How to read blood tests: norm, interpretation of results

How to read blood tests: norm, interpretation of results

If you do not know how to read a blood test, then read the article. It has a lot of useful information.

Morphology is a blood test that is a very popular diagnostic tool. The results of blood tests, for example, can give a lot of information on cholesterol or glucose about what is happening inside the body.

  • This type of diagnosis should be carried out regularly, as it helps to provide an early warning system in the presence of deviations in human health.
  • Such events also allow you to protect a person from many problems.
  • In order for the results of the blood test to be reliable, they should be taken on an empty stomach with a break of at least eight hours after the last meal.

How to read or decipher blood tests correctly, read in this article.

Characterization of a blood test of an adult: why do you need morphology?

Characteristic of a blood test analysis of an adult
Characteristic of a blood test analysis of an adult

A blood test is one of the main types of diagnosis. In addition, such tests should be carried out in the first place:

  • A general blood test for the identification of inflammation in the body.
  • Analysis of glucose in the blood.
  • Lipidogram - levels of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides.

Morphology of blood is the main diagnostic test of blood, which consists in a quantitative and qualitative assessment of blood elements.

It's important to know: The norms of blood test results depend on many factors, so they should always be interpreted by a doctor on the basis of a medical examination and a carefully collected history.

How to read the general, biochemical, clinical blood test of an adult yourself and correctly and correctly: decryption of English letters

Biochemical, clinical blood test of adults
Biochemical, clinical blood test of adults

At the printout of the results of the blood test, the patient sees a number of letters and numbers incomprehensible to him. What does this mean? The standard version of deciphering the result of an adult blood test consists of such abbreviations and English letters:

  • RBC
  • WBC
  • PLT
  • HCT
  • MCV
  • Mch
  • MSNS

The value is also displayed as a result HB (HBG)What indicates hemoglobin indicators. How to read the general, biochemical, clinical blood test of an adult? The following is the explanation of these abbreviations used on laboratory prints of blood tests:

  • RBC

Erythrocytes - in the blood test are indicated by three English letters. These cells are responsible for oxygen transport. The deviation below the norm indicates anemia, above the norm - the pathology called polyglobulia.

  • WBC

Leukocytes - these blood cells are responsible for the fight against infection. The deviation in the indicators in the shorter direction is called leukopenia, and may indicate a decrease in immunity. An increased amount of leukocytes in blood tests is called leukocytosis, and may indicate current infections in the body. The increased indicators of leukocytes in the blood test also indicates serious hematological diseases.

  • PLT

Platelets - these cells are responsible for proper blood coagulation.

  • MCV

The average corpuscular volume is the average volume of red blood cells.

  • HCT

Hematox in the blood is the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the blood.

  • Mch

The average corpuscular hemoglobin is the average mass of hemoglobin in the blood cell.

  • MSNS

The coefficient that shows the degree of saturation of red blood cells with hemoglobin. Determines the average concentration of hemoglobin in the blood in the blood. It is worth knowing that the doctor can prescribe not only a blood test, but also analysis of urine, if he needs these indicators to make the right diagnosis.

Blood indicators: how to read a blood test of a general, biochemical, table

Biochemical, clinical blood test of adults
Biochemical, clinical blood test of adults

Blood tests are interpreted on the basis of the adopted medical standards, the indicators of which vary depending on the age and gender of the patient. More about the decoding of the results you can read in this article. You will also find a table with blood indicators. Below you can read useful information with the decoding of these norms. It is worth noting that all indicators are described by standards for adults. How to read a blood -general, biochemical blood test? Here is a detailed decoding:

Red blood cells- The norm of blood analysis for these indicators is in the following ranges:

  • For women, 3.5-5.2 million per cubic meter. mm
  • For men 4.2-5.4 million per cubic meter. mm

It is worth noting:

  • The results of the blood analysis RBC are rare than normal blood indicators, although this is possible.
  • A condition in which the amount of red blood cells in the blood is too large is called red blood cells. This can happen due to dehydration, cancer changes in the body, which affect the blood, hormonal disorders or prolonged body hypoxia.
  • If erythrocytes based on the results are lower, then it can be anemia that is caused by malnutrition, vitamin B12 deficiency, folate or iron deficiency.
  • Against the background of reduced RBC indicators, anemia can occur with various chronic diseases and as a result of internal bleeding.

Hemoglobin -refers to the components of red blood cells:

  • It is used to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide between the cells of the whole body.
  • Hemoglobin is considered as the main parameter used to diagnose anemia.
  • Its concentration on blood tests depends on gender and age.
  • The highest is noted in newborns.
  • The norm in women is in the range 120-160 g/l, and in men - 140-180 g/l.

The causes of increased hemoglobin in blood tests can be:

  • Dehydration - for example, with diarrhea, vomiting, fever.
  • True polycythemia is a rare disease, 1 case per 100 thousand people. I suspect precisely with increased hemoglobin.
  • Secondary hypertension - increased blood pressure as a result of diseases of other organs. For example, with some chronic lung diseases, with acquired and congenital heart defects.
  • Hypoxia - for example, when you are on top, in the mountains.

The values \u200b\u200bof hemoglobin in the blood test below the norm may be due to the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Anemia - develops with a lack of vitamins, chronic diseases, bleeding.
  • Hyperhydration - excessive water content in the body. With such a pathology, swelling of different parts of the body appears. In advanced cases, brain edema may develop.


  • Kaka said above, this is the average volume of a separate blood cell. The norm in women is in the range 81-99 FL, and in men - 80-94 FL.
  • The cause of increased MCV indicators may be a deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12. Such disadvantages can occur in chronic gastroenterological diseases, hepatitis or liver failure, in case of alcohol dependence.
  • The result of MCV in the blood below the norm may indicate anemia, as well as talassemia. A decrease in MCV level can also be observed in chronic diseases.


  • The norm of the average mass of hemoglobin in a blood cell in women is in the range 27-31 pg, and in men 27-34 pg.
  • The values \u200b\u200babove the norm may indicate spherocytosis.
  • With hypochromic anemia and some disorders of water indicators in the body and electrolytes, a decrease in the level of Mch can be observed.


  • The norm of the average concentration of hemoglobin in the blood in men and women is in the range 33-37 g/dl.
  • Increased indicators in blood tests can indicate hypertensive dehydration or spherocytosis.
  • MCHC is lower than the norm - with anemia caused by iron deficiency.
Biochemical, clinical blood test of adults
Biochemical, clinical blood test of adults


  • The HCT value in the blood test depends on the age and gender, as well as on the number of red blood cells, their volume and circulating blood. The norm in women is in the range 37-47%, and in men 42-52%.
  • Increased blood indicators are most often caused by polycythemia, hypoxia, heart defects, chronic diseases of the lungs and kidneys.
  • Reduced values \u200b\u200bin analyzes may indicate anemia or fluid retention in the body.


  • The norm in blood tests is 11.5-14.5 percent.
  • An increase in RDW can be caused by iron deficiency and hemolytic anemia. Read in another article on how to determine the presence anemia in the body without analyzes.
  • Great high indicators are usually observed as a result of cancer metastases and after blood transfusion.
  • A reduced value may indicate the development of various autoimmune diseases.


  • Anisochromia or phenomenon of stained red blood cells in tested blood. The norm is 2.2-3.2 g/dl.
  • The reason for the increase in indicators may be iron deficiency or hemolytic anemia.


  • Repiculocytes are young forms of red blood cells that are formed in the bone marrow.
  • An increase in such blood indicators is observed with acute hemorrhagic anemia, hemolytic syndrome and acute hypoxia.
  • A decrease in RET values \u200b\u200bin the results of blood tests can be observed with renal failure and some hematological diseases, as well as with aplastic anemia.
Indicators of a biochemical, clinical blood test of adults
Indicators of a biochemical, clinical blood test of adults


Leukocytosis, that is, an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood, can be caused by:

  • Excessive stress
  • Large physical exertion
  • Inflammation inside the body
  • Development in the body of oncology

Too low leukocyte level is called leukopenia. The reasons:

  • Viral infections
  • Liver disease
  • Bone marrow damage
  • Atrophy as a result of violation or termination of organs

It is worth knowing: Currently, during the analysis of the blood sample, the computer calculates and divides the cells into separate types. However, in case of doubt or abnormal results of the analysis, it is worth conducting a microscopic assessment of the blood smear. In this case, a qualified specialist considers a specially prepared and painted portion of blood to the microscope.

A blood test with a smear is performed when a blood test has abnormally high or underestimated indicators. This allows you to analyze all types of leukocytes:


  • Are cells of the immune system that belong to granulocytes.
  • They play an important role in the immune response of the body against bacteria, as well as other pathogens.
  • Normally, the content should be 60-70 percent of the total number of leukocytes.
  • An increased amount is found in infections, cancer, hematology, metabolic disorders, after injuries.
  • Reduced values \u200b\u200bof the results of blood tests can occur as a result of fungal, viral (flu and cold, rubella), protozoa (for example, malaria) infections.


  • The cells of the immune system.
  • It is worth noting that they have the ability to recognize antigens.
  • The number of lymphocytes in the blood increases as a result of immunological diseases, infectious diseases, chronic leukemia and lymphomas.
  • The indicators of lymphocytes below the norm in the blood test are most often observed with prolonged treatment with glucocorticosteroids. This condition can also be caused by severe, constant stress, as well as leukemia, Hodgkin's disease and autoimmune diseases.


  • These are cells that cleanse the blood of bacteria and residues of dead tissue.
  • The amount of monocytes in the blood exceeds the norm for syphilis, tuberculosis, infectious mononucleosis, endocarditis, protozoan infection and cancer.
  • A decrease in the level of monocytes in blood tests may be associated with an infection in your body or using certain drugs (for example, glucocorticosteroids).


  • They are leukocytes classified as eosinophils. They are characterized by the presence of granules in the cytoplasm. Account for 1 to 4 percent of all leukocytes in the blood.
  • The values \u200b\u200bof eosinophils are higher than the norm in the results of blood tests can occur as a result of allergic diseases (for example, bronchial asthma, hay fever) and parasitic diseases. Hematological diseases can be another cause.
  • Blood indicators below the norm can be caused by typhoid, dysentery, sepsis, infections, injuries and burns. It also occurs with increased physical exertion.


  • They are basophilic granulocytes, which are one of the types of leukocytes, and belong to granulocytes that spread in peripheral blood. These are germinal cells - macrophages, which means that they absorb and destroy microbes, foreign cells, as well as altered cells of their body.
  • Exceeding the BASO norm in the results of blood tests can be considered as the effect of chronic leukemia, ulcerative colitis, chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, hypothyroidism, allergic diseases, as well as recovery after infection.
  • Lower BASO levels in blood tests are observed in cases of acute rheumatic fever, acute infections, pneumonia, hyperthyroidism and stress.
Platelets in blood tests
Platelets in blood tests


  • The amount of platelets in the blood in a healthy person should be from 1,50,000 to 400,000 cells per cubic mm blood. Colorless blood elements that are formed from megakaryocytes.
  • An increased amount of platelets is thrombocytemia or thrombocytosis. It develops with chronic myelopoliferative syndrome. An increase in blood producing in the blood also occurs as a result of infection, with some cancerous diseases, after the spleen is removed, with regeneration after hemorrhage, as well as after hemolysis.
  • Reduced values \u200b\u200bin the results of blood tests are called thrombocytopenia, which is usually caused by different pathological conditions.

These include:

  • Excessive destruction of platelets. For example, with thrombocytopenia caused by transfusion medicine, with idiopathic autoimmune thrombocytopenic purple, hemolytic anemia, anaphylactic shock and systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • A decrease in platelet production most often occurs with hematological diseases: aplastic anemia, lymphoma, fanconi syndrome, myelofibrosis, acute myeloid leukemia. It can also occur as a result of taking suppressants, with iron deficiency and megaloblastic anemia, after irradiation, with viral infections.
  • Loss of platelets - for example, as a result of hemorrhage.

How to read a blood test: interpretation of results, decryption

Interpretation of results, decryption
Interpretation of results, decryption

A blood test is testing of blood elements. They are carried out for prevention in order to identify the presence of possible pathologies, and can also be prescribed periodically or with an alarming symptoms. In addition, these are the main blood tests prescribed for suspected one or another disease. Most often, glucose and lipidogram tests are performed.

Glucose The blood should be within 3.3-5.5 mmol/l on an empty stomach:

  • In the case of an increase in this indicator, it is necessary to perform a blood test using a test with a load.
  • This test is based on determining the level of glucose on an empty stomach, after which the subject consumes a certain amount of glucose dissolved in water.
  • Two hours after the first definition, a blood sample is again taken.
  • Based on such results of blood tests, it is possible to determine whether a person has diabetes or insulin resistance (violation of carbohydrates tolerance). Read in another article on our website how to diagnose Diabetes mellitus without analyzes.

Lipidogram - This is a blood test that gives information about the concentration of individual lipid fractions in venous blood plasma:

  • This blood test should be carried out on an empty stomach after a break in food for at least eight hours.
  • In people with an increased level of these substances, atherosclerosis can develop, which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
  • To find out the scale of the risk, HDLs are tested (high density lipoproteins - good cholesterol) and LDL (low density lipoproteins - low cholesterol).

The high level of LDL means that too much cholesterol is deposited on the walls of arteries. Quite the contrary, the situation is with HDL, when an excess of cholesterol is transferred to the liver from cells. Excess HDL - antiaterosclerotic.

Increased blood cholesterol:

  • It is observed in older people, in most cases, in men, as well as in those people who avoid physical activity and eat high -calorie products.
  • Increased cholesterol leads to the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Cholesterol in the blood of healthy people there should be no more 200 mg/dl (5.2 mmol/l). Best if the level of triglycerides does not exceed 150 mg/dl or not more than 4 mmol/l.

It is worth noting that even with deviations of many indicators - this is not an indication for the study. All decisions are made by the doctor.

Blood decryption: testimony for examination

Deciphering blood test
Deciphering blood test

The results of blood tests can often provide valuable information. Now everyone can do an analysis, for example, without direction - in a private clinical laboratory. Sometimes we just do tests, because I want to check the indicators of our health, but often blood tests allow you to diagnose and treat serious diseases.

Of course, it is good when analyzing is carried out without the recommendation of a doctor, but simply for your own calm - checked, calmed down and do not think about possible diseases. However, it is worth consulting with a specialist, both before the examination and with the noted blood tests. Only a doctor will be able to correctly interpret and decipher blood tests.

It is worth knowing: If a doctor prescribing an examination did not give you specific instructions, then this means that there are no special recommendations regarding the patient’s preliminary examination. You do not need to follow a special diet or stop taking medications.

But you must definitely inform the doctor about existing chronic diseases or some kind of ailments. He will take into account everything and write out the testimony for the study, prescribe tests. Good luck!

Video: General blood test. The norm of indicators. Hemoglobin. Eriticites. ESR. Leukocytes. Platelets

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