Lenten cutlets: recipes. Delicious cutlets: cabbage, potato, carrot, pea, rice, beetroot, onion, mushroom, vegetable, fish

Lenten cutlets: recipes. Delicious cutlets: cabbage, potato, carrot, pea, rice, beetroot, onion, mushroom, vegetable, fish

How and from what to cook delicious cutlets, without harm to health and observing the post?

Someone is following the post. Some do not eat meat for some of their ethical reasons. Someone switched to proper nutrition with the desire to lose weight or because of the disease.

Regardless of the reason for the consumption of foreign foods, a person needs to eat healthy and tasty food daily.

Cutlets are the best lean food prepared from products that are not included in a regular diet.

Cabbage lean cutlets

Cabbage lean cutlets with mushroom sauce and vegetable slices
Classic lean cutlets prepared From cabbageThey have been familiar from Soviet dining rooms.

With proper preparation, a very tasty dish is obtained:

  • 600 grams of fresh cabbage are passed through a small grille of the meat grinder
  • Squeeze the resulting juice well
  • In the squeezed, ground cabbage we put a glass of sifted flour
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Mix the minced meat well
  • We make the cutlets large
  • Sprinkle with flour or small breadcrumbs
  • Fry in a well -heated pan filled with sunflower oil

Video: lean cabbage from cabbage

Potato lean cutlets

Potato vegetable cutlets with mushrooms

  • 0.5 kg of boiled potatoes
  • 25-30 g of vegetable oil
  • 1 onion head
  • Fry the onion
  • Potatoes are pushed
  • Combine onions and potatoes
  • Pour vegetable oil
  • Sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs
  • Mix to a dense consistency
  • We sculpt large cutlets
  • Fry vegetable oil

Video: Lenten potato cutlets with rice

Carrot lean cutlets

Carrot lean cutlets
An indispensable product for a healthy diet, everyone's favorite carrots.
By preparing carrot juice, you can make delicious diet cutlets out of cake:

  • we pass half a kilogram of fresh carrots through a juicer
  • add flour to the obtained cake depending on the juiciness of the carrots, so that it would turn out to be thick minced meat
  • add one onion fried on sunflower oil and two cloves of garlic
  • Salt, pepper, depending on the taste
  • It’s good to add brown to these cutlets
  • Make the minced meat well
  • We make small cutlets
  • We cook in a pan, frying until cooked in vegetable oil

Video: carrot cutlets. Lenten. Dietary

Pea lean cutlets

Pea lean cutlets

  • 400-450 grams of peas
  • 100-150g of decoy
  • 1 large onion
  • parsley, salt, pepper depending on taste
  • Soak peas in cold water for 1.5-2 hours
  • Boil until half -cooked
  • We drain the water
  • We send for grinding to Blander
  • Finely chop the onion and carrots
  • We pass
  • Combine with peas
  • Pour semolina, salt, pepper, parsley
  • Mix
  • We form cutlets
  • We fry at a frying pan for about five minutes over low heat so that the semolina would swell
  • Then add fire
  • Fry to a beautiful, appetizing crust

Video: delicious pea cutlets

Rice lean cutlets

Rice lean cutlets

  • 20g of boiled rice
  • 3-4 pieces of boiled small potatoes
  • one middle onion head
  • one small cleaned carrots
  • Fry finely clung carrots and onions in vegetable oil
  • Combine with boiled rice
  • Add grated potatoes salt and pepper
  • Mix
  • We make small cutlets
  • Sprinkle with flour or crackers
  • Fry in a well -heated pan

Video: Post. Rice cutlets with mushroom sauce

Beetroot lean cutlets

Beetroot lean cutlets


  • 1 kg of boiled beets
  • Half a glass of vegetable oil and semolina
  • A little crushed crackers
  • Salt as necessary


  • We free the beets from the skin
  • Grate
  • Stew in a pan for 10 minutes in vegetable oil
  • Slowly pour the semolina, stirring into noise
  • Still languish for 5 minutes
  • Add salt and spices
  • We make cutlets
  • We collapse in crushed crackers
  • We cook in a hot pan, frying to a pleasant crust

Video: beetroot cutlets with beetroot rice

Hercules lean oatmeal

Lenten oatmeal cutlets from Hercules in taste and appearance are similar to meat cutlets

  • full glass of Hercules
  • two hundred grams of white champignons
  • one raw potato
  • one fresh onion
  • a little garlic
  • a bunch of greenery
  • any seasonings and salt to taste
  • Pour oatmeal with boiling water for swelling
  • Finely chop the mushrooms and greens
  • Onions, potatoes and garlic rub on a fine grater
  • Stew compressed Hercules with the rest of the products and seasonings
  • We make beautiful cutlets
  • Fry in vegetable oil

Video: Oatmeal lean cutlets

Lenten onion cutlets

Lenten onion cutlets
Onion cutlets are very specific.

This recipe for lovers of a specific vegetable:

  • Small -cut two large heads of onions are connected to a can of canned corn
  • We do not drain the juice
  • In this resulting mass, we dilute flour, salt and favorite spices
  • The dough should turn out to be approximately like for pancakes
  • It remains to fry on both sides
  • And serve the table

Video: lean on onion cutlets

Lenten mushroom cutlets

Lenten mushroom cutlets

  • 0.5 kg of fresh champignons
  • one small onion
  • 1/3 part of a glass of semolina
  • Salt, pepper, crackers
  • The mushrooms chopped very finely in a pan, until the moisture is completely evaporated
  • Add vegetable oil
  • Gently pour the semolina
  • Stew for 5-10 minutes
  • While the finished mass is cooled by fry the finely chopped onion
  • Combine mushrooms and onions
  • We season with salt and spices
  • Knead the minced meat
  • We form cutlets
  • We collapse in crushed crackers
  • Fry in a hot frying pan, watered with sunflower oil

Video: Lenten cutlets with mushrooms

Lenten vegetable cutlets

Lenten vegetable cutlets can be prepared from any vegetables. It all depends on imagination.

Lenten vegetable bells of pancakes
Lenten vegetable stakes "Rabbage"

For example, we will prepare the "pancakes":

  • One raw potato for one portion of three
  • Squeeze the potatoes
  • We give fluids to settled, to obtain a valuable, adhesive cutlet, substances - starch
  • After one hour we drain the liquid
  • Standed starch add to the potatoes
  • Salt
  • We make flat cutlets
  • Fry in sunflower oil

If post or diet allows:

  • Additionally add one egg to minced meat
  • When serving, water with sour cream

Lenten fish cutlets

Lenten fish cutlets
Fish cutlets are good in that they are tasty with any preparation method: fried, baked in the oven, prepared in a slow cooker or steamed.
Especially juicy and magnificent are fish cutlets prepared in the oven.

  • files of any fish - 1 kg
  • wheat bread - 2 pieces
  • fresh milk - one incomplete glass
  • fresh chicken egg - 2 pieces
  • onion - 2 pieces
  • sour cream is not fat - a little more than half a glass
  • salt and spices at your discretion
  • a little breading crackers
  • In warm milk, soak pieces of wheat bread for 5 minutes
  • Slightly squeeze
  • We send to the ground to a meat grinder: bread, fish fillet, cleaned and cut onions
  • Add an egg, salt and spices to the prepared mass
  • Beat the stuffing with our hands until a homogeneous dense mass is obtained
  • We sculpt meat cutlets
  • We lay out on a baking sheet
  • We send to the oven for 20 minutes
  • The temperature regime of preparation is 200-210 degrees

Video: Plowing fish cutlets, lean

Pumpkin cutlets lean

Pumpkin cutlets lean

  • half a kilogram of pumpkin
  • one onion
  • one small potato
  • 1/3 glasses of decoy
  • half a glass of water
  • 1.5 tablespoon of sunflower oil
  • spices and salt on the "eye"


  • Grind pumpkin and potatoes on a coarse grater
  • Finely chop the onion
  • We spread all the vegetables in the pan
  • We season with sunflower oil
  • Leave stew for 20-25 minutes
  • We fall asleep with a semolina
  • Tomim on the stove for another 5-10 minutes
  • Cool
  • Add salt and spices
  • We sculp the cutlets, if necessary, add a little flour
  • It is better to send formed cutlets to the oven for 10-15 minutes
  • Cooking at 180 degrees

Video: delicate lean pumpkin cutlets

Podgy beans

Podgy beans

The beans are one of the few products that, in its most valuable properties, can replace meat. The disadvantage of the lean diet of power with iron, amino acids and protein can be replenished with legumes.

  • We boil half a kilogram of beans
  • We let the meat grinder through the middle grill
  • Add approximately half a glass of flour. At the same time, we follow the minced meat to be as thick as possible. If the mass turns out to be a liquid -shaped add a little more flour
  • Sweat salt and spices to our taste
  • Knead until the dense mass is obtained
  • If desired, we collapse in crackers or sifted flour
  • Fry in a well -heated pan

Video: Cutlets from beans. The joy of vegetarianism. Pose dish

Lenten cutlets from lentils

Lenten cutlets from lentils
The benefits of lentils were also known to our cave ancestors.

Without knowing the composition, they used it to maintain a good physical form.
But they did not have the opportunity to make delicious, crispy cutlets, the recipe of which will be considered below:

  • Soak the glass of lentils in advance at night
  • Finely cut and fry in sunflower oil six peeled bulbs
  • Add a little paprika and garlic to the fried onion
  • We free the lentils from the water
  • We fall asleep into a blender with a bow
  • In prepared minced meat, add a little bread crumbs, until the minced meat is purchased the necessary consistency for the formation of cutlets
  • Gradually suck, when mixing minced meat
  • When the minced meat acquires the desired density, we proceed to the formation of cutlet
  • Then fry in a pan in vegetable oil or cook in an oven
  • In the latter case, we send to a hot oven for 15 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees

Video: Lenten cutlets from a green lentil

Lenten cutlets from buckwheat

Lenten cutlets from buckwheat
For cooking cutlets, a green grade of buckwheat is more suitable. Its stickiness contributes to the good formation of cutlets.

  • From 300 grams of buckwheat cereal cook porridge
  • Cool
  • Ground in a blender along with a head of raw bow
  • Add garlic if desired
  • Salt
  • We form cutlets
  • We send to the oven for 15 minutes
  • The temperature in the frying cabinet is 180-200 degrees

Video: Greek - lean cutlets from buckwheat

Lenten cutlets from zucchini

Lenten cutlets from zucchini

  • 0.5 kg of fresh zucchini
  • 4 pieces of boiled potatoes
  • 3 tablespoons of sifted flour
  • salt - a small pinch
  • coriander, pepper - on the tip of a knife
  • Raw zucchini and boiled potatoes rub on a medium grater
  • Saw the flour salt and spices
  • Mix well
  • We make the form of flat pancakes
  • Fry in a hot pan
  • We serve ready -made cutlets with tomato sauce

Video: pancakes from zucchini without eggs

Lenten cutlets from semolina

Lenten cutlets from semolina
A very original recipe for lean semolina with jelly, diversifies any, even a festive table.

  • 1 liter of any fruit juice
  • a glass of semolina
  • a glass of sugar
  • a little salt
  • vegetable oil for fry
  • 2 cups of berry or fruit jelly
  • Cook dense semolina on the selected juice with the addition of sugar and salt
  • Cool
  • We form cutlets of any shape (balls, pancakes)
  • Fry on both sides
  • Lay out on a dish and fill with ready -made jelly

Tinted cutlets from chube

Tinted cutlets from chube
To prepare cutlets from chickpeas:

  • pour water a glass of product with water
  • leave it for the night
  • then wash well
  • we send to a blender for grinding
  • grate one carrot
  • lock the head of the onion and a pair of the slices of garlic.
  • mix prepared vegetables with chickpeas
  • slowly pour a tablespoon of soy sauce and two lemon juice
  • mix again, while sucking, adding a little sugar and supplying the mixture with nutmeg on the tip of a knife
    If the minced meat turned out to be a liquid, add small panning crackers
    We make cutlets
    Fry in vegetable oil

Video: Chick Cutiles

Broccoli cutlets

Broccoli cutlets

  • half a kilogram of raw potatoes
  • 300 grams of fresh broccoli cabbage
  • onion, dill, salt to taste
  • flour and sesame for panning and sprinkling
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • Rinse and blanch broccoli for 5 minutes
  • We throw back on a sieve
  • Cool
  • Boil the fixed potatoes in a slightly brackish water
  • Pushing potatoes, draining the remnants of the liquid
  • Finely chopped broccoli is combined with potatoes
  • Salt
  • Mix, gradually adding chopped greens
  • We form small cutlets
  • Fry

Video: broccoli cutlets

Cleat cabbage cutlets

Lighting cutlets of colored cabbage with a side dish of potato puree
Cabbage cutlets can be prepared not only from white cabbage, but from other varieties of cabbage.
Recipe of lean cauliflower:

  • We disassemble a kilogram of cauliflower to inflorescences
  • Cook for 4-5 minutes
  • Cool
  • We cut very finely
  • Fold in the bowl
  • Add half a glass of flour and oatmeal by half a glass
  • Cut the greens of parsley and dill, if there are no fresh ones, you can replace dry
  • Mix the cutlet mass, simultaneously suck
  • We do not fry long in vegetable oil

Video: Colored cabbage cutlets

Calmar cutlets

Calmar cutlets
The most lean and simple recipe from squid:

  • Half a kilogram of fresh and cleaned squids along with the cleaned two heads of onions, we send to a blender for processing
  • We get it
  • Salt pepper, add greens if desired
  • We form cutlets
  • We steam steam
  • Serve with any lean sauce

Video: Calmar cutlets - recipe from the grandmother of Emma

Lenten cutlets in the oven

Lenten cutlets in the oven
  • Any of the above recipes can be prepared in the oven.
  • This is a matter of taste and food image

The trick of lean cutlets is that instead of eggs, semolina or oatmeal is added so that the cutlets do not crumble. Raw eggs are added to ordinary cutlets for the “ligament”. But not all days of fasting, you can eat them.

Video: Lenten cutlets with sea cabbage

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  1. The article is just super !!!!

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