What do increased triglycerides mean in the blood analysis of men and women: explanation, causes of increase, consequences, age norm

What do increased triglycerides mean in the blood analysis of men and women: explanation, causes of increase, consequences, age norm

From this article you will learn what to do if triglycerides in the blood of men and women are increased and what consequences can be.

Triglycerides are fat -like substances that are normally contained in the blood of each person. Their low content indicates small vital energy. Exceeding the number of these lipids can lead to serious chronic disorders and diseases. In this article we will consider what indicators of such enzymes are considered normal for men and women. Read below.

Triglyceride in the blood - what is the norm by age, high triglyceride - how much: an explanation?

Triglyceride in the blood
Triglyceride in the blood

The blood triglycerides are determined using lipidograms. Each age is characterized by its own norm of these substances and depends on the gender. High blood triglyceride - how much? What is the norm in the blood? Look for an explanation below.

  • The level of triglycerides in humans should not fall below the mark 0.3 mmol/l or 26.5 mg/dl.
  • A high level of triglycerides is considered 5.7 mmol/l or 500 mg/dl.

TG norms for women by age:

Age, years Tg, mmol/l
5-10 0,40-1,23
10-15 0,42-1,47
15-20 0,44-1,39
20-25 0,41-1,47
25-30 0,42-1,62
30-35 0,44-1,69
35-40 0,45-1,98
40-45 0,51-2,15
45-50 0,52-2,41
50-55 0,59-2,62
55-60 0,62-2,95
60-65 0,63-2,69
65-70 0,68-2,7

Remember: The younger the body, the lower the level of triglycerides. This is due to the activity of the young organism, the rapid consumption of extra calories.

Judging by sexual characteristics, it is normal in women that there is an excess of the number of triglycerides 0.05 mmol/l Compared to men.

  • There is a significant discrepancy in half in women and men in the content of triglycerides. This is due to hormonal background in women.
  • It is necessary to take into account the condition when a woman is pregnant or takes contraceptive hormonal agents. At this time, the level of these fat -like peptides in the blood increases.
  • The norm in pregnant women is considered to be an indicator up to 5.1 mmol/l.

Age also affects a sharp increase in the number of triglycerides. So, after 65 years in women, hormonal protection ceases to operate, the level of triglycerides increases sharply. Therefore, at this age, it is important to monitor nutrition and give your body moderate physical activity.

Increased triglycerides in the blood of women: what does this mean, what the analysis is talking about - causes, consequences

Increased triglycerides in the blood
Increased triglycerides in the blood

This neutral fat enters the body with food. An increase in the level indicates problems of certain body systems. What do increased triglycerides in the blood of women mean? What is a blood test with such a deviation as a result?

Improving indicators in women can occur for the following reasons:

  • Intake of estrogen -containing contraceptives
  • Pregnancy
  • Skp
  • Hormonal disorders, infertility
  • During menopause

Also, the reasons can be:

  • Liver diseases
  • Pancreatitis
  • Endocrine pathologies
  • Hereditary diseases associated with violation of lipid metabolism
  • Diabetes

It is worth knowing: Often such a violation is observed with obesity, overeating and abuse of alcohol.

If we talk about the consequences, it is worth noting the following: high TG can indicate an increased risk of developing cardiovascular pathology, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction.

The triglycerides in the blood of an adult man are increased: what does this mean, the reasons

Increased triglycerides in the blood
Increased triglycerides in the blood

In men, starting from the age of 18, the level of triglycerides in the blood is higher than for the fairer sex at this age. Some doctors are sure that this is due to malnutrition, others claim that this is due to addiction to bad habits. So why are triglycerides in the blood of adult men, what does this mean?

The reasons can be hidden as follows:

  • Addiction to smoking.
  • Constant use of strong alcoholic beverages.
  • Overeating and consuming of fatty and fried food containing harmful cholesterol.
  • Frequent stresses.

Important: If you have done triglycerides, and you have their increased indicator as a result, urgently consult a doctor. He will diagnose, prescribe an additional examination and adequate treatment.

Cholesterol and triglycerides are increased: what does this mean?

Cholesterol and triglycerides are increased
Cholesterol and triglycerides are increased

Triglycerides are fatty substances that consist of acids and alcohol. With age, a person increases cholesterol. And therefore, a regular cholesterol level is a familiar procedure. In addition to cholesterol, you need to check the indicators of triglycerides. A high level of triglycerides leads to many diseases.

Remember: The increased level of TG in itself, without other risk factors, exposes a person to the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.

Often, patients with a high level of TG, in the analysis see low HDL (this is good cholesterol). But, despite this, there is a risk of heart pathologies.

Important: If both cholesterol and triglycerides are increased, this means that you need to go to the doctor. Contact the results of the therapist.

It deciphers them, diagnose them, and if necessary, prescribe an additional examination or recommends consulting another narrower specialist, to take, cardiologist or endocrinologist.

Cholesterol is normal, triglycerides are increased: causes

Cholesterol is normal, triglycerides are increased
Cholesterol is normal, triglycerides are increased

As mentioned above, increased triglycerides is a dangerous factor for humans. You need to immediately seek a doctor’s consultation. If cholesterol is normal, and triglycerides are increased, then this can happen for several reasons. Here are the main ones:

  • The most common reason for increasing TG is improper nutrition.
  • Large -volume consumption of fatty dishes leads to excess TG.
  • Another reason may be the improper functioning of internal organs, namely the liver.
  • Violation of the process of splitting triglycerides It can also cause an increase in these substances.

Recently, proper nutrition and the introduction of moderate physical exertion are increasingly promoting. This helps a person be healthy, get rid of excess weight and rejuvenate his body.

Other reasons for increasing TG include:

  • Disruption of the kidneys
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland
  • Binge eating
  • Consumption of a large amount of fatty dishes
  • Bulimia
  • Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Obesity and excess weight
  • Pancreatitis
  • Heart disease and different types of atherosclerosis
  • Violation of salt metabolism
  • Diabetes

Take the rule to cook properly proper food, namely not to fry, but to cook or do steam. Frying adds harmful fats to dishes that our body is not needed. In this case, the liver works in an enhanced mode, can “form” fat, which leads to diseases of not only this organ, but also the heart and blood vessels.

Triglycerides are normal, and poor cholesterol is increased: causes

Triglycerides are normal, and poor cholesterol is increased
Triglycerides are normal, and poor cholesterol is increased

There have been discussions around cholesterol for many years and this is not by chance. If poor cholesterol is increased, then there is a risk of atherosclerosis, even if triglycerides are normal. The reasons for this can be different:

  • Passive lifestyle
  • Fatty and fried food consumption
  • Ignoring physical exertion
  • Non -compliance with the drinking regime
  • Non -compliance with the regime of work and rest, sleep and wakefulness
  • Improper nutrition

The diet must have vegetables, cereals and soups cooked on vegetable broth. Protein consumption with age must be reduced and preferred with low -fat meat varieties: rabbit, turkey, chicken.

Treatment of increased triglycerides

Treatment of high tg
Treatment of high tg

The best method of reducing triglycerides is elementary observance of a diet and holding a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, very often the appearance of triglycerides is due to a large mass of the body or a violation in the thyroid gland. What should be the treatment of increased triglycerides? What should a diet and a healthy lifestyle include? Here are the answers:

  • Reducing the use of fats and sweets.
  • Minimizing alcohol consumption.
  • Food foods rich in fiber.
  • Supporting an active lifestyle, you need to constantly keep the body in good shape.

Important: But do not forget, before starting playing sports, you need to consult a doctor. You can also consult a dietitian who will make you the right diet for a week.

If your level of triglycerides does not fall, despite all the restrictions, you should resort to the use of the following types of drugs:

  • Statins
  • A nicotinic acid
  • Fibrates
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

It should be noted: If you use statins to treat, then you are required to treat fibrams with great attention - they are forbidden to drink together. The combination of these two components leads to a serious illness, which bears the name acute necrosis of the skeletal muscles, leading to renal failure.

You should not delay the trip to the doctor, because the correct and time diagnosis will reduce the risk of developing the disease and serious complications.

How to increase the level of triglycerides in the blood?

Increasing the level of TG
Increasing the level of TG

Triglycerides are an important lipid that is involved in the fat metabolism of the body, in its energy metabolism. If it is increased, there may be problems. But it happens that its level decreases. What do you need to eat and drink, what diet to adhere to in order to increase the level of triglycerides in the blood? It is worth noting the following:

  • A reduced TG can be when there are any disorders in the body's system.
  • If the indicator - up to 0.30 mmol/l - This speaks of the underestimated indicator of lipid.
  • Most likely, you are lacking in the intake of fats into the body, or there are problems with its digestibility.
  • Some processes in the body may slow down.

How to increase triglycerides? There are ways to restore metabolism:

  • You need to pay attention to how much and what you eat. It is advisable to eat often, but in small portions.
  • Physical activity will also help (without fanaticism), an increase in physical activity.
  • Bath procedures are also an important treatment element. They do not need to get too carried away with them, but the bath really treats.
  • You should drink as much water as possible. If you drink warm water, it will also cleanse your intestines and the body as a whole of toxins.

Advice: Heavy food needs to be abandoned. If fat and fried food, and even in large volume, enters the body, it ceases to cope normally with this. Fat begins to enter the bloodstream, envelop internal organs and this leads to the development of different pathologies.

Doctors advise excluding products that can cause diarrhea from the diet:

  • Dairy products
  • Products made of wheat flour of the highest grade

You can include food additives with various useful elements in the diet:

  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Vitamins are also useful

You can use special enzymes that improve the condition of the pancreas in order to make up for their lack. At the same time, you need to take measures to restore appetite, prepare the dishes that you like, but not fat and fried. Can be used in the cooking of spices.

Blood triglycerides are increased: diet

Diet with increased TG
Diet with increased TG

Triglycerides play an important role in human health. They are derivatives of glycerin, which serves as a source of energy for the good and correct life of the body's cells. These substances are of great importance in fat metabolism.

What if the blood triglyceride indicator is increased?

  • We need the right diet.
  • The main mistake of almost every person who has increased lipid data is excessive consumption of fats and sugars. Because of this, weight may increase.
  • In the diet you need to abandon fat and fried foods.
  • You also need to reduce the use of bread and pasta.
  • It is better to eat coarse flour products. It will prevent the concentration of harmful fats in the digestive tract.

Unfortunately, with cakes you will also have to “part”. It is better to replace sweet confectionery, as well as ice cream, jam and caramel - fruits, for example:

  • Grapes that is useful for the heart.
  • Figs who are fighting against neoplasms.
  • Bananas that will improve the digestive tract.
  • Hurmma - a real storehouse of vitamins.

Advice: You can drink compotes prepared from fresh seasonal fruits, but do not add sugar to them. If you can’t use tea or compote ugly, then add a little honey or sugar substitutes: sorbits, fructose.

Here are a few more useful tips:

  • It is also desirable to eat more food of animal origin.
  • Lead more on fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits.
  • You can consume low -fat fish.
  • Instead of mayonnaise, use natural yogurt, low -fat sour cream and olive oil.
  • Refuse smoking and strong alcohol.
  • Green tea - you can drink it as much as you want.
  • Also useful will be infusions of herbs - mint, ginger.
  • You can add cloves, marjoran, basil and drink sage tea to food.

The main evidence that the level of TG has returned to normal is a weight loss. If you needed to increase this indicator when you had too low, then you will notice an improvement in skin cleansing, improved well -being and normalize appetite.

Video: What are triglycerides? Why are they determined?

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