How to cook delicious potato pancakes of Belarusian, with mushrooms, cabbage, garlic, cheese, lean, meat, pumpkin: the best recipes of pancakes from potatoes

How to cook delicious potato pancakes of Belarusian, with mushrooms, cabbage, garlic, cheese, lean, meat, pumpkin: the best recipes of pancakes from potatoes

Consider the most original and tasty recipes for potato lines - pancakes from the best cooks of the world.

Dranics are delicious potato cakes, one of the national dishes of Belarus. One, pancakes are also present in Polish, Czech, Ukrainian and Romanian cuisines.

This is a nutritious dish that can be a snack, a side dish or the main dish. There are many recipes of pancakes: with mushrooms, meat, onions and carrots. Each housewife can choose exactly the recipe that will like the whole family.

Belarusian potato pancakes: recipe with photo

  • We will need to prepare classic pancakes: potatoes, flour, egg, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

So that the potatoes do not get dark, during cleaning it must be placed in cold water. And the mass prepared on the pancakes should be used immediately

  • First, we clean the potatoes, rejuvenate it from starch and on a medium grater. I will salt the potatoes and salt excessive liquid.
  • Submit an egg, mix it with potato mass and spices.
  • Add flour until the consistency becomes viscous. A pair of tablespoons is usually enough.
  • In a pan, heat the vegetable oil and lay out a spoon of pancake. Fry them on both sides.
  • Demniki is served with sour cream, mayonnaise or garlic sauce.
Belarusian pancakes
Belarusian pancakes

How to cook pancakes with mushrooms: recipe

Rabbage with mushrooms is a delicious and unusual dish.
For its preparation, we will need: potatoes, fresh champignons, onions, garlic, flour, egg, flour, salt and a mixture of peppers.

  • First, prepare a mushroom filling.
  • My champignons and cut blackened spots. Cut the mushrooms in small pieces.
  • We cut the onion in half rings and a grater on a grater. First, fry the onion until golden, then add mushrooms to it.
  • We wait until the mushroom liquid evaporates and add garlic, spices and salt.
  • We prepare dough for pancakes: mix grated potatoes, egg, flour, salt and spices to a homogeneous mass.
  • We proceed to frying pancakes with mushrooms: first we spread the potato mass, and lay a filling of mushrooms on top with a small layer, the last layer is the potato mass. You need to fry the pancakes on low heat so that the potatoes inside are also ready.
Rabbage with mushrooms
Rabbage with mushrooms

Capacious pancake recipe

Drainships with potatoes and cabbage differ in taste from traditional, but they are no less tasty.

  • From the ingredients we need: potatoes, white cabbage, egg, salt and spices, flour and vegetable oil.

We clean the potatoes and place it in cold water.

  • We boil water and dip a piece of cabbage into it for 3 minutes. This is done so that cabbage sheets become softer. Then three cabbage on a grater or finely chop.
  • The potatoes are three, mix with cabbage, egg, flour, salt and spices.
  • Fry cabbage-cartel mass over medium heat until cooked.
Rabbage with cabbage
Rabbage with cabbage

How to cook potato pancakes with cheese and garlic: recipe

  • Rabbage with cheese and garlic in appearance is not too different from the classic ones, but have a richer taste and aroma. This will be appreciated by family members and guests.

To prepare this type of pancakes, we need: potatoes, hard cheese, garlic, salt and spices, flour, egg.

  • We clean the potatoes and three on a coarse grater. Three cheese is on a fine grater. To make the cheese easier to rub, first put it for several minutes in the freezer.
  • Mix all the ingredients, salt and add spices.
  • In the end, add the garlic, sold through the press - this will add aroma to our pancakes.
  • We heat the pan with vegetable oil and carefully spread the cakes. Fry from each side until golden crust.
Remonies with cheese and garlic
Remonies with cheese and garlic

Recipe for meat pancakes with potatoes

  • Rabbage with minced meat can become a highlight of any table, and cooking them is very simple.

We will need: minced meat, onions, potatoes, egg, flour, salt and black pepper.

  • First, prepare the meat filling. We cut the onion with cubes and fry until golden color, lay out the minced meat and fry it. In the end, salt and pepper meat.
  • We prepare dough for pancakes: mix grated potatoes, egg, flour, salt and spices to a homogeneous mass.
  • Warm up the pan and spread each pancake in layers. 1 layer - potato mixture, 2 layer - minced meat, 3 layer - potato mixture. Fry over low heat until cooked.
Meat pancakes
Meat pancakes

How to cook lean pancakes?

  • Lenten pancakes differ from classical ones in that there are no eggs in them. But this is almost impossible to determine if you make pancakes according to this recipe.

The recipe for pancakes without eggs is such: potatoes, onions, garlic, salt and spices, flour. You can also add a pinch of soda to give a splendor to the dish.

  • Three potatoes on a coarse grater, also three onions. Mix vegetables and drain excess fluid. Next, add flour, salt and spices, a pinch of soda. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • We heat the pan with butter and lay out a spoonful of pancake. The cakes according to this recipe are less plastic, so you need to turn them over very carefully.
Lenten pancakes
Lenten pancakes

Pumpkino pancakes: recipe

  • If your family is not a particularly common product, but you know about its benefits, you can cook shutters according to the recipe below. The cakes themselves will turn out to be bright, and the pumpkin will practically not be felt.

We will need: potatoes, a piece of pumpkin, egg, salt and spices, flour and garlic

  • First, prepare a pumpkin. If it is old and hard, it will have to be pre -boil. Then we cool the pumpkin and grate.
  • On the same grater as for pumpkin, three and potatoes. Mix pumpkin, potatoes with egg, flour, spices and salt. Add depressed garlic to give the aroma.
  • Fry the pancake with pumpkin in a preheated pan in vegetable oil.
Pacifier with pumpkin
Pacifier with pumpkin

How to cook pancakes in the oven?

  • If you are on a diet, then consuming fried foods is undesirable. Also, wheat flour is extremely poorly affected by the figure. But if you still desperately want pancakes, do not be upset. There is a great recipe for diet shutters.

We will need: onions, potatoes, salt and spices, vegetable oil.

  • The potatoes are three on a fine grater, and we cut the onion with thin plates. Mix, squeeze the excess fluid and drain.
  • Add spices and salt. Also, add a little vegetable oil to the potato mass.
  • We spread parchment paper and lay the pancakes. Make sure that they are flat, so the cakes are better off.
  • We heat the oven to 180 degrees and put the pancakes.
  • We make sure that the upper part is browned. We pull out the pancakes, turn it over and put again in the oven.
  • We bake until cooked. The oven pancakes are very fragrant and crispy.
Dranic in the oven
Dranic in the oven

How to cook delicious pancakes: tips

  • The pancakes need to be cooked very quickly, as the potatoes are dying.
  • Tasty pancakes are fragrant pancakes. Use onions and garlic to give a piquancy dish. For the aroma, use basil, black and white pepper.
  • If you want to make the pancakes more tender, add a little kefir to the dough. But then the torment will need more.
  • To make the pancakes lush, add a pinch of soda or baking powder.
  • You need to cook pancakes on small or medium heat so that the whole cake is fried evenly.
  • Serve pancakes with sour cream, garlic or tomato sauce.
  • Enjoy your meal!

Video: Recipe for delicious pancakes

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