How to deliberately warm up potatoes in a pan: step -by -step recipe, tips. Potato puree in a pan with egg, minced meat, feta cheese

How to deliberately warm up potatoes in a pan: step -by -step recipe, tips. Potato puree in a pan with egg, minced meat, feta cheese

Ways to warm up potatoes in a pan.

People get used to the benefits of civilization very quickly, so not just to refuse them. We are used to warming the products in the microwave, because it is very fast, and with a minimum amount of dirty dishes. In this article, we will tell you how to warmly warm up potatoes in a pan.

How to warm up potatoes in a pan?

Almost everything, having come home from work, heat food in the microwave. After all, the main advantage is in the heating speed. However, among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the uneven warmth. Often the bottom becomes hot, and the upper part is cold or vice versa. In the process of warming up in a microwave oven, potato puree can be expelled in different directions in case of power. That is why we advise you to warm up mashed potatoes in a pan. This will not only help to evenly warm up the product, but also help improve the taste characteristics. Only with the help of the pan can be heated by mashed potatoes without spoiling its taste . The dish, after storage for 6 hours, can acquire an unpleasant taste that is almost impossible to remove. However, warming up in a pan allows you to do this.

How to warm up potato puree in a pan:

  • For these purposes, you need to take a vessel with a thick bottom and pour a little cream. When the cream is boiled, it is necessary to lay out the dish with a thin layer.
  • Cover the lid and reduce the heating force. Mix constantly, it is best not to allow boiling, the appearance of bubbles in mashed potatoes. The temperature of 75 degrees is ideal.
  • This allows you to maintain the beneficial properties of mashed potatoes and its taste characteristics. When the mashed potatoes become very hot, you can enter butter or cream. Remember, it is allowed to add milk and cream, until the purchase of the necessary consistency. 
  • You can heat up potato mashed potatoes in a pan in the oven. It is worth choosing a vessel with an anti -stick coating, or a baking dish. Heat the stove to a temperature of 170-180 degrees. Lubricate the walls and bottom with butter and pave the puree, pour a small amount of cream or milk, mix.
  • Cover the surface of the vessel with foil and place in the oven for about 25 minutes. No need to wait for the smell of fried potatoes. It is possible that a ruddy crust of potato mashed potatoes will appear on the bottom and walls. This will give the dish additional piquancy. 
Finished product
Finished product

Potato puree with minced meat in a pan

A magnificent way of processing and warming up potatoes, as well as improving its taste characteristics, is the use of minced meat. To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients: 

  • 600 gpig-Inced minced meat
  • 50 g of tomato paste
  • 100 g of vegetable oil
  • Two eggs
  • 600 g of potato puree
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • Onion
  • Carrot

Potato puree with minced meat in a pan, recipe:

  • Fry a bow in a pan along with carrots when they are browned on fire, in about 7 minutes, enter the minced meat. Mix, pour in tomato mashed potatoes diluted with water. Cover with a lid, let it boil.
  • It is necessary that the mass becomes dry and the water completely evaporated. Pour yesterday's potatoes into a separate container, after adding two eggs and a little salt to it. It is not necessary to water with milk or cream. Take a pan with high sides and on the bottom, greased with oil, lay out the mass of potatoes. Pour the minced meat on top, smooth and cover with another layer of potatoes.
  • Lubricate the surface with a small amount of oil or sour cream. Put for about 30 minutes in a hot oven. It is best if the temperature is 220-240 degrees. After that, remove the potato casserole from the furnace, put on a wooden surface, sprinkle with grated cheese and put again in the oven. It is necessary to keep in the furnace until the cheese is melted.
  • This is a great way to prepare a new, very tasty dish from yesterday's potato puree. It will become a real rush stick for economical hostesses who are used to not throwing products. 
Mashed potatoes with minced meat
Mashed potatoes with minced meat

Potato puree with an egg in a pan

You can use mashed potatoes to prepare interesting and unusual breakfasts. This is one of the economical recipes that help to process yesterday's mashed potatoes. For these purposes, you will need the following ingredients: 

  • 3 pcs. large eggs
  • 700 g of ready -made potato puree
  • Crackers
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Grated cheese

Potato puree with an egg in a pan, recipe for cooking: 

  • Lubricate the pan with butter and pave the potato puree. For leveling, it is best to use a silicone blade. It is necessary that sides resembling a container from potatoes.
  • Pour the eggs on the potato harvesting, sucking them. Place in the oven for about 20 minutes. Remove the stove, add solid cheese, install in the oven for about 5-10 minutes.
  • It is necessary that he melts, and it turned out a beautiful crust. You can prepare a dish portioned, not in a pan, but in a small container or clay pots. 
Cakes with an egg
Cakes with an egg

Omlet with potato puree in a pan

An amazing omelet can be prepared from potato puree. This dish refers to Japanese cuisine, in addition to mashed potatoes and eggs, other vegetables are included.

To prepare a dish, you will need the following ingredients: 

  • One tomato
  • One large, red, bell pepper
  • Small zucchini
  • Garlic clove
  • 600 g of potato puree
  • 6 eggs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Onion

Omlet with potato puree in a pan, recipe for cooking: 

  • Chop the onion in small pieces, fry in vegetable oil. When the vegetable acquires a golden color, it is necessary to add tomatoes and zucchini, as well as bell pepper. Cover with a lid and simmer until cooked.
  • It is necessary to get a homogeneous mass similar to stew. Now enter the eggs in mashed potatoes and beat with a mixer. Add a clove of garlic and a spoonful of flour. Let the vegetable mass cool a little. It is necessary that it cools to a temperature of about 60-70 degrees. The main task is to prevent the eggs of eggs. Now mix the vegetable mixture with mashed potatoes and eggs.
  • Put in a frying pan greased with oil, cook for about 25 minutes. The dish can be cooked both on the stove and in the oven. If you prefer to cook the dish on the stove, be sure to cover it with a lid. The omelet is ready when, when pressed on the surface, the dish does not deform, it becomes hard, elastic. 
Omlet with vegetables
Omlet with vegetables

How to fry potato puree in a pan?

Puree in a pan can not only be heated, but also fry. There are a lot of gourmets of such a dish. 

To prepare it, you will need the following products: 

  • 600 g of mashed potatoes
  • One egg
  • 100 g of cheese
  • Vegetable oil
  • A little flour
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Green onions
  • Sour cream

How to fry potato puree in a pan, recipe:

  • Pull the egg into the mashed potatoes and stir thoroughly. It is best to use a mixer or other kitchen equipment for these purposes so that the mass becomes homogeneous and bubbles appear in it. It is necessary to make it airy.
  • Add salt and spices, then enter a small amount of flour, look at the consistency of the mass. If it is too liquid, be sure to add more flour so that the mass becomes thick enough. If you use too liquid dough, it can stick to a pan and falling apart. Rub the cheese on a fine grater and enter into the potato mass. Pour vegetable oil into the stewpan.
  • It takes about a third of the total capacity of the pan. Sweet it to a hot state and with a spoon or wet hands form small cakes. They must be fried on each side for 3-5 minutes. The main task is to achieve golden color. Such cakes with green onions and sour cream are served. This is a great option for breakfast after a stormy feast, when a little mashed potatoes are left. 
A delicious product
A delicious product

Brynza with potato puree in a pan

A spicy dish with a rich creamy taste. It can be used for breakfast when there are remnants of mashed potatoes. 


  • 700 g of mashed potatoes
  • 150 g at Brynza
  • 2 large bulbs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices
  • Green onions

Brynza with potato puree in a pan, recipe for cooking: 

  • Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and grind onions, fry until golden crust. Add yesterday's mashed potatoes and stir. It is necessary that the mass becomes homogeneous.
  • Grind the burdock on the grater, and cut green onions in small stripes. Salt and pepper the mashed potatoes, add the Brynza along with the green onion, stir thoroughly. Such a dish is best served with sour cream.
  • Ekh mass is too thick, you can pour a little cream or milk. Remember that the fire should be weak so that the crust does not form. In this dish, it is completely useless. Before serving, cover the pan with a lid and let stand for 3 minutes. During this time, Brynza will melt and acquire the consistency of mashed potatoes. 

Why does the potato puree have a watery taste?

The taste of mashed potatoes depends on the quality and variety of the selected potatoes.

Why is potato mashed potatoes a watery taste:

  • In order to maintain the taste of mashed potatoes for a long time, it is necessary to choose the right potatoes. These are round tubers with a light skin. Of these, a homogeneous, plastic mass is obtained. Be sure to salt the water during cooking.
  • This is best done at the very beginning. Be sure to put the potatoes in cold water and gradually bring to a boil. After the pieces are prepared, the decoction must be drained. If you overexpose potatoes in this decoction, get mashed potatoes with a watery taste.
  • Be sure to use warm milk and oil warmed to room temperature. Indeed, at room temperature products are better mixed with mashed potatoes than those from the refrigerator. In no case do not beat puree too much so that a huge amount of starch does not stand out. In this case, the mass will look like glue, not at all tasty. No need to cook a huge amount of side dish so that he remains the next day. 
Watery taste
Watery taste

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If you prepare too much potato mashed potatoes for the holiday, nothing terrible will happen. From this dish you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes that will become a great option for breakfast for the whole family. 

Video: Heat potatoes in a pan

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