and surprise your household with a unique taste. Read further.

Surely, when you still have potato puree from dinner, you just warm it up the next day at lunch or in the evening and serve to the table. But few of the hostesses know that tasty cutlets can be prepared from it. They are more tender in taste, less high -calorie, but as nutritious and satisfying as a similar dish of meat. Especially if you add other products to mashed potatoes - a little minced meat, sausage residues or egg cheese.

There is an article on our site with recipes for cooking raw potato cutlets. Try it, they are also very tender and tasty.

What is the calorie content of potato puree cutlets: can they eat when losing weight?

Potato puree
Potato puree

As mentioned above, calorie content of meat from potato puree is much smaller, and makes up everything 189.2 kcal per 100 grams. For comparison, the calorie content of meat cutlets: from pork - 345 kcal, from beef - 260 kcal, from chicken - 222 kcal. This is a calorie content of meat cutlets fried in oil. The high -speed of this dish, steamed, will be a third lower.

In the article "Can I eat potatoes when losing weight?", in detail it is told about the rules of the diet, and it also gives recommendations of nutritionists.

Chemical composition of potato puree cutlets: 3.7 g. Squirrels, 12.9 g. Fat, 15.6 g. Carbohydrates. They contain useful proteins and complex carbohydrates. There is also a lot of fats, of course, so often you should not cook such a dish. But once a week it can be allowed and treated with this unique taste of yourself and your family. Now choose a recipe from the presented below and cook. Read further.

Cutlets from yesterday's mashed potatoes - how to make: a classic recipe without filling in a pan, photo, video

Potato puree
Potato puree

So, you have in the refrigerator yesterday's mashed potatoes. Prepare cutlets out of it. How to do it? Here is a classic recipe without filling in a pan with a photo:

The following products will be needed:

Necessary products for cutlets
Necessary products for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • Put potatoes on slow fire and put out for 15-20 minutes. This is necessary in order to evaporate excess moisture, otherwise the cutlets will fall apart. Then cool to room temperature.
  • Now add an egg, sour cream, salt and spices, flour to this mass. Mix well.
Mix potatoes with sour cream, egg and flour
Mix potatoes with sour cream, egg and flour
  • To make the cutlets tight and do not fall apart, put the finished mass in the refrigerator for an hour.
  • When the mixture cools, you can start frying. Heat the pan, pour the oil.
Heat the pan and fry cutlets
Heat the pan and fry cutlets
  • Form cigarettes, roll in panic and fry over medium heat until golden brown.

Serve hot or cold to the table. Watch the video how the hostess prepares such cigarettes:

Video: Potato puree cutlets

Potato cutlets of mashed potatoes with eggs and filling from cheese inside: Recipe

Puree potato cutlets with eggs and a cheese filling inside
Puree potato cutlets with eggs and a cheese filling inside

Prepare unusual potato cutlets with mashed potatoes and cheese filling, with the addition of green onions. Usually, women do such cue balls if in the refrigerator lies not only potatoes, but also boiled eggs. A cheese filling inside adds piquancy to these patterns. It will turn out very tasty. Here is the prescription:

You will need such ingredients:

Necessary products for cutlets
Necessary products for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • Blur's potato puree over low heat, cool.
  • Add chopped finely onion, 2 eggs.
  • Crown green onions and send to the mass.
  • Put sour cream, salt, pepper.
Mix potato mashed potatoes with egg and green onions
Mix potato mashed potatoes with egg and green onions
  • Pull 2 \u200b\u200bboiled eggs and put in a cutlet mass. Mix everything.
  • Cut hard cheese into plastics.
  • Now make cakes from the potato mixture and put a piece of cheese in the middle. Wrap.
Roll up a cake and put in the middle of the cheese
Roll up a cake and put in the middle of the cheese
  • Run the cutlets in panning and fry in oil in a heated pan until golden brown.

You can make such tags without filling, and put grated cheese in a cutlet mixture. In this case, boiled eggs can not be added. Such cutlets do even faster and easier. Serve potato cakes with sour cream and chopped green onions.

Cutlets from remnants of potato puree with minced meat - how to cook: recipe

Cutlets from remnants of potato puree with minced meat filling
Cutlets from remnants of potato puree with minced meat filling

Another version of delicious cutlets from the remains of potato pureebut with stuffing from minced meat. Such cwers are more satisfying and very appetizing. How to cook? Here is the prescription:

Prepare such ingredients:

Necessary products for cutlets
Necessary products for cutlets

Cook like that:

  • First we make potato dough. Fry the puree in a pan to leave excess moisture. Cool to room temperature. Add egg and flour. Mix everything well.
  • Now make the stuffing of minced meat: pour a little oil into the pan, put the chopped onion and garlic. Then lay the minced meat and fry until cooked. Salt and pepper.
  • Form cutlets: make small cakes from the potato mass, lay out a little fried minced meat and wrap it.
  • Run the cue ball in panning and fry in a pan until golden.

Serve on a plate with salad leaves and cut vegetables. Watch the video with another option for preparing such cigarettes.

Video: it seems very simple, but how delicious it turns out! A surprise with a surprise!

Potato cutlets of mashed potatoes in the oven with mushrooms and onions in breading: Recipe

Potato cutlets of mashed potatoes in the oven with mushrooms and onions in panning
Potato cutlets of mashed potatoes in the oven with mushrooms and onions in panning

If you fry the sticks in the oven, then they turn out according to the rules of the PP - more useful than fried in a pan. Make such cutlets with mushrooms. Potato mashed potatoes perfectly complement them, and in the end, a hearty dish is obtained that can be eaten without a meat dish and a side dish. Just serve vegetables to such cutlets or sour cream sauce with greens, and enjoy a unique taste. Here is a recipe for mashed potatoes of mashed potatoes in the oven with mushrooms and onions in panning:


Necessary products for cutlets
Necessary products for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • From potato puree, evaporate excess moisture in a pan over low heat.
  • While the mashed potatoes are on fire, in another pan, fry the washed, cleaned and cut mushrooms with chopped onions.
  • Add chopped greens and turn off the fire under the mushrooms.
  • Mix the fried and cooled potato mashed potatoes with mushrooms and onions.
  • Add egg, salt and pepper. Mix the mass.
  • Heat another clean pan with butter in the oven. Form cutlets, roll in panic and fry until cooked. When frying in the oven, you will need more time to fry such cigarettes than on the stove.

Serve with sour cream sauce, which can be made of sour cream and chopped greens.

Potato puree fish cutlets: recipe

Potato puree
Potato puree

Another option to serve yesterday's potato mashed potatoes in a delicious form and with a unique taste. Fish goes well with potato mashed potatoes. Combine these products and make delicious cutlets. Your households, fish lovers, will definitely appreciate this. Here is a recipe for potato puree fish cutlets:

The following components will be needed:

Necessary products for cutlets
Necessary products for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • If you have a ready -made fish fillet, then put it to boil in the water. Side immediately. If you bought whole fish with carcasses, then first clean it and separate the fillet, then put it to cook.
  • At the same time, scurry potatoes in a pan. Cool and if there is time, then put in the refrigerator for cooling.
  • Now scroll on onions and boiled fish through a meat grinder.
  • Add cooled mashed potatoes, eggs, salt, pepper, spices.
  • Also put flour - 2-3 tablespoonsso that the cutlets do not fall apart. Mix the mass until smooth.
  • Form cigarettes, roll in panic and fry in olive oil until cooked in a frying pan.

Serve with vegetables or herbs.

Potato cutlets made of mashed potatoes with sausages, sausages: recipe

Puree potato cutlets with sausage
Puree potato cutlets with sausage

It happens that in the refrigerator there is not only yesterday's mashed potatoes, but also sausages or sausage were littered. It will be good if the sausage is smoked. It is great for filling with boiled eggs. But the usual boiled sausage will also perfectly complement potatoes. So, we prepare very tasty potato meatballs from mashed potatoes with sausage or sausages. Here is the prescription:

The following products will be needed:

Necessary products for cutlets
Necessary products for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • Blur in a pan or in a Kazan.
  • Cut the green beam and sausage separately.
  • Clean onions, wash and cut finely.
  • Fry in a frying pan along with the onion of the sausage. Cool.
  • Peel the boiled eggs and cut it finely. Mix with sausage and onions. Put green onions.
  • Add flour, egg to stuck potato puree, if you need to add and pepper. Knead the potato dough.
  • Now make small cakes. In the middle, put the filling of sausage and eggs, wrap the “pie” type and roll in panic.
  • Fry in a pan with butter until cooked.

Serve hot with greens and vegetables. Any sauce will perfectly complement such a dish - tomato, mayonnaise or sour cream.

Preparation of chicken cutlets with potatoes: recipe with chicken

Preparation of chicken cutlets with potato puree
Preparation of chicken cutlets with potato puree

It often happens that there are very few potato mashed potatoes left - there is very little dinner - 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons. It makes no sense to make cutlets only from potatoes in this case, since there will be very few. Prepare a dish with the minced meat from chicken fillet. These two products are perfectly connected and will complement each other in this dish. Preparation of chicken cutlets with potato mashed potatoes will not take much time. You will spend no more than half an hour. Here is a recipe for potato cutlets with chicken:

You will need such ingredients:

Necessary products for cutlets
Necessary products for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • If there is little potato puree, then excess moisture can not be evaporated from it. Just put more flour - 3 tablespoons.
  • Also send an egg to mashed potatoes.
  • Scroll the chicken breasts on a meat grinder and mix with the potato mixture.
  • If the mixture is too thick, then you can add a couple of spoons of warm milk.
  • Now spread the mass in a spoon on a preheated pan with butter.
  • Fry cutlets over medium heat until golden.

Such cutlets will like not only adults, but also children. Serve with any side dish or salad.

Potato cutlets from mashed potatoes without eggs: recipe

Puree potato cutlets without egg
Puree potato cutlets without egg

Want to make lean potato cutlets made of mashed potatoes without an egg? It's simple. You will not even need a breading. The cakes are obtained with fried and crispy crust. Here is the prescription:

Prepare such ingredients:

Necessary products for cutlets
Necessary products for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • If the potato mashed potatoes are liquid, then put it in a pan with a thick bottom and evaporate excess moisture. Cool.
  • Put salt, spices and flour to it. Stir, get a test workpiece.
  • Form cigarettes and put them to frure in a pan with butter.

As you can see, such cutlets are easier and faster than with eggs and other adders added. Such cakes are suitable as a side dish for any protein dish.

Video: The most tender potato cutlets without flour and eggs!

Potato puree meat cutlets: Meat recipe

Potato puree meat cutlet
Potato puree meat cutlet

Usually meat minced meat is placed in boiled potatoes as a filling. In chopped meat, many housewives add grated raw potatoes to give the cigarettes of juiciness and tenderness. In the dish, which we offer to cook below in the recipe with meat, minced meat and potatoes will perform in equal roles. Thanks to this, the cutlets will turn out to be appetizing and satisfying. When they are served on the table, a side dish will not be needed. You can only make a vegetable salad. Here is a recipe for meat cutlets made of potato puree:

The following ingredients will be needed:

Necessary products for cutlets
Necessary products for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • If the mashed potatoes are liquid, put it in a pan or cauldron and put it on the stove so that excess moisture evaporates.
  • Twist pork and onions through a meat grinder.
  • If a lot of juice has been released from meat with onions, then drain it. Put semolina, egg, pour soy sauce, salt and pepper. Let me stand a little to swell the decoy.
  • Mix meat and potato masses.
  • Heat the oil in a pan.
  • Form cutlets and fry until golden crust.

Serve hot with any side dish and salad.

Potato cutlets made of mashed potatoes without flour: recipe

Puree potato cutlets without flour
Puree potato cutlets without flour

Flour is necessary in potato cutlets, as it acts as a binder. But, if there is mashed potatoes, but the flour was not at hand, do not be discouraged. It can be replaced by a mankuan. Below you will find a recipe for potato cutlets made of mashed potatoes without flour.

Prepare the following products:

Necessary products for cutlets
Necessary products for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • Mix the semolina with sour cream and leave to swell.
  • If the potato mashed potatoes are liquid, then explode moisture, cool.
  • Put semolina with sour cream to the potatoes.
  • Send an egg, chopped dill, chopped garlic, slightly salt and pepper to this mixture.
  • Form cutlets, roll in panic and fry in a pan with butter on both sides.

Serve as a side dish for meat or fish. Do not forget to serve vegetables with greens.

Delicious gravy, potato puree cutlet sauce: recipes

Delicious gravy, potato puree
Delicious gravy, potato puree

There are many different ones famous - mushroom, meat, cheese, sour cream, tomato. You can prepare several options for sauces for potato cutlets. The same recipes that are used to cook gravy to meat tie are suitable. For example, delicious “red gravy” with tomato paste. Here is the prescription:

This is what you need for cutlets
This is what you need for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • Pour the tomato paste with cooled boiled water so that this “broth” turns out to be consistency, like thick sour cream. We set aside to the side.
  • Fry the flour in a dry pan until a light brown tint appears. Add water and stirring constantly, bring the mixture to the consistency of liquid dough.
  • Fry in a pan with butter in advance chopped onions and shabby carrots. Pour the tomato workpiece.
  • If you have a broth, then pour it to the fried onions and carrots, if not, then add boiled hot water.
  • Through 10 minutes Pour the flour mixture, salt and pepper. Like the sauce thicken, turn off. This usually takes time from 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Now you can serve potato cutlets with this gravy - tasty and simple.

Another version of a piquant sauce for cutlets from potato puree with paprika. Here is the prescription:

Potato puree
Potato puree

You will need such ingredients:

This is what you need for cutlets
This is what you need for cutlets

Cook like this:

  • Melt the drain in the pan. oil and lay out chopped onions. Fry to transparency within 8-10 minutes. You do not need to fry the bow too much, otherwise the gravy will be bitter.  
  • Add 1 table. flourStir.
  • Pepper, add, add paprika and nutmeg. Stir the resulting mixture.
  • Pour approximately 1 tbsp. water.
  • Bring the sauce to a boil, constantly mixing. Put sour cream.
  • Continue to cook, stirring 1-2 minutes. Ready.

Advice: Prepare such a sauce, constantly stirring without excommunication, otherwise you can ruin everything.

Potato puree salad - “mimosa with pink salmon”: recipe for cooking

Potato puree salad -
Potato puree salad - "Mimosa with pink salmon"

From potato puree, you can cook not only cutlets, but also a delicious salad. Let's make a "mimosa with pink salmon." Here is a recipe for cooking:

Prepare the following products:

This is what you need for a salad of potato puree
This is what you need for a salad of potato puree

Do this:

  • Open a jar of pink salmon and open the fish with a fork.
  • Clean the carrots and cut into the bar. Sprinkle the plant. oil and put in the oven to bake until cooked.
  • Then rub the carrots on a fine grater.
  • Boil the eggs. Boil them no more than 4 minutes so that the yolks do not lose velvety texture. After cooking the egg, cool in ice water.
  • Separate the proteins from the yolks. Grate them separately on a fine grater.
  • Finely chop green onions.
  • Now collect the salad in a portioned form or glass: mashed potatoes, grease with mayonnaise, pink salmon, green onions, again mayonnaise, protein-majority, carrot-mayonesis, sprinkle the upper salad from the yolk.

Garnish caviar pink salmon and herbs. Before serving, keep the salad in the refrigerator.

Delicious potato mashed potatoes: the best recipe

Tasty mashed potatoes
Tasty mashed potatoes

If you constantly have potato puree from dinner, of course, this is good. You can make delicious potato cutlets the next day according to the above recipes. But we also dare to assume - perhaps you do not know how to cook delicious potato mashed potatoes. Below we will share the best recipe for this dish. Sharp, try, and we can assure, to eat it out, it will be clean. But do not forget, the success of mashed potatoes also depends on the variety of potatoes - it should be well boiled. So here is the recipe:

  1. Pour into a pan milk and water In the proportion 60/40. If the milk is low -fat, then do more milk.
  2. Clean and wash 1 onion and 2 garlic teeth. Put in a pan with a milk mixture, and put on the gas.
  3. When the liquid boils, fold the cleaned and washed potato. It is better not to cut it, let it cooked entirely. Salt to taste.
  4. Cook until the potatoes are ready. Pull it into a bowl.
  5. Pour the required amount into the bucket milk (depending on what kind of puree you like - liquid or not), and put 20 grams of drain. oils. Bring to a boil.
  6. Then pour this creamy mixture to the finished potatoes and quickly pull it with a bit.
  7. After that, scare the puree with a mixer or in a blender.
  8. Add a little more salt, mix and lay out on plates again.

Put in each plate with mashed potatoes on a piece of butter and serve to the table.

Read the article how to cook young potatoes on mashed potatoes. The article gives useful tips and recommendations of cooks.

Mashed potato cutlets fall apart - what to do: tips


It happens that you seem to do everything right, and potato cutlets from mashed potatoes are not obtained and fall apart when frying. What to do in this case? Here are the tips:

  • Be sure to add flour to potatoes. When the mixture is ready, make a small cutlet and try to fry. If it does not fall apart, then you can continue. If it doesn’t work, put more flour.
  • It is important to put eggs. They bind the mass and do not allow to fall apart when heated in a pan.
  • You can add a couple of tablespoons of semolina to potatoes.
  • It is necessary to collapse the formed cutlets in the panic. She keeps the shape of products.
  • Potato mashed potatoes should be lit in advance, then cool and cooled in the refrigerator. So it will be easier to make cutlets. This can be done with the help of a microwave. Enough 3 minutes And all the moisture will evaporate.
  • You can add a spoonful of starch to flour.
  • The pan should be well heated. If this is not done, then the products will not only collapse, but also stick.

Now you know how to cook delicious potato cutlets from mashed potatoes. And perhaps you will learn how to make the perfect mashed potatoes, which will be completely eaten. In any case, even if the potato from dinner remains, you know what can be made from it. Rejoice with new tastes of yourself and your household. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Take potatoes and minced meat - unrealistically tasty and simple recipe - potato zrazes!

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