The norm of ESR in the analysis of blood in women and men after 50 years. What is the reason for the increase and decrease in ESR? How to lower the high level of ESR with folk remedies?

The norm of ESR in the analysis of blood in women and men after 50 years. What is the reason for the increase and decrease in ESR? How to lower the high level of ESR with folk remedies?

From this article you will find out what is the norm after 50 years for women and men.

Our blood is very sensitive to changes in the body. The number of leukocytes, red blood cells, platelets and the rate of blood settle, that is, ESR is changing. More about this can be read in article. And if we began inflammation in the internal organs, then blood gives this to know about this by increasing the rate of erythrocyte (ESR). And what is the rate of the erythrocyte settlement rate (ESR)? Does it differ in something among young and old people? We learn from this article.

The norm of ESR in people of different ages, and how does the norm differ after 50 years in women and men?

Consider the norm of ESR for people of different ages:

  • Newborn children up to 1 month-1-2 mm/h
  • Small children up to 6 months-12-17 mm/h
  • Children under 10 years old-1-10 mm/h
  • Girls teenagers up to 13 years old-4-12 mm/h
  • Girls teenagers under 18 years old-3-18 mm/h
  • Boys teenagers under 18 years old-1-10 mm/h
  • Young women under 30 years old-2-15 mm/h
  • Pregnant women-2-45 mm/h
  • Women under 40 years old-2-20 mm/h
  • Women under 60 years old-2-30 mm/h
  • Women after 60 years-2-55 mm/h
  • Men under 60 years old-2-15 mm/h
  • Men after 60 years-2-29 mm/h

In women and men at a young age, the norm of ESE does not particularly differ from each other: in women, the level of ESR is slightly higher than in men, the difference is up to 5 units. A noticeable difference in the norm of ESR is observed in women after 50 years. Why does it happen? In women, in 50 years or for about 50 years, menopause begins, and this greatly affects the ESR: the erythrocyte setting threshold can increase to 30 mm/h - and this will be normal, but if it falls to 0, it is also quite acceptable at this age.

An even greater difference in the norm of ESR in women after 60 years, compared with men of the same age: women can reach 55 mm/h, in men up to 30 mm/h. For summer people, if they do not complain about acute pain, this is a completely permissible norm, since a bunch of chronic diseases and cells are accumulated in the body more slowly with age.

The averaged norm of ESR for men and women, and diseases associated with an increase or decrease in ESR

The norm of ESR after 50 years: why is the ESR increased, with what diseases this is connected?

ESE usually increases if the body has some kind of inflammation, the blood is very sensitive to the disease-after 1 day after the onset of the disease, the level of ESR will be increased, and the highest level of ESR is observed when the body began to recover.

Attention. If ESE is increased for a long time, we can conclude that your body has seriously ill, possibly a malignant tumor.

What diseases in women and men after 50 years do the rule of ESE react most of all of all of all?

  • Rheumatoid ailments (arthritis, gout, lupus)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis
  • Liver diseases
  • Infarction
  • Thyroid diseases
  • The tumor from the very beginning of its formation
  • Pregnancy
  • Acute infectious diseases (cystitis, kidney diseases)
  • Poisoning
  • After burns and wounds

Attention. A short -term increase in ESR can be observed if you abuse with fatty dishes, alcohol, overeating.

The following drugs can artificially increase ESR if you took them before blood donation for analysis:

  • Hormonal contraceptives
  • Estrogen preparations (Ovodin, Dermestril, Premarin and others)
  • "Aspirin" in large numbers
  • Vitamin B2 in concentrated form
  • Cephalosporins ("Ceftriaxone", "Ceftibuten", "Cefditeren")
  • Macrolides (Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Midecamicin and others)
  • Anticonvulsants (Karbamazepin, Finlepsin, Valparin and others) are taken with epilepsy
The norm of ESR increases with the following diseases

The norm of ESR after 50 years: how to lower the increased value of ESR folk remedies?

Reduce the increased content of ESR after 50 years in women and men can be folk remedies:

  1. Drink an infusion of anti -inflammatory herbs: chamomile, coltsfoot, calendula, linden, horsetail, sea buckthorn, 2-3 p. per day, several sips 1 time. Drink no more than 1 glass per day.
  2. There is vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C (Green onions, citrus fruits, kiwi), and this to raise your immunity.
  3. Drink 100 ml of freshly squeezed juice from beets, before going to bed, 10 days in a row, it lowers the rate of erythrocyte settings.
  4. Boiled beets add to salads everyday.
  5. More often to walk on the street, in the fresh air - a lack of oxygen affects the norm of ESR after 50 years.

Attention. Beetroot affects the chair, especially useful for those people who have frequent constipation, and those who often have diarrhea - do not get involved in beetroot salads.

The beet in any form can lower the content of ESR increased from the norm after 50 years: juice, salad, mother -in -law

The norm of ESR after 50 years: Why are there low values?

If the norm of ESR after 50 years in women and men on the lower border or lowered, although this is rare, especially in men, then it is also worth worrying, because this may indicate some diseases.

What diseases are a reduced level of ESR?

  • Liver diseases
  • Muscle dystrophy
  • Epilepsy
  • Stagnation of blood
  • At the vegans
  • With increased hemoglobin in the blood
  • In some diseases of the blood

Attention. The following drugs can artificially lower the level of ESR: non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac and others), glucocorticoids (“cortisone”, “Dexamethason”, “prednisone” and others), salicylates, potassium chloride.

The content of ESR after 50 years in men and women also happens, and this is due to diseases

The norm of ESR after 50 years: symptoms indicating a reduced level of ESR in the blood

Indirect signs by which you can find out that the norm of ESR after 50 years in women and men is underestimated:

  • Weakness is often observed and the head dizzy
  • There was shortness of breath and dry cough
  • Sometimes he is sick up to vomiting
  • Bleeding from the nose
  • Frequent breathing
  • Losing weight for no apparent reason
  • Bruises on the skin from small touch
If, after 50 years, women and men often dizzy, weakness in the body is constantly felt, it is worth donating blood for analysis, and check the norm of ESR in the blood

The norm of ESR after 50 years: how to prepare for blood donation for the definition of ESR?

Erythrocytes settled in the morning the fastestTherefore, they prescribe blood donation in the morning. Medical personnel take blood to determine ESR from a finger or vein, it all depends on what method the doctor prescribed to you.

In order to correctly take an analysis to determine the norm of ESR after 50 years, you must first prepare:

  • In the morning, before the test, there is no
  • 1 day before blood donation cannot be drunk alcohol, smoke, eat fatty and spicy foods
  • Do not use medicines, especially hormonal and vitamins in a tablet form, and if the cessation of treatment is not allowed, then you need to warn a doctor who prescribes an analysis that you are taking such and such tablets
The norm of ESR after 50 years can be determined if you donate blood for a general analysis

So, now we know what is the norm after 50 years in men and women, and how it differs from testimony at a young age.

Video: How do they do a general blood test?

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