What can you cook delicious from yesterday's potatoes?

What can you cook delicious from yesterday's potatoes?

What to do if yesterday's potato remained in the refrigerator. But today he certainly would not want to eat him. It happens that you want something tasty. Dishes from yesterday's potatoes can be diverse. Such new items will like all households. Further recipes will be presented.

Back in those days when Peter the Great ruled by Russia, the Slavs first tried a vegetable called potatoes. The king brought him from Europe. It turned out that this is a hearty product, especially since you can prepare many interesting dishes from it, ranging from fried potatoes to mashed potatoes. But we are not talking about that you will find out further in more detail which dish of yesterday’s potatoes can be prepared for the table to please your family and guests.

Potato yesterday's dish - baked potatoes with butter

The first thing that comes to the mind is to cook from yesterday's potatoes is fried potatoes with other products. But a dish of potatoes yesterday is not only this option. You can cook, bake a festive dinner, cook a delicious second dish, as proposed below.

baked potato
baked potato

Baked potatoes with cheese:


  • boiled potatoes - 275 g
  • butter - 65 g
  • hard cheese - 225 g
  • greens
  • salt.

For the dish you will need a container made of plastic or metal. The shape for potatoes can be any, both rectangular and round.


  1. First, heat the oven to a temperature of 220 degrees. Divate potatoes, turn it into mashed potatoes.
  2. Now lay out a spoon of mashed potatoes into molds. Tamp it, carefully put it on a baking sheet.
  3. After making a small hole on top, place the oil, greens there, and grate the cheese on top.
  4. For lovers of sharp products, you can use garlic, red pepper.
  5. Now send a sheet with potatoes to the oven, for 10 minutes. After which, hold it on the grill in the microwave. So cheese and potatoes are browned.

Small potatoes yesterday - recipe

You can make a very tasty and fragrant lunch or breakfast from small young potatoes. A dish of potatoes yesterday will receive a second life if you fry it in a pan. It will look a little to the stewed potatoes when the pan is closed with a lid.

Potatoes in a pan
Potatoes in a pan


  • potatoes - 225 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • thyme - 15 g
  • butter - 85 g
  • salt.


  1. Cut boiled potatoes in half. Then put the potatoes into a heated pan with cuts.
  2. Sprinkle the finished composition with thyme, salt. And between the potatoes, lay out pieces of oil (cream) equally.
  3. You can also add a little vegetable oil for frying.
  4. Fry the potatoes from all sides, then beat the egg with a fork, and pour into the pan.
  5. Close the container with a lid and let everything bake on low heat. In the end, you can sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

IMPORTANT: Potatoes can be served immediately with a salad, like a separate dish, but you can, like the second dish for sausages, chicken, etc. Such a dish of yesterday's potatoes can easily be cooked in a slow cooker.

Dishes from yesterday's potatoes in the oven

In the oven, a dish of yesterday’s potatoes will turn out to be especially tasty, because it will be a whole mix of products. Potatoes with ham, wrapped in baking paper with vegetables will be the best decoration of the festive table. Next, see the recipe for such potatoes.

Baked potato
Baked potato


  • potatoes - 275 g
  • vetshchina - 125 g
  • tomatoes - 175 g
  • onions - 75 g
  • dill, parsley
  • garlic - 25 g
  • salt
  • fragrant and black pepper
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Prepare bakery paper, for this, cut it with rectangles. Dimensions 30 to 50. One leaf will go to one portion of the product.
  2. Lubricate the sheet from the oven. Thanks to this, the rectangles will not stick to the bottom. Cut the potatoes into slices.
  3. On one side of the leaf of bakery paper, put pieces of potatoes.
  4. Pass the garlic through the press. Chop the greens with a knife. Combine this composition in the container, for this, mix all this with salt.
  5. Next, cut the onion with cubes, put the greens with salt into the potatoes, and on top of the onion.
  6. Cut the ham into pieces. If not ham, then instead of it cut the sausage "Varenka", or boiled breast. Lay the pieces into potatoes.
  7. Next, cut the tomatoes into circles, put it into ham.
  8. A rectangle of bakery paper is turned with an envelope, then baked in an oven, heated up to 220 degrees, baked for about twenty minutes.

Now everything is ready, it turns out a quick, tasty dish for the festive table.

Dishes from yesterday's potatoes - Spanish thortlya

A dish of yesterday’s potato in the form of an omelet with potatoes or, as it is called the Spanish tortilla in Spain, many lovers will have to eat. To cook it, you will need to do the following:

Prepare the ingredients:

  • potatoes - 375 g
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • onions - 1 small onion
  • salt
  • paprika - 9 g
  • sunflower oil.
Potato tortillas
Potato tortillas


  1. Boiled potatoes are cut into circles yesterday. Their thickness should be the same.
  2. Break all the eggs into one container, then shake it all with a fork.
  3. Pour oils into the pan and heat it, lay out the potatoes, fry. Stir, turn over. Let the potato circles be covered with a light crust. Salt, sprinkle with paprika.
  4. And from above, pour everything into eggs.
  5. When the eggs begin to grasp, then the onions chopped by rings or half rings should be laid out.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid, then make the fire weaker, let the eggs reach ready.
  7. Now we will cover the sole -up with a plate with a tortilla, and turn it over, and then from the plate to the pan. Let it now be fried, make sure that the bow does not burn. It is important to fry the cake.
Potatoes with eggs, vegetables
Potatoes with eggs, vegetables

As you can see, those recipes that are described above do not require special time or money. It is enough to use your imagination and your skill.

Dishes from yesterday's potatoes - accordion with bacon

It’s good when a dish of potatoes yesterday is not only tasty, but also looks beautiful. The "accordion" will require boiled potatoes, and also a ham or salty lard. The potato prepared by this method will be very appetizing.
The accordion from potatoes
The accordion from potatoes


  • whole potatoes - 85 g
  • breast - 55 g
  • spices for meat - 12 g
  • carrot - 25 g
  • greens, salt.


  1. First, it is necessary to turn on the oven so that it heats up to 220 degrees.
  2. Cut the potatoes with the same pieces, put on the sheet. Cut the breast or lard with pieces.
  3. Lay all the pieces of fat alternately in the following sequence: potatoes, fat and so to the end.
  4. Sprinkle everything with salt on top, add spices.
  5. Grate the carrots or problem. Thanks to this, the dish will turn out to be beautiful and appetizing.
  6. Bake better than 25 minutes.

When prepare the second dish, then serve it with a vegetable salad, or separately. You will get a wonderful hearty lunch.

Dishes from yesterday's potatoes - crocketes for home

A dish of potatoes yesterday may look original. And no one will ever guess that it was yesterday's potato in the uniform or just boiled. Croquets will decorate any table at the holiday and will like guests even with a delicate taste.


  • potatoes - 225 g
  • cream cheese - 125 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • peanuts fried at home - 75 g
  • breadcrumbs
  • nutmeg - 25 g
  • pepper
  • salt
  • hard cheese - 125 g.
Potato croquettes - catering in Moscow


  1. Soft cheese melted with potatoes should be grated in a deep container.
  2. After the finished container, add a few nutty nuts.
  3. The mixture of pepper, you can add a pinch of nutmeg.
  4. Pull the egg into the container, mix. Now try on salt. If the cheese is already salty, then there is no salt at all.
  5. Grind the fried peanuts with a blender. Rub the cheese on a grater, now mix cheese and peanuts.
  6. From a mass with potatoes, form small balls. Now roll the crockets in panning.
  7. Prepare a metal sheet for baking. Place the baking paper there, put all the crockets on top.
  8. Heat the oven to two hundred degrees. Put the sheet there. After twenty minutes, baking will be ready.

It is tasty if you serve crockets with a certain sauce. Perhaps this will go for this cheese or sour cream option.

Dishes from yesterday's potatoes - nokki

If a little potato remains for tomorrow, but there is already no desire in this form, then such a dish of potatoes yesterday, like Nyokki is perfect for breakfast for the whole family. It’s good if the potatoes are thick, not soft mashed potatoes. It is ideal for Nokki.

This Italian dish is more often compared with lazy dumplings. The only difference is that Nyokki is prepared from potatoes, and lazy dumplings from cottage cheese mass. You can cook it easily, the process is completely simple.


  • mashed potatoes yesterday - 975 g
  • flour - 125 g
  • sausage - 325 g
  • hard cheese - 65 g
  • vegetable oil - 25 ml.
  • low -fat butter - 25 g
  • black pepper, salt
  • fragrant herbs.


  1. In yesterday, pour flour. It is undesirable to salt the product, but it will not hurt to pepper.
  2. Mix the finished mixture and knead. It will turn out thick.
  3. Now put the dough on the table sprinkled with flour, roll out so that it looks like a sausage.
  4. So that the finished product is not solid, do not interfere with potatoes a lot of flour.
  5. Now put water on the fire, wait until it boils. Cut the sausage into pieces and give it the shape of the pillows.
  6. Boil them in salted water. Just stir the water well. These pads will be ready when they come to the surface.
  7. Take Nyokki with a slotted spoon on a separate plate.
  8. Now pour vegetable oil and cream into the pan. When the pan heats up, fry the sausage cut by slices there. Five minutes are enough for this.
  9. Next, prepare a baking dish. Send cooked nokki there. Then put the sausage there. Add herbs for the aroma, sprinkle with grated raw. Bake everything in the oven at a temperature of one hundred eighty degrees.

Fifteen minutes are enough for the baking process.

Dishes from yesterday's potatoes - cutlets with sprats

From potatoes welded in advance, you can cook delicious cutlets. A very mouth -watering dish of potatoes yesterday is meatballs with canned goods, more precisely: with sprats.


  • boiled potatoes - 550 g
  • sprats - 1 jar
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • flour - 35 g
  • spices and salt
  • crackers for breading.
Potato cutlets
Potato cutlets


  1. Take mashed potatoes, place in a deep container.
  2. Next, open the jar of sprat and open them with a fork. Pull one chicken egg there.
  3. After add spices and salt, a little flour.
  4. Mix carefully ingredients. After form cutlets.
  5. Before you place them in a pan, make round cutlets and roll in crackers.
  6. Next, it remains to fry them until a crust is obtained.

All the second dish is ready.

Yesterday's potato cutlets
Yesterday's potato cutlets

IMPORTANT:The length of giving a more pleasant taste you can add sauce to cutlets. Here you can serve tomato, cream, etc.

You can still see articles on our portal on our portal:

  1. How to warm up mashed potatoes?
  2. Custard with potato starch;
  3. Potato dicks with meat;
  4. Zrazy potato, fish, buckwheat, rice;
  5. How to cook pancakes?

Video: What to cook from yesterday's potatoes?

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